Department of Anthropology

VITA ROBERT L. SCHUYLERRobert L. SchuylerUniversity of Pennsylvania Museum3260 South StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19104-6324(215) 898-6965FAX: (215) 898-7462Email: Date of Vita Revision: March 2018Current PositionsAssociate ProfessorDepartment of AnthropologyAssociate Curator-In-ChargeHistorical Archaeology Section University of Pennsylvania MuseumDirectorSouth Jersey Project (2001-Present)DirectorSilver Reef Project (1980-Present)MemberGraduate Groups in Anthropology and American CivilizationEducationBA1964University of Arizona (Anthropology Major/History Minor)MA1968University of California – Santa Barbara (Anthropology)PhD1975UCSB (Anthropology/Historical Archaeology)Research InterestsHistorical ArchaeologyCulture Theory in AnthropologyCultural EvolutionismHistory of Anthropology and ArchaeologyWorld Historical ArchaeologyNorth America: Northeast and Far WestCurrent Research Project: South Jersey ProjectInitiated in 2001-2002. A long-term project that involves a study of a region unusual for the East Coast (edge of the Pine Barrens) in that it was almost empty of standard settlement until the mid-19th century. Research is focused on Vineland, N.J., an agricultural planned community founded in 1861. Excavations in the backyard of an historic house in the town (Fall semesters 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004) have uncovered a rich series of trash deposits from both the Victorian Period and the 20th century. The project involves the concept of “historic ethnography”: a combining of archival, archaeological, oral historic and ethnographic sources to create a thick cultural reconstruction of the town across its 150-year history. The South Jersey Project alsoserves as an example of a newly emerging specialization – the Archaeology of the 20th Century. The project is being supported by the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society as well as the Penn Anthropology Department and the Museum. In 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012 explorations on a new site on Elmer Street, the location of a former large Victorian twin house, were initiated and the site completed.Current Research Project: Silver Reef Project (Utah)Initiated in 1980-81 (see under its own heading) this project involved field excavations across the 1980s and national archival research between 1990 and 2012. In the summer of 2013 the large Surface Collection (107 boxes) was returned to the Silver Reef Museum and inventorying of this collection was completed with help of local volunteers in Utah. A “Public Archaeology” Program was also created on the local level (Washington County) with a series of lectures, archaeological tours of the town site and historic cemeteries, and interviews. In the future each May both aspects of the project (Public and archaeological-documentary research) will continue in St George, Utah.Presidential Office in Scholarly OrganizationsPresident, Society for Historical Archaeology (1981-1983) – three-year termas President-Elect, President and Immediate-Past PresidentPresident, Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (1980-1981)Academic Administrative Positions2004-2009Graduate Group Chair, Anthropology2003-2004Co-Graduate Group Chair, Anthropology1982-1992Graduate Group Chair, American Civilization1976-1978Deputy Chair, Department of Anthropology, CCNY1979-1994Director, Program in Historical Archaeology(American Civilization, University of Pennsylvania)Teaching Positions1994-2018Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology (Penn)1979-1993Associate Professor, Department of American Civilization (Penn)1979-1993Secondary Appointment, Department of Anthropology (Penn)1975-1979Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology (City College and Graduate Center of the City University of New York)1970-1974Instructor, Department of Anthropology (CCNY)1969-1970Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of MarylandScholarly and Educational Honors2017Special Symposium: “Historical Archaeologies of the Modern World: Celebrating the Career of Robert L. Schuyler” Chairs: Richard Veit, Benjamin C. Pykles (10 presentations), 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, January 6, 2017, Fort Worth, Texas.2009Recipient of the J.C. Harrington Award in Historical Archaeology. The award, an inscribed bronze medal, is the highest award presented in the field of historical archaeology. It is given for a life-time of contributions to the discipline centered on scholarship and research. Award was presented at the 42nd annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology in Toronto, Canada.2008University of Pennsylvania Provost's Award for Distinguished PhD Teaching and Graduate Student Mentoring2004University of Pennsylvania Dean’s Award (SAS) for Innovation in Undergraduate Teaching2002Invited Keynote Speaker in “A Salute to Stanley South and His Five Decadesof Historical Archaeology” at the 35th Annual Meetings of the Society forHistorical Archaeology, Mobile, Alabama1997Invited to present the opening address at the 30th Joint-Anniversary Conferenceof the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology (Europe) and the Society forHistorical Archaeology at the Museum of London, England1995Invited to present one of the opening “Positions Papers” at the 12th AnnualVisiting Scholar Conference (“Studies in Culture Contact”) at the SouthernIllinois University at Carbondale, March 31-April 1, 19951994Invited to give the Keynote Address (“Archaeology of the Historic AmericanWest”) at the Annual Banquet of the Society for California Archaeology,March 24-27, 1994, Ventura, California1993Invited to give the one of the Keynote Addresses at the Twelfth AnnualConference of the Australian Society for Historical Archaeology, November9-11, 1992, Sydney, Australia1991Invited to Co-Chair (with Charles Cleland, Michigan State University) the25th Anniversary Plenary Session: “The SHA and the Development ofHistorical Archaeology 1967-1992”, Society for Historical Archaeology AnnualMeeting, January 11, 1992, Kingston, Jamaica1990Speaker in the Opening Plenary Session “Historical Archaeology in the AmericanWest” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, January9-14, 1990, Tucson, Arizona1988Speaker in the Opening Plenary Session “The Goals, Practices and Future ofHistorical Archaeology and the