FS & KS1 Overview of Key Skills







Year 1 objectives covered

Year 2 objectives covered

Year 3 objectives covered

Year 4 objectives covered

Year 5 objectives covered

Year 6 objectives covered


Year 1

|Where I live | |

|Seasonal change & Weather - how the seasons and weather affect people. | |

|Features of hot and cold places, People who live in hot and cold countries- Antarctica & Spain | |

Year 2

• a small area of the UK and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country- How does Seaham compare to Turkey?

• use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.

Year 3

|Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis - The power of the Earth | |

|Map work- Key features locality using a map & Changes over time – human geography | |

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Year 4

|UK City Study - Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/ computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied- Newcastle or Sunderland | |

|River Study and City locations - Settlements, land use, economic activity, including natural resources, especially water supplies.- Tyne or Wear | |

|European Country - holiday destination & famous cities- Italy. Know countries make up European union | |

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|Year 5 | |

|Rivers & Trade- Amazon | |

|Mountains and hills: Lake District & Map land use | |

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|Year 6 | |

|North and South America- biomes and vegetation belts | |

|Coastal study- Physical features | |

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• Mapping skills and fieldwork

|Year 1 |Geographical Enquiry |

| |Say what they like about my locality. |

| |Sort things they like and don’t like. |

| |Answer some questions using different resources, such as books, the internet and atlases. |

| |Think of a few relevant questions to ask about a locality. |

| |Answer questions about the weather. |

| |Keep a weather chart and know and recognise main weather symbols. |

| |Physical |

| |Know their address. |

| |Explain the main features of a hot and cold place. |

| |Describe a locality using words and pictures. |

| |Explain how the weather changes with each season and which is the hottest and coldest in the UK. |

| |Name key features associated with a town or village, e.g. ‘church’, ‘farm’, ‘shop’, ‘house’ and know the main differences between city, town and |

| |village. |

| |Human |

| |Explain why they would wear different clothes at different times of the year. |

| |Talk about the people who live in hot and cold places. |

| |Explain what they might wear if they lived in a very hot or a very cold place |

| |Geographical Knowledge |

| |Identify the four countries making up the United Kingdom and the three main seas that surround it. |

| |Name some of the main towns and cities in the United Kingdom. |

| |Know where the equator, north pole and south pole are on a globe or atlas. |

|Year 2 |Geographical Enquiry |

| |Label a diagram or photograph using some geographical words. |

| |Find out about a locality by using different sources of evidence. |

| |Find out about a locality by asking some relevant questions to someone else. |

| |Say what they like and don’t like about my locality and another locality like the seaside. |

| |Physical |

| |Describe some physical features of my own locality. |

| |Explain what makes a locality special. |

| |Describe some places which are not near the school. |

| |Describe a place outside Europe using geographical words. |

| |Know the difference between a place in England and a small place in a non-European county. |

| |Describe some of the features associated with an island. |

| |Identify and describe the key features of a place: lake, river, beach, coast, forest, hill, mountain, ocean, valley. |

| |Human |

| |Describe some human features of my own locality, such as the jobs people do. |

| |Explain how the jobs people do may be different in different parts of the world. |

| |Talk about the positive and negative impact humans have on an area. |

| |Explain what facilities a town or village might need |

| |Explain the advantages and disadvantages of living in a city or village. |

| |Geographical Knowledge |

| |Name the continents of the world and find them in an atlas. |

| |Name the world’s oceans and find them in an atlas. |

| |Name the major cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. |

| |Find where they live on a map of the UK. |

| |Know and use the terminologies: left and right; below, next to |

|Year 3 |Geographical Enquiry |

| |Use correct geographical words to describe a place and the events that happen there. |

| |Identify key features of a locality by using a map. |

| |Use maps to locate European countries and capitals. |

| |Use 4 figure grid references. |

| |Accurately plot NSEW on a map. |

| |Use some basic OS map symbols. |

| |Make accurate measurement of distances within 100Km. |

| |Physical |

| |Use maps and atlases appropriately by using contents and indexes. |

| |Label the different parts of a volcano. |

| |Describe how volcanoes are created. |

| |Describe how earthquakes are created. |

| |Describe physical features in a locality. |

| |Know and name the 8 points of the compass (N,NW, W, S, SW, SE, E, NE) |

| |Human |

| |Describe how volcanoes have an impact on people’s lives. |

| |Describe human features in a locality. |

| |Explain why a locality has certain human features. |

| |Explain why a place is like it is. |

| |Geographical Knowledge |

| |Name and locate at least six cities in England. |

| |Name four countries in the Northern Hemisphere and four in the Southern Hemisphere. |

| |Locate and name some of the world’s most famous volcanoes. |

|Year 4 |Geographical Enquiry |

| |Carry out a survey to discover features of cities and villages. |

| |Find the same place on a globe and in an atlas. |

| |Label the same features on an aerial photograph as on a map. |

| |Plan a journey to a place in England using a road map. |

| |Accurately measure and collect information (e.g. rainfall, temperature, wind speed, noise levels etc.). |

| |Physical |

| |Describe the main features of a well-known city. |

| |Describe the main features of a village. |

| |Describe the main physical differences between cities and villages. |

| |Use appropriate symbols to represent different physical features on a map. |

| |Know and label the main features of a river. |

| |Know the name of and locate a number of the world’s longest rivers. |

| |Know the names of the world’s highest mountains. |

| |Explain the features of the water cycle. |

| |Locate the Mediterranean and explain why it is a popular holiday destination. |

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| |Human |

| |Explain why people are attracted to live in cities. |

| |Explain why people may choose to live in a village rather than a city. |

| |Know why most cities are located by a river. |

| |Explain how a locality has changed over time with reference to human features. |

| |Find different views about an environmental issue. What is my view. |

| |Suggest different ways that a locality could be changed and improved |

| |Know at least five difference between living in the UK and a Mediterranean country. |

| |Geographical Knowledge |

| |Know where the Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn and the Greenwich Meridian are on a world map. |

| |Know what is meant by the term ‘tropics’ |

| |Know the difference between the British Isles, Great Britain and UK. |

| |Know the countries that make up the European Union. |

| |Name up to six cities in the UK and locate them on a map. |

| |Locate and name some of the main islands that surround the UK. |

| |Name the areas of origin of the main ethnic groups in the UK & in my school. |

| |Know the names od and locate at least eight major capital cities across the world. |

| |Know where the main mountain ranges are in the UK. |

| |Know, name and locate the main rivers in the UK. |

| |Name and locate at least eight European countries. |

| |Name and locate the capital cities of neighbouring European countries. |

| |Aware of different weather in different parts of the world, especially Europe |

|Year 5 |Geographical Enquiry |

| |Collect information about a place and use it in a report. |

| |Map land use. |

| |Find possible answers to my own geographical questions. |

| |Make detailed sketches and plans; improving my accuracy later. |

| |Plan a journey to a place in another part of the world, taking account of distance and time. |

| |Know how to use graphs to record features such as temperature or rainfall across the world. |

| |Use Google Earth to locate a country or place of interest and follow the journey of rivers etc |

| |Physical |

| |Explain why many cities of the world are situated by rivers. |

| |Explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to physical features. |

| |Explain how the water cycle works. |

| |Explain why water is such a valuable commodity. |

| |Label layers of a rainforest and know what deforestation is. |

| |Human |

| |Explain why people are attracted to live by rivers. |

| |Explain how a location fits into its wider geographical location; with reference to human and economical features. |

| |Describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to my physical features. |

| |Explain what a place might be like in the future, taking account of issues impacting on human features. |

| |Geographical Knowledge |

| |Know the names of a number of European capitals. |

| |Name and locate many of the world’s major rivers on maps. |

| |Name and locate many of the world’s most famous mountain regions on maps. |

|Year 6 |Geographical Enquiry |

| |Explain scale and use maps with a range of scales. |

| |Choose the best way to collect information needed and decide the most appropriate units of measure. |

| |Make careful measurements and use the data. |

| |Use OS maps to answer questions and know what most OS symbols stand for. |

| |Use maps, aerial photos, plans and web resources to describe what a locality might be like. |

| |Physical |

| |Give extended descriptions of the physical features of different places around the world. |

| |Describe how some places are similar and others are different in relation to my human features. |

| |Know what is meant by biomes and what are the features of a specific biome. |

| |Accurately use a six figure grid reference. |

| |Create sketch maps when carrying out a field study |

| |Human |

| |Give an extended description of the human features of different places around the world. |

| |Map land use with my own criteria. |

| |Geographical Knowledge |

| |Recognise key symbols used on ordnance survey maps. |

| |Identify and name the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as well as the Arctic and Antarctic circles. |

| |Explain how the time zones work. |

| |Locate the USA and Canada on a world map and atlas. |

| |Locate and name a number of South or North American countries. |

| |Know key differences between living in the UK and in a country in either North or South America. |


Year 1

• Local history- What has changed in Sulgrave? Significant event: Remembrance Day

• Significant people from history- Princess Diana & Mary Seacole /Rosa Parks

• Changes within living memory: When my great grandparents were young – toys

Year 2

• Significant person from the local area: Joseph Swan/rebel women from the local area

• Significant historical events- people and places in their own locality- Great Fire of London & Newcastle

• Significant people from Britain or abroad- Neil Armstrong & black women astronauts

• Changes and events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally- 1950’s- What was it like when the queen came to the throne?

