Welcome to 6th Grade Earth Science

7th Grade Biology Survival Guide

Welcome to Team Exceeds!

Mrs. Carey – Room 32

Phone: 708-233-4554

Email: scarey@

In seventh grade science you will be exposed to the major areas of Biological Sciences following the science curriculum map that is set by District 117. Topics that you will cover include: cells, zoology, botany, genetics and ecology. As we investigate these areas of science, you will acquire a good foundation of knowledge through various lab activities, projects, class work and discussions.

Classroom Procedures

Class Expectations

The rules for the classroom are:

1. Be Responsible

2. Be Ready (on time with all materials)

3. Be Respectful

These rules will be discussed at the beginning of the year and you will understand how they apply in each and every situation. You will also be made aware of the consequences. You must have YOUR assignment notebook with you in order to leave the room.


Generally, homework will be assigned every day. If there is not an actual assignment that is sent home, you should work on vocabulary, extra credit articles, familiarizing yourself better with the notes from that day and organizing your binders. If the assignment is turned in past the due date, your grade will be lowered on that assignment. Your assignment notebook will be checked daily and signed off by Mrs. Carey.


Grades for this course are not weighted, and will all be averaged in together. These assignments include tests, quizzes, projects, laboratories and any other materials collected.

The following grading scale will be used:

A = 100-93

B = 92-86

C = 85-78

D = 77-70

F = 69-00

Progress reports will be sent home midway through each quarter. These will need to be signed and returned only if the grade is near failing (D or F).


If you are absent you will have one day to make up work for each day that you are gone. I keep a binder that has a record of what we did each day and what the homework was.

If you know in advance that you are leaving for a period of time, I can prepare some of the work for you to take along. The sooner you can let me know, the better I will be able to organize the materials.

Extra Help

There will be a weekly study session on Tuesday mornings from 7-7:45*. I also generally stay after school until around 4:00 pm. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you are having difficulties with any of the science homework.

* There is no bus service at this time.

Daily Supplies Needed for Biology

3-Ring Binder with dividers (10)



Team Exceeds Website

This year your team of teachers has put together a website to better help you stayed informed and to give you access to other useful on-line resources. The website is listed below. Once you are on the main page you can then access my direct page by clicking on the tab that says “Mrs. Carey”. Each teacher on your team has a tab on this link so it’s extremely easy to find information for each of your classes.

If at any time you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me via phone or E-mail. Science is a challenging yet very enjoyable subject and together we can help make sure you’re successful!

Mrs. Carey

Phone: 708-233-4554

Email: scarey@


Classroom Supply



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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