Course Syllabus


Activity Course Code: 5400

School: Fort Dorchester High School

Instructor: Mrs. Maria Williams

Phone: (843) 760-4450 or 834-2867

E-Mail: marwilliams@dorchester2.k12.sc.us


Course Description: Entrepreneurship is an elective course that covers a variety of useful information that your child can apply in the business world or everyday life experiences. The course is designed to provide a general overview of the American enterprise system with special emphasis being placed on small business ownership and the development of a business plan for small business ownership. An important part of the course will be development of business and managerial leadership skills as they relate to the functions of planning, marketing, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling a small business.

Course Objective: Given the necessary equipment, supplies, and facilities, the student will be able to successfully complete all of the core standards (attached) for a course that grants one unit of credit.

Credit: 1 Unit

Prerequisites(s): Keyboarding/Business Computer Applications

Instructional Texts, Materials, Supplies, and Equipment:

Provided by Student: Black or blue pens, pencils, folder, and lined loose-leaf notebook paper

Provided by School: Computer network, personal computer, appropriate software

Required Textbook: How to Start and Operate a Small Business, The National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) by Steve Mariotti, 2001, 2003, & 2006, Tenth Edition and Owning Your Future by Steve Mariotti, 2010, Eleventh Edition.

Along with the textbook, outside resources will also be used such as guest speakers, the Internet, the newspaper, and magazine articles. The student will be required to complete and present numerous projects. This is a very project-oriented class.


Letter grades will be determined using a standard percentage point evaluation as outlined below.


|Grade |Scale |Description of Work |

|A |90-100% |Consistently demonstrates an exceptional level of quality and effort. Having all work in on time and completed |

| | |to exceed expectations. Mastery in evaluating, synthesizing, and applying content principles. |

|B |80-89% |Consistently demonstrates proficient knowledge with a good effort and quality of work. All assignments are |

| | |complete and on time. Demonstrates the ability to evaluate, analyze, synthesize and apply content principles. |

|C |70-79% |Demonstrates proficient knowledge and the ability to apply and analyze content principles. Work shows average |

| | |effort. A few assignments may be missed or late. |

|D |60-69% |Work shows minimal effort and some assignments are late. Demonstrates a basic understanding of recalling or |

| | |comprehending content principles. |

|F |Below 60% |Understanding is below basic in relation to content principles. Work is of poor quality and does not meet |

| | |standards or expectations. |

Teaching Methods: This class will involve class discussions, lectures, case analysis, class work exercises, weekly journals/warm-ups, in-class activities, projects, computer assignments, group activities, and completion of a Business Plan for a business of student’s choice.

The student will be evaluated in the following areas:

• Tests, Quizzes, Case Studies, Class work Exercises, Weekly journals/warm-ups, Individual and Group Projects and Presentations, Class Participation, & Class Behavior

Quarter grades will be based on the following:

Entrepreneurship Assessments (FORMATIVE): Chapter Tests, Projects/

Presentations (Individual/Group), and Business Plan 55%

Entrepreneurship Daily (SUMMATIVE): Quizzes/Class work Exercises/

Weekly Journals/Case Studies, Class Participation and Behavior 45%


The student should show consistent good performance to earn a good grade in this class. ATTENDANCE is very important.

Grading Procedures:

Parents can access grades through Power School at . Please feel free to contact me at any time via email or telephone. Students will have five school days to submit missed assignments missed due to absences per the Dorchester District Two Student Handbook. Late assignments will be accepted with 10 points deducted per day.

Report cards and progress/interim reports will be issued based upon the district calendar. A cumulative Final exam will comprise 20% of the first semester grade. The following formulas will be used to calculate final grades:

Semester 1(S1) Block Schedule Semester 2 (S2) Block Schedule

Quarter 1 40% Quarter 3 40%

Quarter 2 40% Quarter 4 40%

Final Exam 20% Final Exam 20%

=Final Grade =Final Grade

School Wide Grading Policy

• Missing/Make-Up Work

• Students have one week to make up missing assignments from date of return

• “0” Placed in gradebook for ALL missing assignments

• Retakes

• Students, regardless of grade, can retake any test within 5 days of the teacher handing the test back.