Year 3

• Local History - A study of Local History taking account of a period of history that shaped the locality.- Mining

• Stone Age to the Iron Age, including: Hunter gatherers, Early farming, Bronze Age, and Iron Age

• Early Civilizations - Ancient Egyptians

Year 4

• The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain – Invasion and revolt –significant people including Julius Caesar and Boudica, look at changes in the region, and Romanisation of Britain

• A Study of an aspect or theme in British history, beyond 1066 – the Victorians. Include Britain’s influence on the wider world

Year 5

• Anglo Saxons - Settlements and kingdoms, first King of England, changes in trade, art and culture and Christianity conversion

• Ancient Greece - A study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world

• A Study of an aspect or theme in British history, beyond 1066 – significant events leading up to VE day.

Year 6

• A non-European society - Mayan Civilization. Society, trade, discovery and religion

• The Vikings and Anglo-Saxon struggles, including: Viking raids and invasion, Alfred the Great, Viking invasions and Danegeld, Anglo-Saxons law and justice and Edward the Confessor

|Year 1 |Chronological Understanding |

| |Sequence events, objects and people in chronological order on a time line. |

| |Sequence 3 or 4 artefacts from distinctly different periods of time. |

| |Use words that describe the passing of time: old, new, before, now, then, after, later and a long time ago, past, present. |

| |Historical knowledge |

| |Key Concepts: Continuity and change, similarities and difference, cause and consequence, significance of events/people |

| |Identify similarities and differences between aspects of their life and the life of people in the period being studied. |

| |Identify similarities and differences between old and new objects. |

| |Recount episodes from a familiar story set in the past. |

| |Name a person who was significant and explain what they contributed to national achievements. |

| |Name a person from a place close to where they live who was significant and explain what they contributed to national achievements. |

| |Know how the lives/actions of significant individuals changed from earlier to later in life. |

| |Know how a significant event affected people from their own locality. |

| |Know how the locality has changed and stayed the same. |

| |Recognise that we celebrate certain events, such as bonfire night, because of what happened many years ago. |

| |Understand that we have a queen who rules us and that Britain has had a king or queen for many years. |

| |Interpretations of History |

| |Identify some of the ways we find out about the past: pictures, photographs, accounts, videos, stories. |

| |Compare adults talking about the past and consider how reliable are their memories? |

| |Historical Enquiry |

| |Answer simple questions about the past from sources of information. |

| |Use parts of a story to show that they know and understand key features of events |

| |Give a plausible explanation about what an object was used for in the past. |

|Year 2 |Chronological Understanding |

| |Order events, objects, themes and people from the period being studied onto a timeline and give reasons for the order. |

| |Include events/people learnt in year 1 using time vocabulary to explain where they go. |

| |Sequence artefacts closer together in time and explain reasoning |

| |Use a wide range of words and phrases relating to the passing of time – Week, month, year, decade (reinforce previous words). |

| |Historical knowledge |

| |Key Concepts: Continuity and change, similarities and difference, cause and consequence, significance of events/people |

| |Identify similarities and differences between the ways of life of people in different periods. |

| |Identify some similarities and some differences between the ways of life of different people living in the period being studied. (diversity |

| |within a period) |

| |Name significant individuals from outside the UK and explain how they contributed to national/international achievements. |

| |Use the lives of significant individuals to compare aspects of life in different periods. |

| |Know about a significant event, person or place in their own locality. |

| |Know how the locality has changed. |

| |Understand why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result. |

| |Know what we use today instead of a number of older given artefacts and know reasons for this. |

| |Recount some interesting facts from an historical event, such as where the ‘Fire of London’ started. |

| |Explain what is meant by a parliament. |

| |Know that children’s lives today are different to those of children a long time ago. |

| |Differentiate between things that were here a long time ago and things that were not (including buildings, tools, toys etc) |

| |Interpretations of History |

| |Identify some of the ways we find out about the past and identify different ways in which the past is represented. |

| |Use stories to distinguish between fact and opinion –photos, accounts and stories. |

| |Historical Enquiry |

| |Ask and answer questions about an artefact. |

| |Use parts of a story and other sources to show that they know and understand key features of events. |

| |Understand some ways we find out about the past. |

|Year 3 |Chronological Understanding |

| |Order events, objects, themes and people from the period being studied onto a timeline and give reasons for the order. |

| |Include events/people learnt in KS1 and make some connections between the period studied and other periods that have been studied. |

| |Use vocabulary related to the period and begin to date events. Use decade and century. |

| |Use BC and AD to describe events and periods. |

| |Historical knowledge |

| |Key Concepts: Continuity and change, similarities and difference, cause and consequence, significance of events/people |

| |Know about aspects of everyday life in the time studied. |

| |Compare with our life today. |

| |Describe changes that happened in the period. |

| |Know the significance of their achievements and the influence on the Western world. |

| |Identify and describe similarities and differences between the ways of life of people within a period. |

| |Identify and describe changes between the ways of life of people across different periods. |

| |Name people who were historically significant and give reasons why. |

| |Identify reasons for and results of events. |

| |Know how the locality has changed and identify reasons for and results of changes in the local area. |

| |Appreciate that the early Brits would not have communicated as we do or have eaten as we do. |

| |Picture what life would have been like for the early settlers. |

| |Suggest why certain events happened as they did in history. |

| |Suggest why certain people acted as they did in history. |

| |Know how Britain has changed between the beginning of the stone age and the iron age |

| |Know the main differences between the stone, bronze and iron ages. |

| |Know what is meant by ‘hunter-gathers’ |

| |Interpretations of History |

| |Compare different sources of evidence about a person, object, event or change in history and identify similarities and differences. |

| |Discuss reliability of the evidence –photos, accounts, stories. |

| |Decide which piece of evidence is most useful to answer a question. |

| |Historical Enquiry |

| |Begin to identify primary and secondary sources. |

| |Ask relevant questions and answer questions using relevant detail from the period. |

| |Use a range of sources to find out about a period. |

| |Select and record information relevant to the study. |

|Year 4 |Chronological Understanding |

| |Order events, objects, themes and people from the period being studied onto a timeline using centuries and give reasons for the order. |

| |Include events/people learnt previously onto the time line and discuss time lapse between periods. |

| |Show some understanding of what things were like before the period. |

| |Use mathematical knowledge to round up time differences into centuries. |

| |Use vocabulary related to the period and date events |

| |Historical knowledge |

| |Key Concepts: Continuity and change, similarities and difference, cause and consequence, significance of events/people |

| |Understand how invasions influenced the lives of people. |

| |Understand that significant changes have shaped this nation. |

| |Identify and describe main events and changes within a period/society. |

| |Describe changes within a period. |

| |Describe similarities and differences in society, culture and religion in Britain. |

| |Understand how Britain has influenced the wider world. |

| |Name people who were historically significant and understand reasons why. |

| |Understand reasons why events happened and what happened as a result. |

| |Recognise that the lives of wealthy people were very different from those of poor people. |

| |Appreciate how items found belonging to the past are helping us to build up an accurate picture of how people lived in the past. |

| |Know how Britain changed from the iron age to the end of the Roman occupation. |

| |Know how the Roman occupation of Britain helped advance British society. |

| |Know how there was resistance to the Roman occupation and know about Boudica. |

| |Know at least one famous Roman emperor. |

| |Know about a theme in British history which extends beyond 1066 and explain why this was important in relation to British history. |

| |Know how Britain has had a major influence on the world. |

| |Interpretations of History |

| |Compare two versions of a past event. Identify similarities and differences and explain possible reasons for the different accounts. |

| |Discuss reliability of the evidence. |

| |Evaluate the usefulness of different sources. |

| |Historical Enquiry |

| |Recognise primary and secondary sources |

| |Use evidence to build up a picture of a past event. |

| |Choose relevant material to explain about an aspect of life in the past. |

| |Ask and answer a variety of questions. |

|Year 5 |Chronological Understanding |

| |Order events, objects, themes and people from the period being studied onto a timeline and give reasons for the order. |

| |Include events/people learnt previously onto the time line and discuss time lapse between periods. |

| |Understand what things were like before the period at national level. |

| |Use mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened and how long the period lasted (chronological and scale). |

| |Use BC/BCE and AD/CE to describe events and periods |

| |Make comparisons between different periods. |

| |Historical knowledge Key Concepts: Continuity and change, similarities and difference, cause and consequence, significance of events/people |

| |Examine causes and results of great events and the impact on people. |

| |Offer a reasonable explanation for some events. |

| |Make judgements about the significance of events |

| |Describe the political, religious and economic changes in Britain in early/late period studied. |

| |Describe the similarities and differences. |

| |Compare an aspect of life with the same aspect in a different period e.g. religion |

| |Understand that significant changes have shaped this nation. |

| |Identify historically significant people and events of the period. |

| |Know some of the main characteristics of the Athenians and the Spartans |

| |Know about the influence the gods had on Ancient Greece |

| |Know how the Anglo Saxons attempted to bring about law and order into the country. |

| |Recognise that Britain has been invaded by several different groups over time. |

| |Realise that invaders in the past would have fought fiercely, using hand to hand combat. |

