Lee-Davis High School - Dorchester School District Two

Dorchester District Two


Academic Year 2019 - 2020

World Geography CP

The Study of Cultural and physical characteristics of the Earth.

Teacher: Sean McCawley

Room: B109

Phone Number: 843-695-4900

E-mail Address: smccawley@dorchester2.k12.sc.us

The focus of World Geography is the physical and cultural characteristics of Earth. The course is organized systematically around the topics of region, physical earth dynamics, population, culture, economic systems, urban systems, political systems, and the environment.

Below is an outline for the course.

|1st nine weeks |3rd nine weeks |

|Five Themes of Geography |Culture: |

|Place and Region |Language |

|Physical Geography |Ethnicity |

| |Religion |

| |Economic Geography |

|2nd nine weeks |4th nine weeks |

|Population |Urban Geography |

|Migration |Political Geography |

Course Standards

Standard WG-1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and human characteristics of places, including the creation of regions and the ways that culture and experience influence the perception of place.

Standard WG-2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the physical processes that shape the patterns of Earth’s surface, including the dynamics of the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.

Standard WG-3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth’s surface.

Standard WG-4 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of culture, the patterns of culture, and cultural change.

Standard WG-5 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the role that geography plays in economic development.

Standard WG-6 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the processes, patterns, and functions of human settlement.

Standard WG-7 The student will demonstrate an understanding of how cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth’s surface.

Standard WG-8 The student will demonstrate an understanding of how human actions modify the physical environment; how physical systems affect human systems; and how resources change in meaning, use, distribution, and importance

Course standards and indicators can be accessed on the

South Carolina Department of Education website.

The goal of this course is to prepare you in terms of knowledge of material as well as study skills for the next level of your curriculum. To meet this goal, you will read, write and discuss Geographical topics at an appropriate level of comprehension and analysis. You will often utilize primary sources and academic readings to supplement your studies. Your course instructors will also utilize content appropriate films that correlate with each unit throughout the year; you will view these films and complete an academic writing assignment. You will be responsible for daily and homework grades, quizzes, tests, activities and projects. Your nine-week, semester and final grade will be based on the following ratio:

|Category |Type of Task |Weight |

| Homework/ Classwork |Formative |25% |

|Quizzes/Formative Assessments |Formative/Summative |25% |

|Major Assessments |Formative/Summative |50% |

The purpose of formative assessment is to check for understanding during the learning process, provide feedback between teacher and students, and also measure consistency of effort.  Summative assessment is designed to measure content knowledge and problem solving skills over time.

|Grade |Scale |Description of Work |

|A |90-100% |Consistently demonstrates an exceptional level of quality and effort. Having all work in on time and completed to exceed |

| | |expectations. Mastery in evaluating, synthesizing, and applying content principles. |

|B |80-89% |Consistently demonstrates proficient knowledge with a good effort and quality of work. All assignments are complete and on |

| | |time. Demonstrates the ability to evaluate, analyze, synthesize and apply content principles. |

|C |70-79% |Demonstrates proficient knowledge and the ability to apply and analyze content principles. Work shows average effort. A few |

| | |assignments may be missed or late. |

|D |60-69% |Work shows minimal effort and some assignments are late. Demonstrates a basic understanding of recalling or comprehending |

| | |content principles. |

|F |Below 60% |Understanding is below basic in relation to content principles. Work is of poor quality and does not meet standards or |

| | |expectations. |

Grading Procedures:

1. Interim and report card grades will be calculated every 4 ½ weeks to keep students and parents aware of academic progress in the class. Parents and students are encouraged to check grades on PowerSchool weekly.

2. You will always be informed of upcoming tests and homework assignments and will clearly know what the expectations are for each. Some of the quizzes are announced, some are not. Please keep up with all reading and assignments to assure preparedness for any assessments.

3. Late work due to absences will be accepted the next day students return to school without penalty. Students may turn in missing work due to an absence up to 4 school days after the due date

4. On time assignments can receive up to 100%. One day late can receive up to 90%. All other late work will be accepted up until one week prior to the end of the quarter and can receive up to a grade of 50%.

5. If students miss tests and quizzes, they must be made up by the end of the school week that it is missed. For example, if you miss a test given on Tuesday, you must have the test made up on or by Friday of that week.

6. Students must have failed the test to be eligible to complete test corrections. Students who complete test questions can receive a maximum grade of 60%. All missed test questions must be corrected for the grade to be changed. Test corrections must be completed before the next unit test; for this reason, tests are not discussed in class, however, students are encouraged to set up appointments with the teacher to go over any test concerns or questions. Guidelines for test corrections will be discussed in a separate document.

7. Checking the class website (dorchester2.) for assignments, class up-dates, etc. is a requirement for this class. Also be sure to subscribe to your class’s remind on the Remind App.

8. Extra credit opportunities will be provided at the teacher’s discretion.

Class Rules and Expectations for Managing Student Behavior

Required Materials:

1. 3-Ring Binder (1-2 inch)

2. dividers

3. Lined Paper

4. Writing Utensils

5. Flashdrive (strongly recommended)

Students are expected to:

1. Be in your seat ready to work when the bell rings.*

2. Be respectful of yourself, the faculty, your peers, and the building.

3. Come prepared with all necessary materials for class.**

4. Wear your ID properly at all times.

5. Work to your fullest potential at all times.***

6. Complete all assignments on time.

7. Stay organized using the appropriate class binder.

* Students will receive a written referral after 5 tardies.

** Electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom UNLESS otherwise notified by the teacher.

*** For extra help and tutoring, parents may be contacted and students are encouraged to utilize tutoring opportunities before school, after school and during advisory. Appointments must be made.


1. Verbal warning

2. Conference with the teacher

3. Parent contact

4. Written referral

The teacher reserves the right to skip any consequence

listed depending on the severity of the offense.


1. Teacher-Student conference

2. E-mails, phone calls and letters home

3. Teacher-Parent conference

4. Quarter Recovery

5. Department tutoring: Please make an appointment

Welcome to class. Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have regarding the syllabus or what is expected of you in class. I demand high standards of excellence from you. Once you learn how to achieve at the level expected for this course, you will be able to have fun, prepare for the Social Studies courses ahead of you, and understand the historical events and people which have created the world we live in today.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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