SHA: Toward the Year 2000” at the AnnualMeeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, January 14-16, 1988, Reno, Nevada1987Speaker in the Opening Plenary Session on the 20th Anniversary of the Foundingof the Society for Historical Archaeology”, January 7, 1987, Savanna, Georgia1986Keynote Address, Annual Meeting of the Utah State Historical Society, August1986, Salt Lake City, Utah1982President of the Society for Historical Archaeology(Three-year term 1981-1983 as President-Elect, President and Immediate-PP)1981President, Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (1980-1981)1979-1980Member, Executive Board, Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology1979Participant in the Keynote Session on “The Archaeology of Stanley Southand James Deetz”, January 3, 1979, Society for Historical Archaeology,Nashville, Tennessee1978-1980Elected to the National Board of Directors, Society for HistoricalArchaeology (3-year term)1975Invited to present a Keynote address at the Bicentennial Meeting of theEastern States Archaeological Federation, Columbus, OhioGraduate Student Honors1966-1969Teaching Fellowships, UC-Santa BarbaraMay 1967 PhD Examination passed with “High Honors”1968Selected (as a UCSB graduate student) by the Wenner GrenFoundation to attend the American Anthropological Annual Meetingin Seattle, Washington1965-1966National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, Harvard UniversityBowditch Chair Travel Grant, El Peten (Seibal), Guatemala1964-1965National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, University ofArizonaFord Foundation Special Master’s ProgramUndergraduate Student Honors1964BA granted “With High Praise”Departmental Honors in Anthropology/Senior Honors Thesis(“Bering Strait Hypothesis, a Historical Sketch”)Phi Kappa Phi1963(Summer) Ford Foundation Grant to attend the University of ArizonaArchaeological Field School, Grasshopper Pueblo1961-1964University of Arizona Honors ProgramRESEARCH AND FIELD POSITIONS2001 – presentDirector, South Jersey Project. Long term anthropological (archival,archaeological, oral historic and ethnographic) study of a distinctiveregion, the Pine Lands of southern New Jersey. Project is focused onthe town of Vineland (1861-present), a planned Victorian agriculturalcommunity. Supported by the Museum, the Penn AnthropologyDepartment and the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society.Excavators: Penn undergraduate and graduate students (College and CGS)House sites (backyards) at 212 S 7th Street excavated Fall semesters 2001,2002, 2003 and 2004, and later (2005-2012) the back yard behind 635/637 Elmer Street. Spring semesters and summer sessions spent inlaboratory analysis, archival and oral historic research.1995-1997Director, Pacific Southwest Project. Similar Project to the South JerseyProject planned for region on the Colorado River Valley where Arizona,California and Nevada meet with the focus on the town of Needles,California (1882-present). In 2000 project moved – same goals andresearch design – back to East Coast (New Jersey).1997April-May: Four week field season along the Lower ColoradoRiver Valley visiting settlements at Blythe, Parker, Yumaas well as the Mohave Valley. Oral history.1996April-June: Three month initial field season in the Mohave Valley(Needles, California). Oral history of older town residents.1995Initial three-week visit to research area focusing on Kingman,Arizona (Route 66) but also visiting Needles, California.1981-PresentDirector, Silver Reef Project. Investigation of a 19th century (ca. 1876-1893) silver mining town in southwestern Utah.2016 Summer (May) continued public archaeology program at Silver Reef and the recording of a major, local bottle collection. Dawn Di Stefano field assistant2015 Summer (May) continued work in St George, Utah and at the Silver Reef Museum on the surface collection and the Public Archaeology Program (lectures and tours of the site). 2014 Summer (May) worked in St George, Utah and at Silver Reefon the Surface and Elk Horn Saloon materials. Established a “Silver Reef Archive” at Dixie State University (St George)2013 Summer (May-June) return of the large Silver Reef surface collection to the Silver Reef Museum and creation of a local “PublicArchaeology Program” in Washington County, Utah.1990-2012 Continuing work on materials and documents at Penn1989Archival research in Tucson, Arizona1988Limited survey at Silver Reef (Stormont Mill site)1987Excavation of the Cosmopolitan Restaurant site (1877-1895)Archival research in Utah1985Excavation of the Wagner-Case Drugstore site on the cornerof Main and Center Streets (ca. 1877-1890)1984Archival search of the county records in St. George, WashingtonCounty, Utah1983Archival search in Utah (especially the State-Territorial Archives)in Salt Lake City and in California and the Midwest1982Excavations of the Elk Horn Saloon site on Main Street occupiedca. 1877-18921981 Mapping and surface collection of Silver Reef town center 1980 Summer – initial visit to Utah for selection of a potential site1979-1980Director, University of Pennsylvania Archaeological Field School(Summer and Fall semester). Test excavations at the estate of JohnBartram (18th century botanist) and at the Lower Swedish cabin site.1978Director, Initial exploration of the Hunterfly Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Part of historic Weeksville.1974-1977Director, Industrial Archaeology of Merrimack River Valley. Twoseasons of excavations in Lowell, Massachusetts, the first majorindustrial city in American (1825-1870). Work on site of boardinghouses, Merrimack Manufacturing Company.1971-1973Director, Sandy Ground Project. A 19th-20th century African Americanoystering community on Staten Island, NYC. CCNY ArchaeologicalField School.1970Director, University of Maryland Field School. Excavations at 17th-18thcentury contact site (Conoy Island) on the Potomac River. Summer.Student Archaeological Field Experience1967Summer Seasonal Archaeologist, Fortress of Louisburg, Nova Scotia, Canada1966Site Assistant, Peabody Museum-Harvard Expedition, Seibal (Classic Maya), Guatemala.Director: Gordon R. Willey1963Summer crewmember, University of Arizona Archaeological Field School, GrasshopperPueblo (14th century), Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona. Director: RaymondH. Thompson1960Attended (May) the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,(Taft