| |Know that the way the kingdoms were divided led to the creation of some of our country boundaries today. |

| |Know about a period of history that has strong connections to their locality and understand the issues associated with the period. |

| |Know how the lives of wealthy people were different from the lives of poorer people during this time. |

| |Interpretations of History |

| |Compare sources of evidence to help identify reliable information, considering a range of information (author, audience, purpose of a source, |

| |where and when it was created). |

| |Historical Enquiry |

| |Know that secondary sources are interpretations of events. |

| |Use evidence to build up a picture of a past event. |

| |Select relevant sections of information |

|Year 6 |Chronological Understanding |

| |Order events, objects, themes and people from the period being studied onto a timeline and give reasons for the order. |

| |Include events/people learnt previously onto the time line and understand the time lapse between periods. |

| |Understand what things were like before the period at local and national level. |

| |Use mathematical knowledge to work out how long ago events would have happened and how long the period lasted (chronological and scale). |

| |Use BC/BCE and AD/CE to describe events and periods. |

| |Make connections and comparisons within a period and between different periods. |

| |Historical knowledge |

| |Key Concepts: Continuity and change, similarities and difference, cause and consequence, significance of events/people |

| |Describe features of historical events and people from past societies and periods. |

| |Identify historically significant people, events and dates of the period. |

| |Explain the significance of different events, their causes and consequences. |

| |Explain the similarities and differences in experiences and ideas, beliefs and attitudes of different groups of people in the period studied. |

| |Compare an aspect of life with the same aspect in a different period, describing changes and continuity, similarities and differences. |

| |Know where Vikings originated from and show this on a map. |

| |Know that Vikings and Anglo Saxons were often in conflict. |

| |Know why the Vikings frequently won battles with the Anglo Saxons. |

| |Know how to place historical events and people from the past societies and periods in a chronological framework. |

| |Know about the impact of the Mayan civilization. |

| |Interpretations of History |

| |Evaluate the reliability of sources of evidence, considering a range of information (author, audience, purpose of a source, where and when it was|

| |created). |

| |Know there are contrasting accounts of significant events and people |

| |Identify how and why different arguments and interpretations of the past have been constructed. |

| |Historical Enquiry |

| |Know that secondary sources are interpretations of events and that historians can disagree about causes and consequences of key events. |

| |Use a range of sources to find out about an aspect of time past. |

| |Bring knowledge gathered from different sources together. |

|Year 1 |Programming |

| |Give simple instructions one at a time using left, right, forwards and backwards. |

| |Put two instructions together to control a toy. |

| |Record my instructions. |

| |As part of a group, plan, predict and test an algorithm by giving a sequence of instruction. |

| |Use a simple on-screen simulations of real life activities. |

| |Handling Data |

| |Enter information into a template to make a graph/ pictogram. |

| |Talk about the results shown on a graph to answer simple questions. |

| |Create a pictogram by entering data in a graphing package. |

| |Use my pictogram to answer simple questions. |

| |Sort and classify information on screen by two criteria. |

| |E-communication |

| |Recognise what an email address looks like and can use the @ key to type an email address. |

| |Join in sending a class email. |

| |Send my own simple email using the internet. |

| |Key Skills |

| |Record my ideas using a keyboard. |

| |Make simple sentences on screen, using a word bank |

| |Change the colour, size and font. |

| |Use the keyboard to move around my work. |

| |Copy and paste a picture from the internet using right click. |

| |Save pieces of work to a chosen folder using save as. |

| |Load this work by going to the correct named folder and double clicking. |

| |Make changes to work then resave it in the correct place using save. |

| |Multimedia Production |

| |Take pictures and print. |

| |Combine text & images in simple program. |

| |Record a sound and play it back. |

| |As part of a group create a voice over using an existing photo story. |

| |Use simple paint tools, brushes, colour-fill and palette. |

| |Add stamps or clipart to create a scene. |

| |Using the internet |

| |Use pre-chosen sites to find information and answer simple questions. |

| |Use activities on the internet to learn something new. |

| |Aware that the Internet holds information on web pages. |

| |E-safety |

| |Recognise advertising on websites and learn to ignore it. |

| |Follow the school rules when being online and using technology. |

| |Know that personal information should not be shared online. |

| |Know how to report something bad that I find online. |

| |Know who to tell if I find something bad online. |

| |Understand what cyber bullying is and what to do if it happens. |

|Year 2 |Programming |

| |Use forwards, backwards, up and down within a sequence of instructions. |

| |Use repeat in my instructions. |

| |Use right angle turns. |

| |Complete a simple program and predict what the results will be. |

| |Test and change my instructions. |

| |Use simulations to investigate a question by making different choices. |

| |Know what a sensor is and how they are used in real life. |

| |Handling Data |

| |Understand what a database is. |

| |Compare databases on the computer with databases on paper. |

| |Show how branching databases can be used to answer questions. |

| |With support, enter information into a prepared database and use it to create a clear graph. |

| |Sort and classify information on screen by four criteria (Carroll diagram). |

| |E-communication |

| |Send and reply to messages sent by a safe email partner (within school). |

| |Follow simple rules when sending emails, including how to keep myself safe. |

| |Key Skills |

| |Type a piece of work (word process) using the return and enter key to leave gaps (line breaks) between sections. |

| |Edit my work (insert/delete a word) |

| |Highlight text to change its format (B, U, I). |

| |Copy and paste pictures and text using right click or HOME. |

| |Use the caps lock key to add capital letters. |

| |Save pieces of work to a folder that I have chosen using save as. |

| |Load this work by either going to the correct folder and double clicking or using file and open. |

| |Multimedia Production |

| |Experiment with sound, text, WordArt and pictures within a program (including slideshows). |

| |Use the shape tools, flood fill, straight line tools and spray effect to build up pictures and effects. |

| |Create a repeating pattern using stamps or copy tool. |

| |Insert sounds into a presentation. |

| |Compose simple tunes by selecting and arranging icons. |

| |Capture still and moving images. |

| |Using the internet |

| |Use shortcuts to open pre-chosen websites and find information to answer simple questions. |

| |Use an index to locate information. |

| |Use hyperlinks to locate information on a website. |

| |Copy and paste information to answer simple questions. |

| |E-safety |

| |Recognise advertising on websites and learn to ignore it. |

| |Follow the school rules when being online and using technology. |

| |Know that personal information should not be shared online. |

| |Know how to report something bad that I find online. |

| |Know who to tell if I find something bad online. |

| |Understand what cyber bullying is and what to do if it happens. |

|Year 3 |Programming |

| |Give a series of instructions to take a programmable object to a location. |

| |Use degree turns in my instructions and programs. |

| |Write programs to create simple animations and draw common regular shapes. |

| |Test, changes and fix errors in my instructions and programs. |

| |Understand the importance of using simulations. |

| |Explore the effect of different choices when using a variety of simulations. |

| |Handling Data |

| |Understand what a record and field is. |

| |Add records and fields into a prepared database. |

| |Sort a database to answer simple questions. |

| |Use a branching database to identify objects. |

| |Create clearly labelled graphs and use them to present back my findings. |

| |E-communication |

| |Send and reply to messages sent by a safe email partner (within school). |

| |Open and save an attachment. |

| |Be aware of how to keep safe when using e-mail. |

| |Key Skills |

| |Use the spell checker to edit most spellings. |

| |Improve my work by selecting appropriate tools to add emphasis and effect (e.g. centre, font size, font colour and B, U and I). |

| |Understand the difference between cut and copy. |

| |Use bullet points, centre alignment, auto shapes and text boxes to organise my work. |

| |Reformat text boxes and images to make them easier to organise and overlap. |

| |Change page set up (portrait and landscape) and can use the print preview. |

| |Create my own folder & usually save my work in it. |

| |Multimedia Production |

| |Capture film or images select the ones I wish to use. |

| |Use photo editing software to crop photos and add simple effects and filters. |

| |Insert still and moving images into different programs. |

| |Create pieces of work that show some awareness of an audience. |

| |Using the internet |

| |Use search engines to find and images using a keyword. |

| |Use ‘Save picture as‘ to save an image to the computer and insert it into my work. |

| |Decide what text to copy into my work. |

| |Find relevant information by browsing a menu. |

| |E-safety |

| |Know that websites sometimes include pop-ups that take them away from the main site, including the use of advertising. |

| |Understand that the internet contains fact, fiction and opinion and begin to distinguish between them. |

| |Understand the need for rules to keep me safe when using technology of when online and can follow my own and the school’s rules. |

| |Understand the need to keep personal information and recognise that everything I put online can be seen and used by others and cannot be deleted. |

| |Understand the need for caution when using an internet search and what to do if I find something bad. |

| |Recognise that cyber bullying is unacceptable and the consequences of taking apart in it. |

| |Know how to report an incident of cyber bullying. |

| |Know the difference between online communication tools used in school and those used at home. |

| |Understand the benefits of developing a ‘nickname’ for online use. |

|Year 4 |Programming |

| |Write programs to create simple animations and patterns. |

| |Make turns by different degrees. |

| |Predict the outcome of my instructions and programs. |

| |Use inputs and outputs when writing simple programs. |

| |Use a loop within my programs. |

| |Control simple devices by giving instructions. |

| |Explore the effects of changing variables in a simulation and when controlling things. |

