P-12 Education Committee

Kimberly Young Wilkins Progress Update on the Rollout of the Next Generation English Language Arts and Mathematics Standards September 26, 2019


Issue for Discussion

Staff will update the Board on the guidance and resources created, as well as the activities accomplished to date related to the rollout of the Next Generation ELA and Math Standards.

Reason(s) for Consideration

This item is presented to the P-12 Education Committee for discussion.

Background Information

In September 2017 the Board of Regents Adopted the New York State Next Generation English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Learning Standards. At the time of adoption, the Department committed to a series of next steps in order to implement these standards. The first of these steps involved the creation of an implementation roadmap divided into three phases.

? Phase I ? Raising Awareness: Phase one began immediately upon adoption and continued through the 2018-19 school year. During this time, the Department, in collaboration with many statewide partners, created a number of resources to guide regions and districts in introducing the standards to their ELA and Math educators. The presentation accompanying this item outlines the various resources and tools made available to districts to familiarize teachers and administrators with the new standards and prepare them to develop and/or adopt curriculum aligned to those standards. As these tools were developed and

P-12 (D) 2

released, various professional development activities were happening around the state. Some of these activities were provided by the Department through the "Supporting all Students" conferences held in Rochester, Saratoga and New York City. These events hosed over 3,000 ELA and Math educators. Most of the professional development activities, however, happened at the local or regional level. The Staff and Curriculum Development Network (SCDN), Teacher Centers, and professional organizations across the state worked with their local districts to familiarize them with the new standards.

? Phase II ? Building Capacity: The 2019-20 school year is dedicated to building capacity across the districts to begin implementing the standards. During this school year, schools across the state are working hard to create, adapt or adopt curricula to enable their students to meet the new Standards. The Curriculum program office will spend this year engaged with various partners to facilitate that capacity building.

To kick off Phase II, NYSED provided a turnkey professional development day in August. The event was open to BOCES professional development staff, as well as the Big 5 city school districts and focused on a new resource developed by the Curriculum office in collaboration with the ELA content advisory panel. "The Guide for Aligning Local Curricula to the Next Generation English Language Arts Standards" was introduced at this event. Approximately 90 professional developers from across the State attended the event at the NYS Museum, with a goal of bringing the tool back to their own regions for use with a wider audience. There is a similar tool for mathematics curriculum alignment, along with a set of math standard unpacking guides and standards crosswalks. All these tools will be the focus of several presentations across the state to various professional organizations, throughout the fall and winter of the 19-20 school year.

? Phase III ? Full Implementation: The first year of full implementation for grades P8 will begin in September 2020. Each year thereafter will bring implementation into our high schools, so that all instruction in grades P-12 will be aligned to the Next Generation ELA and Math standards by September 2023.

The rollout plan for this robust set of standards is thoughtful, strategic and deliberately designed to ensure that all NY school districts have the adequate time, tools and preparation to bring them to life in classrooms across the state. The attached timelines and slide presentation further detail the implementation activities.

Related Regents Items August 2017 Update ()


New York State Next Generation English Language Arts (ELA) Learning Standards Development, Adoption, and Implementation



Phase I

Phase II

Raise Awareness Build Capacity

Phase III Full Implementation

Ongoing curriculum & professional development



Instruction aligned to NYS Next Generation English

Language Arts (ELA) Learning Standards begins...

September 2020 for Grades PK-8

September 2021

for Grade 9

September 2022

(Grade 10 and Grade for Grade 10

11 remain aligned to (Grade 11 remains

NYS P-12 Learning Standards for ELA &

aligned to NYS P-12 Learning Standards for




ELA & Literacy)

for Grade 11

2020- 2021

2021 - 2024


July 2015

Review process of the NYS P-12

Learning Standards for

English Language Arts & Literacy (2010)


July 2017

Next Generation English

Language Arts Learning Standards

Adopted by the Board of Regents

April 2018

Release of the NYS Next

Generation ELA & Mathematics

Learning Standards Implementation Roadmap

Spring 2020 Last administration of NYS

Grades 3-8 state assessments aligned to the NYS P-12 Learning Standards for English Language Arts &

Literacy (2010)

Spring 2021 First administration of NYS Grades 3-8 state assessments aligned to the NYS Next Generation English Language Arts

Learning Standards

June 2024 First administration of

ELA Regents Exam aligned to the NYS Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards

June 2025 Last administration of ELA Regents aligned to the NYS P-12 Learning Standards for English

Language Arts & Literacy (2010)

State Level English Language Arts Assessment Development & Implementation

New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards Instruction and Assessment Timeline

Phase I

Phase II

Raise Awareness Build Capacity

Phase III Implementation & Sustainability

Instruction aligned to NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards begins...

...September 2019 for grades PK-2


...September 2020 for Grades 3-8


...September 2021 for Algebra I


...September 2022 for Geometry


...September 2023 for Algebra II


2025 +

Spring 2020 Last administration of NYS Grades 3-8 state assessments aligned to the NYS

CCLS for Mathematics (2011)

Spring 2021 First administration of NYS Grades 3-8 state assessments aligned to the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning


June 2022 First administration of

Algebra I Regents Exam, aligned to the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning


June 2023 First administration of

Geometry Regents Exam, aligned to the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning

Standards. * Last administration of

Algebra I CC (2011) Regents Exam.

June 2024 First administration of

Algebra II Regents Exam, aligned to the NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning

Standards. ** Last administration of Geometry CC (2011)

Regents Exam.

June 2025 ***Last

administration of Algebra II CC (2011) Regents Exam.

State Level Mathematics Assessment Development & Implementation

*Algebra I CC (2011) will be administered June 2022, August 2022, Jan 2023 and June 2023. **Geometry CC (2011) will be administered June 2023, August 2023, Jan 2024 and June 2024. ***Algebra II CC (2011) will be administered June 2024, August 2024, Jan 2025 and June 2025.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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