Hotel) New Haven, Connecticut as a high school senior1958-59 High School student crewmember, New Haven Chapter of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut summer excavations. Grannis Island (Archaic site), Quinnipiac River, New Haven. Director: Lyent W. Russell (Yale)1957Summer. Junior High School Student. Great trip to the West (Los Angeles). VisitedSouthwest, Grand Canyon, Flagstaff (4th July) Indian Powwow and prehistoric sitesincluding Walnut Canyon. Decided to become Southwestern archaeologist.1953About the 5th Grade decided to become an archaeologist (National GeographicMagazine and Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale)OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES2017Forum, ”Past Presidents Panel” on the history of the Society for Historical Archaeology,50th Anniversary Meeting of the SHA, January 2917, Fort Worth, Texas.2014 Panelist, “A Question That Counts: Why Is Achieving Diversity and Confronting Racism In the SHA Important for the Future of Our Organization and Theoretical Understanding of the Past, Present, and Future?” 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Quebec City, Canada.2011 Panelist, “Forum: Teaching Historical Archaeology: a Panel Discussion”, presentation: “Teaching Historical Archaeology – Looking Backward Across Four Decades” 45th Annual Meeting, Society for Historical Archaeology, Austin, Texas.2009Discussant for Symposium: "In the Shadow of Independence: Remaking the Image of Early America at the National Constitution Center Site in Philadelphia", presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Toronto, Canada.2006Chair, General Session: “One the Edge, New Methods and Old Sites”, 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Sacramento, California, January 12, 2006.2005 Co-Organizer (with Benjamin Pykles) and Discussant for session: “HistoricalArchaeology Of, By, and About the Mormons”, 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 30-April 3,20052004Co-Organizer (with Benjamin Pykles) and Discussant for session: “HistoricalArchaeology of the Mormon Domain”, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society forHistorical Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri, January 7-11, 20042003Discussant for symposium on “When Women Take Charge: Archaeology of Womenin Central Roles” organized by Carol Nickolai, SHA 2003 January, Providence, R.I.2002Discussant for symposium on “Historical Archaeology in the Maya World” organizedby Olivia Ng, SHA 2003 January, Mobile, AlabamaAppointed Chair SHA History Committee [2002-2004]2001Discussant for symposium on “Archaeology of the 20th Century” organized by AudreyHorning, 34th Annual Meeting, SHA, January 20, 2001, Long Beach, California2000Organized and Chaired two part Session 53 (“Entering Historical Archaeology: theSecond and Most Recent Generations”) with 19 participants at SHA 2000, QuebecCity, CanadaInvited as participant in the Willey Symposium, Society for American ArchaeologyAnnual Meeting, April 6-9, 2000, Philadelphia1999Attended Association for Gravestone Studies Annual Conference, June 1999, GeorgeMason University, Fairfax, VirginiaOrganized and Chaired (with Richard Veit) Session 37 (“Chapters in the Early Historyof Historical Archaeology”), SHA Annual Meeting, January 5-10, 1999 Salt Lake City1998Introduced “Images of the Past” Section (1998-present) for the Society for HistoricalArchaeology Newsletter. Each volume (4 issues a year) publishes one historic imagehighlighting the 19th and 20th century history of the discipline1997Attended Part I of the 30th Joint-Anniversary Conference of the SPMA-SHA (April16-20, 1997) in Williamsburg, Virginia. Attended Part 2 (November 3-7, 1997)at the British Museum and the Museum of London in EnglandAttended the 20th Anniversary Meeting of the Society for Commercial Archaeology(September 18-20, 1997), Wildwood, New JerseyChaired Session 37 (“Material Culture Studies) at the SHA Annual Meeting, January1997, Atlanta, Georgia 1996Attended the Society for Commercial Archaeology Annual Conference, April 17-21,1996, Los Angeles, CaliforniaDiscussant, “Ethnicity Session”, SHA Annual Meeting, January 4, 1996, Cincinnati,Ohio1995Discussant, “Archaeology of the African Diaspora Symposium”, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 15-19, 1995, Washington D.C.1994Appointed Chair by Elizabeth J. Reitz (President, Society for Historical Archaeology)of the Intersocietal Relations Committee [Chair: 1994-1996 – expanded committee toover 30 representatives to other scholarly organizations] Appointed Chair by Elizabeth J. Reitz (President, Society for Historical Archaeology)of the SHA Awards Committee [1994-2002]. Earlier (1981) I had helped to create theJ.C. Harrington Medal and the Carol V. Ruppe Distinguished Service Award(1990) and as chair the John L. Cotter Award in Historical Archaeology (1999)as well as operationalizing the SHA Awards of Merit. As chair I organized and rannine annual award-banquet ceremonies.1993Reappointed by Governor William Schaefer of Maryland to the St. Mary’s CityCommission1992Appointed the SHA Representative to the American Anthropological Association1991Appointed on September 23, 1991 by Governor William D. Schaefer of Maryland as amember of the Historic St. Mary’s City Commission. Three year term as the archaeologist on the Commission (Chairman, Benjamin C. Bradlee, Washington Post)which oversees St. Mary’s City (1634-1695), site of the first colonial capital of Maryland1990Panel Member – “Anthropology, Historical Sociology and Archaeology Panel forUniversity Faculty Grants”, National Endowment for the Humanities, August 2-3,1990, Washington, D.C.Chairman and Panel Member, Outside Review Panel December 2-4, 1990, HistoricAnnapolis Archaeology Project, Annapolis, Maryland1987Outside Scholarly Consultant, Review of Graduate Program in Anthropology andHistorical Archaeology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia1986Organizer and Chair, Symposium on the “Archaeology of Western Mining Sites”,Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 1986, Sacramento, CaliforniaChair, Roundtable Luncheon (“Mining Communities”) at same meetings1984Chair, SHA J.C. Harrington Medal Presentation Committee1983Member of the External Evaluation Committee for the Department of Anthropologyat the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland1982General Co-Chairman (with John L. Cotter), 15th Annual Meeting of the Society forHistorical Archaeology and Conference on Underwater Archaeology, January 7-10,1982, Philadelphia. Oversaw all aspects of the meetings and organized OpeningPlenary Session on “Historical Archaeology and the Other Disciplines” with JamesDeetz, Anthony F. C. Wallace, Charles Fairbanks and Herbert Guttman as speakers.The conference was attended by almost 800 people at 50 sessions (325 papers).Organizer and Chair, Symposium on “Cemeteries in Context”, Society for HistoricalArchaeology 15th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia1981Keynote Address (“Lowell: Archaeology of the Industrial Revolution”), VermontArchaeological Society, Rutland, Vermont1980Program Chair, Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (CNEHA) AnnualMeeting, Albany, New York1979Discussant for Symposium (“The Archaeology of New York City”) sponsored bythe Archaeological Institute of American, American Museum of Natural HistoryDiscussant for Symposium (“Urban Archaeology in Philadelphia”), Society for AmericanArchaeology Annual Meeting, May 1979, Philadelphia1973Participant in a Panel Discussion, “The Meaning of Industrial Archaeology”, AnnualMeeting of the Society for Industrial Archaeology, Troy, New York1972Resource expert and participant in the Conference on Ceramics in America, Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, Delaware1970Organizer and Chair, Symposium on “Anthropological Perspectives in HistoricalArchaeology” at the 69 Annual Meeting of the American AnthropologicalAssociation, November 19-22, 1970 San Diego, California EDITORIAL EXPERIENCE2004-1979Member, Advisory Editorial Board, Historical Archaeology1982-presentSpecial Advisory Editor for Historical Archaeology, North AmericanArchaeologist1998-2009Associate Editor, Bulletin of the History of Archaeology1979-1982Founding Editor, North American Archaeologist[Issued Volume 1, Numbers 1 & 2 and Volume 2, Numbers 1-4]1973-1976Editor for Archaeology, Abstracts in Anthropology[Issued 4:3, 395-462; 4:4, 687-755; 5:1, 1-42; 5:2, 173-221; 5:3, 365-402; 5:4, 555-586; 6:1, 1-34; 6:2, 195-229; 6:3, 275-417; and 6:4, 535-585]1969-1980Research Compiler for the Newsletter of the Society for Historical Archaeology.Reported initially on the “Pacific West” and from 1972-1980 developed my ownsection on international research under a “Global” category.PUBLICATIONS2012Melburn D. Thurman, 1941-2012, “In Memoriam”, pp. 44-45, Anthropology News (American Anthropological Association), September 2012, Vol. 53, No. 7Melburn D. Thurman, “Death Notices”, p. 42, Newsletter of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Vol. 45, No. 2 Summer 2012.2011“The South Jersey Project: Historical Archaeology in the Largest City in New Jersey” The Vineland Magazine (Journal of the Vineland Historical andAntiquarian Society, Vineland, New Jersey), Vol. 82, pp. 75-96.2006Review of “Foundations of Social Archaeology: Selected Writings of V. Gordon Childe” by Thomas C. Patterson and Charles E. Orser, American Anthropologist, Vol. 108No. 1, pp. 255-256.2004“Vineland” (p. 836), Encyclopedia of New Jersey. Eds. Maxine N. Lurie andMark Mappen. Rutgers University Press.“Charles K. Landis” (pp. 453-455), ibid.“Daily Journal” (p. 189), ibid.“Palace Depression” (pp. 610-611), ibid2003“The Second Largest City in the English Speaking World: John L. Cotter and the Historical Archaeology of Philadelphia 1960-1999.” Chapter 8 (pp. 156-164) in Philadelphia and the Development of AmericanistArchaeology. Edited by Don D. Fowler and David Wilcox. University ofAlabama Press, Tuscaloosa.2002“Auto House Discovered”, Archaeology, Volume 55, Number 1, p. 18.2001“A Conversation With Edward B. Jelks”, Historical Archaeology, Volume 35, Number 4, pp. 8-37.“Historical Archaeology”, Encyclopedia of Archaeology. Edited by Tim Murray,Volume 2, pp 623-630. ABC Clio, Oxford.“Society for Historical Archaeology”, ibid, Volume 3, pp. 1179-1180.“J.C. Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology”, ibid, Volume 2, pp. 733-734.“John L. Cotter 1911-1999”, ibid, Volume 1, pp. 383-384.“Jean Carl Harrington 1901-1998”, ibid, Volume 2, pp. 612-614.“Ivor No?l Hume”, ibid, Volume 2, pp. 643-644.“Kenneth E. Kidd 1906-1994”, ibid, Volume 2, pp. 764-765.2000“Forward” (p. v) to Historical Archaeology, Identity Formation, and theInterpretation of Ethnicity. Edited by Maria Franklin and GarrettFesler. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Virginia.“Two Important Issues With Low Visibility”, Newsletter of the Society forHistorical Archaeology (Fall 2000), Volume 33, Number 3, pp.3-5.1999“The Centrality of Post Medieval Studies to General Historical Archaeology.”Chapter 2 (pp. 10-16) in Old and New Worlds. Edited by Geoff Eganand R.L. Michael, Oxbow Books, London.“Comments on ‘Historical Archaeology in the Next Millennium: A Forum’”.Historical Archaeology, Volume 32, Number 2, pp. 1-5.“John L. Cotter Award in Historical Archaeology”, Historical Archaeology,Volume 33, Number 2, pp. 1-5.“Nomination: John L. Cotter Award in Historical Archaeology”, Society forHistorical Archaeology Newsletter, Volume 32, Number 1, pp.10-11.Review of “Between Artifacts and Texts: Historical Archaeology in GlobalPerspective” by Anders Andrén. American Anthropologist, Volume101, Number 4 (December), pp. 845-846.1998“History of Historical Archaeology”, Bulletin of the History of Archaeology,Volume 8, Number 2, pp. 7-17.“The Southeastern Archaeological Conference 1938-1998”, SoutheasternArchaeological Conference Newsletter, Volume 40, Number 1, pp. 6-7Review of “Pot Luck: Adventures in Archaeology” by Florence C. Lister.Historical Archaeology, Volume 32, Number 4, pp. 103-105.1997“Culture Contact in Evolutionary Perspective”, Chapter 4 (pp. 67-76) inStudies in Culture Contact: Interaction, Culture Change andArchaeology. Edited by James G. Cusick. Southern Illinois Press.1996“Frontier Sites of the American West”, The Oxford Companion to Archaeology(pp. 241-243). Edited by Brian Fagan. Oxford University Press.“Archaeological Society of Virginia Receives Outstanding Society Award from the Society for Historical Archaeology”, Quarterly Bulletin of theArchaeological Society of Virginia, Volume 51, Number 3, pp. 1114-115.Review of “An Archaeology of Capitalism” by Matthew Johnson. AmericanAnthropologist, Volume 98, Number 4 (December), pp. 929-930.Review of “Wybalenna: the Archaeology of Cultural Accommodation in19th Century Tasmania” by Judy Birmingham. Historical Archaeology,Volume 30, Number 3, pp. 93-95.1993“The Society for Historical Archaeology 1967-1992”. Historical Archaeology,Volume 27, Number 1, pp. 35-43. 