| |Handling Data |

| |A simple spreadsheet model, enter data, highlight it and make clearly labelled graphs. |

| |Use the terms ‘cells’, ‘rows’ and ‘columns’ and explain what they are. |

| |Sort and search a database to answer simple questions. |

| |Sort and classify information on screen by more than two criteria (Venn diagram). |

| |E-communication |

| |Appreciate the benefits of ICT to send messages and to communicate. |

| |Contribute to a class blog. |

| |Key Skills |

| |Use bullet points or numbers, auto shapes and text boxes to reposition and organise my work. |

| |Copy and paste and save pictures and text using right click. |

| |Right click for suggested spellings when correcting my work. |

| |Add borders and alter shading and colour fill on auto shapes, word art and excel cells. |

| |Insert page numbers. |

| |Recognise the need for a good page design. |

| |With help, reformat text boxes and images to make them fit for purpose (square, tight, in front, behind) and allow overlapping and rotation. |

| |Choose the most appropriate page layout and document type for presenting my work. |

| |Begin to understand the difference between save and save as. |

| |Multimedia Production |

| |Review and delete unwanted images. |

| |Combine text, images and sounds in different programs to target a familiar audience. |

| |Manipulate sound when using recording software by altering the pitch and tempo. |

| |Know that sounds exist in different formats. |

| |Capture images using a variety of methods (webcams, screen capture, scanning, visualizer and the internet). |

| |Create a multimedia presentation that teaches others something that I have learnt. |

| |Review, adds to and edit my work to make my message clearer. |

| |Using the internet |

| |Use a search engine to find a specific website. |

| |Decide which text to copy and paste into a document. |

| |Use tabbed browsing to open two or more web pages at the same time. |

| |Download pictures, sounds and other resources from the Internet then use them to enhance my work. |

| |Consider who wrote the information I find and how this effects if I trust it or not (bias). |

| |E-safety |

| |Know that websites sometimes include pop-ups that take them away from the main site, including the use of advertising. |

| |Understand that the internet contains fact, fiction and opinion and begin to distinguish between them. |

| |Understand the need for rules to keep me safe when using technology of when online and can follow my own and the school’s rules. |

| |Understand the need to keep personal information and recognise that everything I put online can be seen and used by others and cannot be deleted. |

| |Understand the need for caution when using an internet search and what to do if I find something bad. |

| |Recognise that cyber bullying is unacceptable and the consequences of taking apart in it. |

| |Know how to report an incident of cyber bullying. |

| |Know the difference between online communication tools used in school and those used at home. |

| |Understand the benefits of developing a ‘nickname’ for online use. |

|Year 5 |Programming |

|& |Write programs to control hardware and avatars. |

|Year 6 |Create variables to keep score. |

| |Combine a range of sensors, inputs and outputs to control devices and trigger events. |

| |Identify how sensors are used in the real world. |

| |Use IF commands within my programs. |

| |Use a repeat forever loop within my commands. |

| |Explain how an algorithm works and outline any changes I have made. |

| |Handling Data |

| |Create a range of appropriate graphs and tables and use them as part of another piece of work. |

| |Create a formula in a spreadsheet and then check for accuracy and plausibility. |

| |Identify where databases are used inside school. |

| |E-communication |

| |Use instant messaging to communicate with class members. |

| |Aware of different forms of e-communication and how they can be used inside and outside of school, including social networking. |

| |Key Skills |

| |Use the word count tool to check the length of a document. |

| |Incorporate graphics where appropriate, using the most effective text wrapping formats. |

| |Use the spell checker and thesaurus by right clicking. |

| |Use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste images and text. |

| |Use the Shift key to add punctuation and/or symbols. |

| |Understand the safe zone and usually consider it when creating documents, particularly desktop publishing. |

| |Remove hyperlinks from words and images to make them easier to reorganise and manipulate. |

| |Create my own spreadsheet model and tables by reformatting cells using the border, fill, merge options. |

| |Understanding Networks |

| |Begin to understand the role servers play when using ICT safely. |

| |Understand that the outcome of internet searches at home will differ at school and home because of filters and the proxy server. |

| |Map a simple network. |

| |Multimedia Production |

| |Use a range of presentation applications. |

| |Make a multimedia presentations that contain: sound; animation or video and hyperlinks. |

| |Create transparent images using a layered editing program & save them in an appropriate format. |

| |Use appropriate software to plan, create, edit and present my work to a selected audience. |

| |Consider the effect of angles and filters when using cameras. |

| |Using the internet |

| |Understand how search engines function. |

| |Compare the results of different searches and modify my search strategies to gain better results. |

| |Using tabbed browsing, copy and paste, download and save information following simple lines of enquiry. |

| |Check the validity and accuracy of different sources by considering a range of information. |

| |E-safety |

| |Create strong passwords and manage them so that they remain strong. |

| |Recognise that information on the internet may not be accurate or reliable and may be used for bias, manipulation or persuasion. |

| |Understand that copyright exists on most digital content and can reference information sources. |

| |Know several solutions if I discover something malicious or inappropriate (including identifying people who can help, minimising the screen, |

| |reporting systems both online and in school). |

| |Recognise the potential risks of using technology and understand how to minimise those risks (including scams and phishing) and create tips to help |

| |others use them safely. |

| |Appreciate that everything I put online may be seen and used by others and cannot be deleted. |

| |Understand that online environments have security settings, which can be altered, to protect the user |

| |Understand the potential risk of providing personal information online and understand methods which others may use to obtain it. |

| |Recognise various techniques that malicious adults may use to contact children online. |

| |Know that it is unsafe to arrange to meet unknown people online. |

| |Discuss the positive and negatives of ICT in my own and the lives of others. |

| |Understand benefits of developing an alias when publicly using the internet. |

|Year 1 |Performing |

| |Use my voice to speak/sing/chant. |

| |Join in with singing. |

| |Use instruments to perform. |

| |Look at my audience when they are performing. |

| |Clap short rhythmic patterns. |

| |Copy sounds. |

| |Follow instructions about when to play and sing. |

| |Composing |

| |Make different sounds with my voice. |

| |Make different sounds with instruments. |

| |Identify changes in sounds. |

| |Change the sound. |

| |Repeat (short rhythmic and melodic) patterns. |

| |Make a sequence of sounds. |

| |Show sounds by using pictures. |

| |Appraising |

| |Respond to different moods in music. |

| |Say how a piece of music makes me feel. |

| |Say whether they like or dislike a piece of music. |

| |Choose sounds to represent different things. |

| |Recognise repeated patterns. |

| |Follow instructions about when to play or sing |

|Year 2 |Performing |

| |Sing and follow the melody (tune). |

| |Sing accurately at a given pitch. |

| |Perform simple patterns and accompaniments keeping a steady pulse. |

| |Perform with others. |

| |Play simple rhythmic patterns on an instrument. |

| |Sing/clap a pulse increasing or decreasing in tempo. |

| |Composing |

| |Order sounds to create a beginning, middle and end. |

| |Create music in response to different starting points. |

| |Choose sounds which create an effect. |

| |Use symbols to represent sounds. |

| |Make connections between notations and musical sounds. |

| |Appraising |

| |Improve my own work. |

| |Listen out for particular things when listening to music. |

|Year 3 |Performing |

| |Sing in tune with expression. |

| |Control my voice when singing. |

| |Play clear notes on instruments. |

| |Composing |

| |Use different elements in my composition. |

| |Create repeated patterns with different instruments. |

| |Compose melodies and songs. |

| |Create accompaniments for tunes. |

| |Combine different sounds to create a specific mood or feeling. |

| |Appraising |

| |Improve my work; explaining how it has improved. |

| |Use musical words (the elements of music) to describe a piece of music and compositions. |

| |Use musical words to describe what they like and dislike. |

| |Recognise the work of at least one famous composer. |

| |Listen carefully and recognise high and low phrases. |

|Year 4 |Performing |

| |Perform a simple part rhythmically. |

| |Sing songs from memory with accurate pitch. |

| |Improvise using repeated patterns. |

| |Composing |

| |Use notations to record and interpret sequences of pitches. |

| |Use standard notation. |

| |Use notations to record compositions in a small group or on my own. |

| |Use my notation in a performance. |

| |Appraising |

| |Explain the place of silence and say what effect it has. |

| |Identify the character of a piece of music. |

| |Describe and identify the different purposes of music. |

| |Identify with the style of work of Beethoven, Mozart and Elgar. |

|Year 5 |Performing |

| |Breathe in the correct place when singing. |

| |Sing and use my understanding of meaning to add expression. |

| |Maintain my part whilst others are performing my part. |

| |Perform ‘by ear’ and from simple notations. |

| |Improvise within a group using melodic and rhythmic phrases. |

| |Recognise and use basic structural forms e.g. rounds, variations, rondo form. |

