SP06: AR verbs - Mt. San Antonio College

Spanish Self-Directed Learning Activities Language Learning Center, Passport Rewards

SP06: AR Verbs

SP06: AR verbs

Student Name: _____________________________________ Student ID Number: ______________________

Instructor: _____________________________ Class Level: ______________ Date: _____________________

For media links in this activity, visit the LLC Spanish Tutoring website. Find your DLA number to see all the resources to finish your DLA.

Learning Outcomes: You will be able to... Conjugate ar verbs in the present tense.

Section 1: Subjects In this SDLA, we'll learn how to conjugate -ar verbs. This means a verb changes when the subject changes. What is a subject?

I use the computer. You use the computer. They use the computer.

I is the subject. You is the subject. They is the subject.

Review the subjects in Spanish:


= yo


= t?

he/she/you (formal & singular) = ?l, ella, usted


= nosotros, nosotras


= vosotros

they/you (familiar & plural)

= ellos, ellas, ustedes

The present tense is used to talk about:

1. Actions that are occurring at this moment.

2. Actions that happen daily/habitually.

Now, we will review how to conjugate regular verbs in ?ar so that you remember how to conjugate any ?ar verb.

Example -ar verbs: estudiar, bailar, comprar, hablar

Revised on 1/24/2022



Spanish Self-Directed Learning Activities Language Learning Center, Passport Rewards

SP06: AR verbs


yo estudi- + o = estudio

t? estudi-+ as= estudias

?l/ella/Ud. estudi-+ a= estudia

nosotros/as estudi-+ amos = estudiamos

vosotros/as estudi-+ ?is= estudi?is

ellos/ellas/Uds. estudi-+ an = estudian

I study You (familiar) study He/she studies; you (formal) studies We study You (familiar) study They study; you (formal) study

Section 2: Practice Conjugations

Complete the conjugations. Example: estudiar

hablar (to speak)






















Verb ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

bailar (to dance) Subject yo t?

?l/ella/Ud. nosotros/as vosotros/as ellos/ellas/Uds.

Verb ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

trabajar (to work) Subject yo t?

?l/ella/Ud. nosotros/as vosotros/as ellos/ellas/Uds.

Verb ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Revised on 1/24/2022

2 langlab@mtsac.edu

Spanish Self-Directed Learning Activities Language Learning Center, Passport Rewards

SP06: AR Verbs

Section 3: Use Correct Conjugations Write the conjugation of the word in parentheses that fits the context.

1. La profesora ___________________________ (comprar) la comida en el supermercado. 2. Los estudiantes no ___________________________ (ir) a la escuela los fines de semana. 3. Brian ___________________________ (nadar) en la piscina todos los fines de semana. 4. T? ___________________________ (lavar) el carro todos los fines de semana. 5. ?T? ___________________________ (jugar) alg?n deporte? 6. Sean y t? ___________________________ (estudiar) en la biblioteca. 7. Yo ___________________________ (ir) al gimnasio despu?s de clases los viernes. 8. Nicole ___________________________ (hablar) por tel?fono con sus amigos. 9. Ustedes___________________________ (practicar) deportes en el gimnasio. 10. Nosotros ___________________________ (jugar) voleibol en la playa. 11. Mi mam? y mi pap? ___________________________ (preparar) la cena todos los d?as. 12. Usted ___________________________ (jugar) f?tbol y b?isbol, pero no le gusta el tenis, ?verdad? 13. Yo ___________________________ (tocar) la guitarra, el piano y el clarinete. Es un gran m?sico. 14. Mi mejor amiga y yo ___________________________ (trabajar) en la librer?a del centro comercial. 15. Los estudiantes ___________________________ (ir) a la cafeter?a durante el almuerzo.

Section 4: Apply Conjugations

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Make sure to conjugate the verb.

1. ?T? hablas por tel?fono o mandas (mandar) mensajes de texto?


2. ?Tus amigos y t? juegan deportes o videojuegos?


3. ?Decansas por la ma?ana o por la noche?


Revised on 1/24/2022

3 langlab@mtsac.edu

Spanish Self-Directed Learning Activities Language Learning Center, Passport Rewards

4. ?Qu? tipo de m?sica escuchas?

SP06: AR verbs


5. ?Tus amigos y t? estudian mucho o poco?


Section 5: Write Sentences Create a sentence that matches the drawings.

1. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

Revised on 1/24/2022

4 langlab@mtsac.edu

Spanish Self-Directed Learning Activities Language Learning Center, Passport Rewards

SP06: AR Verbs

Section 6: Practice with a tutor!

GOOD job! Now make an appointment for Spanish Tutoring on the LLC website.

Before your appointment, please fill out the sign-in sheet.

When it is time for your appointment, meet your tutor in the Virtual LLC.

Possible Points

Grading Rubric



Not Yet Pass

The student completed all The student has not yet of the sections of the DLA. completed all of the section

of the DLA.

Comprehension/ The student can effectively Metacognition explains the concepts and

skills learned in the DLA.

The student cannot yet effectively explain the concepts and skills learned in the DLA.

Course Connections

The student can explain the connections between their coursework and the DLA.

The student cannot yet explain a connection between their course and DLA.

Students must succeed in all criteria to pass this DLA.

Verification of completion: If you successfully complete this DLA with the tutor, you will receive a stamp on your digital passport. An updated copy of your passport will be emailed to you 1-2 business days after your tutoring appointment.

Revised on 1/24/2022

5 langlab@mtsac.edu


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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