Internet Marketing Sales Funnel Understanding an Internet ...

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Understanding an Internet Marketing Sales Funnel

Before we can help you acquire leads for your business, you must understand how an internet marketing sales funnel works.

The flow diagram to the right is a very good visual display of how a funnel will be used to acquire and market your leads on the internet.

Internet Marketing Sales Funnel

A typical Internet Marketing Sales Funnel will begin with targeted traffic (leads) flowing to the cPage (capture page) / Squeeze Page. Targeted traffic could be coming from all different sources, some even at the same time. Later in this document we list various traffic sources for internet marketing leads.

This same sales funnel will work for many different types of leads: for example - internet marketing, affiliate marketing, MLM (multi level marketing), MMO, etc. In fact if we were going to market a dating service, weight loss product etc. we would use the same process flow.

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Capture / Squeeze Page

Your cPage / Squeeze Page will be used to capture the targeted leads. The fields "Name, Email and maybe even a Phone Number" will be requested on the form. The less information you ask for the higher the opt-in conversion will be. So a cPage with only an email will typically convert better then asking for Name, Email and Phone Number. In some funnels all three will be required. When creating a cPage giving less information about the offer, will convert better.

Background pictures related to the offer usually work well. i.e. lifestyle, heath fitness, saving time and money, etc. You page should only be the size of an average display screen. Never have important information below the fold (meaning you have to scroll to see something.) Video on your cPage are usually not recommended. Acquire the lead and then tell them more with a video / sales page.

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When you affiliate (sell someone else's products) for other companies they often have a cPage you can use. Typically when you do this, they are capturing the lead not you. Also if it's a popular product too many people already saw that cPage.

So we recommend creating a custom cPage or purchase a tool to help you build your own cPages. If you do this, you will also need a hosting account so you have a place on the internet to host your cPage. See the Resources section below to help you with cPages and hosting.

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When a potential lead see's your cPage they do one of two things. They exit the page or they fill out the form and opt in. If they exit the page, we often add in an exit pop to either show them another opt in form or bring them to the offer without an opt in. This way you still have a chance to collect the lead or get a sale.

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Once they opt in we made our first conversion and added them to our marketing list. At the exact same time they are brought to our offer (Sales video or sales page). If the like our One Time Offer (OTO) they might purchase it. This would be called an initial purchase. They would have clicked on a button bringing them to our payment processor. Depending on if it's our product or some else`s would determine how quickly we get paid in our bank account.

Since we now know that we have a buyer in our sales funnel we will probably offer them an up-sell of some type. This upsell would typically be a higher priced product or a continuity product. A continuity product would be a product with a recurring monthly fee -maybe to a membership site. So in this case they make and initial buy of a $27 product and a $9.95 monthly subscription to our membership site.

Now let keep in mind depending on the product only 1-6% of the leads we capture will initially buy. Most people it will take 5 ? 7 looks at something for them to buy. That's ok because we captured that information on all of our leads. We identified they are in our list. Let's better define what the list is all about.

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Building Your List

You have probably heard the list is everything in internet marketing. Yes, it is very important, every one of your subscribers has a value on average. So one of your main goals, in addition to getting initial sales, is to add subscribers to your list.

You are going to need to purchase an auto-responder (Aweber, Get Response, GVO, etc). This will be your hub to capture subs (subscribers) and market them automatically. So if we are marketing a Clickbank Product we are going to make a clickbank list in your auto responder. The list will have a form (name and email) and that will be tied to your cPage. So when someone enters their name and email in the form on your cPage, the lead is captured in your Clickbank list in your auto-responder.

Now I've already told you it often takes 5-7 looks at an offer before someone buys. So next you are going to need to create follow-up emails inside your auto-responder to continue to market this person on this offer, for the next 10 days or so to help convince them they really need our Clickbank product. Inside the follow-up emails we will include more information about the product, what it can do for them and why they must have it. Sometimes we will bring them back to the sales video or the sales page and other times we will bring them right to an order page. See Resources section below to help you with auto-responders.

Our goal is to market them to help them to acquire our product. It's always a good idea to give valuable content in some of the emails and not always try to sell something to your sub. At some point you will decide they do not want to buy this product and you will then market them another product.

As an internet marketer it always a good idea to have multiple products you can offer to your subs. We would also recommend either tagging your buyers or moving them to a different list so you can market to them differently. Meaning you already know they spend money.

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Your Online Traffic Authority

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Copyright ? 2015 One Team, LLC

Driving Traffic

Now that you understand an internet marketing sales funnel, we need to look into acquiring targeted traffic and turn them into intial sales and leads. The big plus here is that if they do not initially buy, your follow-up email campaign and or broadcast message emails will continue to try to sell them on your offer. And if they do not, you can promote a differnt offer to them. There are many, many places we can go to find and drive targeted traffic to our sales funnel. Some traffic solutions will be faster and mire targeted then others. It's always a great idea to use more then one traffic source. Once you master your first type of traffic, learn another traffic source and master it. Keep learning and you and your business will grow every day.

Some of the top traffic choices are listed below.

? Solo Ads - A "Solo Ad" is an ad which is sent out to subscribers of a list. In other words, it's like a special email which simply contains a single ad. So if you have a small list and you want to find new customers this is the fastest and usually the most profitable way to get online leads and sales.

