Camdenton Middle School

Science Fair Project NotebookName: _____________Mrs. Eidson 5th GradeScience Fair Calendar-January 2014SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayNOTE: This is your experiment. Choose an experiment that is interesting to you.1New Year’s Day2345678910111213 Research and choose a Science Fair project.14Complete page 6 of your Science Fair Notebook.151617DUE TODAYScience Fair Notebook page 6181920No SchoolML king Day21Teacher approves project this week.22After teacher approval, complete pages 7-10.232425262728293031DUE TODAYScience Fair Notebook pages 7-10Science Fair Calendar-February 2014SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayNote: Ask your teacher if you need help.123Conduct your experiment and gather data.4567891011121314Valentine’s Day151617No SchoolPresidents’ Day1819202122232425262728Science Fair Calendar-March 2014SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayNote: Your teacher will show you how to make data tables and graphs.12345678910111213DUE TODAYEnd/Finish Experiment14No School151617Organize data tables and plete page 11.181920 DUE TODAY Science Fair Notebook page 1121222324 Complete your display board. Use pages 12-15.25262728293031 Science Fair Calendar-April 2014SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday1234SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS ARE DUE567891011121314151617No School18No SchoolGood Friday1920Easter Sunday21No School222324252627282930 PROJECT IDEAS: 1. Write questions you have always had about something in science. (examples-Can solar power be used to run an ipod? What types of food stain teeth the most? What type of ball bounces the highest?) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Do some research. Look on the internet, read books, or ask experts. Find out facts about each question and write what you find here. (If you need more room, write on the back or attach another sheet of paper.)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Which would be the best science fair experiment? Is it reasonable? Can you do this experiment without buying expensive materials? Can this experiment be completed in four to five weeks? Write your idea here for your teacher to approve.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You need teacher approval. YES or NO Initials ____ Your Experiment4. Take your question and write a testable question. (example-Will a tennis ball, volleyball or golf ball bounce higher?) Be sure to give choices._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Write a hypothesis for your experiment. (example-If I drop a tennis ball, volleyball, and golf ball from the same height, then which one would bounce highest?)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. List materials needed for your experiment.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Write your procedure. Write as many steps as needed. Be exact and explain each step.1. 2.3. 4.5.6. 7.8.910.8. Make a data table before you actually begin your experiment. It should look something like the following. Don't forget a title.Example:Height of Bounce in Centimeters When Dropped at Five Feet1st Drop2nd Drop3rd DropAverageTennis ballVolleyballGolf ballDraw or add your data table(s) here. Fill in the information as you complete your experiment. Be sure to use dates when collecting information and record all observations. (You can add pages if needed.) You need teacher approval. YES or NO Initials ____ 9. Should you use a bar or a line graph? ___________________________Explain your choice. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You need teacher approval. YES or NO Initials ____ 10. Make your graphs and data tables at school or at home. Show them to your teacher. You need teacher approval. YES or NO Initials ____ Science Fair Display Board Information11. Your project display is the first thing that people will see. It is important that your display is neat, colorful, and organized. Do not write on your backboard. Use computer graphics or self-stick letters to create headings for each part. Make sure your lettering is easy to read.TIPS:-Type as much of your display as possible. Use spell check before your print out the pages. -Your project title should be large enough to be read from a distance of roughly one yard. Use larger letters for your title than for anything else on your board.-Use colors on your display, but don't get too flashy or the colors could be distracting.-Before you stick anything to your backboard, lay the letters and pages onto the board. Space things out evenly and neatly. Rearrange things until it looks just right.!-Use rubber cement or double-sided tape to post your papers. Avoid using white school glue because it can cause the paper to wrinkle.-Don't forget to gather any models or other props that you'll want to display on the day of the science fair.-Don't forget that your project notes are part of your display.