Native American Model Project - East Penn School District


Chapter 2 – Section 2

8th Grade Social Studies Honors


©Microsoft Clip Art

Your Job: You are an archaeologist and have been studying Early American civilizations. Your job is to create a model of this civilization to enter at an exhibit at the local museum for Early American Appreciation Week. You will also be required to do a presentation about your Early American culture. You will be divided into 10 groups. Each group will represent one of the cultural areas chosen. You will have to choose an Early American tribe from the cultural area that you selected to do your model and your presentation. There is a map on page 44 on the Native American tribes in North America that may help you make a choice.

The museum has laid out the following guidelines for the Early American Model Civilization Presentation Project:

← Model Requirements:

- The model may be created out of anything you have around the house. (Ex. legos, playdoh, etc.) Please do not go and spend a lot of money for materials. However, the materials used must not be perishable and they must be practical in order to be displayed in the museum (the back area of my room). Use your judgment, but if you are unsure please ask. Be creative!!!

- The model must show their dwellings/homes.

- The model must show 2 other aspects of their culture. (Ex. people with style of clothing, religion, weapons and tools used…etc., animals they hunted, crops they grew)

- The model must have at least 2 labels on it. These should explain 2 aspects of their culture about the Native American civilization.

← PowerPoint Presentation Requirements:

- It must explain the following about the civilization:

➢ Power Structure/ Government

➢ Economic/ Currency/ Natural Resources Used

➢ Historical Overview with Timeline

➢ Family/ Social Structure and Practices/ Occupations

➢ Religion/ Rituals

➢ Geographical Effects on Culture - How did they adapt to or change their environment to survive

- See Rubric for General Requirements!!!

← Class Presentation:

- PowerPoint Presentation should be presented (not read) to the class. Please review rubric and PowerPoint Tips.

- Presentation of Model. Dwellings/Homes must be accurately and thoroughly described. In addition, 2 other aspects of culture must be discussed in presentation.

Grading Rubric for Model (28 Points)

|Requirement |4 |3 |2 |1 |Multiplier |Total Points |

|Historical |Model is completely accurate|Model is mostly accurate and|Model is somewhat accurate |Model is limited with |X2 | |

|Accuracy |and appropriate in |appropriate in displaying |and appropriate in |accuracy and appropriateness| | |

| |displaying dwelling/home |dwelling/home with 2 other |displaying dwelling/home |in displaying dwelling/home | | |

| |with 2 other aspects of |aspects of culture. |with 2 other aspects of |with 2 other aspects of | | |

| |culture. | |culture. |culture. | | |

|Presentation |Detailed explanation of |Adequate explanation of |Somewhat adequate |Limited explanation of |X2 | |

| |dwelling/home with 2 other |dwelling/home with 2 other |explanation of dwelling/home|dwelling/home with 2 other | | |

| |aspects of culture |aspects of culture |with 2 other aspects of |aspects of culture | | |

| | | |culture | | | |

|Creativity |Puts a great deal of |Thoughtful format with many |Some creative touches |Puts little creative energy |X1 | |

| |creative energy into project|creative touches | |into project | | |

|Design/ Neatness |Model is neatly executed; |Visual is neatly executed; |Visual is somewhat |Disorganized; Hastily and |X1 | |

| |layout complements content |One part of layout does not |disorganized; Fails to |carelessly planned | | |

| | |complement content |complement content | | | |

|Mechanics |No errors |1-2 mechanical errors |3-4 mechanical errors |5 or more mechanical errors |X1 | |

Total Points:_____________/28 Points

Grading Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation (48 Points)

|Requirement |4 |3 |2 |1 |Multiplier |Total |

| | | | | | |Points |

|Content |Well-written text and/or |Descriptive text and/or |Text contains inaccuracies |Little text or inaccurate |X2 | |

| |carefully chosen visuals |appropriate visuals work |and/or some visual |and/or visuals lack | | |

| |work together to |together to inform |materials lack pertinence |impact; 3 or more errors | | |

| |illustrate and inform |viewers; 1 error |or impact; 2 errors |describing topic | | |

| |about topic concisely. |describing topic |describing topic | | | |

| |Describes 6 aspects about | | | | | |

| |civilization. | | | | | |

|Accuracy |All information presented |Most of the information |Some of the information |Little or no information |X2 | |

| |is thorough and accurate |that was presented was |that was presented was |presented was thorough and| | |

| | |thorough and accurate |thorough and accurate |accurate | | |

|Clarity of Font in Relation|Font is easy to read at |Font is mostly easy to |Several instances |Many instances throughout |X1 | |

|to Design Template |all times throughout slide|read throughout slide show|throughout slide show where|slide show where font is | | |

|Background |show and complements | |font in difficult to read |difficult to read | | |

| |chosen design template | | | | | |

| |background | | | | | |

|Flow of Presentation |Items creatively arranged |Items carefully selected |Some care taken in |Limited content appears |X1 | |