1991“A ‘Compleat’ Curriculum: Historical Archaeology on the Undergraduate Level.”(pp. 33-40) Archaeology and Education: the Classroom and Beyond.Edited by K.C. Smith and Francis P. McManamon. ArchaeologicalAssistant Study Number 2, National Park Service, Washington, D.C.“Carol C. Ruppe Distinguished Service Award” (co-author, Stephanie H.Rodeffer). Historical Archaeology, Volume 25, Number 3, pp. 1-2.Review of “ Excavation of the Donner-Reed Wagons: Historic ArchaeologyAlong the Hastings Cutoff” by Bruce R. Hawkins and David G. Madsen.American Anthropologist, Volume 93, No. 1, pp. 242-243.Review of “Documentary Archaeology in the New World” by Mary Beaudry.Historical Archaeologist, Volume 25, Number 1, pp. 113-115.Review of “Of the Hut I Builded – The Archaeology of Australia’s History” byGraham Connah. American Anthropologist, Volume 93, Number 2,pp. 505-506.1990“Historical Archaeology in the American West: the View from Philadelphia”.Historical Archaeology, Volume 25, Number 3, pp. 7-17.Review of “The Chinese of Early Tucson. Historical Archaeology from the Tucson Urban Renewal Project” by Florence C. and Robert H. Lister.Science, 18 May 1990, Volume 248, pp. 908-909.1988“Archaeological Remains, Documents and Anthropology: A Call for a NewCulture History”. Historical Archaeology Volume 22, Number 1,pp. 36-42“Silver Reef: Creation of a ‘Historic Ethnography’ for a 19th Century AmericanMining Town on the Western Frontier.” Expedition, Volume 30,Number 2, pp. 61-63.1987Review of “The Ortega Adobe, West Main Street, Ventura, California” byRoberta S. Greenwood and John M. Foster. Historical Archaeology,Volume 21, Number 1, pp. 11-112.1986“Silver Reef: A Report on the 1985 Season”. University Museum Newsletter,Volume 24, Number 3, pp. 2-3.“One Digging Up the Custer Battlefield: Some Comments”. (with Melburn D.Thurman) Montana, the Magazine of Western History, Volume 36, Number 4, pp. 86-87.Review of “Exploring Buried Buxton: Archaeology of an Abandoned Iowa Mining Town with a Large Black Population”, American Anthropologist,Volume 88, Number 1, pp. 219-220.1984“Archaeology at Silver Reef”. University Museum Newsletter, Volume 23, Number 1, pp. 1-2.1982Urban Archaeology in America. Editor. Special issue of the North AmericanArchaeologist, Volume 3, Number 3“The J. C. Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology”. Historical Archaeology,Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 1-2.Review of “Modern Material Culture: The Archaeology of US” by Richard A.Gould and Michael B. Schiffer. American Anthropologist, Volume 84,Number 4, pp. 937-939.1980Archaeological Perspectives on Ethnicity in America: Afro-American and AsianAmerican Culture History. Editor. Baywood Monographs in Archaeology,Number 1.“Sandy Ground: Archaeology of a 19th Century Oystering Village”. Chapter 5,pp. 48-59, in above edited monograph.“Archaeology of Asian American Culture: An Annotated Bibliography”.Chapter 13, pp. 124-132, in above edited monograph.Review of “In Small Things Forgotten, the Archaeology of Early American Life”by James Deetz. American Antiquity, Volume 88, Number 1, pp. 219-220.Review of “Research Strategies in Historical Archaeology” edited by StanleySouth. American Anthropologist, Volume 82, Number 1, pp. 200-202.1979“Introducing a New Journal”. North American Archaeologist, Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 1-2.“Excavations into the Recent Past”. Early Ma: the Magazine of ModernArchaeology, Autumn 1979, pp. 1-3.1978Historical Archaeology, A Guide to Substantive and Theoretical Contributions.Editor. Baywood Publishing Company. [In fifth printing.]“Indian-Euroamercian Interaction: Archaeological Evidence from Non-IndianSites”. Chapter 7 in Volume 8 (California), pp. 69-80, of the Handbook ofNorth American Indians. Volume 8 Editor, Robert F. Heizer. SmithsonianInstitution, Washington, D.C.Review of “Camden, a Frontier Town” by Kenneth E. Lewis. Ethnohistory,Volume 25.1977“The Written Word, The Spoken Word, Observed Behavior and PreservedBehavior: The Various Contexts Available to the Archaeologist”. Papersof the Conference on Historic Site Archaeology, Volume 10, Number 2,pp. 99-120.“Archaeology of the New York Metropolis”. Bulletin of the New York StateArchaeological Association, Number 69, pp. 1-19.“Parallels in the Rise of the Various Subfields of Historical Archaeology”.Papers of the Conference on Historic Site Archaeology, Volume 10,Number 1, pp. 1-11.Review of “The Archaeology of Industry” by Kenneth Hudson. IndustrialArchaeology Journal, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 58-60.Review of “Background to Prehistory of the Yuha Desert Region, California”.Edited by Philip J. Wilke. Ethnohistory, Volume 24, Number 1,pp. 84-86.1976“Images of America: the Contribution of Historical Archaeology to NationalIdentity”. Southwestern Lore, Volume 42, Number 4, pp. 27-39.“The Supply Mill on Content Brook, an Example of the Excavation of RecentHistoric Sites” (with Christopher Mills). Journal of Field Archaeology,Volume 3, pp. 61-95.“Historical Archaeology as an Integral Part of the Anthropology Curriculum”.Chapter 13 (pp. 84-99) in Training in Archaeology. Editor William McHugh. Southern Illinois University Press.“Merrimack Valley Project, Second Year”. Newsletter of the Society for IndustrialArchaeology, Supplementary Issue 7, pp. 7-8.Review of “Reconstructing Complex Societies” edited by Charlotte B. Moore.Science, Volume 191, Number 4231, pp. 1039-1041.1975Review of “Industrial Archaeology in Britain” by R.A. Buchanan. HistoricalArchaeology, Volume 8, pp. 115-116.1974“Sandy Ground: Archaeological Sampling in a Black Community in MetropolitanNew York”. Papers of the Conference on Historic Sites Archaeology,Volume 7, Number 2, pp. 12-52.“Richardson’s Mill or Richardson’s Mills – Historical Archaeology Along theMiddlesex Canal”. Towpath Topics (Newsletter of the Middlesex CanalAssociation), Volume 12, Number 2, pp. 2-7.