Discipline Data Entry - wsfcs.k12.nc.us

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1. Navigate to School, Incident Reporting, and School Incident List. All incidents must be entered through the path illustrated below.

2. Click on Add at the bottom of the screen.

3. Complete the fields shown below. The left side of the screen records the incident. Click on the Save button to record an incident number. All incidents must have an incident number to properly record “Safe and Drug Free” Incidents. Check the Police/911 Called radio button if the police were notified. Check the Property Damaged radio button if appropriate.

4. Always use the drop-down menus to choose the fields available. The fields will allow you to key names, but will not record them correctly for reporting purposes. There may be more than one incident offense type. Choose the incident type that is most serious from the drop-down menu.

5. Use the Multi drop-down to check all other types that are appropriate for the incident. All students who were involved do not have to be guilty of all offense types. Click on the arrow to return to the incident reporting screen. When adding the offenders (perpetrators), only choose the offense(s) that particular student committed.

6. Click on the Members Involved button at the bottom of the screen to add the perpetrators, witnesses, and/or witnesses.

7. Click on the Add button to add perpetrators.

8. Click on the type of perpetrator when the System Message window appears. Choose Add Student to add students.

9. Query for the student by keying in the student number, name, or part of the name using the wildcard (%). Make sure you use the F8 key to search the database for the student.

10. Highlight the correct student. Click on Select

11. The incident reporting screen will populate with student information. Always make sure there is an Incident Ext. Code: in the white box. You must then choose the correct offense type(s) for the student. You can add/edit narrative for this student.

12. Complete the right side of the screen. Click on the Action Taken tab. (Usually the default). Complete the fields shown. Always utilize the drop-down menus.

13. Click on Disposition. The Disposition tab is used to record the student’s return to school for actions that previously placed the student out of school. If a date is entered a disposition reason is required. Enter the number of days of the action served if different from the number indicated on the Action Taken screen. Choose the Reason for Change Code.

14. Click on the Parent Contacted tab to record any communication with the parent. If you have more than one contact click on Add to insert another screen. Always use the drop-down menus.

15. Click on Other Action to record multiple actions. The Add button opens up a blank Action Taken tab. Enter actions as illustrated. Click on the Save button when all tabs are complete. Click on the door icon to exit the screen.

16. Click on the role type. This must be entered to properly record. If you click cancel, you will have to enter the student information again. Click on OK.

17. Click on the Save button. You can click on Add for Perpetrator to add another student if there were more that one student involved in the incident. You can click on Add for Victims or Witness. The procedure is the same except you choose the correct role and key in the information instead of querying. Click on the Save button. Click on the Door icon and you will be back at the incident screen you can Click on Add to add another incident or close the screen by clicking on the Door icon.


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