Configuration Approach - Compensatory Time Off Plans

Item Overview:

The Compensatory Time Off Plan page is used to set up Compensatory Time Off Plans for time reporters (employees). PeopleSoft delivered expiration periods are days, months, years or never. Multiple Compensatory Time Off Plans can be established. These plans provide the ability to administer time off in lieu of pay for individual employees tied to a plan. Specific Time Reporting Codes tied to each Compensatory Time Off Plan indicate whether that code represents comp time hours that are earned or comp time hours that are used.

Menu Path:

Home / Define Business Rules / Define Time and Labor / Setup 1 / Compensatory Time Off Plan



Record Information:


|TL_COMP_TIME |Compensatory Time Off Table |This record is used to set up comp time plans for time reporters |

| | |within Time & Labor. |

|TL_COMP_TRC |Valid TRC for Comp Plan |This record contains the valid TRCs for a Compensatory Time Off |

| | |Plan. Each comp time plan is linked to one or more TRCs. |


The State of CT will establish Compensatory Time Off Plans based on the business rules and bargaining unit contract requirements. Time Reporting Codes (TRCs) will be created to report compensatory time earned and taken. Since the State envisions setting up multiple Compensatory Time Off Plans, the Default from Workgroup field on the TL Installation table will be set to “N”. The State will not allow for negative compensatory time off balances. The State will not set a cap on the number of hours in a compensatory time off plan. The State will automatically expire compensatory time based on the expiration period for a Time Reporter’s Comp Time Plan. Compensatory time off plans will be setup to facilitate the manual entry (or rules based calculation) of employees who fall into the FLSA non-exempt category and are eligible to earn comp time at the Time and one half accrual rate (an additional one half accrual for actual hours worked over 40)

In addition to establishing plans for compensatory time earned in lieu of overtime, separate Compensatory Time Off Plans will be created for holiday compensatory time banked and used. The holiday Compensatory Time Off Plan will have unique naming conventions and TRC’s that will be unique to holidays.

Compensatory Time Off Plans may also be utilized for other tracking purposes such as Governor granted time when the State is shut down and essential employees must report to work.

Information Source:

• State regulations and bargaining unit contracts

• Agency SMEs

Data Entry Method:

_______ On-Line Pages

_X___ Excel Spreadsheet

Fields on Record:




|COMP_TIME_PLAN |Compensatory Time Off Plan |A required key character field. This field will hold up to 10 upper|

| | |case characters. It will be used to name Compensatory Time Off |

| | |Plans. It is anticipated that separate Compensatory Time Off Plans|

| | |will be created to track holiday compensatory time balances and |

| | |expiration periods. The holiday plans will have naming conventions|

| | |and TRCs unique to the plan. The first letter of the Plan will |

| | |determine whether the plan is compensatory or holiday (C or H). |

|EFFDT |Effective Date |A required key date field. The value in this field defaults to the|

| | |system date. Initial load date = 01/01/1901. Effective date the|

| | |plan became Active/Inactive. |

|EFF_STATUS |Effective Status |XLT. = A (Active) or I (Inactive). A required one character upper |

| | |case field. This field defaults to “A” for active. Accept the |

| | |default. |

|EXPIRE_PER |Expiration Period |XLT. = D (Days), M (Months), N (Never), Y (Years). A required one |

| | |character upper case field. This field defaults to ‘N’ for never. |

| | |If you select Never the Number field is unavailable. The period |

| | |will be determined based on the individual plan. |

|EXPIRE_NUM |Expiration Number |A 3 digit number field. This field is enabled only if the user |

| | |selects an option other than ‘Never’ ‘N’ on the Expiration Period |

| | |field. (Example: expires in 6 months) The period will be |

| | |determined based on the individual plan. . |

|DESCR |Description |A required alternate key field of up to 30 mixed characters. This |

| | |field provides a long label to describe the Comp. Time Off Plan. |

|DESCRSHORT |Short Description |A 10 mixed character field that provides a short label to describe |

| | |the Comp Time Plan. Value defaults to the first ten character of |

| | |the TL_COMP_TIME.DESCR. This field value should be meaningful. |

|HRS_GO_POSITIVE |Limit Positive Comp Hours |‘Yes/No’ table. This is a required one character upper case field.|

| | |This field defaults to ‘N’ for no. The other value is ‘Y’ for yes.|

| | |Accept the default. |

|MAX_POS_HRS |Maximum Positive Hours Allowed |A 4 digit number field. This field is enabled only if the user |

