1.1 Identify what numerical and other information is ...

QualificationBTEC Extended Diploma in ICT Systems and PrinciplesUnitU230Activity Title Spreadsheet SoftwareLearning Outcomes1 Use a spreadsheet to enter, edit and organise numerical and other data2 Select and use appropriate formulas and data analysis tools to meet requirements3 Select and use tools and techniques to present and format spreadsheet informationAssessment CriteriaAll for the UnitExpected TimescalesAll work to be uploaded to dn- 7 days from the setting of the assignment.Activity briefNote: Where possible this should be completed using materials / tools from your employer. Where this is not possible a document / spreadsheet / presentation that you create for your employer should be submitted. Either: Add your name to the footer of this document.Then demonstrate your competence at using email by completing each of the tasks below. For each task you should write an explanation of what you have to do and screenshots of your screen while you are doing so. Or:Get a headset and create a ScreenCam with narrative of you demonstrating each of the tasks below. Then complete the declaration at the end of this document and submit you work.Guidance 1.1 Identify what numerical and other information is needed in the spreadsheet and how it should be structured 1.2 Enter and edit numerical and other data accurately 1.3 Combine and link data across worksheets 1.4 Store and retrieve spreadsheet files effectively, in line with local guidelines and conventions where available 2.1 Identify which tools and techniques to use to analyse and manipulate data to meet requirements 2.2 Select and use a range of appropriate functions and formulas to meet calculation requirements <Use at least the following functions:Sum, Average, CountIf, and, orLeft, Right, Mid Concatenate>2.3 Use a range of tools and techniques to analyse and manipulate data to meet requirements 3.1 Plan how to present and format spreadsheet information effectively to meet needs 3.2 Select and use appropriate tools and techniques to format spreadsheet cells, rows, columns and worksheets 3.3 Select and format an appropriate chart or graph type to display selected information 3.4 Select and use appropriate page layout to present and print spreadsheet information 3.5 Check information meets needs, using spreadsheet tools and making corrections as necessary 3.6 Describe how to find errors in spreadsheet formulas 3.7 Respond appropriately to any problems with spreadsheets ChecklistCheck ListComplete the following checks before you submit any work.FilenameDo the filenames match the format : <Your Name>_<Unit>_<Activity Number>.extension i.e. Name Surname_321_A3.pdfNote: For workplace evidence no assignment number is required.Cover PageIs there a Cover page with the following on:Your Name:Unit:Activity Number:Activity Title:Submission Date:Page FooterDoes each page have a page footer with the following:Your Name, Submission Date, Page x of yAssessment criteriaYour work is assessed only against the assessment criteria specified in the qualification. Have you structured your work to clearly address each assessment criteria? Yes / NoReferencingHave you numbered and referenced the any criteria you are answering?Yes / NoSpellingHave you spell checked this work?Yes / NoGrammar Have you grammar checked this work?Yes/ NoReferencesHave you referenced any sources used? Yes /NoBackupHave you got a backup of this work?Yes / NoDeclarationSubmission Date:<Enter today’s date> ?DeclarationI confirm that the attached work is my own and that all sources material have been referenced and acknowledged within the work. I am aware that a failure to make proper acknowledgement may lead to a charge of alleged plagiarism and may result in actions in accordance with the Digital Native plagiarism policy. Signed<Insert eSignature here>Comments ................

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