DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT for the proposed Atlantis Gas-to-Power facility on Portion 1 and Portion 4 of Cape Farm 1183 (Erf 277), Western Cape

Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed Atlantis Gas-to-Power facility on Cape Farm 1183-4-1 (Erf 277), Western Cape


DEA Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/2/981 November 2016

Prepared for: City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality and GreenCape

Prepared by: CSIR P O Box 320 Stellenbosch 7599 Tel: 021 888 2432 Fax: 021 888 2473 Lead Authors:

Kelly Stroebel, Rudolph Du Toit and Paul Lochner

? CSIR 2017. This report/document is copyright protected under the Berne Convention. In terms of the Copyright Act, Act No. 98 of 1978, no part of this book/document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information

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Copyright 2017 ? CSIR

DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT for the proposed Atlantis Gas-to-Power facility on Portion 1 and Portion 4 of Cape Farm 1183 (Erf 277), Western Cape

Title: Purpose of this report:

Prepared for: Prepared by:

Authors: DEA Ref No: Date: To be cited as:

Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed Atlantis Gas-to-Power facility on Cape Farm 1183-4-1, Western Cape ? DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT

This Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Report forms part of a series of reports and information sources that are being provided during the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process for the proposed Atlantis Gasto-Power Project, Western Cape. In accordance with the EIA Regulations, the purpose of the Scoping Report is to:

Provide a description of the proposed project, including a sufficient level of detail to enable stakeholders to raise issues and concerns;

Describe the local planning context and environment within which the project is proposed, to assist further in identifying issues and concerns;

Provide an overview of the process being followed in the Scoping Phase, in particular the public participation process, as well as present the Plan of Study for EIA that would be followed in the subsequent EIA phase; and

Present the issues and concerns identified to date from the stakeholder engagement process, together with an explanation of how these issues will be addressed through the EIA process.

City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality and GreenCape CSIR P O Box 320 Stellenbosch 7599 Tel: 021 888 2432 Fax: 021 888 2473 Kelly Stroebel and Rudolph Du Toit 14/12/16/3/3/2/981 March 2017 Atlantis Gas-to-Power EIA

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DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT for the proposed Atlantis Gas-to-Power facility on Portion 1 and Portion 4 of Cape Farm 1183 (Erf 277), Western Cape


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8

Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D

Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J Appendix K Appendix L Appendix M Appendix N Appendix O Appendix P Appendix Q Appendix R Appendix S



Executive Summary

Introduction Project Description Description of the Affected Environment Approach to EIA Process and Public Participation Project Alternatives Potential Environmental Risks and Impacts Plan of Study for EIA References


Curriculum Vitae of the Environmental Assessment Practitioner Declaration of the Environmental Assessment Practitioner Database of Interested and Affected Parties Copy of Newspaper Advertisement placed for the Release of the BID (Project Initiation Phase) Copies and Proof of Correspondence sent to I&APs Copy of Site Notice Board Copies of comments from I&APs to date Issues and Responses Trail Municipal Services Report for the site Botanical Assessment Palaeontological Assessment Archaeology Input Air Quality Specialist Study Risk Specialist Study Noise Specialist Study Bird Specialist Study Heritage Western Cape Input Biodiversity Offset Report Other Information

Environmental Management Programme

Copyright 2017 ? CSIR pg 2

DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT for the proposed Atlantis Gas-to-Power facility on Portion 1 and Portion 4 of Cape Farm 1183 (Erf 277), Western Cape

Project Overview

The City of Cape Town (CoCT) and GreenCape have been investigating the feasibility of developing a gas-topower project within the Atlantis Special Development Zone (SEZ) on portions 1 and Portion 4 of Cape Farm 1183, situated in the Atlantis Industrial area, near Cape Town. The project is referred to as the Atlantis Gas-to-power Project.

The project is located in the Atlantis Industrial Area, within the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality in the Western Cape Province, approximately 40 km north of Cape Town. A combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant uses a cycle configuration of combustion turbines, heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), and steam turbines, to generate electricity. The project will ultimately consist of the following components:

Gas engine, open cycle or combined cycle gas turbine power plant, to generate electricity by burning natural gas, consisting of:

Combustion/engine turbines located in power blocks and producing up to a maximum of 1500 MW Heat recovery steam generators with associated chimneys Electrical generator Administration buildings. Gas pipelines for the reticulation of natural gas on site (not transmission to site). Transmission lines for evacuation of power.

Need for the Project

South Africa is an energy intensive country, largely as a result of our historic economic focus on energy intensive industries such as mining and primary metal processing. With current energy and electricity demands projected to continue increasing, new investments in electricity generation capacity are required. Future increases in electricity demand are particularly expected for the regions around the Western Cape. In terms of the New Generation Regulations, the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) will be developed by the Department of Energy and will set out the new generation capacity requirement per technology, taking energy efficiency and the demand-side management projects into account. The introduction of private sector generation has multiple benefits and will contribute greatly to the diversification of both the supply and nature of energy production and enable the benchmarking of performance and pricing.

Liqified Natural Gas (LNG) has a significantly lower emission profile than coal fired power, in addition this green technology can provide balancing power for an increased roll out of renewable energy. If this project is successful, a key off-taker of LNG will allow a regional gas economy to develop around it, unlocking more fuel switching opportunities and a significantly lower emissions path for South Africa.

Copyright 2017 ? CSIR pg 3

DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT for the proposed Atlantis Gas-to-Power facility on Portion 1 and Portion 4 of Cape Farm 1183 (Erf 277), Western Cape

Project Description

It is important to point out at the outset that the exact specifications of the proposed project components will be determined during the detailed engineering phase.

Linked to enhancing energy production within South Africa, the Atlantis gas-to-power facility proposed by The City of Cape Town will cover an approximate area of 38.65 hectares (ha).

Two technology options are currently under consideration for this project, namely, gas turbines or gas reciprocating engines. A combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant uses a cycle configuration of combustion turbines, heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), and steam turbines, to generate electricity. A gas engine plant may operate in either simple cycle mode (OCGE) or combined cycle mode (CCGE) whereby the plant will consist of a series of gas engines and heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) with steam turbines to generate electricity. The proposed project will make use of either Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT); Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT); Open Cycle Gas Engine (OCGE) or Combined Cycle Gas Engine (CCGE) technology to generate electricity from natural gas. The Applicant is proposing to develop a facility with a possible maximum installed capacity of 1500 MW.

The project will ultimately consist of the following components:

A gas power plant, to generate electricity by burning natural gas, consisting of:

A Gas Turbine or Gas Engine hall; o Up to 4 Combustion turbine and generator sets producing approximately 400 MW each (max 1500 MW) or multiple Combustion engine and generator sets producing approximately 20 MW each (max 800 MW).

Heat recovery steam generators; Dry cooling radiator systems; and Building Infrastructure:

o Offices; o Operational and maintenance control centre; o Warehouse/workshop; o Ablution facilities; o On-site substation building; and o Guard House. Associated Infrastructure o Associated electrical infrastructure at the Eskom Substation/connection points (including but

not limited to transmissions lines to the substation) o Gas pipelines for the reticulation of natural gas on site (not transmission to site) o Access roads; o Internal roads; o Fencing; o Maintenance and cleaning area; o Stormwater channels; o Water pipelines; and o Temporary work area during the construction phase (i.e. laydown area).

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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