Advanced Placement Literature/Composition

Each week you will be asked to search various news sources in search of a story you found interesting, important, or educational. Use the chart below to complete the activity.

|Name of Publication: |URL/ Link to Article: |

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|Article Date: (Needs to be within the last week) |Article Title: |

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|Article Location: (Where did it take place?) |Key Groups or Individuals mentioned: |

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|Article Summary: |Why does it matter in your opinion? |

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|Choose and define two terms that a person would need to know to understand the | |

|article. You may know the words but find two that others would need to know to | |

|fully understand the story. | |

|Vocabulary Term: |Definition: |

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|Vocabulary Term: |Definition |

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Name: Mr. Fetscher

Current Events Date:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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