Mandalas: Radial Designs


Mandalas: Radial Designs


8th Grade


3 – 1.5 hour periods


• Students will explore radial designs as seen in natural, man-made objects and in art, focusing on Mandalas for personal use.

• Students will gain an understanding of the principles of design (balance, unity, and harmony) and how they exist in Mandalas.

• Students will apply their new knowledge of Mandalas and radial designs to create their own Mandalas, using personal symbols and colors to express themselves.


8.1 The student will create works of art that emphasize specific formal color


8.2 The student will further expand and develop the use of the elements and

principles of design.

8.9 The student will create and maintain an art portfolio.

8.10 The student will apply ethical procedures in the execution of works of art.

8.11 The student will provide evidence of the critical and artistic processes used

to achieve final art solutions in personal works of art by documenting

preparation, rough drafts, and final solutions.

8.13 The student will identify and analyze art from various world cultures, periods,

or civilizations by styles, symbolism, and technological impact.

8.20 The student will discuss and analyze the purposes, values, and meanings of

works of art.

8.21 The student will formulate and respond to meaningful questions about works

of art, based on observations and interpretations.


• Teacher Materials

o Power Point presentation on radial symmetry, inc examples of radial designs in nature and man-made, as well as in art: rose windows and Mandalas.

o PowerPoint presentation on analogous colors

o Teacher examples of Mandala project

• Student Materials

o Handout on Mandalas

o Highlighters

o Advanced organizer

o Personal sketchbooks

o Pencils

o Rulers

o 9”x12” Paper for sample designs

o 12”x18” Black paper for final design

o 12”x12” White paper

o Thinned white glue

o Paintbrushes for glue

o Colored pencils and sharpeners

o Scissors


Balance: The feeling that the elements of art arranged so that no one part of the artwork overpowers the rest of the work.

Harmony: The principle of design that creates unity in a work of art by stressing similarities of separate but related parts.

Unity: The quality of wholeness or oneness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements and principles of design.

Radial Symmetry: Where all elements radiate out from a center point in a circular fashion

Symmetry: one side of the composition is a mirror image of the other.

Asymmetry: when one side of a composition does not reflect the design of the other.

Analogous colors: Any two or more colors that are next to each other on the color wheel and are closely related.

Color schemes: A set of colors that are used in an artwork, and the way they are combined in an artwork.

Mandalas: Any of various radial geometric designs symbolic of the universe, traditionally used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation. Usually circular in design.

A symbol expressing a person's striving for unity of the self. Usually circular in design.

Positive Space: Space in an artwork that is positive — filled with something, such as lines, designs, color, or shapes.

Negative Space: Empty space in an artwork, a void.


• Create presentations.

• Create teacher examples.

• Cut paper for sample designs and final design.

• Prepare room each day with scissors, glue, paintbrushes, colored pencils, and paper.


Students will find objects with radial symmetry located on their tables. The students will identify what these objects have in common, and then draw a gesture drawing of the object of choice.


Students will:

1. Watch presentation on radial design/Mandalas and complete advanced organizer.

2. Read hand out on mandala and highlight answers to questions that are presented on the Activboard.

3. List 5 personality characteristics and create symbols for each in sketchbook.

4. Using symbols create 3 radial designs for final project in sketchbook by drawing a circle and dividing circle into 1/4s.

5. Show teacher completed designs for class work grade.

6. Pick one of these designs to create a practice design for final piece.

7. Trace 4” circle template onto white paper and cut out.

8. Fold into 1/4s to shape like a pie.

9. Transfer ¼ of design onto “pie”. (Advise students to shade in areas that are to be cut out. This will help students see their designs better.)

10. Cut out design using scissors, being careful not to cut the pieces holding the design together.

11. Continue practicing this until cutting design is successful. Show teacher for approval to move to next step.

12. Trace 12” circle onto black paper. Cut out circle.

13. Fold paper into 1/4s, like with the practice sheet. Transfer design onto “pie” again.

14. Cut design with scissors.

15. Glue design onto 12” white paper square.

16. Watch presentation on analogous colors.

17. Choose which analogous color group they want to use for their Mandalas.

18. Use color pencils to fill in negative space of the Mandalas.

19. Complete self-assessment (art project sheet) and tape to back of project.


• As a class, students will create a radial design on the Activboard. Each student will add an element of art to the circle on the board until the design is complete. This activity will reinforce the concept of radial symmetry.

• By table, students will identify the analogous color schemes used in each painting shown on the Activboard.

• Answer questions regarding radial designs, mandalas, analogous colors, positive/negative space, and principles of design.

• Students will answer the question: What would you do differently if you were to create this project again?


• Students will receive class work grade for drawing the 3 sketch designs.

• Students will self–assess project using the following rubric. Teacher will give final grade based on rubric.




Radial Designs Notes

1. ________________:

• A principle of design

• The feeling that the elements of art arranged so that no one part of the artwork overpowers the rest of the work.

• 3 Kinds of Balance:




2. _______________:

• One side of the composition is a mirror image of the other side

• A form of Balance (principle of design)

3. _______________:

• One side of the composition does not reflect the details of the other side

• A form of Balance (principle of design)

4. _______________symmetry:

• Where all elements radiate out from a center point in a circular fashion

• A form of Balance (principle of design)

5._______________ is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits.

• A principle of design.

• Repetition of _____________ of art helps create unity in a piece.

6. Mandala:

• Any of various __________ geometric designs symbolic of the __________, traditionally used in Hinduism and Buddhism as an aid to meditation. Usually __________ in design.


• A symbol expressing a person's striving for __________of the self. Usually circular in design.




Project Title: Mandalas: Radial Design

Project Description: Students will create a Mandala by using radial symmetry.

Project Directions:

1. Draw sketch for design, including personal symbolism in the drawing.

2. Create a practice Mandala by cutting out design from sketch.

3. Trace circle on black paper. Cut out.

4. Fold paper into 1/4s. Transfer design onto one of the folded sections.

5. Using scissors cut out design.

6. Open black paper and glue to white paper, making sure to center radial design on the white paper.

7. Color in radial design using an analogous color scheme.


Design has radial symmetry 20% ____________

Design includes personal symbolism 20% ____________

Use of Analogous colors 20% ____________

Design is original and creative 20% ____________

Craftsmanship 20% ____________

Expected Grade: _________(Student’s) Actual Grade:______________ (Teacher’s)

What would you change if you were to create this project again?

Students Comments:


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