Current Events Weekly Assignment - Weebly

Current Events Bi-Weekly Assignment

Purpose: In order to more successfully contribute to community and society at large, one should be current on the world’s issues, updates, and changes. Being an informed citizen and discussing current events will give one a better perspective on different points of view and encourage a healthier lifestyle.

Article Guidelines:

• Article must be current—within approximately one month of due date.

• Article must be relevant—should not be about music group, sports team, entertainment, etc.

• Article must be from appropriate source—NOT Wikipedia! (see suggestions below)

Directions: Every week you will read a current events article and turn in a current events assignment sheet. The news source can be digital or print. All assignment sheets are due on dates given below. If you have an “excused” absence on a due date, your assignment sheet is due the next class.

Note: Begin by MARKING THE TEXT as you read! This should include underlining main ideas, highlighting important facts/details, circling unfamiliar vocabulary, writing notes and/or connections in the margins, etc. Specific directions for each section are given below.

I. Summary: Summarize the main idea of your article. This should be easy if you have already underlined main ideas and highlighted important facts.

II. Vocabulary: Circle at least three unfamiliar vocabulary words from your article as you read. If you cannot find three, you may have to choose words that others might not know.

III. Reflection: Think about your own opinion or reaction to the topic presented in the article. Do you agree or not? What is your position, claim, argument?

IV. Presentation: Half the class will be asked to present their article in front of the class per due time. We will be

discussing these articles every-other-week so that you have enough time to find the material. Everyone will turn one in, but only half the class will be asked to discuss with the other half going the following time.



Suggested Sources

• Local newspaper!!

• (New York Times - newspaper)

• (Washington Times – newspaper)

• (Washington Post – newspaper)

• (Chicago Tribune – newspaper)

• (NBC – broadcast T.V. news)

• (CNN – cable T.V. news)

• (U.S. News & World Report - magazine)

• (Fox – cable T.V. news)

• abcnews. (ABC – broadcast T.V. news)

• (CBS – broadcast T.V. news)

• (Greenpeace)

• (Sierra Club)

• (Environmental News Network)

• (Live Science)

• (Alternative Energy News)

• (The Daily Green)

• (The Tree Hugger)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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