NMDR from Puppy Mill to Pet - National Mill Dog Rescue

From Puppy Mill To Pet

NMDR ? From Puppy Mill to Pet

Revision Date: Jan 2014



Congratulations -------------------------------4 Adopting A Puppy Mill Survivor ---------6 Puppy Mill Survivor Behaviors------------8 Puppy Mill Survivor Tips------------------ 16 Approaching a Fearful Dog -------------- 18 Preventing Door Escapes ---------------- 20 Escape Prevention Strategies----------- 22 Undersocialized Dogs at Home --------- 23 Establishing Dominance ------------------ 25 Housebreaking a Survivor --------------- 27 Grooming Needs ---------------------------- 29 Post-Adoption Support ------------------- 35 Lost Dog--------------------------------------- 37 Other Resources ---------------------------- 41 Kids & Dogs ---------------------------------- 43 Printable Coupons-------------------------- 47

NMDR ? From Puppy Mill to Pet

Revision Date: Jan 2014


NMDR ? From Puppy Mill to Pet

Revision Date: Jan 2014



Congratulations on fostering a puppy mill survivor or adopting your new family member from National Mill Dog Rescue.

"I'd love to say that every puppy mill survivor only needs love to turn it into a wonderful family pet. But

that would be a lie. Love is definitely needed in large amounts, but so is patience. The damage done

during the years in the mill usually can be overcome, but it takes time and dedication."

-- From "Rehabilitation of a Puppy Mill Dog" by Michelle Bender and Kim Townsend

NMDR ? From Puppy Mill to Pet

Revision Date: Jan 2014


NMDR ? From Puppy Mill to Pet

Revision Date: Jan 2014



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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