-Pictures make your project come alive. Use pictures if possible.Set up your display board in the following way:Testable QuestionHypothesisVariablesIndependent VariableDependent VariableControlled VariablesTitle and Your NameMaterials and ProcedureData Data Tables GraphsResultsConclusionTestable Question-What do you want to find out? A testable question must include your independent variables. Example-Is a can of diet Dr. Pepper more buoyant than a can of regular Dr. Pepper? Does a basketball, tennis ball, or golf ball bounce highest?Hypothesis-A prediction of what you think will happen. A hypothesis is an educated guess. Your hypothesis needs to use the words “If” and “then.” Example-If I light a thick and a thin candle at the same time, then the thick candle will burn longer.Variables-Anything that can affect the outcome of your experimentIndependent Variable-The one thing you changeDependent Variable-The change you measure.Controlled variables-The variables you keep the same.Materials and Procedure-How can you test what you think will happen? What materials do I need to conduct my experiment? Example:MaterialsTub of lukewarm waterCan of diet Dr. PepperCan of regular Dr. Pepper PencilNotebook paperProcedure-(Number each step in order.) Pick up both cans of sodaPlace both cans gently in the water horizontally.Let go of both cans at the same time.Make observations and write down what happens.DataThe information you collect from your investigation goes into this section. This section includes:Data tableGraphsPictures are optional.Results-This section explains what your data means. In this section, tell what happened in your experiment.Conclusion-Tell whether your hypothesis was correct or incorrect. Then explain how the experiment helped you reach your conclusion. Finally, explain what further research, if any, is needed. Other Essential Information Fair Experiment-An experiment is fair if you control all of the variables except the one that you are testing.Repeated ExperimentationDo the experiment several times before you draw any conclusions.If you cannot repeat an experiment, increase the number of samples you are studying. GraphsUse a bar graph to compare data.Use a line graph when data is changing because one variable affects another. If you are showing data over time, a line graph works best.Science Fair CategoriesYour Science Fair Project should fit into one of the following categories.1. Biological Sciences:includes projects that involve living things or once living things examples of projects in this category are studies of plant growth, cell structure, molds, preservatives, growth and development 2. Environmental Sciences/Ecology:includes projects that involve the environment and the relationships of living things to each other and/or to the environment examples of projects in this category are studies of organisms in their habitat, relationships between various organisms, and studies on how people’s actions affect the environment 3. Physical Sciences:includes projects involving non-living things math, computer, and engineering projects are included in this category other topics in this category are aerodynamics, probability, crystal growth, evaporation, solar power, electrical circuits 4. Earth Sciences:includes projects involving the earth and physical phenomena examples for projects in this category are weather, astronomy, rocks/minerals, and water 5. Behavioral/Social/Health Sciences:includes projects related to health, psychology, or consumer/product testing examples would be perception studies, aptitude and attitude surveys, product comparisons, and various exercise studiesScoring GuideName of Project: ________________________________________________________________Student Name: __________________________________________________________________Home Room Teacher: _____________________________________________________________1. Shares understanding of the scientific method through oral presentation Score4 Discusses the main parts of the scientific method: testable question, hypothesis, variables, materials, procedure, data, results, and conclusion 3 Discusses six to seven parts of the scientific method.1-2 Discusses less than six parts of the scientific method.0 Does not seem to understand the scientific Method; Does not try2. Shows use of the scientific method through the display boardScore4 Displays the scientific method on the backboard with neat and correct labels. No grammatical errors.3 Displays the scientific method on the Backboard; Some errors1-2 Has some or all steps of the scientific method on the backboard; Many errors0 Lacks steps to the scientific method on the Backboard; Many errors3. Speaks knowledgeable about the projectPoints4 Shares many details of the project with classmates.3 Shows clear understanding of the project.2 Knows what the project is, but gives little explanation.1 Tries to answer questions from classmates.4. Presents data using well-organized tables, graphs, and chartsScore4 Tables, graphs, and charts accurately and neatly display data. (Contains at least 2)3 Tables, graphs, and charts accurately display data.1-2 Some tables, graphs, and charts are included on the board. 0 Lacks tables, graphs, and charts. 5. Shows enthusiasm and interest in the projectScore4 Shows genuine enthusiasm for and interest in the topic. Offers suggestions for further investigation.3 Shows genuine enthusiasm and interest in the topic. 1-2 Some interest in the project.0 Does not seem to care about the project. 8077205397504 Above Grade Level3 On Grade Level2-0 Below Grade Level2-0 = Below Grade Level004 Above Grade Level3 On Grade Level2-0 Below Grade Level2-0 = Below Grade LevelScore: ________ ................

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