6950 Vegas Valley Dr. Las Vegas, Nevada 891 tel. (702) 799-3200 fax (702) 799-2188

Deborah A. Palermo, Principal

Derek Stevens, Assistant Principal


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Jenkins Elementary, home of the Patriots. We look forward to a very rewarding school year for all of our students. The information below will assist you with many procedures at our school and the Clark County School District. You will also want to refer to the academic calendar of information and events for our school year. This will be an exciting year, because we are new and creating our own legacy. We look forward to many successes! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the school office at (702) 799-3200.


Deborah A. Palermo, Principal

Important Information:

Office Hours 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Student Day 8:50 AM - First Bell - Line-up and MPR Breakfast

9:10 AM - 3:21 PM - Grades K – 5

9:10 – 11:40 AM Session, 12:50 -3:21 PM Session- Pre K

School Goals: The mission of the Clark County School District is to ensure that all students will learn and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, attitude, and ethics necessary to succeed in society. Our commitment is to increase student achievement of all students and provide a safe learning environment. We hope to develop future teachers through our partnership with ECTA and

Arrival and Departure of School: Please DO NOT HAVE your child arrive at school earlier than 8:50 a.m. There will be no supervision on the playground or morning recess. The Gates to the campus will be locked prior to 8:50. Late students that arrive after 9:10 AM must report to the office. Due to concerns with excessive early checkouts and to maintain instructional time, please do not withdraw students for the day after 2:30 p.m. unless it is an emergency. Parents are discouraged from taking students out early since students will miss valuable instructional time. However, if early dismissal is necessary note that students will only be released from the main office. Also, students will only be released to authorized adults listed on the registration form with a valid picture ID.

Safe Key: The Safe Key Program is offered at Jenkins Elementary through the County of Las Vegas Parks and Recreation Department. This service is offered to assist families with before and after school care. Safe Key is available daily before school starting at 7:00 AM and after school from 3:21 PM until 6:00 PM in our MP Room. Students must be pre-registered and pre-paid or pre authorized through to attend. For more information please call (702) 455-8251.


Visitors: For safety and security reasons all visitors MUST report to the front office and check in. Parent volunteers and participation in school activities are welcomed and encouraged. However, to minimize and limit disruption to classroom instruction we have an established procedure for observing in your child’s classroom. A “Classroom Observation Request Form” must be completed and approved in advance by the Principal prior to any observation. In accordance with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) laws, classroom visits will be limited to specific time frames. Parent volunteers will complete the state and district volunteer requirements including fingerprints prior to volunteering in the classroom. See the office for specific information on volunteering. Volunteer time and dates must be pre-arranged with the classroom teacher. No volunteers the first three weeks of school.

Safety: Please take a few minutes to discuss the appropriate reaction your child should take with strangers:

Don’t walk to and from school alone.

Don’t approach the car of any stranger unless it is a police car. If anyone tries to talk to you or get you to come to their car, RUN AWAY!

If you have any problems like this on the way to or from school, go directly home or to the school, whichever is closest.

Tell an adult what happened at once.

Absences: School attendance is vital to your child’s academic success. A reminder that if your child is absent, you must send a note the day they return. The note must be dated and signed. Please state your student’s full name and an explanation as to why your child was out. Students that are late or absent are responsible for any missed class work. Children, who arrive late (after 9:10 a.m.) will report to the office before going to the classroom to get a tardy slip. Excessive tardies (5 or more) will result in a Required Parent Conference.

Classroom Parties: Birthday celebrations are NOT permitted at Jenkins ES. Parents are allowed to drop off Birthday treats at 3:00 p.m. in the main office to be distributed by the teacher at dismissal. Prior arrangements must be made with the teacher. To ensure compliance with Health District guidelines all treats for classroom celebrations should be store purchased. Holiday celebrations are permitted for specific celebrations during the course of the year. Holiday parties will be the last 45 minutes of the instructional day. Check with the teacher for detailed information.

Emergency: Please be sure the school has a current telephone number where you can be reached. Emergency numbers are needed in case you cannot be reached at home, cell or work.

Medication: If a child under physician’s care is well enough to be in school but requires medication during the school day, Form CCF-643 (Medication Release - Legal Release Information Regarding Medication during School Hours) must be completed by the parent and placed on file in the school office. This form is available in the health office. Under no circumstances is the school allowed to give any medication without a prescription.

• First aid/illness will be assessed in the health office. Parents will be notified as needed after assessment by health office personnel. Students with a temperature of 101.0 degrees or greater must be picked up by a parent or guardian. Students with a suspected communicable disease must be picked up by a parent/guardian. PLEASE KEEP THE SCHOOL NOTIFIED OF PHONE NUMBER CHANGES IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES.

• School nurses perform vision and hearing screenings on all kindergarten and 4th grade students annually.

Dress Code: It is required at Jenkins ES that students adhere to school district requirements for the 2019-2020 school year. Clothing must be sized to fit. Patriot Days will be announced ahead of time for special dress days.

Conferences: Keeping informed of student progress is important and conferences are encouraged. Because teacher’s schedules vary so much, it is requested appointments with teachers be pre-arranged. Teachers are unable to meet or speak with parents during class time. Classroom concerns must first be addressed with the teacher. If an issue is not resolved notify the office to make arrangements to discuss the concern with an administrator.

Discipline: Good behavior is expected of all students to ensure a positive learning environment. A school-wide discipline program is in effect and requires the cooperation of staff, students and parents. Your child’s teacher will communicate with you regarding classroom and playground rules. If your child’s behavior is such that it needs your attention, you will be notified. Repeated misbehavior may result in a conference between the teacher, student and parent.

Students who choose to fight, bully or harm another child are automatically placed on a required parent conference (RPC) or suspension and sent home. A parent conference must be arranged with the principal and/or assistant principal before the students may return to class. We have zero tolerance for bullying. We deal with these reports immediately.

Dismissal: Schools ends at 3:21 p.m. Students not picked up by 3:21 p.m. will be sent to the Main Office. Leftover students will be sent to an alternate location if we are unable to reach a parent or guardian. We can sometimes send them to Safekey provided we have a release form from the parent. If the school does not have a signed release on file the student will be required to meet with the principal or assistant principal (RPC) to determine an after school care plan. Students that are repeatedly left over after school will either be sent to the Boys and Girls Club or Child Haven depending on the number of times the student was not picked up on time.

Homework: Homework will be assigned per teacher discretion, Monday through Thursday. It is important to help your child develop a routine for studying at home. A quiet and well-lit space should be provided for homework. Parents can participate by checking the work.

Gum: Gum is NOT permitted on campus.

Supplies and Books: All books and supplies are furnished by the school district; however, books that are lost or badly damaged must be paid for by the student. Pencils are issued periodically. Students may want to have extra pencils available by bringing them from home.

Bicycles and Scooters: Students riding bicycles to school should observe common safety rules. Students are to cross streets only at designated crosswalks on their way to and from school. They are not to cross the street in the middle of the block where there are no crosswalks. Bicycle racks and a locked enclosure are available. It is required that students bring a lock to secure their bicycle inside the enclosure. Please remember that expensive bicycles are high risk items for theft and vandalism during school hours. The school assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for theft or damage. Scooters are NOT permitted on campus.




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