• Assessments

• Students, regardless of grade, can do corrections or retake any test within 5 days of receiving their grade


• After Quarter interims students will be assigned ILT by administrator.

• Student must attend 3 times per week until grade is passing

• Students who fail for the quarter will be offered Quarter Recovery

Modes of Parental Contact: In accordance with school policy, parental contact is made to the homes of all students who receive a failing grade or those who have missed an excessive amount of days in my class. In addition, I will call a parent, email parents, and attend conferences to report student’s progress. Again, please feel free to contact me at any time via email or telephone and access grades through Power School at .



1. Identify major causes of work-related accidents in offices.

2. Describe the threats to a computer network, methods of avoiding attacks, and options in dealing with virus attacks.

3. Identify potential abuse and unethical uses of computers and networks.

4. Explain the consequences of illegal, social, and unethical uses of information technologies (e.g., piracy; illegal downloading; licensing infringement; inappropriate uses of software, hardware, and mobile devices).

5. Differentiate between freeware, shareware, and public domain software copyrights.

6. Discuss computer crimes, terms of use, and legal issues such as copyright laws, fair use laws, and ethics pertaining to scanned and downloaded clip art images, photographs, documents, video, recorded sounds and music, trademarks, and other elements for use in Web publications.

7. Identify netiquette including the use of e-mail, social networking, blogs, texting, and chatting.

8. Describe ethical and legal practices in business professions such as safeguarding the confidentiality of business-related information.


1. Identify positive work practices (e.g., appropriate dress code for the workplace, personal grooming, punctuality, time management, organization).

2. Demonstrate positive interpersonal skills (e.g., communication, respect, teamwork).


1. Explain how related student organizations are integral parts of career and technology education courses.

2. Explain the goals and objectives of related student organizations.

3. List opportunities available to students through participation in related student organization conferences/competitions, community service, philanthropy, and other activities.

4. Explain how participation in career and technology education student organizations can promote lifelong responsibility for community service and professional development.


1. Identify characteristics of entrepreneurs.

2. List the advantages and disadvantages of different types of business ownership.

3. Distinguish between four ways in which a business may be acquired (purchase an existing business, enter the family business, purchase a franchise, or start a new business).

4. Complete a self-analysis to identify potential entrepreneurial interests.

5. Explain the technical skills needed by entrepreneurs.


1. Identify characteristics of a market economy and a command economy.

2. Explain the concept of supply and demand.

3. Define economic terms such as monopoly, scarcity, elastic good, inelastic good, public good, fixed cost, variable cost, opportunity cost, and break even point.


1. Describe the parts of a business plan.

2. Discuss the purposes for creating a business plan.

3. Select a business opportunity based on research.

4. Identify industry trends, competition, and market segment using various research techniques.

5. Define the industry characteristics, major competitors, and market segment.

6. Determine the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion).

7. Select an appropriate location.

8. Design the physical layout.

9. Estimate the cost of equipment, supplies, and inventory.

10. Develop an organizational chart.

11. Create job descriptions for every job.

12. Describe various recruitment techniques.

13. Identify components of an employee manual.

14. Prepare a management plan (incorporate legal requirements, business protection, and operations).

15. Prepare a pro forma budget.

16. Interpret financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow projections, and summary of sales and cash receipts).

17. Complete a pro forma income statement and balance sheet.

18. Estimate start-up costs and projected business expenses for one year and the funding needed to begin the business using the pro forma income statement.


1. Explain federal, state, and local regulations that affect small business ownership.

2. Define employer/employee taxes and sales tax requirements.


1. Describe advertising and sales promotion techniques.

2. Identify cost factors in a selection of alternative promotional methods.

3. Identify the objectives of a public relations program.


1. Define e-commerce.

2. Explain the development of e-commerce.

3. Compare and contrast characteristics of business-to-business e-commerce and business-consumer e-commerce.

4. Identify and define the growth stages of an e-commerce business.

Timeline for Units of Instruction - ENTREPRENEURSHIP

| | | |

|Unit |Chapter and Application Activity |Month |

|Safety and Ethics |Safety and Health Considerations-additional handouts |AUGUST – S1 |