| |Composing |

| |Change sounds or organise me differently to change the effect. |

| |Compose music which meets specific criteria. |

| |Use my notations to record groups of pitches (chords). |

| |Use a music diary to record aspects of the composition process. |

| |Choose the most appropriate tempo for a piece of music. |

| |Appraising |

| |Describe, compare and evaluate music using musical vocabulary. |

| |Explain why they think my music is successful or unsuccessful. |

| |Suggest improvements to my own or others’ work. |

| |Choose the most appropriate tempo for a piece of music. |

| |Contrast the work of famous composers and show preferences. |

| |Repeat a phrase from the music after listening intently. |

|Year 6 |Performing |

| |Sing a harmony part confidently and accurately. |

| |Perform parts from memory. |

| |Perform using notations. |

| |Take the lead in a performance. |

| |Take on a solo part. |

| |Provide rhythmic support. |

| |Composing |

| |Use a variety of different musical devices in my composition. (incl melody, rhythms and chords) |

| |Recognise that different forms of notation serve different purposes. |

| |Use different forms of notation. |

| |Combine groups of beats. |

| |Appraising |

| |Refine and improve my work. |

| |Evaluate how the venue, occasion and purpose affects the way a piece of music is created. |

| |Analyse features within different pieces of music. |

| |Compare and contrast the impact that different composers from different times will have had on the people of the time. |

| |Recall a part of the music listened to. |


|Year 3 & 4 |Listening & Responding |

| |Understand short passages made up of familiar language. |

| |Understand instructions, messages and dialogues within short passages. |

| |Identify and note the main points and give a personal response on a passage. |

| |Speaking |

| |Have a short conversation saying 3-4 things. |

| |Use short phrases to give a personal response. |

| |Name and describe people, a place and an object. |

| |Start to speak using a full sentence. |

| |Reading & Responding |

| |Read and understand short texts using familiar language. |

| |Identify and explain the main points in a short passage. |

| |Read a passage independently. |

| |Use a bilingual dictionary or glossary to look up new words. |

| |Writing |

| |Write phrases from memory |

| |Write 2-3 short sentences on . |

| |Write what I like and dislike about . |

| | |

|Year 5 & 6 |Listening & Responding |

| |Understand longer passages made up of familiar language in simple sentences. |

| |Identify the main points and some details. |

| |Speaking |

| |Hold a simple conversation with at least 4 exchanges. |

| |Use their knowledge of grammar to speak correctly. |

| |Reading & Responding |

| |Understand a short story or factual text and note some of the main points. |

| |Use context to work out unfamiliar words. |

| |Writing |

| |Write a paragraph of about 4-5 simple sentences. |

| |Adapt and substitute individual words and set phrases. |

| |Use a dictionary or glossary to check words I have learnt. |

| | |


|Year 1 |Drawing |

| |Communicate something about themselves in my drawing. |

| |Create moods in my drawings. |

| |Draw using pencil and crayons. |

| |Draw lines of different shapes and thickness, using 2 different grades of pencil. |

| |Painting |

| |Communicate something about themselves in my painting. |

| |Create moods in my paintings. |

| |Choose to use thick and thin brushes as appropriate. |

| |Paint a picture of something I can see. |

| |Name the primary and secondary colours. |

| |Printing |

| |Print with sponges, vegetables and fruit. |

| |Print onto paper and textile. |

| |Create a repeating pattern |

| |Textiles/ 3D |

| |Sort threads and fabrics. |

| |Group fabrics and threads by colour and texture. |

| |Weave with fabric and thread. |

| |Add texture by using tools. |

| |Make different kinds of shapes. |

| |Cut, roll and coil materials such as clay, dough or plasticine. |

| |Collage |

| |Cut and tear paper and card for my collages. |

| |Gather and sort the materials I will need. |

| |Use of it |

| |Use a simple painting program to create a picture. |

| |Use tools like fill and brushes in a painting package. |

| |Go back and change my picture. |

| |Knowledge |

| |Describe what I can see and like in the work of another artist/craft maker/designer. |

| |Ask sensible questions about a piece of art. |

|Year 2 |Drawing |

| |Use three different grades of pencil in my drawing (4B, 8B, HB). |

| |Use charcoal, pencil and pastels. |

| |Create different tones using light and dark. |

| |Show patterns and texture in my drawings. |

| |Use a viewfinder to focus on a specific part of an artefact before drawing it. |

| |Painting |

| |Mix paint to create all the secondary colours. |

| |Mix and match colours, predict outcomes. |

| |Mix my own brown with paint. |

| |Make tints by adding white. |

| |Make tones by adding black. |

| |Printing |

| |Create a print using pressing, rolling, rubbing and stamping. |

| |Create a print like a designer. |

| |Textiles/ 3D |

| |Make a clay pot. |

| |Add line and shape to my work. |

| |Join fabric using glue. |

| |Sew fabrics together. |

| |Collage |

| |Create individual and group collages. |

| |Use different kinds of materials on my collage and explain why I have chosen them. |

| |Use repeated patterns in my collage. |

| |Sketchbooks |

| |Begin to demonstrate my ideas through photographs and in my sketch books. |

| |Set out my ideas, using ‘annotation’ in my sketch books. |

| |Keep notes in my sketch books as to how I have changed my work. |

| |Use of it |

| |Create a picture independently. |

| |Use simple IT mark-making tools, e.g. brush and pen tools. |

| |Edit my own work. |

| |Knowledge |

| |Link colours to natural and man-made objects. |

| |Say how other artist/craft maker/designer have used colour, pattern and shape. |

| |Create a piece of work in response to another artist’s work. |

|Year 3 |Drawing |

| |Show facial expressions in my drawings. |

| |Use my sketches to produce a final piece of work. |

| |Write an explanation of my sketch in notes. |

| |Use different grades of pencil shade, to show different tones and texture. |

| |Painting |

| |Predict with accuracy the colours that I mix. |

| |Know where each of the primary and secondary colours sits on the colour wheel. |

| |Create a background using a wash. |

| |Use a range of brushes to create different effects. |

| |Printing |

| |Make a printing block. |

| |Make a 2colour print. |

| |Textiles/ 3D |

| |Add onto my work to create texture and shape. |

| |Use more than one type of stitch. |

| |Use sewing to add detail to a piece of work. |

| |Add texture to a piece of work. |

| |Collage |

| |Cut very accurately. |

| |Overlap materials. |

| |Experiment using different colours. |

| |Use montage. |

| |Sketchbooks |

| |Use my sketch books to express feelings about a subject and to describe likes and dislikes. |

| |Make notes in my sketch books about techniques used by artists. |

| |Suggest improvements to my work by keeping notes in my sketch books. |

| |Use of it |

| |Use IT programs to create a piece of work that includes my own work and that of others (using web). |

| |Knowledge |

| |Compare the work of different artists. |

| |Know how to identify techniques used by different artists. |

| |Explore work from other cultures. |

| |Explore work from other periods of time. |

| |Understand the viewpoints of others by looking at images of people and understand how I are feeling and what the artist is trying to express in my |

| |work. |

|Year 4 |Drawing |

| |Show facial expressions and body language in my sketches. |

| |Identify and draw simple objects and use marks and lines to produce texture. |

| |Organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement. |

| |Explain why I have chosen specific materials to draw with. |

| |Painting |

| |Create all the colours I need. |

| |Create mood in my paintings. |

| |Use shading to create mood and feeling. |

| |Printing |

| |Print using at least four colours. |

| |Create an accurate print design. |

| |Print onto different materials. |

| |Textiles/ 3D |

| |Experiment with and combine materials and processes to design and make 3D form. |

| |Sculpt clay and other mouldable materials. |

| |Use early textile and sewing skills as part of a project. |

| |Collage |

| |Use ceramic mosaic. |

| |Combine visual and tactile qualities. |

| |Sketchbooks |

| |Use my sketch books to express my feelings about various subjects and outline likes and dislikes. |

| |Produce a montage all about themselves. |

| |Use my sketch books to adapt and improve my original ideas. |

| |Keep notes about the purpose of my work in my sketch books. |

| |Use of it |

| |Combine graphics and text based on my research. |

| |Knowledge |

| |Experiment with different styles which artists have used. |

| |Explain features of art from other periods of history. |

| |Know how different artists developed their specific techniques. |

|Year 5 |Drawing |

| |Identify and draw simple objects, and use marks and lines to produce texture. |

| |Use shading to create mood and feeling. |

| |Organise line, tone, shape and colour to represent figures and forms in movement. |

| |Explain why I have chosen specific materials to draw with. |

| |Painting |

| |Create a range of moods in my paintings. |

| |Express my emotions accurately through my painting and sketches. |

| |Printing |

| |Print using a number of colours. |

| |Print onto different materials. |

| |Textiles/ 3D |

| |Experiment with and combine materials and processes to design and make 3D form. |

| |Sculpt clay and other mouldable materials. |

| |Use textile and sewing skills as part of a project, e.g. hanging, textile book, etc.. This could include running stitch, cross stitch, backstitch, |

| |appliqué and/or embroidery. |

| |Collage |

| |Use ceramic mosaic to produce a piece of art. |

| |Combine visual and tactile qualities to express mood and emotion. |

| |Sketchbooks |

| |Keep notes in my sketch books as to how I might develop my work further. |

| |Use my sketch books to compare and discuss ideas with others. |

| |Use of it |

| |Experiment with media to create emotion in art. |

| |Knowledge |

| |Experiment with different styles which artists have used. |

| |Learnt about the work of others by looking at my work in books, the Internet, visits to galleries and other sources of information. |

