CrossBridge Prayer List - Clover Sites

CrossBridge Prayer List


Continue to pray for the CrossBridge friends expecting a little one: Chad and Cristy Burris (baby girl due this week!), Eric and Sarah Hughes (baby girl due in June), Matt and Sumer Jones (having a baby girl!) and Jeremy and Lora Retherford (expecting twins- one boy and one girl!). The Sabens asked that we would add to our expectant parent’s list for prayers: Brad and Ann Schroeder, the Sabens’ son and daughter-in-law! Praise God!

Sandi Dill is home from the hospital. Praise God!

Ernie Davis begins a new job soon. Praise God!

Prayer Requests

Craig Hill writes, “Freddie Marthaler, Julia Hill's father, continues to recover after treatment of esophageal cancer. Please continue to pray for healing and strength for Freddie and his wife Marjorie.”

Evan Bates writes, “One of Paige’s best friends from college, Rhonda Wilson, has a little girl Caroline who was badly burned in a household accident. She was playing in the garage I think and got into some exposed wiring. She is badly burned over more than half of her body. She is in critical condition at Children’s burn unit. Please ask the church to pray over this six year old girl and her family.”

Keep lifting up Becky Michael and Donna Allen as they asked for prayers at the end of 2nd service last Sunday. Thank you for your heart to bless these ladies, their families and their prayer needs.

Madeline Buchanan writes, “My neighbor Ann Browning had surgery to remove a bulge in her intestine. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. My friend Jody Stewart lost her son Joel on Tuesday. He was only 33 years old. Please pray for her and her family.”

Sarah Rodas asks for prayers for her father Keith Tice. Please pray for healing for him.

Kaylyn George writes, “Hello, sweet friends. I'm reaching out to all of you tonight with a heavy, but thankful heart and asking for your prayers and those of your friends and congregations for one of my first cousins, Jason Rigsby. He was leaving his parents' home traveling on a rural Walker County road on his motorcycle when two deer ran out in front of him. His motorcycle hit both of them (killing one deer) and he has been badly injured. He has suffered 5 broken ribs, a collapsed lung, the socket in one of his shoulders is shattered, he has a broken collarbone and both arms and legs are badly burned. Jason is a couple of years older than me and has one son, Luke, who is 13. He is in the trauma center at UAB recovering from his injuries. I cannot imagine the pain he is currently going through and will be going through over the next few weeks and months. Please, please lift him and his precious family up in your prayers tonight and in the weeks to come. Jason's mother, Janis, is and has always been my mothers' best friend and one of my most favorite aunts and I am heartbroken for the pain she must be feeling for her son. However, I am praising our God that Jason has no head trauma and that his life was spared. Thank you for your friendship, compassion and mostly for your prayers. I know I have already spoken to a couple of you about this, but I just wanted to get as many people lifting Jason up as possible.”

Leah Eagle writes, “My sister, Paula Duncan, was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. She is undergoing chemo treatments. She will have surgery in late summer followed by radiation. Please pray for her as she embarks on this difficult journey and pray for complete healing.”

Please pray for Holly Beth and Blake Harris. Holly Beth is the Heffington’s granddaughter- daughter of their oldest, Laine. Holly was due to deliver the Heffington’s first great grandchild. Sadly before delivery, the baby has gone to be with Jesus. Please cover the Harris’ with your prayers and lift up the Heffington’s as they grieve and minister. The Harris’ attend at Homewood so pray for that church family as they surround this family with their love. It is in moments like these where we grieve- but we grieve with hope.

Cathy Troxler writes, “Please add someone to the prayer list. My sister-in-law, Kate, is an army doctor who is being sent to Afghanistan. She leaves in about 10 days and will be there for at least 6 months. I'd really appreciate prayers for her safety and also for the well-being of my brother (her husband) Alex and their 18 month old daughter Penny.”

Daniel Cooley asks us to pray for Kathy Wyatt who is a woman he works with whose husband just found out that he has cancer. This was a surprise for the family. Please lift this family up with prayer.

Mary Sue Tipton writes, “Please add Ron Cleveland to the prayer list. Ron is my best friend’s brother. Ron has had several strokes over the past year and his diabetes is out of control. Although he is only 64 years old, he has moved into an assisted living facility in Fort Worth. Ron is having tests performed over the next few days to see if anything can be done to improve his current physical and mental condition. In his present condition, Ron could pass away due to the stress of these tests. Please pray for healing and for peace for the family in handling whatever is to come.”

Mary Sue Tipton writes, “I would like to add someone to our prayer list (possibly for an extended period of time). Yesterday I talked with one of my daughter’s high school friends, Carolina Higginbotham. Carolina is 37 years old, a wife and mother of 6 year old Josh. After a mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy, Carolina thought they had caught her breast cancer in time. Unfortunately, the cancer is back and now in her bones. She has started chemotherapy again and will travel to MD Anderson later this month. Please pray for healing for this wonderful young mother and wife.”

Jason Smitherman’s mother needs our prayers. She has MS and has had weeks of complications and difficulties associated with the disease. Please pray for full healing for her.

Paige Sullivan writes, “Would you please add my dad to the prayer list, Cecil Newman. He has a wound on his foot that is not healing and also is a diabetic. Pray for dad to do as the doctor has ordered so he will not have to have his toe removed. Thank you.”

Steve Lawrence writes, “On the prayer list, please add my mom Darlene next to my dad. Dad is doing well. He is going to get a full body scan to find out where the cancer is left in his body. He has aged a lot from all the treatments. My mom has recently had a lot of health related issues, but seems to be doing a lot better.”

Mandee McDonald’s Mom Mrs. Gerchow is home under the care of Hospice. Please continue to lift her up to the Lord.

Bob Gerchow (Mandee’s Dad) has begun radiation treatment for prostate cancer. Please cover him in prayer.

Sean Boogard asks for prayers to be freed from his Asperger’s symptoms.

Emma Jamison is having some health complications.  Please pray for complete healing.

Susan Rogers is recovering from an injured leg.  Please pray for her.

Clark Ogle has asked for prayer for macular degeneration. Please lift him and his family up to God this week and ask for healing and help.

Please edit or add to these requests. They will be distributed by e-mail on Monday.


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