Diane N - Washington State Courts Washington Courts


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E-mail: Diane_Lye@


|Ph.D. |1989 |University of Pennsylvania, Demography |

|M.A. |1985 |University of Pennsylvania, Demography |

|B.Sc. |1984 |London School of Economics |


• Over 10 years research and consulting experience in the fields of family and gender studies

• Strong specialization in study design and methodological aspects of conducting research on families and gender equality

• Extensive experience communicating technical research results to non-specialist audiences.


|1990-present |Diane N. Lye, Ph.D., Research and Consulting |

|1997-present |Visiting Scholar, University of Washington |

|1988-1997 |Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Washington |

|1994-1997 |Adjunct Assistant Professor, Women Studies Program, University of Washington |

|1988-1997 |Faculty Affiliate, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington |

|1994-1997 |Faculty Affiliate, European Studies Program, Jackson School of International Studies, University of|

| |Washington |


Family Change and Public Policy in the United States and Europe

Compares recent patterns of family change in the U.S. and the experiences of several European countries. Policy challenges and policy environments in the different settings are compared. Focuses on establishing policy implications of recent technical research, and on assessing the relevance and limitations of the European experience for U.S. policy makers. Lye is Principal Investigator.

American Fathers in the 21st Century

This project assessed the factors influencing, and the impact of, men’s involvement in parenting. The study will be conducted by researchers at Battelle’s Center for Public Health Evaluation and Research and will entail large-scale, national data collection, including repeated interviews with up to 5000 fathers over a 5-year period. As co-Principal Investigator Lye has been involved in all aspects of study design and development, and will have extensive involvement in data collection and data analysis throughout the project.

Intergenerational Relations: Old and New Immigrants.

This project will entail collection of new data on grandparent-grandchild relations in established and recent immigrant communities. The study will be conducted by researchers at the University of Washington’s Center for Research on Aging and the University of Washington’s School of Social Work. As co-Principal Investigator Lye had extensive involvement in the study design and preparation of analysis plans, and will supervise data analyses.

Adult Child – Parent Relationships After Divorce

This project focused on the consequences of parents’ divorce and remarriage for long-term relations between parents and their children (into the child’s adulthood) and explored the policy implications of the breakdown in adult child – parent relations for care of the elderly. The project was funded by the National Institutes of Health--National Institute on Aging. As co-Principal Investigator Lye was involved in all aspects of study design, analysis plan development, and actual analyses of the data.

Gender Equity and Marital Happiness

This project focused on the consequences of gender equity in marriages and attitudes and beliefs concerning gender equity and family life for marital happiness and stability.

Young Adults’ Attitudes Toward Family Life and Gender Relations

This project examined the factors influencing young adults ideas, expectations, and beliefs about various aspects of family life, sexual behavior, and gender relations. As Principal Investigator Lye was responsible for all aspects of study design and analysis.

Gender Differences in Smoking, Alcohol, and Illicit Drug use Among Adults and Teenagers

This project assessed gender differences in various types of substance use and the factors giving rise to those gender differences. As co-Principal Investigator Lye was involved in all aspects of study design, analysis plan development, and actual analyses of the data.

Population Growth and Environmental Change

This project summarized recent technical research concerning the impact of population growth on environmental quality for a non-technical audience, and highlighted the policy implications of this research. Lye was Principal Investigator.

Below Replacement Fertility in Industrialized Countries

This project explored recent patterns of childbearing in various industrial countries, and assessed the factors leading to sustained, unusually low birth rates. A substantial research effort was devoted to developing cross-nationally comparable measures of childbearing. The impact of differing social policy environments for patterns of childbearing were analyzed and reviewed. Lye was Principal Investigator.

Poverty and the Underclass: Building a Research Capacity at the University of Washington

This project explored issues related to poverty in the Pacific Northwest and entailed development of plans for a larger research effort. Lye was centrally involved in study design, specification of research questions, and development of analysis plans.

Family Independence Study

Lye provided assistance to researchers at the Evergreen State Institute for Public Policy as they developed research projects with graduate students at the University of Washington using data collected by the Family Independence Study. Lye assisted students in the specification of research questions, study design, and research plan development, and supervised students as they undertook research. Lye provided colleagues at the Evergreen State Institute for Public Policy with critiques of students’ proposed research to assist them in developing high-quality research projects.

Influences on U.S. Couples Risk of Divorce

This project investigated factors influencing the risk of divorce. Lye was centrally involved in all aspects of study design and analysis, and pioneered the application of new methods of analysis that have since become the accepted standard for analyses of time dependent family behaviors.