| |Research the work of an artist and use their work to replicate a style. |

|Year 6 |Drawing |

| |Explain why you have chosen specific drawing techniques. |

| |Know how to feedback to make amendments and improvements to art. |

| |Use a range of pencils, charcoal or pastels when creating a piece of observational art. |

| |Painting |

| |Explain what my own style is. |

| |Use a wide range of techniques in my work. |

| |Explain why I have chosen specific painting techniques. |

| |Textiles/ 3D |

| |Create models on a range of scales. |

| |Create work which is open to interpretation by the audience. |

| |Include both visual and tactile elements in my work. |

| |Collage |

| |Justify the materials I have chosen. |

| |Combine pattern, tone and shape. |

| |Sketchbooks |

| |Sketch books contain detailed notes, and quotes explaining about items. |

| |Compare my methods to those of others and keep notes in my sketch books. |

| |Combine graphics and text based research of commercial design, for example magazines etc., to influence the layout of my sketch books. |

| |Adapt and refine my work to reflect its meaning and purpose, keeping notes and annotations in my sketch books. |

| |Knowledge |

| |Explain the style of art used and how it has been influenced by a famous artist. |

| |Include technical aspects in my work, e.g. architectural design. |

| |Understand what a specific artist is trying to achieve in any situation. |

| |Understand why art can be very abstract and what message the artist is trying to covey. |

|Year 1 |Developing, planning & communicating ideas |

| |Think of some ideas of my own. |

| |Explain what they want to do and how it works. |

| |Use pictures and words to plan. |

| |Design a product which moves. |

| |Evaluating processes & products |

| |Describe how something works. |

| |Talk about my own work and things that other people have done |

| |Working with tools, equipment, materials & components |

| |Explain what I am making. |

| |Choose and explain which tools are being used. |

| |Make their model stronger. |

| |Textiles |

| |Describe how different textiles feel. |

| |Make a product from textiles by gluing. |

| |Electrical & mechanical components |

| |I can make a product which moves. |

| |Cut materials using scissors. |

| |Describe the materials using different words. |

| |Say why I have chosen moving parts. |

| |Join materials together as part of a moving product. |

| |Add some kind of design to my product. |

| |Use of materials |

| |Make a structure/model using different materials. |

| |Work is tidy. |

| |Make my model stronger if it needs to be. |

| |Construction |

| |Talk with others about how I want to construct my product. |

| |Select appropriate resources and tools for my building projects. |

| |Make simple plans before making objects, e.g. drawings, arranging pieces of construction before building. |

|Year 2 |Developing, planning & communicating ideas |

| |Think of ideas and plan what to do next. |

| |Choose the best tools and materials. I can give a reason why these are best. |

| |Describe my design by using pictures, diagrams, models and words. |

| |Evaluating processes & products |

| |Explain what went well with their work. |

| |Explain what should be improved. |

| |Make their model stronger and more stable |

| |Use wheels and axles, when appropriate to do so. |

| |Working with tools, equipment, materials & components |

| |Join things (materials/ components) together in different ways. |

| |Cooking & Nutrition |

| |Describe the properties of the ingredients used when making a dish or cake. |

| |Explain what it means to be hygienic. |

| |Be hygienic in the kitchen. |

| |Weigh ingredients to use in a recipe. |

| |Cut food safely. |

| |Describe the texture of foods. |

| |Wash my hands and make sure that surfaces are clean. |

| |Think of interesting ways of decorating food I have made, eg, cakes |

| |Textiles |

| |Measure textiles. |

| |Join textiles together to make something. |

| |Cut textiles. |

| |Explain why I chose a certain textile. |

| |Use of materials |

| |Measure materials to use in a model or structure. |

| |Join material in different ways. |

| |Joining, folding or rolling to make it stronger. |

| |Choose tools and materials and explain why they have chosen them. |

| |Construction |

| |Make sensible choices as to which material to use for my constructions. |

| |Develop my own ideas from initial starting points. |

| |Incorporate some type of movement into models. |

| |Consider how to improve my construction. |

|Year 3 |Developing, planning & communicating ideas |

| |Show that my design meets a range of requirements. |

| |Put together a step-by-step plan which shows the order and also what equipment and tools I need. |

| |Describe my design using an accurately labelled sketch and words. |

| |Say how realistic my plan is. |

| |Evaluating processes & products |

| |Explain what I changed which made my design even better |

| |Working with tools, equipment, materials & components |

| |Use equipment and tools accurately. |

| |Textiles |

| |Join textiles of different types in different ways. |

| |Choose textiles both for my appearance and also qualities. |

| |Think what the user would want when choosing textiles. |

| |Think about how to make my product strong. |

| |Devise a template. |

| |Explain how to join things in a different way. |

| |Electrical & mechanical components |

| |Select the most appropriate tools and techniques to use for a given task. |

| |Use a simple circuit. |

| |Use a number of components. |

| |Use of materials |

| |Use the most appropriate materials. |

| |Work accurately to make cuts and holes. |

| |Join materials. |

| |Mouldable materials |

| |Select the most appropriate materials. |

| |Use a range of techniques to shape and mould. |

| |Use finishing techniques. |

|Year 4 |Developing, planning & communicating ideas |

| |Come up with at least one idea about how to create my product. |

| |Take account of the ideas of others when designing. |

| |Produce a plan and explain it to others. |

| |Suggest some improvements and say what was good and not so good about my original design. |

| |Evaluating processes & products |

| |Think of how I will check if my design is successful. |

| |Explain how I can improve my original design. |

| |Evaluate my product, thinking of both appearance and the way it works. |

| |Consider how I could have made my idea better. |

| |Working with tools, equipment, materials & components |

| |Tell if my finished product is going to be good quality. |

| |Conscience of the need to produce something that will be liked by others. |

| |Show a good level of expertise when using a range of tools and equipment. |

| |Work at my product even though my original idea might not have worked. |

| |Cooking & Nutrition |

| |Know what to do to be hygienic and safe. |

| |Think about what I can do to present my product in an interesting way. |

| |Choose the right ingredients for a product. |

| |Use equipment safely. |

| |Make sure that my product looks attractive. |

| |Describe how my combined ingredients come together. |

| |Electrical & mechanical components |

| |Say how I have altered my product after checking it. |

| |Confidently try out new and different ideas |

| |Use of materials |

| |Measure carefully so as to make sure I have not made mistakes. |

| |Say how I have attempted to make my product strong. |

| |Mouldable materials |

| |Use a range of advanced techniques to shape and mould. |

| |Use finishing techniques, showing an awareness of audience. |

|Year 5 |Developing, planning & communicating ideas |

| |Come up with a range of ideas after I have collected information. |

| |Take a user’s view into account when designing. |

| |Produce a detailed step-by-step plan. |

| |Suggest some alternative plans and say what the good points and drawbacks are about each. |

| |Evaluating processes & products |

| |Check that my design is the best it can be. |

| |Check whether anything could be improved. |

| |Evaluate appearance and function against the original criteria. |

| |Working with tools, equipment, materials & components |

| |Explain why my finished product is going to be of good quality. |

| |Explain how my product will appeal to the audience. |

| |Use a range of tools and equipment expertly. |

| |Persevere through different stages of the making process. |

| |Cooking & Nutrition |

| |Describe what I do to be both hygienic and safe. |

| |Say if I have presented my product well. |

| |Explain how my product should be stored with reasons. |

| |Set out to grow my own products with a view to making a salad, taking account of time required to grow different foods. |

| |Textiles |

| |Think what the user would want when choosing textiles. |

| |Explain how I made my product attractive and strong. |

| |Make up a prototype first. |

| |Use a range of joining techniques. |

| |Think about how my product could be sold. |

| |Think about what would improve my product even more. |

| |Electrical & mechanical components |

| |Incorporate a switch into my product. |

| |Refine my product after testing it. |

| |Incorporate hydraulics and pneumatics. |

| |Use of materials |

| |Measurements are accurate enough to ensure that everything is precise. |

| |Explain how I have ensured that my product is strong and fit for purpose. |

| |Mouldable materials |

| |Refine and further improve my product using mouldable materials. |

|Year 6 |Developing, planning & communicating ideas |

| |Use a range of information to inform my design. |

| |Use market research to inform plans. |

| |Work within constraints. |

| |Follow and refine my plan if necessary. |

| |Justify my plan to someone else. |

| |Consider culture and society in my designs. |

| |Evaluating processes & products |

| |Test and evaluate my final product. |

| |Know if it is fit for purpose. |

| |Know what would improve it. |

| |Say if different resources would have improved my product. |

| |Say if I need more or different information to make it even better. |

| |Say if my product meets all design criteria. |

| |Consider the use of the product when selecting materials. |

| |Working with tools, equipment, materials & components |

| |Use tools and materials precisely. |

| |Change the way I are working if needed. |

| |Electrical & mechanical components |

| |Use different kinds of circuit in my product. |

| |Think of ways in which adding a circuit would improve my product. |

| |Add things to my circuits. |

| |Use of materials |

| |Justify why I selected specific materials. |

| |Ensure that my work is precise and accurate. |

| |Hide joints so as to improve the look of my product. |

| |Mouldable materials |

| |Justify why the chosen material was the best for the task. |

| |Justify design in relation to the audience. |


|Year 1 |Knowledge & Understanding of Religion |

| |Recognise and name features of religious life. |

| |Recall religious stories. |

| |Recognise religious symbols. |

| |Recognise other verbal and visual forms of religious expression. |

| |Critical Thinking |

| |Talk about what they find interesting or puzzling. |

| |Talk about what is of value and concern to themselves. |

| |Talk about what is of value and concern to others. |

| |Personal Reflection |

| |Reflect on their own feelings, ideas and values. |

|Year 2 |Knowledge & Understanding of Religion |

| |Identify some beliefs and features of religion. |

| |Identify the importance of religious beliefs and features for some people. |

| |Show awareness of similarities in religions including ceremonies of commitment. |

