Fundmentals of Art


Project #4: Psychological Interior Space


Through the use of One-Point Perspective or Two-Point Perspective, students will develop an interior space.

This interior space will evoke a PSYCOLOGICAL feeling, such as close quarters, vast open areas, intimate or small.

AIM: Things to think about…..

1. What do I think of when I hear psychological space?

2. What will my psychological space theme be?

• Please write it here: __________________________________________________________

3. What objects I have in that space?

4. How ‘deep’ will my room appear?

5. Which Perspective will I use to depict my room?

• Choose one and circle: One Point or Two Point


• Composition: an arrangement of images of a page

• Linear Perspective: a form of perspective used to create 2D shapes into 3 D forms

i. Horizon Line: your ‘eye’ level’ where all objects seem to disappear towards

ii. Vanishing Point: a point in space where all objects seem to disappear

iii. Orthogonal Lines: lines in which connect from the main 2D shape towards the VP

• Interior space: a place/room

• Value: a gradual change from light to dark

i. Atmospheric perspective: use of cooler tones, lighter lines and varying values to create a sense of space within your composition.

• Space: positive and negative areas within a composition

• Psychological Space: a space in which creates an emotional response.


1. Think about what TYPE of Interior Space you want to create.

a. If it helps, thinks of your space as a ‘theme’

i. Dream-like

ii. Claustrophobic

iii. Fear based/ Nightmare

iv. Naturesque

v. Vast and open

vi. Geometric and structured

vii. Child-like

viii. ‘other-worldly’

ix. Etc…..

2. In your sketch book, create ONE layout of your room.

a. On the next page, there are a variety of examples. They are IDEAS & I KNOW you can be A LOT more creative than these examples!

b. Value is NOT needed, but you DO need to use a ruler to create straight lines of perspective.

3. Have your sketches approved and any mistakes improved on.

4. When you receive the good paper, create a ONE INCH boarder around the perimeter.

5. Then, mark off LIGHTLY your VANISHING POINT

6. Create the STRUCTURE of your room first. (Walls, floor and ceiling…..)

a. Draw your orthogonal lines LIGHTLY and draw as much as you need!

7. Then, LIGHTLY begin drawing the interior design of your room.

a. Keep in mind ALL that you draw MUST go towards your ONE Vanishing Point.

b. Draw the Orthogonal Lines AS FAR AS YOU NEED THEM.

c. Make sure you are using RULERS for ALL straight lines.

d. Start with MAJOR pieces of your drawing first and leave details LAST.

Examples of One Point Perspective Rooms:





Examples of Two Point Perspective Rooms:






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