Haines City Senior High School: Lesson Plans

|Petal Elementary School: Lesson Plans |

|Teacher: McDonald Grade: 3rd Weeks of: Feb. 1—March 11 (6 week lesson) |

|Subject/Unit “Paper-Making , Color Wheel Sculpture, and Illuminated Manuscripts” |

|Lesson Objectives(s) |Leveled Student “I CAN” Statements |Vocabulary Words (or Vocabulary |

|Unit Visual Art Objectives |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |Phrases) |

| |I can increase understanding and use of unique properties and potential of | |

|Apply with increasing skills a variety of media, processes, and images to produce works of art that |media, materials, and technologies while producing works of art. (1d) |Art Specific |

|communicate ideas. (CP) |I can know the importance of recycling, conserving, and sharing art |Elements of Art |

|Utilize democratic process to select content, media, and methods while creating group projects. |materials. (1f) |Principles of Design |

|Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner. |I can know that science and social studies share concepts with visual arts |Organic vs. Geometric |

|Develop increased manipulative skills while cutting, gluing, folding, drawing, and painting. |(12b). |Aesthetic |

|Increase understanding and use of unique properties and potential of media, materials, and |I can identify the roles of artists from various cultures, times, and places |Texture |

|technologies while producing works of art. |(6a) and discuss artwork using art vocabulary, including names of artists, |Field Design vs. Figure-Ground Design|

|Understand the importance of cleaning tools and work area. |and styles of art. (4a) |Commercial Art |

|Know the importance of recycling, conserving, and sharing art materials. |I can discuss artwork using the principles of design. (4b) |Art as Hobby (crafting, scrapbooking)|

| |I can identify the ways that artists contribute to the school environment |Illuminated Letters |

|Demonstrate and increasing understanding of the use of the elements and principles of design through |(6b), recognize the effect of art in the home and the community (6c), and |Illuminated Manuscripts |

|media and processes to communicate ideas, actions, and emotions. (CP) |know how artists affect the community in which they live. (6d) |embellishment |

|Know primary and secondary colors on the color wheel. |I can know examples of various careers that require art training. (11b) | |

|Know how to select line quality to match purpose or feeling. |I can recognize that life experiences influence the creation of artworks | |

|Demonstrate thoughtful, selective use of elements and principles of art to achieve a purpose. |(8a), identify personal and cultural factors that influence an artist’s work |Other Enrichment Vocabulary/Concepts |

|Know differences between two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional forms. |(8b), and explain how time periods in which works are created affect the |recycling |

| |characteristics of those works. (8c) |conservation |

|Know how to use various media, techniques, and processes to create different effects in works of art.| |physical changes and chemical changes|

|(CP) |Week 1 “I CAN” Statements--Social Studies |of matter |

|Demonstrate ability to choose techniques, media, and processes to achieve intended effect. |I can describe how human activities alter the environment. (1b) |paper mill |

|Recognize various subjects, media, and techniques chosen by the artist in a specific work of art. |I can identify student responsibilities at home, school, and community. (1f) |papyrus |

|Know which colors are used to evoke certain emotional responses (e.g., cool colors, warm colors). |I can explain the purpose of rules and laws and why they are important to a |Papermaking Vocabulary |

| |community (e.g. recycling). (3d) | |

|Understand and use visual arts vocabulary to make judgments while creating and studying works of art.| | |

|(CA) |Week 1 “I CAN” Statements--Science | |

|Discuss artwork using art vocabulary, including names of artists, and styles of art. |I can distinguish between harmful and helpful human actions on the | |

|Discuss artwork in relation to design principles. |environment. (1 b) | |

| |I can describe methods to prevent pollution of the environment. (1c) | |

|Understand the importance of artists in different cultures, times, and places. (HC) |I can identify chemical changes and physical changes in matter (5ab) and | |

|Indentify the roles of artists from various cultures, times, and places. |demonstrate physical changes. (5b) | |

|Indentify the ways that artists contribute to the school environment. | | |

|Recognize the effect of art in the home and the community. |Weeks 2 and 3 (Feb. 8—Feb. 21) | |

|Know how artists affect the community in which they live (e.g., architects, commercial artists, |I can use democratic processes to select content, media, and methods while | |