| |Retell religious stories. |

| |Suggest meanings for religious actions and symbols. |

| |Identify how religion is expressed in different ways. |

| |Explain why the bible is important to Christians |

| |Critical Thinking |

| |Express their views in response to religious materials. |

| |Give simple reasons to support their views in response to religious materials |

| |Recognise that some questions cause people to wonder and are difficult to answer. |

| |Personal Reflection |

| |Reflect on their own feelings, ideas and values in relation to religious materials. |

| |Show an awareness of the experiences and feelings of others in response to religious materials. |

| |Reflect on what influences them. |

| |Make links between aspects of their own and others' experience |

|Year 3 |Knowledge & Understanding of Religion |

| |Describe some of the beliefs and features of religion, recognising similarities and differences. |

| |Identify the impact religion has on believers' lives. |

| |Describe some forms of religious expression. |

| |Explain what Christians believe about Jesus |

| |Critical Thinking |

| |Express their views in response to religious materials. |

| |Show some awareness of other people's views. |

| |Ask important questions about religion and beliefs |

| |Personal Reflection |

| |Reflect on their own feelings, ideas and values in relation to religious materials and beliefs |

|Year 4 |Knowledge & Understanding of Religion |

| |Compare beliefs and features of two religions, noting similarities and differences. |

| |Make links between beliefs and sources, including religious stories and sacred texts. |

| |Identify how religion is expressed in different ways. |

| |Understand what Christians believe about God |

| |Critical Thinking |

| |Give plausible reasons to support their views in response to religious materials. |

| |Personal Reflection |

| |Understand that not all people think, feel and believe the same as they do. |

|Year 5 |Knowledge & Understanding of Religion |

| |Make links between some of the beliefs and features of Islam and Christianity |

| |Describe some similarities and differences both within and between religions. |

| |Describe the impact of religions on people's lives. |

| |Suggest meanings for a range of religious expression. |

| |Describe what different religions teach about the environment |

| |Critical Thinking |

| |Express their own views in response to religious materials. |

| |Use sound reasons to support their own views. |

| |Show understanding of differing views. |

| |Personal Reflection |

| |Reflect on their own beliefs, ideas, feelings, values and beliefs |

|Year 6 |Knowledge & Understanding of Religion |

| |Demonstrate understanding of Christianity through concept of belief |

| |Demonstrate understanding of Christianity through concept of religious authority |

| |Demonstrate understanding of Christianity through concept of expressions of belief |

| |Demonstrate understanding of Christianity through concept of impact of belief |

| |Describe how the gospels explain about the birth of Jesus |

| |Critical Thinking |

| |Give reasons to support an opposing view (see both sides of an argument.) |

| |Personal Reflection |

| |Develop empathy for people with differing beliefs and experiences. |

|Year 1 |Me and My Relationships |

| |Name a variety of different feelings and explain how these might make me behave. |

| |Think of some different ways of dealing with ‘not so good’ feelings |

| |Give a wide range of examples of how to deal with some of the ‘not so good’ feelings and how to help others to do this. |

| |Know when I need help and who to go to for help. |

| |Know a range of classroom rules and explain why we have them. |

| |Valuing Difference |

| |Describe ways in which people are similar as well as different. |

| |Explain why things sometimes seem unfair, even if they are not. |

| |Keeping Myself Safe |

| |Describe different feelings that I have and how my body behaves when I have them. |

| |Understand what I can do if I have strong, but not so good feelings, to help me stay safe (e.g. sad - talk to someone). |

| |Give examples of how I keep myself healthy. |

| |Explain when medicines might be harmful (e.g. overdose, if not needed, another person’s medicine, etc.) |

| |Rights and Responsibilities |

| |Give examples of how I look after myself and my environment - at school or at home. |

| |Describe some ways that we look after money. |

| |Being my Best |

| |Recognise what I can do if I find something difficult |

| |Know why certain foods are healthy and why it’s important to eat at least five portions of vegetables/fruit a day. |

| |Growing and Changing |

| |identify an adult I can talk to at both home and school if I need help. |

| |Describe things I can do now that I couldn’t do when I was a baby and a toddler |

| |Describe things that I can do now that I couldn't do last year and some things that I am still learning to do. |

| |Name some body parts which are inside my body and some which are outside. |

| |Know what some of my body parts do. |

|Year 2 |Me and My Relationships |

| |Know ways that I can get help, if I am being bullied and what I can do if someone teases me. |

| |Suggest rules that will help to keep us happy and friendly and what will help me keep to these rules. |

| |Describe some classroom rules we have made together |

| |Give ideas about what makes a good friend and describe how I try to be a good friend. |

| |Express my feelings in a safe, controlled way. |

| |Valuing Difference |

| |Explain how I could help myself if I was being left out. |

| |Recognise if someone else is being left out, and I can say some ways I could help them |

| |Give examples of good listening skills and explain why listening skills help us to understand a different point of view. |

| |Keeping Myself Safe |

| |Give examples of safe and unsafe secrets and describe of safe people who can help if something feels wrong. |

| |Give examples of the touches I like and those I don’t like. |

| |Give examples of touches that are ok or not ok (even if they haven’t happened to me) and identify a safe person to tell if I felt ‘not OK’ about |

| |something. |

| |Explain what medicines are for. |

| |Explain that they can be helpful or harmful, and give examples of how they can be used safely. |

| |Rights and Responsibilities |

| |Give examples of things that help me to be settled and calm in the classroom. |

| |Give examples of when I’ve used some of these ideas to help me when I am not settled. |

| |Being my Best |

| |Describe things that I can do to help keep me healthy. |

| |Name different parts of my body that are inside me and help to turn food into energy. |

| |Know what I need to get energy |

| |Explain how setting a goal will help me to achieve what I want to be able to do. |

| |Growing and Changing |

| |Describe things that help us grow (e.g. food, rest and sleep, care). |

| |Explain who helps us grow (people who look after us) and what things I can now do myself that I couldn’t when I was younger. |

| |Give examples of how it feels when you have to say goodbye to someone or something (e.g. move house). |

| |Give examples of how to give support to someone. |

| |Give examples of how to give feedback to someone. |

|Year 3 |Me and My Relationships |

| |Accept the views of others and understand that we don’t always agree with each other. |

| |Recognise ways of helping others to resolve arguments or disputes. |

| |Give ideas about how to be a good friend how to make up with a friend if we’ve fallen out. |

| |Valuing Difference |

| |Give examples of different types of families. |

| |Give examples of different community groups and what is good about having different groups. |

| |Explain how different families and communities can experience prejudice and why this can happen (fear, ignorance, media-fuelled etc). |

| |Explain ways that prejudice can be safely challenged. |

| |Understand what tolerance and respect mean and how they can help everyone. |

| |Give examples where respect and tolerance have helped to make our classroom a happier, safer place. |

| |Keeping Myself Safe |

| |Give examples of risky situations. |

| |Explain how to make a situation less risky or not risky at all. |

| |Understand the risks of cigarettes and alcohol. |

| |Understand why medicines can be helpful or harmful. |

| |Explain why things other than drugs can be helpful and harmful to a person’s health, and what can influence a person to take risks. |

| |Understand about keeping personal details safe online and why this is important. |

| |Explain why information online might not always be true |

| |Rights and Responsibilities |

| |Give an example of a fact and of an opinion. |

| |Describe ways of checking whether something is a fact or just an opinion. |

| |Explain some of the ways that people online might try to trick people by presenting ‘false facts’ and say what I can do to keep myself safe from being |

| |tricked. |

| |Explain how as I get older I start to take more responsibility for keeping myself safe and give an example of this. |

| |Understand how to help the people who help me, and give examples. |

| |Being my Best |

| |Explain what ‘responsibility’ means and give examples of things that relating to my health that I can take responsibility for. |

| |Recognise a skill or talent that I’ve developed and the goal-setting that I’ve already done (or plan to do) in order to improve it. |

| |Describe aspirations I have for when I’m older and give examples of the goals I need to set in order to achieve these. |

| |Growing and Changing |

| |Describe what makes a positive relationship and things that make a negative relationship. |

| |Know what is needed to make a new human being (egg and sperm) and who produces these. |

| |Know what happens to the woman’s body when the egg isn’t fertilised, recognising that it is the lining of the womb that comes away. |

| |Understand what ‘body space’ is and when it might be OK to go into someone’s body space and when they can go into mine. |

| |Identify when someone hasn’t been invited into my body space and show how I can be assertive in asking them to leave it if I feel uncomfortable. |

| |Identify unsafe secrets that make me feel uncomfortable and who I can talk to about it. |

|Year 4 |Me and My Relationships |

| |Describe how I can tell a person is feeling worried just by their body language. |

