Create your own Country ProjectGuidelines: Using both the real world and your imagination you will be creating your own country. Use PowerPoint, Prezi, Word, or another platform for Parts 1-3 of your project. They should be in 1 file. ?A few rules first about your country:?Your country must be located somewhere on the surface of the Earth. You can create an island or you can place your country between real countries.?Based on the location of your country your climate and vegetation must be realistic. You cannot have a tropical forest in a desert.?You must also include everything that is on the checklist provided.?Part 1: MapsYou will be creating two maps of your country; I want to be able to analyze your country both politically and physically.? All maps must include a Title, compass rose, legend, labels, lines of latitude and longitude, and scale.? The following are required maps and the parts that must be included in the map:______Physical Map______Includes title, compass rose, legend, labels, lines of latitude and longitude______5 landforms?______Existing countries, landforms, oceans that surround your country?______Political Map?______Includes title, compass rose, legend, labels, lines of latitude and longitude and?______3 Cities, 1 capital city?______Draw and label an important monument______Existing countries, landforms, oceans that surround your countryPart 2: Flag?Create a flag for your country.?Be creative with it! Are there any important (appropriate) symbols of your country? What about the colors you use, do certain colors represent different things? Briefly explain your design. Why did you choose those symbols or colors?Part 3: The Five Themes of Geography?Describe your country based on the 5 Themes of Geography. Consider the following questions to get a sense of what your country will be like. The more detail you use, the more interesting your country will be. ______Location – Both absolute location & relative locationClimate: Describe the climate and vegetation of your country. What kind of weather does your country normally get? Is it cold and snowy? Is it dry? Is it a desert?Vegetation: Does it have rain forests, deserts? Remember to take your country’s physical geography into account when discussing its climate.Natural Disasters: (Volcano, flood, fire, earthquake, tornado, hurricane, etc)Where is your country located? Include your country’s hemispheres and continent?Using cardinal directions to identify the closest countries and bodies of water.The absolute location of your country’s capital (Longitude and Latitude).Identify 5 physical features that are located in your country.How does the location of your country determine the vegetation and climate?______Place – Physical and Human Characteristics.?Physical characteristics include a description such things as the mountains, rivers, beaches, topography, and animal and plant life of a place.Describe the physical geography of your country.Does it have mountains? Is it an island? Is it landlocked??Does it have multiple regions??Human characteristics include the human-designed cultural features of a place, from land use and architecture to forms of livelihood and religion to food and folk ways to transportation and communication networks.What is the population of your country? Where do most of the people live?What types of jobs do people have to make a living?What language(s) is spoken? What religion(s) are practiced?What is the ethnic make-up of the population?What types of transportation is there?Why is your country unique and special?______Human-Environment Interaction?How do humans influence the environment? How the environment does influences humans?How do people use the environment? How have they changed the environment?What are the consequences of these changes?What jobs have been created by the environment?Describe the population of your country.Where do people live??Why do they live there??Does your country have a huge population, or a very small one??Is your country’s population growing? Why or why not??Do people in your country migrate a lot or do they stay put??______Movement?Movement refers to the way people, products, information and ideas move from one place to anotherHow are goods and natural resources transported?______Region?Formal regions are those that are designated by official boundaries, such as cities, states, counties, and countriesThose unifying or similar characteristics can be physical, natural, human, or cultural.What type of economic system is there?What kind of political system (democracy, anarchy, communism, dictatorship, etc.) governs your country?Part 4: Advertise Your CountryRecord and post a flipgrid video advertising your country. Describe it and explain why should people should want to visit and/or move to your county. ................

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