| |and presented; each slide |and accompanied by an |arranging materials; |“thrown together”; weak | | |

| |is accompanied with a |explanation of its |presentation lacks |transitions | | |

| |clear explanation of why |importance; transitions |explanations and | | | |

| |it was included; clear |clear |transitions | | | |

| |transitions | | | | | |

|Layout of Slides |Size and position of font |Size and position of font |Size and position of font |Difficult to read slide |X1 | |

| |and graphics are |and/or graphics are not |and/or graphics are not |show due to size and | | |

| |appropriate for each slide|appropriate for one slide |appropriate for two slides |position of font and | | |

| | |or one element of layout |or two elements of layout |graphics on three or more | | |

| | |inappropriate throughout |are inappropriate |slides; three or more | | |

| | |slide show |throughout slide show |elements of layout are | | |

| | | | |inappropriate throughout | | |

| | | | |slide show | | |

|Use of Graphics and |Uses highly effective |Uses effective and |Uses some graphics; some |Few graphics; many |X2 | |

|Captions of Graphics |graphics in communicating |relevant graphics; |graphics are irrelevant; |graphics are irrelevant; | | |

| |information about topic; |captions are used to |captions are used on some |few captions are used to | | |

| |captions are used to |identify content of most |graphics; 2 appropriate |describe graphics; 1 or | | |

| |identify content of all |graphics; 3 appropriate |graphics are used |less appropriate graphic | | |

| |graphics; 4 appropriate |graphics are used | |is used | | |

| |graphics are used | | | | | |

|Appropriate Animation |Animation on text slides |Animation on text slides |Animation on text slides |Animation on text slides |X1 | |

|Scheme |are organized; bulleted |are mostly organized; most|are sometimes organized; |are not organized; | | |

| |pieces of information are |of bulleted pieces of |some bulleted pieces of |bulleted pieces of | | |

| |displayed as a sentence |information are displayed |information are displayed |information are not | | |

| | |as a sentence |as a sentence |displayed as a sentence | | |

|Requirement |4 |3 |2 |1 |Multiplier |Total |

| | | | | | |Points |

|Mechanics |Flawless punctuation and |Few spelling and |Some careless spelling and |Many spelling and |X1 | |

| |spelling; varied and |punctuation errors; |punctuation errors; some |punctuation errors; many | | |

| |interesting sentence |sentence structure correct|errors in sentence |sentence fragments and | | |

| |structure | |structure |run-ons | | |

|Creativity |Highly creative; |Contains some unique or |Contains some good, |No evidence of creativity |X1 | |

| |incorporates unique but |imaginative elements in |although not entirely | | | |

| |pertinent ideas to make |slide show |unique elements | | | |

| |slide show stand out | | | | | |

Total Points:_____________/48 Points

Presentation Rubric (24 Points)

| |4 |3 |2 |1 |Multiplier |Total Points |

|Eye Contact |Eye contact is throughout |Eye contact is most to |Eye contact is mostly |No eye contact is made in |X2 | |

| |entire room during all of |sides of room; sometimes in|focused directly in front |presentation | | |

| |presentation |front of speaker |of speaker; sometimes eye | | | |

| | | |contact is made to the | | | |

| | | |sides of the room | | | |

|Voice Level |Volume changes with meaning|Volume changes sometimes |Volume is steady |Volume does not change at |X2 | |

| |and speaker wanting to |throughout presentation |throughout presentation; |all throughout | | |

| |emphasize certain points |when emphasizing certain |few changes in voice when |presentation; no emphasis | | |

| |throughout presentation |points |emphasizing different |on different points of | | |

| | | |points of presentation |presentation | | |

|Group Interaction |All group members make |All group members make |Workload is unfairly |One member of group does |X2 | |

|and Productivity |important contributions |important contributions |distributed among group |all of the work involved | | |

| |during research and |during research and |members during research |with research and | | |

| |presentation of project; |presentation; mostly equal |and presentation of |presentation | | |

| |all member participate |participation throughout |project; one group member | | | |

| |equally throughout research|research and presentation |does majority of research | | | |

| |and presentation of project|of project |and presentation | | | |

Total Points = ___________/24 Points

Miscellaneous Requirements Rubric (12 Points)

|Requirement |4 |3 |2 |1 |Multiplier |Total Points |

|Bibliography |- Includes 4 sources |- Includes 3 sources |- Includes 2 sources |- Includes 1 or less |X2 | |

| |- 1 online database |- 1 error with online and |- 2 errors with online and|sources | | |

| |- 1 written source |written sources |written sources |- 3 or more errors with | | |

| |- Correct MLA format |- 2 errors with MLA format|- 3 errors with MLA format|online and written sources| | |

| | | | |- 3 or more errors with | | |

| | | | |MLA format | | |

|Grade Sheet |Present with name, date, |Present with 1 error |Present with 2 errors |Not present |X1 | |

| |period, and topic | | | | | |

Total Points = ___________/12 Points

Total Points for Project = _____________/112 Points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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