|muralists, industrial designers, landscape architects). |creating group projects (1a) and can demonstrate thoughtful, selective use of| |

| |elements of art and principles of design. (2d) | |

|Know common subject matter, forms, and symbols found in works of art and design from other cultures, |I can use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner (1b) and | |

|times, and places. (HC, CA) |can understand the importance of cleaning tools and my work area. (1e) | |

|Indentify subject matter in works of art and design found in selected cultures, times, and places. |I can demonstrate the ability to choose techniques and processes to create | |

|Identify symbols in works of art and design found in selected cultures, times, and places. |handmade paper (3a). | |

|Identify forms in works of art and design found in selected cultures, times, and places. |I can know the primary and secondary colors on the color wheel (2a) and can | |

| |know which of those colors are used to evoke certain emotional responses | |

|Understand that artwork reflects the time and culture in which it was created. (HC) |(e.g., cool colors, warm colors). (3c) | |

|Recognize that life experiences influence the creation of works of art. | | |

|Identify personal and cultural factors that influence an artist’s work. |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) | |

|Explain how time periods in which works are created affect the characteristics of those works. |I can know differences between 2D shapes and 3D forms. (2e) | |

| |I can increase understanding and use of unique properties and potential of | |

|Recognize that visual art concepts and skills are integrated in other subject areas for use in |media and materials while cutting, gluing, and drawing. (1cd) | |

|everyday life. |I can identify the roles of artists from various cultures, times, and places | |

|Know examples of various careers that require art training. |(6a) and discuss artwork using art vocabulary, including names of artists, | |

| |and styles of art. (4a) | |

|Begin to understand ways that major concepts and technologies of the visual arts relate to those in |I can know examples of various careers that require art training. (11b) | |

|the arts and other disciplines. (C) |I can explain how time periods in which works are created affect the | |

|Know that math, language arts, social studies, and science share concepts with the visual arts (e.g.,|characteristics of those works. (8c) | |

|patterns in visual arts and math). | | |

| |Week 5 and 6 (March 1—March 11) | |

|Unit Social Studies Objectives |I can increase understanding and use of unique properties and potential of | |

|Develop an understanding of community/local government in relationship to the expanding horizon theme|media and materials while cutting, gluing, and drawing. (1cd) | |

|(C, H, G, E) | | |

|b. Describe how human activities alter the environment. | | |

|f. Identify student responsibilities at home, school, and community. | | |

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|Acquire the characteristics to be a responsible citizen in the United States. (C, H, G, E) | | |

|Explain the purpose of rules and laws and why they are important to a community (e.g. recycling) | | |

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|Unit Science Objectives | | |

|Investigate the interactions of objects and organisms. (L,E) | | |

|b. Distinguish between harmful and helpful human actions on the environment. | | |

|c. Describe methods to prevent pollution of the environment. | | |

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|Examine changes in matter. (P) | | |

|Identify chemical changes. | | |

|Identify and demonstrate physical changes. | | |

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|Instructional Strategies |Formative Assessment Strategies |Summative Assessments |Thinking Maps & Organizers |Materials & Resources |

|(HOOK to engage student |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |Weeks 2and 3 (Feb. 8—Feb. |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |

|(MODELING by teacher |Discussion/Dialogue: Pp “W1 PaperMaking” |21) |None |Pp “W1 PaperMaking” (see attached) |

|(WHOLE Group | |Final Class Art Critiques | |Paper-Making Vocabulary Sheets for all students |

|(SMALL Group |Weeks 2 and 3 (Feb. 8—Feb. 21) |of finished handmade |Weeks 2 (Feb. 8—Feb. 14) |Teacher’s examples of handmade paper |

|(Individual /ONE-on-ONE |Informally assess students to determine how well students |paper. |Show/Discuss Color Wheel Charts | |

|(Similarities & Differences |remember the primary and secondary colors from class |Pp “W3 SBT 3rd Written |As a whole class activity, students |Weeks 2 (Feb. 8—Feb. 14) |

|(Reinforcing/Recognition |discussions and from their use of these colors while |Response” (see attached) |will fill out a handout that displays |Paper-Making Materials/Tools |

|(Cooperative Learning |painting their Walter Anderson Watercolor designs. | |a blank color wheel chart. |Color Wheel Posters |

