Create Your Own City Project - Weebly

Create Your Own Colony Project

For this project you will be working as an individual, or in groups no more of three, to create your own colony. Before you get started, you need to brainstorm A LOT! You need to think about a number of things. Some of the key components are

• colony location

• where you came from

• why did you leave

• how many people of each gender/age are you going to take with you

• does your colony have a government

• jobs on your colony

• what does your colony look like

• colony name, seal, date it was established

There are many other things that can and should be included. Be creative!!!!!!

Remember a colony is formed when groups of people leave their native country to form a settlement in a new land.

The following are requirements!

• Create a colony. Your colony must have a name, seal, and motto.

• Create a Google presentation to introduce the class to your colony. Think about the presentations that you have seen in class while doing your notes. There are times when maps are included, as well as pictures. The powerpoint must have at least 5 slides that have a minimum of 15 words per slide. The powerpoint must have three slides that include pictures.

Your powerpoint must include:

Name: What is the name of your colony? Does the name have significance?

Who & Why: Who is founding your colony? Why did they come? What was their motivation? Did they come to seek economic gain, for religious freedom, to escape persecution, etc? This will have a big impact on the organization of your colony.

Location: Where is your colony located? Why did you choose this location? Give specific reasons. Consider the climate and physical features of your location such as mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.

Flag / Seal / Motto: Create a flag, seal, and motto that represents your colony. What does it symbolize? How does it represent your colony?

Map / Design: Once you know where your colony will be built decide how you will set it up. How will you lay out your colony? What will you put where? What kind of buildings will be in your colony? Why? How is this layout beneficial to the people in your community?

Supplies / Resources: (At least 5) What supplies and resources would your colony need? How would you get these resources?

Problems and Solutions: (At least 2) What problems would you face while building your colony? What problems could your colony face once it has been established? Give possible solutions for these problems.

Government: Who will run your colony? Is it a democracy, monarchy, etc? What laws will be needed to govern your colony?

Success: Was your colony successful? Why or why not?

You will be graded on the following criteria.

Creativity: Use your imagination. Consider all of the possibilities.

Presentation: Your project should be neat and organized.

Quality: Your project should be taken seriously. Work hard.

Fulfilling Requirements: All the above requirements should be included.


On time: 20 points

Powerpoint Presentation: 20 points (minimum of 10 slides- 2 points each)

Model, etc: 30 points

Presenting to the class: 10 points

Creativity: 10 Points

Effort: 10 Points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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