“Lowellian Archaeology”. Newsletter of the Society for Industrial Archaeology,Supplementary Issue 7, pp. 3-4.Review of “Pre and Proto-History of the Berach Basin, South Rahajasthan, India”.Asian Perspectives, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 74-75.1973“Abstracting the Archaeological Literature”. Abstracts In Anthropology, Volume 4, Number 3, pp. 395-397.Review of “Explanation in Archaeology, an Explicitly Scientific Approach” byPatty Jo Watson, Steven LeBlanc and Charles L. Redman. AmericanAntiquity, Volume 38, Number 3, pp. 372-374.1972Reprinting of “Historical and Historic Sites Archaeology as Anthropology” asChapter 13 in Contemporary Archaeology, pp. 118-124. Editor Mark P.Leone. University of Southern Illinois Press.“Ales Hrdlicka and the U.S. National Museum: A Correction”. AmericanAntiquity, Volume 37, Number 3, p. 452.“Industrial Archaeology as a Subfield of Historical Archaeology”. Newsletterof the Society for Industrial Archaeology, Volume 1, Number 6, p. 8.Review of “The First Americans, a Story of North American Archaeology” byC.W. Ceram. American Anthropologist, Volume 74, Number 6, pp. 1512-1513.Review of “Canadian Historic Sites, Occasional Papers in Archaeology and History Number 1” Edited by John H. Ricks. American Antiquity, Volume 37, Number 2, pp. 453-454.1971“The History of American Archaeology: An Examination of Procedure”.American Antiquity, Volume 36, Number 4, pp. 383-409.1970“Historical and Historic Sites Archaeology as Anthropology, Basic Definitionsand Relationships”. Historical Archaeology Volume 4, pp. 83-89.Review of “The Custer Road Dump Site, An Exercise in Victorian Archaeology”by David Brose. American Anthropologist, Volume 72, Number 1,pp. 179-180.Review of “Historical Archaeology Forum on Theory and Method in HistoricalArchaeology”. Edited by Stanley South. American Antiquity, Volume 35,No 2, pp. 229-231.Review of “Chiningchinix, An Indigenous California Indian Religion” by JamesMoriarty. American Anthropologist, Volume 72, Number 3, p. 632.1969Historic Sites Archaeology and Its Relevancy to the Question of Professional andAmateur Archaeology”. Newsletter of the Archaeological Survey Association of Southern California, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 1-2.1968“The Use of Historic Analogs in Archaeology.” American Antiquity, Volume 33,Number 3, pp. 390-392.“The Exhumation of Peter Lebec: One of the Earliest Examples of Historic SitesArchaeology in California”. The Masterkey (Journal of the Southwest Museum, Los Angeles), Volume 42, Number 4, pp. 142-147.“Aboriginal ‘Archaeologists’”. Antiquity, Volume 42, Number 165, pp. 57-58.Reports and Manuscripts1975“Anthropological Perspectives in Historical Archaeology” PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of California at Santa Barbara.1967“White Point Report” Copy on file, Fortress of Louisbourg National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada.1964“The Bering Strait Hypothesis, a Historical Sketch”. Senior Honors Thesis (Anthropology). Copy on file, U of Arizona.PAPERSHave presented 62 papers at scholarly conferences or by invitations at the University ofMassachusetts (Amherst and Boston), Purdue, Princeton, Howard, Queens College, University of California-Berkeley, American Museum of Natural History, SUNY-Albany, Michigan State University, University of Delaware, University of Sydney, UCLA, University of Hawaii, BYU and Monmouth University.Papers with Published Abstracts2018“Before the Emergence of the Modern World”, Paper presented in General Session: Contested Narratives”, 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, January 3-6, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana.2016 “The Wagner-Case Site: Pharmaceutical Historical Archaeology on the Western Frontier”, Paper presented in a Symposium: “The Archaeology of the American Dream: Topics in Historical Archaeology West of the Mississippi, 49 Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, Washington, DC, January 6-9, 2016.2015 “The Elk Horn and the Miller Whose Front Name Was George: People and Places Without History”, Paper presented in a General Session: Archaeology of the Urban Work 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology, January 7-10, 2015, Seattle Washington2012(with Dawn Di Stefano) “Maggie and Stewart Morris – Historical Archaeology of a Middling Family in Victorian America”, 45th Annual Meeting of the Society forHistorical Archaeology, Baltimore, Maryland [Abstract published in Final Program, p. 2842011“Teaching Historical Archaeology: Looking Backward Across Four Decades,” Forum [176] on Teaching Historical Archaeology (Chair: Richard Veit), 44th Annual Conference on Historical Archaeology, January 2011, Austin, Texas2010 “Defining the Future of Historical Archaeology,” Society for Historical Archaeology 43rd Annual Conference, January 6-9, 2010, Amelia Island,Jacksonville, Florida. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts SHA2010, p. 159.]2008"The Skyscraper in the Trash Pit: Recovering a Lost 20th Century Icon," Society for Historical Archaeology 41st Annual Conference, January 8-13, 2008,Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Abstract published in Final Program and AbstractsSHA 2008, pp. 289-290.]2007 "The Document in the Artifact in the Trash Pit: Some Thoughts on Sources Used In Historical Archaeology," Society for Historical Archaeology 40th Annual Conference, January 10-14, 2007, Williamsburg, Virginia. [Abstract published inFinal Program and Abstracts SHA 2007, p. 370.]2006“EBay As A Research Tool for Historical Archaeology,” Society for Historical Archaeology, January 11-14, 2006, Sacramento, California. [Abstract published in Final Program and Abstracts SHA 2006, p. 153.]2005“Larkin: Archaeological Traces of a Major 19th-20th Century American Mail Mail Order Company,” Society for Historical Archaeology, January 5-10, 2005, York, England. [Abstract published in Final Program and Abstracts SHA 2005, p. 271.]2002“Stanley South, Charles Darwin and Leslie White: the Place of Evolutionary Theory in Historical Archaeology,” Society for Historical Archaeology, January 8-12, 2001, Mobile, Alabama. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts SHA 2002, p. 184.]2000“From the National Geographic to the SHA: A Personal History on Entering a New Scholarly Discipline,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 4-9, 2000, Quebec City, Canada.1999“The Two Origins of Americanist Historical Archaeology,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 5-10, 1999, Salt Lake City, Utah. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts SHA 1999, p. 97.]1997“Cultural Evolutionism and the Continuing Attempts to Define Historical Archaeology,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts SHA 1997, p. 133.]1996“Evolutionary Theory and Historic Fact,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 3-7, 1996, Cincinnati, Ohio. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts SHA 1996, pp. 147-148.]1995“Global Perspectives and Scales of Analysis in Historical Archaeology,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 4-8, 1995, Washington D.C. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts, p.1994“Rumblings Along the Rift: The Academy, CRM and Our Collective Future,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 5-9, 1994, Vancouver, British Columbia. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts, p. 31 and p. 52.]1993“Tobacco Tin Tags: A Distinctive Artifact from Late 19th and Early 20th Century Western American Historic Sites,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 6-10, 1993, Kansas City, Missouri. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts, p. 115.]1991“SHA 1967-1992: A Quarter Century of a National Archaeological Society,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 1992, Kingston, Jamaica. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts, p. 168]1990“A ‘Compleat’ Curriculum: Historical Archaeology on the Undergraduate Level,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 9-14, 1990, Tucson, Arizona. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts, pp. 101-102.]1989“Silver Reef: Differing Sources of Information on the Mining West.” First Joint Archaeological Conference January 1989 of the SHA and AIA, Baltimore, Maryland. [Abstract published in Abstracts of the First Joint Archaeological Conference 1989, p. 68.]1988“Historical Archaeology in Its Academic Setting,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting January 14-16, 1988 Reno, Nevada. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts, p. 73.]1987“Archaeology of the Historic Period and Its Contribution to General Scholarship,”Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 1987 Savanna, Georgia. [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts, p. 91.]1986“Silver Reef: Archaeology of a 19th Century Western Mining Community,” Society for Historical Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 1986, Sacramento, California. [Abstract published in Abstracts of Papers, p. 109.]1982“Cemeteries in the Cultural Landscape: An Example from the Desert West,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting, January 7-10, 1982, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Abstract published in the Newsletter of the Association for Gravestone Studies – no SHA abstracts that year – Volume 6, pp. 2-3.]1976“The Archaeology of Labor During the Industrial Revolution,” AAA AnnualMeeting, November 17-21, 1976, Washington, D.C. [Abstract published in American Anthropological Association Abstracts, p. 186.]“Cultural Context of the Industrial Revolution, The Merrimack Valley Project,”Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting January 7-10, 1976, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Abstract published in Abstracts of Papers, p. 5.]1975“Deductive-Nomological Approaches to the Past, Implications for Historical Archaeology,” Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Meeting January7-11, 1975, Charleston, South Carolina. [Abstract published in Abstract of Papers, p. 16.]1974“Pre and Post-Industrial Society and Archaeology as the Science of Material Culture,” Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting 1974, [Abstract published in Program and Abstracts p. 53.]1970“Historic Sites Archaeology and Ethnohistory, the Piscataway.” AAA AnnualMeeting, November 19-22, 1970, San Diego, California. [Abstract published in American Anthropological Association Bulletin, Volume 3, Number 3, p. 102.]1968“Historic Sites Archaeology in California, a Review and Prediction,” (with Paul G. Sneed). Southwestern Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. [Abstract published in the Southwestern Anthropological Association Newsletter, Volume 10, Number 3, p. 37.] EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIESTeaching Experience – Courses1969 –2018 Faculty MemberIntroductory AnthropologyFundamentals of ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyArchaeology Field Project (Fall Semester – South Jersey Project)Historical Archaeology Laboratory (Spring & Summer Sessions South Jersey Project)Archaeology of American CivilizationCulture Theory in ArchaeologyCulture Theory in American Studies Historic Ethnography: Anglo-American CaliforniaAnthropology of the American WestFreshman Seminar (Historical Archaeology)History of American ArchaeologyArchaeology of the 20th CenturyArchaeology of AgencyArchaeology of Culture ContactAfrican-American Historical ArchaeologyArchaeology of American History (BF Honors Seminar)1966 –1969 Graduate StudentCultural Anthropology – Teaching Assistant to James DeetzPhysical Anthropology – Teaching Assistant to C. Loring BraceArchaeology - Teaching Assistant to Brian Fagan and Claude N. WarrenACTIVE GRADUATE STUDENTS – ADVISOR/SUPERVISORPhD Students – AnthropologyElizabeth ClayMegan Potemski Masters Students (MA and MS)Dawn Di Stefano(MS) – completed May 2017COMPLETED PhD DISSERTATIONS – SUPERVISOR/CHAIR(University of Pennsylvania)2015 Lynsey A. Bates“Surplus and Access: Provisioning and Market Participation by Enslaved Laborers on Jamaican Sugar Estates”2013Kristen Fellows“Samana: Historical Archaeology of a Diasporic African American Enclave in the Dominican Republic”2013Jill Bennett Gaieski“Does This Mean I’m Not An Indian? Discovery, Creation, and Maintenance of Indigenous Identity in Post-Colonial Bermuda”2012Jordan Pickrell“Borderland Identities and National Formation of the American West: An Historical Archaeological Study in the Arkansas River Valley, Colorado”2010Teagan Schweitzer“Philadelphia Foodways 1750-1850: An Historical Archaeology of Cuisine”2010Janet Six“The Ahypu’a of Hilea, Hawaii: A Case Study in the Realities of AppliedHistorical Archaeology”2008Chana Kraus-Friedberg"Where You Stay?: Transnational Identity in Sugar Plantation Cemeteries,Pahala, Hawaii"2007Olivia Ng"View from the Periphery: A Hermeneutic Approach to the Archaeology ofHolotunich (1865-1930), British Honduras"2006Benjamin Pykles“The Archaeology