|(Setting Objectives |Observe/Dialogue with students as they work in groups to |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) | |Blank Color Wheel Chart handouts |

|(Providing Reinforcement |follow the appropriate steps to create their handmade |SBT: Students will work |Week 3 (Feb. 15—Feb. 21) | |

|(Generating Hypotheses |paper. |independently to fill out |TM: Flow Map |Week 3 (Feb. 15—Feb. 21) |

|(Testing Hypotheses | |a blank color wheel chart.|This SBT written response assignment |Paper-Making Materials/Tools |

|(QUESTIONING & Cues |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) | |serves as a summative assessment |Color Wheel Posters |

|(ORGANIZERS |Observe students as the fill in the color wheel chart own | |measure of the Paper-Making Process of|Pp: “W3 SBT Written Response” |

|(Increased TIME for |their own. |Weeks 5 and 6 (March |the Unit. Students will create a flow|Color Wheel poster |

|struggling learners |Discussion/Dialogue: Pp “W4 Illuminated Manuscripts” |1—March 11) |map that shows the steps of making | |

|(INTERVENTION (one-on-one support as | |Assess student to see if |paper. |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) |

|needed with ELL students and struggling |Week 5 (March 1—March 7) |he/she create an | |Pp: “W4 Illuminated Manuscript” |

|students) |Observe/Dialogue with students as they create their |aesthetically pleasing |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) |Examples of Monograms |

| |monograms on their handmade paper. |illuminated letter. |Sum. Assessment: Fill out a blank |Pp: “W4 Summative Assessment Color Wheel” |

| | | |color wheel chart. |Blank color wheel handout |

| |Week 6 (March 8—March 11) | | | |

| |Observe/Dialogue with students as they create/finish their| |Weeks 5 and 6 (March 1—March 11) |Weeks 5 and 6 (March 1—March 11) |

| |monograms on their handmade paper. | |Use color wheel charts to design |Examples of Monogram illustration |

| |Observe/Dialogue with students as the design their book | |illuminated letter and book marks. |Paper-Making piece of paper EFA: Book Mark (small|

| |marks using only intermediate colors on the color wheel. | | |piece of hand-made paper) |

| | | | |Crayons and Markers |

| |Guiding Questions |Whole Group Instruction |Small Group/Individual Practice |Differentiation/Centers |Sketchbook Time |

| | | | | |(Bell Work) |

|Weeks 1-5 |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |Week 1(Feb. 1—Feb. 7) |

| |Discussion/Dialogue/Guiding Questions: Pp “W1 |Discussion/Dialogue/Guiding Questions: Pp “W1 |Individual: glue Pp handout “W1 |Advanced students can enrich the big |SBT: (towards end of class) |

| |PaperMaking” |PaperMaking” |PaperMaking Vocab” |group discussion about the influence of | |

| |How many examples of paper can you find in your| | |the Egyptian and Chinese cultures’ |Weeks 2 (Feb. 8—Feb. 14) |

| |classroom and at home? |Weeks 2 (Feb. 8—Feb. 14) |Weeks 2 (Feb. 8—Feb. 14) |influences on the paper-making process |Students will glue blank |

| |How many pounds of paper do you think an |Discussion/Dialogue: Observe color wheel |Individual: fill out handout |and about the benefits of recycling. |color wheel charts in their |

| |average American uses each year? |charts. Distinguish between primary and |pertaining to the location of primary | |sketchbooks. During a whole |

| |Describe several ways that Americans use paper.|secondary colors. Distinguish between warm |and secondary colors on the color |Weeks 2 and 3 (Feb. 8—Feb. 21) |class discussion, students |

| |From what raw material does paper come? |colors and cool colors. |wheel chart, as well as the |During the discussion of the color |will fill out these charts |

| |Where does paper get its name? |Teacher Models Paper-Making Process |identification of the warm and cool |wheel, students will be introduced to |locating the primary and |

| |Paper can be chemically altered by pressure |Discussion/Dialogue of paper-making process |colors. Glue charts in sketchbooks. |the intermediate colors, as well as |secondary colors, as well as |

| |cooking it, but it can also be physically | |Small Group/ Individual: |their location on a color wheel. |identifying the intermediate |

