The Famous Places in the Roman Empire

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The Famous Places in the Roman Empire

The Romans lived in the city of Rome, which was right on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. They called this sea "Mare Nostrum", which means "our sea." They used the water to transport people and goods to other lands like Greece, France, and Egypt! Eventually, they would use the Mediterranean Sea to help build their huge empire.

At the same time that Rome was starting up, the great city of Carthage was growing powerful as well. Unfortunately, these two cities were not friends, and they actually went to war many times! These wars between Carthage and Rome were called the Punic Wars. During the first Punic War, Rome captured the city of Palermo, on the island of Sicily. During the Second Punic War, one of the greatest military commanders to ever live, Hannibal, was in charge of an army from Carthage. He was actually able to travel from Carthage, to Barcelona, Spain, to Geneva, Switzerland, and then finally into Rome with a huge army of soldiers and war elephants! Unfortunately, Hannibal was unable to defeat the Romans, and he was forced to return to Carthage.

When Hannibal returned to Carthage, he fought the Romans again, and this time, he was defeated. To make sure that Carthage never rose again, the Roman army destroyed the city of Carthage, made all the inhabitants there slaves, and even plowed the land with salt so that nothing would grow there for 100 years!

When Rome conquered countries or cities, they called these places Provinces of the Roman Empire. The cities you will label in red were all Provinces of the Roman Empire. Each one of these cities was told to specialize, or create one thing very well, for the Roman Empire.

Athens, Greece sent marble to make the Roman buildings. Byzantium, Turkey delivered wood and silk from the Silk Road

Byzantium was later re-named Constantinople Jerusalem, Israel delivered fruits

Israel was under Roman control during the lifetime of Jesus of Nazareth Marseille, France grew grapes for Roman wine

France was originally called Gaul when it was conquered Alexandria, Egypt delivered cotton, papyrus, and grain for the Romans

Alexandria was a city founded by Alexander the Great London, England became a major trading post for the Romans and delivered metals Spain delivered horses and metals for the Roman Empire

Eventually (after many centuries), many groups grew angry at the Roman Empire and attacked it. These groups were called Huns, Goths, Mongols, and several others. Many groups came from north of Rome from the territory of Germany. The Huns came from Budapest, Hungary when they attacked Rome. Under constant attack, the Roman Empire soon fell apart, and the city of Rome was conquered in the year 476CE.

Mapping the Famous Places of the Roman Empire

On the map, label and/or color the following: Make sure you follow the directions!!!!

Color the following water features BLUE: Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Black Sea Red Sea

Outline the Italian Peninsula in YELLOW

Draw and Label the Alps BROWN

Label the following city in GREEN: Palermo, Sicily

Label the following cities in ORANGE: Connect these cities together using an ORANGE line

(Go in order)! 1. Carthage (Modern-day Tunis, Tunisia)

2. Barcelona, Spain 3. Geneva, Switzerland

4. Rome, Italy

Label the following cities in RED and write their specialty in BLACK:

You will find their specialty in "The Famous Places of the Roman Empire" Reading

Athens, Greece Istanbul (Constantinople, Turkey)

Jerusalem, Israel Marseille, France Alexandria, Egypt London, England

Color the following countries PURPLE: Germany Hungary

Complete a Key for your map that includes a Scale of Miles and a Compass Rose

The island of Sicily is about 150 miles from East-to-West

Helpful Maps can be found: Textbook ? Pages: 295, 312, 325, 338

Holt Atlas ? Pages: 84-85, 90-91 Nystrom Atlas ? Pages: 55, 60-63, 72


Mapping the Famous Places of the Roman Empire







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