Newsletter - St John's RC Primary School

St John’s RC Primary School Newsletter

Friday 20th November 2015

St John’s twitter account- follow us: @porty_stjs New School website:

Dear Parents/Carers

Children in Need

What a fantastic effort was made to make Children in Need such a big success - A grand total of £449.70 was raised through donations and a wonderful toy sale. Pupil Councillors were so very well organised and worked very hard throughout the morning. Judging of the “Pudsey’s” was carried out this week and winners awarded prizes. Well done to everyone for the donations and hard work!

Cinema Trip

On Thursday 10th December everyone will go to the Dominion Cinema to see a special screening of a film- yet to be decided. A big thank-you goes to the Parent Council who very kindly are funding the transport costs of this outing. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thanks also to all parents who support us so well throughout the year.

Class News

P7 have a focus on World War 2 and on Monday had an Evacuee Day. We hardly recognised pupils from the 1940s – or indeed their teachers!

P6 pupils will be involved in work with the Royal Observatory on Monday 23rd November. This is all linked to their topic on Space.

P7, P6 and P3 Achievement assemblies will be over the course of this term. The P3 assembly will be on Friday 27th at 11.30am.


Have been involved in filling shoe boxes for charity. Very well done to them for helping with this worthwhile cause.

Aimee Horvath- Cello Teacher

Mrs Horvath has begun her maternity leave earlier than expected and is expecting twins in late January. We wish her all the very best. Her replacement will be Lindsay Martindale who will take over on 24th November, when Cello tuition will move to a TUESDAY.

School Streets

I have been asked to pass on thanks from the local Police in relation to the way that Parents/ Carers have managed to support the “School Streets” pilot in Hamilton Terrace. The period of “grace” is now over and Police will be issuing tickets to drivers who park illegally. Please make sure that it isn’t you.

Road Closure

Hamilton Drive is closed from 16th – 27th November. There is road signage to that effect.

P3/4 Sacramental Programme- Message from Arlene Lauder…………………………

P4 Sacramental Preparation ‘Do this in memory Mass’ this Sunday 22nd November 2015- Feast of Christ the King- at St. John’s Parish Church 9.30am- P4s please remember to bring your candles.


P3 Sacramental Preparation Mass and children’s Mass- This Sunday 22nd November 2015- Feast of Christ the King- St Mary Magdalene’s at 11.15 am- This is the ‘signing of the cross’ Mass for the P3 children involved in the programme.


Message from Mrs Legrix, Head Teacher at Holy Rood RC High School

A special event will be held on 1st December is to celebrate Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink. Our Fashion and Food Technology Faculty under the leadership of Susan Imlach has been involved in a high profile initiative that has been funded by Education Scotland and this event is one of the biggest aspects of the work that has been ongoing this year. It is shaping up to be something pretty special and Maureen Cockburn and her team have been working with Susan to ensure there will be plenty of cultural activities going on around the samples of food and drink on offer (all free!). This is a big deal for the school and our staff have worked really hard at procuring all sorts of resources to support it (Haggis, salmon etc!) – we just need a big turn out to ensure it gets the audience it deserves.

Stained Glass Windows Winner

There were certainly lots of creative and original entries this year: over 300% increase in entries compared to last year, with more than 200 designs sent in for 25 windows! We were really overwhelmed and delighted. Competition was fierce and the judges had a really tough time! However, I am delighted to say that one of our entries was selected for a winning window this year: Elsie Poole P6 St John’s RCPS. Elsie and her family have been invited to attend a Launch event:

Winter Windows 2015

Date: Wed 25th Nov 2015 @ 4.00 for 4.30pm till around 6pm

Venue: National Galleries of Scotland, Hawthornden Lecture Theatre, reached via Princes Street Gardens entrance.

Tea/ coffee/ juice will be served, speeches from the organisers of the competition, certificates & treats for the winners, photographs taken then a tour of the windows lit up for the first time of the season! It will be quite a spectacle! I’d like to encourage all pupils & school community to visit the Winter Windows in East Princes Street Gardens, take pride in our winning design and perhaps get inspiration for next year. There are some really amazing designs that particularly show strong design, originality, good use of materials, pupil’s own ideas and also a good dose of humour and energy. Congratulations again to Elsie. Very well done!

St John’s Netball Team

The girls are doing brilliantly. They beat Castleview 13-9, and Duddingston 17-10, this week!! We are happy to report that they are now through to the semi finals, whereby 4 teams will play in a round robin to decide the eventual winner.  These matches will take place on Friday, 27th November at Firhill High School. We would like to thank Amy’s mum Sharon for all her dedication, hard work and giving up her time to coach the girls and escort them and push them forward in their games. We wish you all the very best for the next leg of your journey.

Star Footballers

From Jack Egan, P7b & Bailey Dall, P7a, who play for Edinburgh Select, representing their City & their school……….

  “On Tuesday 17th November, our team, Edinburgh Select, played teams across Scotland. There were two Edinburgh Select teams, red and white, and we were both white. This was the first game of three in the Primary Inter-Association Sevens Tournament and we came first! Whoever gets the most points by the third tournament gets a trophy. So far we have thirty one points altogether”

The whole school is very proud of both boys!


We continue to update our website regularly so please keep checking it for information. There is a lot of information which I hope you will find informative and useful.

St Andrew’s Day Mass

All pupils will attend the 10 am Mass at St Mary Magdalene’s Parish on Monday 30thNovember, his Feast Day. The Mass will be prepared by the pupil councillors. School staff will walk with the children to and from the church. We would be grateful of offers of help from parents to support us with the younger pupils.

Winter viruses…..A reminder to parents that in recent years the City of Edinburgh Council has experienced many cases of Norovirus within its schools. There are preventative measures which parents can support us with, thorough hand washing is the simplest and most important infection control measure. Also, if your child is unwell please do not send them to school. Should your child have an attack of vomiting/diarrhoea they should not return to school for 48 hours after the last bout. In the most extreme cases, schools have had to be closed and major events cancelled. Please help us with hygiene in our school.

North East Edinburgh Foodbank

During the 4 weeks of Advent we would like to once again support people in our community who are struggling to pay for essential weekly food items. Pupils & staff will manage donations and distribute collections to South Leith Parish Church. Although all foods are appreciated there are certain items which are particularly useful at this time. These are UHT (long life) Fruit Juice, UHT milk (green and blue), Sugar, Sponge pudding, Tea Bags and Coffee. Here is a link to the Foodbank website. Thank you for your continued support of this essential almsgiving.

Visit from Mrs Therese Laing & Ms Susan Imrie Quality Improvement Officers

Mrs Laing will visit our Nursery and our Early Years classes on Thursday 26th November in the morning. We are really looking forward to showcasing the wonderful work done in St John’s.

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Ms. Barbara A Service

Head Teacher




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