| |Explain the difference between teasing and bullying. |

| |Describe what to do if someone was upsetting me or if I was being bullied. |

| |Give an example of how to say ‘no’ to someone, without being aggressive (mean or unkind). |

| |Explain what being ‘assertive’ means and give a few examples of ways of being assertive. |

| |Valuing Difference |

| |Describe ways that people are different besides how they look, including religious or cultural differences. |

| |Recognise that people are labelled (stereotyped) and that these labels are often wrong |

| |Explain why it’s important to challenge stereotypes that might be applied to me or others. |

| |Explain how stereotyping can limit some people’s thinking about what they can do or become (aspirations) and why it’s important for us to challenge |

| |this. |

| |Keeping Myself Safe |

| |Give examples of risky situations and what can make them less risky. |

| |Give examples of people or things that might influence someone to take risks (e.g. friends, peers, media, celebrities) |

| |Understand that people have choices about whether they take risks. |

| |Recognise the risks of smoking or drinking alcohol on a person’s body and give reasons for why most people choose not to smoke, or drink too much |

| |alcohol. |

| |Understand the term ‘influence’ and be aware that things around me (friends, people in the media etc.) could influence my behaviour and decisions. |

| |Give examples of positive and negative influences, including things that could influence me when I am making decisions. |

| |Rights and Responsibilities |

| |Understand that I can make a difference in relation to different things such as the environment, looking after people (including friends) and give an |

| |example of one of these. |

| |Explain how a ‘bystander’ I can have a positive effect on negative behaviour they witness (see happening) by working together to stop or change that |

| |behaviour. |

| |Explain that things I see on TV, in newspapers or their websites might not give all the facts or might be biased (give one set of views, not them all).|

| |Explain how these reports (TV, newspapers or their websites) can give messages that might influence how people think about things |

| |Explain how money is a limited resource and we have choices and decisions to make about how to spend it, give examples of these decisions and how they |

| |might relate to me. |

| |Being my Best |

| |Give examples of different things that I do already that help to me keep healthy. |

| |Explain the benefits of looking after myself both now and in the future. |

| |Give examples of some of the things that I do already to help look after my environment. |

| |Explain the benefits of looking after my environment both now and in the future, and for future generations. |

| |Growing and Changing |

| |Label some parts of the body that both boys and girls have. |

| |Label some parts of the body that only boys have and only girls have. |

| |Describe how some parts of the body change during puberty. |

| |Name some of the difficult feelings someone might have as they go through puberty. |

| |Explain some of the reasons why a teenager might have these difficult feelings (e.g. conflict with parents). |

| |Know who can get married and how old they have to be and I explain why people get married. |

|Year 5 |Me and My Relationships |

| |Give examples of our emotional needs and explain why they are important. |

| |Give examples of how to be a good friend and explain why these qualities are important. Give examples of these qualities in action and the difference |

| |they make. |

| |Give examples of how to stand up for myself (be assertive) and say when I might need to use assertiveness skills. |

| |Explain why assertiveness is more effective than other ways of reacting to pressure or influence (i.e. aggressive or passive responses). |

| |Valuing Difference |

| |Give examples of how having different groups of people is something to celebrate. |

| |Give examples of different faiths and cultures and positive things about having these differences. |

| |Describe how religious and cultural differences can be a source of conflict and explain some of the reasons for this (fear, ignorance, misunderstanding|

| |etc.) |

| |Explain how people sometimes aim to create an impression of themselves in what they post online that is not real and what might make them do this. |

| |Keeping Myself Safe |

| |Give examples of risky situations that happen online (e.g. on a phone) and what I can do to make them less risky. |

| |Give examples of things that might influence a person to take risks online and understand that I have a choice. |

| |Give examples of a risk that I’ve experienced relating to this and how I’ve managed to reduce or remove the risk (applying skills and knowledge). |

| |Know the percentage of people aged 11-15 years old that smoke in the UK (3%) and give reasons why some people think it’s a lot more than this. |

| |Understand how knowing the real norms about smoking can influence people to choose not to smoke and reflect on how this might be the case for other |

| |drugs, including alcohol and illegal drugs. |

| |Rights and Responsibilities |

| |Give examples of some of the rights and related responsibilities I have as I grow older, at home and school. |

| |Explain some of the wider rights and responsibilities that we have, such as to the community or the environment. |

| |Give examples of things that I am responsible for to keep myself healthy. |

| |Explain why sometimes people find it hard to stick to their responsibilities for keeping healthy and things that might help them to overcome the |

| |blockers. |

| |Explain that local councils spend money on services where I live and give examples of one of these services. Understand that local councils have to |

| |make decisions about how money is spent on things we need in the community. |

| |Being my Best |

| |Give an example of when I have had increased independence and how that has also helped me to show responsibility. |

| |Explain that the images for celebrities I see of people on TV, online doesn’t always give a true picture of what they are really like (in looks and |

| |personality). |

| |Name several qualities that make people attractive that are nothing to do with how they look, but about how they behave. |

| |Growing and Changing |

| |Explain what resilience is and how it can be developed. |

| |Recognise good and not so good feelings that people have, and how having resilience can help |

| |Describe how I can develop my confidence/resilience. |

| |Recognise different ways in which we can experience change (puberty, moving, family breakup or bereavement). |

| |Describe that I can prepare for changes (e.g. to get the facts, talk to someone). I can suggest ways to cope with strong emotions in response to change|

| |Recognise the ways my body responds when I may need help. |

| |Identify when I need help and can the trusted adults in my life who can help me. |

| |Recognise when others may need to get help and know how to advise them to talk to a trusted adult. |

|Year 6 |Me and My Relationships |

| |Explain bystander behaviour by giving examples of what bystanders do when someone is being bullied. |

| |Know the difference between an active and passive bystander and give examples of how these two different behaviours have an impact on a situation where|

| |someone is being bullied |

| |Explain what is meant by compromise. |

| |Give examples of negotiation and compromise. |

| |Explain how to help other people to use negotiation and compromise skills, and give positive feedback during tasks needing these skills. |

| |Explain what appropriate touch is and give examples. |

| |Explain what inappropriate touch is and give example. |

| |Know types of touch that are against the law and suggest ways of getting help if someone experiences inappropriate or illegal touch. |

| |Valuing Difference |

| |Give examples of prejudice-based bullying |

| |Reflect on and give reasons for why some people show prejudiced behaviour and sometimes bully for this reason. |

| |Describe how empathy can help people to be more tolerant and understanding of those who are different from them. |

| |Explain the difference between a passive bystander and an active bystander and give an example of how active bystanders can help in bullying |

| |situations. |

| |Give some different examples of what bystanders might do and how their behaviour affects a bullying situation. |

| |Give examples of when it might be safe or unsafe to be an active bystander. |

| |Keeping Myself Safe |

| |Explain why emotional needs are as important as physical needs and what might happen if a person doesn’t get their emotional needs met. |

| |Give an example of how I have been able to get one (or more) of my emotional needs met. |

| |Explain some ways of making sure that I keep myself safe when using a mobile phone, including safety around sharing personal information or images, and|

| |that there are laws relating to this. |

| |Give an example of the law relating to mobile phone use (sharing inappropriate images) and explain why the law has been made. |

| |Explain why some people believe that more young people drink alcohol than actually do (misperceive the norm). |

| |Explain that if young people know the actual norms they are less likely to take part in the risky behaviour (e.g. drinking alcohol). |

| |Rights and Responsibilities |

| |Explain how people’s social media profiles often give a biased view of them |

| |Explain why people might do this (why they are showing certain aspects of themselves) and how social media can affect how a person feels about |

| |themselves. |

| |Give examples of some of the ways a person can keep healthy in relation to their use of social media, to overcome the pressures that sometimes come |

| |with its use. |

| |Give examples of things that have an impact on the environment and explain how groups of people in the community help to do this. |

| |Explain that what ‘environmentally sustainable’ living means and give examples of how we can live in a more ‘sustainable’ way. |

| |Give examples of some things I do to help the environment and sustainability, and some of the organisations that work to improve this. |

| |Describe different ways of saving money and understand the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of saving money. |

| |Being my Best |

| |Describe how I can overcome problems and challenges on the way to achieving my goals. |

| |Give examples of ways that I’ve overcome challenges and barriers to achieving my goals. |

| |Understand that risks can be physical or emotional. |

| |Give examples of an emotional risk and a physical risk. |

| |Describe the things I (and others) can do to reduce or remove risk in different situations. |

| |Growing and Changing |

| |Give an example of a secret that can be kept private (confidential). |

| |Give an example of a secret that should be shared with a trusted adult. |

| |Offer advice about whether a secret should be kept or shared, and who it should be shared with. |

| |Explain what the word 'puberty' means and give some examples of some of the physical changes associated with it. |

| |Describe some emotional changes associated with ‘puberty’ and how people may feel when their bodies change. |

| |Suggest ways in which a person can feel better about their body changing and see it in a positive way. |

| |Give examples of something that someone can do or say that can make a person feel good about themselves and something that may make a person feel not |

| |so good. |

| |Give examples of other ways in which the way a person feels about themselves can be affected (e.g. images of celebrities). |

| |Give examples of things that I can do or say to myself that can help me feel good about myself. |









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