| |changed. Can you explain some physical changes|Week 3 (Feb. 15—Feb. 21) |Work with group members at their |Since students are multi-ability |colors. |

| |that pulp undergoes as it goes through the |Discussion/Dialogue of paper-making process |tables to create their own sheets of |grouped, advanced students should be | |

| |process to become paper? |Discussion/Dialogue: Pp “W3 SBT 3rd Written |handmade paper. Students must take |able to act as peer helpers in their |Week 3 (Feb. 15—Feb. 21) |

| |Hypothesize how many times you think a single |Response” |turns and share responsibilities to |small groups to encourage creativity |Pp “W3 SBT 3rd Written |

| |sheet of paper can be recycled? | |make the paper-making process |from lower level students. |Response (see attached) |

| | |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) |efficient and successful. |Struggling learners will be given | |

| |Weeks 2 (Feb. 8—Feb. 14) |Discuss W4 Summative Assessment. Since | |one-on-one help/interventions, and |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) |

| |Color Wheel Questions |students will most likely forgot to include at |Week 3 (Feb. 15—Feb. 21) |higher-level students will be |SBT: Blank Color Wheel Charts|

| |Guiding questions |least one important step of the paper-making |Small Group/ Individual: Work in |challenged. | |

| | |process, discussion will be focused on how |groups to create their own sheets of | | |

| |Week 3 (Feb. 15—Feb. 21) |important it is for one to follow each step |handmade paper. They will take turns |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) |Weeks 5 and 6 (March 1—March |

| |Guiding questions |correctly. Furthermore, students will be |and share responsibilities to make the|Advanced students can enrich the big |7) |

| |SBT assignment |encouraged to explain some challenges they |paper-making process efficient and |group discussion about the information |SBT: Each student will glue |

| | |personally faced with certain steps of the |successful. |discussed during Pp “W4 Illuminated |his/her completed |

| |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) |paper-making process. |Individual: Pp “W3 SBT Written |Manuscripts.” |illuminated letter on |

| |What is an embellishment? |Pp: “W4 Illuminated Manuscript” |Response” |Early Finishers of the Summative |handmade paper to the front |

| |The term, Illumination comes from the term |Discussion/Dialogue: Examples of Monogram | |Assessment worked on their “I can be |of sketchbook. |

| |Illuminate, or to fill with light. This effect |illustration |Week 4 (Feb. 22—Feb. 28) |successful in the Art Studio” | |

| |is achieved with the application of gold leaf | |Individual: SBT Blank Color Wheel |illustrations that they began at the | |

| |to the letters and images, which reflect light |Weeks 5 and 6 (March 1—March 11) |Chart |beginning of the year or worked on their| |

| |and appear to glow…..What other things reflect |Discussion/Dialogue of in-progress and final | |Nameplate designings. | |

| |light and illuminate as does the gold leaf |illuminated letter designs during informal art |Week 5 (March 1—March 7) | | |

| |applied to the letters? |critiques |Individual: begin working on |Weeks 5 and 6(March 1—March 11) | |

| |Of the three people (the parchmenter, the | |illuminated letter design. |Struggling learners will be given | |

| |scribe, and the illuminator) involved in the | | |one-on-one help/interventions, and | |

| |creation of illuminations, which job do you | |Week 6 (March 8—March 11) |higher-level students will be | |

| |think that you would most enjoy? Justify your | |Individual: complete illuminated |challenged. | |

| |reasoning. | |letter design and then work on Early |Advanced students will be encouraged to | |

| |Do you see illuminated letters anywhere in your| |Finisher Assignment of designing the |enrich and expand upon their | |

| |daily life? | |handmade book mark with only |manipulative skills of tools and | |

| | | |intermediate colors. |materials, as well be creative while | |

| |Weeks 5 and 6 (March 1—March 11) | | |creating their illuminated letter. | |

| |Since students will spend the majority of class| | |EFA: Design your handmade bookmark | |

| |time working independently to create their | | |using only intermediate colors. | |

| |illuminated letters of their monogram and/or | | | | |

| |working on their Early-Finisher Assignment of | | | | |

| |the Book Mark, guiding questions will be | | | | |

| |derived only after formative | | | | |

| |assessment/observations and individual | | | | |

| |conferences occur. | | | | |


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