of the Mormons Themselves: A Case Study in the History of Historical Archaeology”Carol Nickolai“Two Women and a House: The Archaeology of the Emily and Amanda Shepard Farm 1875-1920”2005Patrice L. Jeppson“Material and Mythical Perspectives on Ethnicity: An Historical Archaeology Study of Cultural Identity, National Historiography, and the Eastern Cape Frontier of South Africa, 1820-1860”2003Anna Agbe-Davies“Up In Smoke: Pipe Making, Smoking, and Bacon’s Rebellion”2001Minette C. Church“Homesteads on the Purgatoire: Frontiers of Culture Contact in 19th Century Colorado”Elizabeth A. Ragan“Coastal Archaeology and Complex Societies: The Maritime Cultural Landscape of South Argyll, Scotland” [Chair; Supervisor: Bernard Wailes]1998Richard F. Veit“Skyscrapers and Sepulchers: A History Ethnography of New Jersey’s Terra Cotta Industry”1997Jessica L. Neuwirth“Landscapes of Authority and Nostalgia: Modernization of a Southern Maryland Plantation, St. Mary’s City, Maryland 1840-1930”1996Amber Bennett Moncure“The Life and Times of Sisley Jordan: European Women in Virginia 1607-1640”1995Rebecca Allen“An Archaeological Study of Neophyte Adaptation and Modification at Mission Santa Cruz, California”Audrey J. Horning“ ‘A Verie Fit Place to Erect a Great Cittie’: Comparative Contextual Analysis of Archaeological Jamestown”1994Richard G. Schaefer“A Typology of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Ceramics and Its Implications for American Historical Archaeology”1993Brian D. Crane“Colono Ware and Criollo Ware Pottery from Charleston, South Carolina and San Juan, Puerto Rico in Comparative Perspective”Lorinda B.R. Goodwin“ ‘A Stately Roof to Shelter Them’: An Historical Archaeological Investigation of the Turner Family of Eighteenth-Century Salem, Massachusetts”J. Walter Joseph III“Liberty: An Archaeological Examination of Social Identity Within the Plantation Culture of the Lowcountry of Georgia”Martha B. Lance“ ‘The Fathers Lived in the Forests: Their Children Live Off Them’: Rural New England Sawmilling and the Timber Trade 1730-1870”Lynn L. Morand“Craft Industries at Fort Michilimackinac, An Eighteenth-Century Fur Trade Outpost”1991Lisa Kealhofer“Cultural Interaction During the Spanish Colonial Period: The Plaza Church Site, Los Angeles”Orloff G. Miller“Archaeological Investigations at Salterstown, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland”1990Julia A. King“An Intrasite Spatial Analysis of the Van Sweringen Site, St. Mary’s City, MD.” 1990Darby C. Stapp“The Historic Ethnography of a Chinese Mining Community in Idaho”1989Kevin J. Crisman“The Jefferson: The History and Archaeology of an American Brig from the War of 1812”William J. Hunt“Firearms and the Upper Missouri Fur Trade Frontier; Weapons and Related Materials from Fort Union Trading National Historic Site, North Dakota”1988Barbara J. Heath“Afro-Caribbean Ware: A Study of the Ethnicity of St. Eustatius”1987John L. Seidel“The Archaeology of the American Revolution: A Reappraisal and Case Study at the Continental Artillery Cantonment of 1778-1779, Pluckemin, New Jersey”1986Sheli O. Smith“The Defense: Life at Sea as Reflected in an Archaeological Assemblage from an Eighteenth-Century Privateer”1983Elizabeth A. Crowell“Migratory Monuments and Missing Motifs: Archaeological Analysis of Mortuary Art in Cape May County, New Jersey 1740-1810”Lu Ann De Cunzo“Economics and Ethnicity: An Archaeological Perspective on Nineteenth Century Paterson, New Jersey”1983Jane C. Bush“Throwaway Ethic in America”(City University of New York – Graduate Center PhD)1988William Askins“Sandy Ground: Historical Archaeology of Class and Ethnicity in a Nineteenth Century Community on Staten Island”(Started as Chair and became Outside Reader when I left CUNY but was the defacto Chair to completion)GRANTS2016University of Pennsylvania Museum, Summer Field Grants (May) for Research in St George and at the Silver Reef Museum, Utah2014/15University of Pennsylvania Museum, Summer Field Grants (May) forResearch at Silver Reef, Utah2013University of Pennsylvania Museum, Summer Field Grant (May-June) forResearch at Silver Reef, Utah2001-2009University of Pennsylvania Museum Section (Historical Archaeology)Field/Laboratory Grants for the South Jersey Project2000-1995University of Pennsylvania Museum Section (Historical Archaeology)Field/Laboratory Grants for the Pacific Southwest Project1995-1980University of Pennsylvania Museum Section (Historical Archaeology)Field/Laboratory Grants for the Silver Reef Project1989Summer Development Grant from the Undergraduate Education Fund tocreate a new course: American Civilization 51 (Archaeology of AmericanCivilization) as part of a departmental major1983University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation Award (3070572) forarchival and related research in California1974City College of New York Faculty Grant (Number 12520) for research onthe industrial archaeology of the Merrimack Valley (Lowell)1973City University of New York Research Foundation Grant (Number01780) for an archaeological survey of a section of the ConnecticutRiver Valley (Farmington Canal) to test its potential as a study area1968-1970University of California Paten Fund Grant for dissertation research on“Anthropological Perspectives in Historical Archaeology”MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Anthropological Association (1963 - present)Society for Historical Archaeology (1967- present)Society for American Archaeology (1959-60; 1963-present)Society for Industrial Archaeology (1970 - Founding Member)Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology (1968 - Founding Member)Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (1970 – Life Member)Society for Commercial Archaeology (1978 - Founding Member)Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (1970 – Founding Life Member)American Society for EthnohistoryAmerican Studies Association (Life Member)The Oral History AssociationSociety of Architectural HistoriansAssociation for Gravestone Studies (1977 – Founding Member)Pioneer America SocietyNew Jersey Historical SocietyVineland Historical and Antiquarian Society (Life Member)Washington County Historical Society, Utah (Life Member)Archaeological Society of Connecticut (New Haven Chapter 1957 -)Many regional, state and local archaeological and historical societiesMarch 2018 ................

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