New York State Regents Examination in English Language ...

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18

New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts Part 3 Rubric

Text Analysis: Exposition


Anchor Paper ? Part 3 ? Level 4 ? A

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18


Anchor Paper ? Part 3 ? Level 4 ? A

Anchor Level 4?A

The response introduces a well-reasoned central idea (the author effectively makes known the central idea of the passage, the discovery of self-identity that accompanies the transition into adulthood) and a writing strategy (Our author accomplishes this insight into maturity by providing a window into the internal conflicts of two young adults from Ohio) that clearly establish the criteria for analysis. The response demonstrates a thoughtful analysis of the author's use of internal conflict to develop the central idea (The internal conflict experienced by both George and Helen helps them to realize what they actually want or need in their transition to maturity and Amidst their mindset ? altering transitions into adulthood ... and the internal conflicts experienced, they still strive for something). The response presents ideas clearly and consistently, making effective use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis (he looks in retrospection at his memories of his eighteen years of life, He seeks comfort and wishes to find it by voicing his thoughts to Helen, She attempts to find security in her male instructor during her brief trip to her hometown). The response exhibits logical organization of ideas and information by first introducing the focus of the passage, the central idea and the writing strategy, then discussing how George and Helen feel about their situations and their introspections, which creates internal conflicts, and concluding with a summation to create a cohesive and coherent response. The response establishes and maintains a formal style, using precise language and sound structure (A sort of nihilism begins to overcome him; Despite all of her exciting material enjoyments, she does not seem satisfied; his vanity is off-putting to her). The response demonstrates control of conventions.

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18


Anchor Paper ? Part 3 ? Level 4 ? B

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18


Anchor Paper ? Part 3 ? Level 4 ? B

Anchor Level 4?B The response introduces a well-reasoned central idea (This passage speaks of the state of change that a young man and a young woman are going through) and a writing strategy (Throughout the passage, the author develops a dismal tone to enhance the theme of possibly unwanted change) that clearly establish the criteria for analysis. The response demonstrates a thoughtful analysis of the author's use of tone to develop the central idea (Using these phrases and others like it, the author is able to cast a gloomy mood over the character of the young man and The author is able to use this woman's emotions to show the disappointment that adulthood may hold). The response presents ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of relevant evidence to support analysis (The young man describes the "sadness of sophistication" and The author creates a different ... mood surrounding the young woman. He talks about how the woman ... "hungered to reach into the grace and beauty of womanhood"). The response exhibits a logical organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent response, with one paragraph introducing and explaining how for both characters, this seems to be quite a confusing time in their lives that leaves them let down by the world and a second paragraph that presents examples to demonstrate how the author develops a dismal tone. The response establishes and maintains a formal style, using precise language and sound structure (The young man seems to be wary of the changes he is going through and The author offers a contradiction between what she thought womanhood would be like and how she actually feels now that she is a woman). The response demonstrates control of conventions with infrequent errors (phrases ... it).

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18


Anchor Paper ? Part 3 ? Level 3 ? A

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18


Anchor Paper ? Part 3 ? Level 3 ? A

Anchor Level 3?A

The response introduces a clear central idea (one apparent central idea ... was that the shift from being a child or a teenager to being an adult is one that is difficult) and a writing strategy (The author especially uses similes to bring out this idea of growing up) that establish the criteria for analysis. The response demonstrates an appropriate analysis of the author's use of similes to develop the central idea (This literary device constantly shows George's dark, deep, thoughts and feelings as he goes through this transition and This shows his struggle and internal battle to deal with his current situation). The response presents ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of relevant evidence to support analysis, using quotes from the text to identify and explain similes ("...he sees himself as merely a leaf blown by the wind...", "...a thing destined like corn to wilt in the sun", These two uses of similes really show George's struggle to grow up and become someone in society). The response exhibits acceptable organization of ideas and information to create a coherent response by establishing and exemplifying the central idea in the opening paragraph, then presenting the author's use of similes in the second paragraph, and concluding with a reiteration of how the writing strategy develops the central idea (This all connects back to the central idea that the switch from being a youth to becoming an adult is one that is hard and challenging to face). The response establishes and maintains a formal style, using appropriate language and structure (This shows that George Willard's transition into adulthood was unpleasant for him). The response demonstrates control of conventions with infrequent errors (into adulthood; the transition; These two points ... shows; George's dark, deep, thoughts).

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18


Anchor Paper ? Part 3 ? Level 3 ? B

Regents Exam in ELA Rating Guide -- Jan. '18



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