| |PowerPoint Presentations |JANUARY – S2 |

|Entrepreneurial Characteristics |Chapter 1.1 – What is Entrepreneurship? | |

| |Chapter 1.2 Characteristics of an Entrepreneurship | |

| |Interview a local Entrepreneur Project | |

| |Chapter 2.1 – Importance of Entrepreneurship in the Economy | |

| |Chapter 2.2 – Thinking Globally, Acting Locally | |

| |Research a Successful Entrepreneur Project | |

|Student Organizations |PowerPoint Presentation: South Carolina Future Business Leaders of America | |

|Entrepreneurial Characteristics |Chapter 3.1 – Types of Businesses |SEPTEMBER – S1 |

| |Chapter 3.2 – Types of Business Ownership |FEBRUARY – S2 |

|Legal Responsibilities |Chapter 4.1 – Communicating in Business | |

| |Chapter 4.2 - Negotiating | |

|Business Plan |Chapter 6.1 – What Is a Business Plan? | |

| |Chapter 6.2 – What Is a Business Opportunity? | |

| |Business Plan Workshop – Name Your Business and begin writing your Business Plan | |

|Employability Skills & Legal |Complete 5 modules in Microburst Employability Skills | |

|Responsibilities |Chapter 5.1 – Ethical Business Behavior | |

| |Chapter 5.2 – Socially Responsible Business & Philanthropy | |

| |Identify Positive Work Habits and Interpersonal Skills Activity | |

|Public Relations |Chapter 7.1 – What is Market Research? |OCTOBER – S1 |

| |Chapter 7.2 – What Is Your Competitive Advantage? |MARCH – S2 |

| |Marketing Research Project | |

| |Chapter 8.1 – Developing Your Marketing Mix | |

| |Chapter 8.2 – Promoting Your Product | |

| |Promotional Plan Project | |

|Business Plan & E-commerce Basics |Chapter 9.1 – Principles of Successful Selling | |

| |Chapter 9.2 – Estimating Sales | |

| |Business Plan Workshop | |

|Business Economics |Chapter 10.1 – The Cost of Doing Business | |

| |Chapter 10.2 – The Economics of One Unit of Sale | |

|Business Plan |Chapter 11.1 – Income Statements & Cash Flows | |

| |Chapter 11.2 – The Balance Sheet | |

| |Financials Activities |NOVEMBER – S1 |

| |Business Plan Workshop |APRIL – S2 |

| |Chapter 12.1 – Financial Ratios | |

| |Chapter 12.2 – Break-Even Analysis | |

| |Chapter 13.1 – Start-up Investment | |

| |Chapter 13.2 – Obtaining Financing | |

|Business Plan |Business Plan Workshop & Prepare for Classroom Business Plan Competition | |

| |Business Plan Workshop & Prepare for YesCarolina County Business Plan Competition (Top 3 | |

| |from Classroom Competition) | |

| |Chapter 14.1 – Recordkeeping | |

| |Chapter 14.2 – Accounting Systems | |

|Public Relations, Employability Skills, &|Chapter 15.1 – Staffing your Business | |

|Legal Responsibilities |Chapter 15.2 – Training and Motivating Employees | |

|Legal Responsibilities |Chapter 16.1 – Protecting Your Business |DECEMBER – S1 |

| |Chapter 16.2 - Insurance |MAY – S2 |

| |Chapter 17.1 - Taxes and Your Business | |

| |Chapter 17.2 – Government Regulations | |

| |Review for Final Exam/Work on Study Guide | |

|FINAL EXAM |Final Exam | |

Class Rules and Expectations for Managing Student Behavior

To help make our environment one in which learning occurs, students should follow the class rules. Any violation will result in the outlined consequences just as adherence will result in rewards.

Class Rules

1. Show respect at all times.

2. Follow classroom procedures.

3. Obey all school rules (see FDHS Student Handbook).


1. 1st Offense Warning.

2. 2nd Offense Student Conference.

3. 3rd Offense Parent contact.

4. 4th Offense Detention and/or Disciplinary referral & parent contact.


1. Positive parent contact.

2. PRIDE referral.

3. Verbal praise.

4. Student of Week/Month/Quarter.

5. Five minutes free time (end of class).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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