| | |selects ‘Y’ on the Limit Positive Comp Hours field. Once the field|

| | |is enabled the user may enter the Maximum Number of Positive Hours |

| | |Allowed to accrue on a Comp Plan. If field is not enabled than Max|

| | |Positive Hours Allowed field is unavailable. |

|HRS_GO_NEGATIVE |Allow Negative Comp Hours |‘Yes/No’ table. This is a required one character upper case field.|

| | |This field defaults to ‘N’ for no. The other value is ‘Y’ for yes.|

| | |Accept the default of N. The State of Connecticut does not allow |

| | |Compensatory Time Off plans to go negative. |

|MAX_NEG_HRS |Max Negative Hours Allowed |A 4 digit number field. This field is enabled only if the user |

| | |selects ‘Y’ on the Allow Negative Comp Hours field. 9999 is |

| | |defaulted into this field. If HRS_GO_NEGATIVE is not selected, |

| | |then the numbers field is not shown. |

|TL_COMP_TRC | | |

|COMP_TIME_PLAN |Compensatory Time Off Plan |A required key character field. This field will hold up to 10 upper|

| | |case characters. It will be used to name Compensatory Time Off |

| | |Plans. |

|EFFDT |Effective Date |A required key date field. 10 digit date field. The value in this |

| | |field defaults to the system date. Initial load date = 01/01/1901.|

|TRC |Time Reporting Code |A required key character field. This field will hold up to 5 upper|

| | |case characters. Prompt Table = TL-COMPTRC_VW which uses |

| | |TL_TRC_TBL. |

|EFF_STATUS |Status As Of The Effective Date |XLT =A (Active), I (Inactive). A required one character upper case|

| | |field. This field defaults to “A” for active. Accept the default |

| | |of A. |

Dependencies and Timing:

• VALID TRC FOR COMP PLAN requires the following Prompt Tables:


• TRC Programs and TRCs must be defined prior to the creation of the data for this work unit.

Testing Considerations:

• Ensure that compensatory time TRCs work properly for earned/used.

• Additional TRCs will be set up to indicate that an employee is being paid for time that is about to expire.

• Time and one half calculations relative to FLSA compensatory hours regulations. Employee should receive additional one half time earned for actual hours worked over 40 for FLSA non-exempt employees. Create a rule to map TRC to earnings code but do not add to gross pay for FLSA non-exempt employees. Add the additional one half “time” to compensatory time accrual for the day. Please note that this work unit does not address the actual payment calculation for FLSA. This process will be accomplished through a T&L Rule.

• Default From Workgroup is set to “N”, verify that the batch and on-line comp time validation is working properly.

• Employee set up in two positions, two Workgroups, two Compensatory Time Off Plans, same TRCs common to both TRC Programs

• Employee set to two positions, two Workgroups, same Compensatory Time Off Plan

• Employee set to two positions, one Workgroup, same Compensatory Time Off Plan

• Employee set to two positions, one Workgroup, separate Compensatory Time Off Plans

• Test that the oldest comp time earned will be used first.


• Compensatory Time Off Plans will NOT be set to default to Workgroups as the State will likely have numerous comp time plans associated to labor units

• Employees can be assigned to multiple Compensatory Time Off plans if they hold positions in more than one labor unit.

• There will be labor units that have more than one type of Compensatory Time Off Plan and therefore employees will be enrolled in multiple Comp Time Plans.

• Time Reporting Codes and Compensatory time off plans will exist to facilitate the manual entry (or rules based calculation) of employees who fall into the FLSA non-exempt category and are eligible to earn comp time at the Time and one half accrual rate (an additional one half accrual for actual hours worked over 40).

• The compensatory time earned with the oldest date will be deducted first

• The State of Connecticut does not allow negative compensatory time off balances for any employees.

• The State of Connecticut will utilize the compensatory time off expiration functionality delivered by PeopleSoft for some of the plans. If the compensatory time expires, PeopleSoft will automatically remove the balance from the employee.

• TRCs need to be created that are unique to the Compensatory Time Off Plan for employees assigned to more than one Compensatory Time Off Plan.

• An employee working in multiple jobs cannot have one Comp Time Plan from which both jobs can be drawn/earned from. If applicable a Comp Time Plan will be associated to each job.

|Revision: |

|Date: |

|Comments: |

|Name: |

|Changes Needed: |

| |

|Reasons: |

Input Provided By:

|Name |Title, Department |

|Claudia Rodriguez (01/03/2002) |Accenture, Core-CT, T&L Team |

|Dottie Enos |DMR, Time and Labor |

|Lee Stolzman |T&L Team Lead |

| | |


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