? Facebook PPC - Many internet marketers use Facebook to advertise their business, products or services. One of the easiest ways is to use Facebook Ads. These PPC (Pay Per Click) ads appear on the right side of your Facebook page. Once clicked by the person interested in the ad they will be immediately directed to a Facebook fan page, a website, a capture page, webinar etc. The advertiser wants you to go to see their sales or information page to help sell their business, products or services.

? Search Engine - Pay per click search engine marketing puts your Web site within reach of anyone who uses the search engines you register with (Google, Bing, Yahoo etc). An offshoot of pay per click search engine marketing is content-placement service. These services match your ad to Web sites that promote similar services.

? YouTube - One of the most effective ways of generating search engine traffic is creating YouTube videos that are related to your niche. YouTube ranks highly in search engines. If your video is about a topic that thousands of people are searching for, your video could be viewed thus creating leads.

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? CraigsList / Backpage - Small businesses both online and off are realizing the marketing power of . Founded in 1996 by Craig Newmark, gets an estimated 64 million unique visitors per day. With an online classified ads format organized by either region or city, Craigslist connects buyers and sellers in more than 300 communities; for the most part, posting on the site is free. Internet marketers use both free and paid advertising. Backpage is similar to Craiglist, but its smaller only about 3 million visitors a day.

? Banners - A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web delivered by an ad server. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser. Web banners function the same way as traditional advertisements are intended to function: notifying consumers of the product or service and presenting reasons why the consumer should choose the product

? Social Media ? This is a very effective way to meet new potential customers. Using either a manual messaging approach or automated posting approach leads that can be acquired are endless. Social media platforms like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc. are the most obvious initial choices.

? Offline Marketing - Can be a very effective way to market with using the internet to locate potential customers. Some examples that are still effective are Direct Mail, Magazine ads, church bulletins, billboards, radio, TV etc. Typically more expensive, but can be much more targeted.

? PPV Traffic (pay-per view) - And this is not the same and renting a UFC event on cable or satellite TV. PPV Traffic creates pop ups in front of other marketers traffic. It's kind of like legal spyware. PPV networks offer free software, web tools and apps to users who agree to receive keyword and URL targeted advertising. User of the networks can stop at anytime receiving the ads, but then they need to stop using the free software and tools. Its 100 legitimate and permission based. Basically we target other marketers keywords and URL and we pop up our opt in / ad forms in front. Instead a pay dollars like when using Google ad words per click, we pay 1-2 cents per view. You need a little more capital to start but you can acquire leads at 20 cents each if done properly.

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Our report has already identified that Solo Ads will be the fastest traffic method to get results as far acquiring Leads and Sales for your offers.

Check out My-Solo-

Lots of Happy Customers are a great way to tell if the solo provider you are choosing is top notch.

Get The Tools You Need To Start Earning

We have put together this small resources section in this document to help you with some of the tools needed to market your on-line business.

? Acquiring URL's (Domain Names) We like to use GoDaddy to acquire all of our URL's . Using one company makes it easier to manage all of your URL's in one place. Use this link to get better discounts / specials with GoDaddy for domain names. They also Offer a great hosting service, but we prefer Hostgator.

? Capture Pages Being able to capture your own lead and test different capture pages is VERY Important. An alternative to creating a completely custom coded page, is to use Landing Page Monkey.

? Auto-Responder The internet's most powerful email opt-in service and email marketing/ broadcasting tool. This is what I use to build my email list. Highly Recommended. Use this link to get better discounts / specials with Aweber. Your first month will only be $1.

? Hosting The majority of our websites are hosted on Hostgator. Easy to use, 1-click automatic WordPress installation, and excellent customer service. Highly recommended for your first site. Use this link to get better discounts / specials with Hostgator.

If you are looking for many more resources that entrepreneurs need everyday go to our "Entrepreneur Resources" page on the net.

Also if you are looking for professional services (coaching, training, graphics and web design) for your on-line or off line business check out our "Services" page on the net.

Copyright ? 2015 One Team, LLC

Your Online Traffic Authority

For Marketers


Above the Fold ? The part of the page you can see without scrolling down or over. The exact amount of space will vary by viewer because of screen settings. You often pay a premium for advertisement placements above the fold, which will add to the costs of internet marketing services, but may also add to results.

Auto Responder ? This is where your marketing lists reside. You can have lists for each funnel you promote if promoting more than one. The list will allow you to create forms that are embedded in your capture page to allow the new opt in to go to the associated list. A follow up email campaign can also be created to send email to your leads to help convince them to get your product or service. Another type of email is called a broadcast message. The broadcast message is a one time message to your list vs a follow-up message that happens via a schedule.

Capture Page This is web form that is used to capture the lead in a sales funnel. You will be trying to get them to opt in to your associated marketing list. The potential customer will be prompted to enter at minimum an email address and potentially a name and phone number. The capture page will typically have a heading and sub heading to entice the potential customer to opt in. Sometimes a video is used on this page, but less is better to achieve maximum opt in conversions. Capture pages can be part of the system you are promoting. It is recommend that you use your own capture page that you either create with a tool, a plug in or a custom using html. Other terms that are used for a capture page - cPage/ Squeeze Page / Lead Page

Conversion Rate ? This statistic, or metric, tells you what percentage of people is converting (really!). The definition of "conversion" depends upon your goals and measurements. It could mean a sign up for free information, a completed survey, a purchase made, or other.

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