Trends in Divorce in Industrial Countries

This project investigated trends in divorce in various industrial countries, and the factors responsible for the increase in divorce. The research included the influence of public policy environments (divorce law etc) in bringing about the increase in divorce and in mitigating the consequences of divorce. The research also included development of cross-nationally comparable indicators of divorce rates. As Principal Investigator Lye was responsible for all aspects of study design and analysis.

Consequences of Teen Childbearing

This research followed a sample of teen mothers through to mature adulthood and assessed the impact of teen childbearing for later family behavior, education and workplace outcomes, and welfare use. Development of policy implications was a central focus on the research. Lye was centrally involved in data analysis.



Family Change and Public Policy in the U.S. and Western Europe.

To appear in the series Sociology for a New Century, edited by Charles Ragin, Wendy Griswold and Larry Griffin. Pine Forge Press. Expected date of Publication: January 1998.

Understanding Societies.

(With D. Chirot and J.F. Healey). Pine Forge Press. Expected date of Publication: June 1998.

Selected Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals

Morgan, S. Philip, Diane N. Lye and Gretchen A. Condran. 1988. “Sons, Daughters and Marital Disruption.” American Journal of Sociology 94(1):110-129.

Waldron, Ingrid, and Diane N. Lye. 1989. “Family Roles and Cigarette Smoking.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 5(3):136-141.

Waldron, Ingrid, and Diane N. Lye. 1989. “Employment, Unemployment, Occupation and Smoking.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 5(3):142-149.

Waldron, Ingrid, and Diane N. Lye. 1989. “Relationships of Teenage Smoking to Educational Aspirations and Parents' Education.” Journal of Substance Abuse 2(2):201-215.

Waldron Ingrid, and Diane N. Lye. 1989. “Relationships Between Teenage Smoking and Attitudes Towards Women's Rights, Sex Roles, Marriage and Family.” Women and Health 16(3/4):23-46.

Waldron, Ingrid, Diane N. Lye and Anastasia Brandon Gage. 1989. “Gender Differences in Teenage Smoking.” Women and Health: 17(2):65-90.

Lye, Diane N. 1991. “Standardization.” Pages 2050-2054 in Edgar Borgatta (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sociology. MacMillan: New York..

Lye, Diane N. and Timothy J. Biblarz. 1993. “The Effect of Attitudes Toward Family Life and Gender Roles on Marital Satisfaction.” Journal of Family Issues 14(2):157-188.

Lye, Diane, N., Daniel H. Klepinger, Patricia D. Hyle and Anjanette Nelson. 1995. “Childhood Living Arrangements and Adult Children’s Relations with Their Parents.” Demography: 32: 261-280.

Lye, Diane N. 1996. “Adult Child – Parent Relationships.” Annual Review of Sociology 22:79-102.

Lye, Diane N. and Ingrid Waldron. 1997. “Attitudes Toward Cohabitation, Family and Gender Roles: Relationships to Values and Political Ideology.” Sociological Perspectives 40:201-228.

Lye, Diane N. and Ingrid Waldron. 1997. “Relationships of Substance Use to Attitudes Toward Gender Roles, Family, and Cohabitation.” Journal of Substance Abuse, in press.

Selected Research Papers Presented at Professional Meetings.

Lye, Diane N. "Shifting Family Values and the Rise of Divorce in Developed Countries." Population Association of America, Baltimore, 1989.

Lye, Diane N. “Sons, Daughters, and Marital Disruption.” London School of Economics Population Studies Colloquium, 1989. (Invited)

Lye, Diane N. and Timothy J. Biblarz. "Are Egalitarian Relationships Happier? The Impact of Gender Role Attitudes and Gender Roles on Relationship Satisfaction." Population Association of America, Toronto, 1990.

Lye, Diane N. "Where's Daddy? Paternal Participation in Childrearing in Intact Families." Population Association of America, Washington, DC, 1991.

Lye, Diane, N., Daniel H. Klepinger, Patricia D. Hyle and Anjanette Nelson. "The Effects of Parents' Marital Disruption on Support Provided to Parents By Adult Children." Population Association of America, Denver, 1992.

Lye, Diane N., and Anjanette Nelson. "Childhood Living Arrangements and Attitudes Toward Intergenerational Support." Population Association of America, Cincinnati, 1993.

Lye, Diane N., and Daniel H. Klepinger. “Race, Childhood Living Arrangements and Intergenerational Family Relations.” Population Association of America, San Francisco, 1995.

Lye, Diane N. “Race Differences in Adult Child – Parent Relations.” University of California at Berkeley Population Colloquium, 1995. (Invited)

Lye, Diane N. “Adult Child – Parent Relationships.” Western Washington University Sociology and Demography Colloquium, 1995. (Invited)

Klepinger, Daniel H., and Diane N. Lye. “Childhood and Parental Living Arrangements: Implications for Intergenerational Transfers to Parents.” Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., 1997.


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