Mrs. Vize's science class

Mrs. Vize’s 6th Grade ScienceRoland Park Elementary/MiddleMiddle School Course Syllabus and Classroom Procedures Course Title: Earth and Space ScienceTeacher:Martina Mileto VizeSupportHours:Wednesdays 7:45 – 770-0311Website: Description: Welcome to 6th Grade Earth and Space Science! This class is designed to lead you to new discoveries in the geological sciences and astronomy. Through experimentation, observation, and research, this year you will learn about the beginnings of our universe and our understanding of space, the history of our planet, and the processes that shape it.The Rule: Above all, respect yourself and other people. A disruption to another student’s learning or my teaching will not be tolerated.Instructional Time Line/Course Outline: The theme of 6th grade science is “the Abiotic Universe.” We will cover the following topics:Scientific tools and processesAstronomyWeather and climateGeological processes FossilsRocks and mineralsStudent Expectations: Bring your binder and something to write with to every class, unless told otherwise. I expect you to be seated and ready to learn when class begins. Likewise, you should expect me to be ready to teach. In addition, lab materials are to be treated with respect. Any student who misuses lab materials and/or equipment will have their parents contacted and be given an alternative aligned assignment rather than participate in the next lab.Materials Needed:5 subject notebook or 3 Ring Binder, no more than 2 inchesScissorsMarkers/colored pencilsHighlightersTape and/or glue*I provide many consumable materials (such as markers and glue), however is a huge help to me and my wallet if students also come prepared with their own materials!*Assessments: Here is the breakdown of my grading policy:Homework – 10%Homework will be assigned daily and checked for completion and/or accuracy.Class-work – 30%The bulk of the class-work will be contained in your binder, therefore binders may be collected and graded. You will receive a rubric for the binder that will be used for each unit so you will always know exactly what I am looking when I grade your binder. When I do check binders, I am looking more at the quality of your thought process as you work through labs and activities. Scientists generally don’t stumble upon important discoveries the first time they perform an experiment. It’s a process of trial and error; thinking about your mistakes and then learning from them is the most important part. This is why I expect you to make corrections and reflect when you do get something wrong. Lab Reports will fall under this category. Warm ups or drills may also be graded as class- work, along with handouts and exit tickets.Projects – 30%There is at least one creative project per unit of study. Some projects may be group projects completed in class; others may be individual projects to be completed at home. All projects will include a rubric.Tests and quizzes – 30% Late/Make-up work: Any assignment that is not ready to be turned in at the beginning of the period is considered late. Homework that is reviewed in class cannot be turned in late. Otherwise, students will lose 10% each day it is late for two days, after the second day it is a zero. Homework due to an excused absence is due two days after your return to school. For late projects students will lose 10% each day it is late for three days. After the third day it is a zero and cannot be made up. Extended absences will be dealt with on a case by case basis. The student is responsible for getting and completing all missed work. Students will be given the opportunity at the beginning of the year to get the contact information of two or three “Work Buddies” who they can contact to find out what they missed when they are absent.Making up science work is not as easy as it is in other classes. Very often you may be missing a lab which you or I might not have time to make up. I will do my best to schedule a make up time. If we can’t make it work, you might be assigned textbook work instead of a fun experiment. So be there or be square.Mrs. Vize's 6th Grade Science Course Syllabus and Classroom ProceduresWe have reviewed the course syllabus and classroom procedures for Mrs. Vize’s 6th grade Earth and Space Science class..Printed Student Name: _________________________________________________________Printed Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s):_____________________________________________Phone numbers where parent/guardian can be reached.___________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature - Date Student Signature - DateEmail address:_________________________________________________________________(used for communication and updates) ................

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