Cornell Notes Template

3.3: Presidents Adams and Jefferson

|Topic/Objective: |Essential Question: |

|3.3 Presidents Adams and Jefferson |What defined the Presidencies of Adams and Jefferson? |

|Reduce & then Recite |Record for Review |

|Create questions which elicit critical |Write headings, key words, and vocabulary in colored pencil (or highlight!) |

|thinking, not 1 word answers |Take sufficient notes with selective (not too much verbiage) & accurate paraphrasing |

|Write questions directly across from the |Use bulleted lists and abbreviations |

|answers in your notes |Correctly sequence information |

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| |Adams Political Struggles #1 |

| |Adams would be the first president to take office with a divided ____________________environment |

| |Adams presidency was largely dominated by the issue of the war between ___________ and ____________- the same issue |

|Q1) What challenges did Adams inherit from |Washington faced |

|Washington? |France had cut off trading ties in response to the lack of support given by U.S. (Response to Washington’s |

| |________________________________) |

| |In an effort to open commercial ties with France, Adams sent diplomats, who were asked for a bribe to open talks- the episode|

| |became known as the ______________________________ |

| |The event led to cries for war with France, but despite no official declaration by Adams, the U.S. entered into a brief naval|

| |__________ with France |

| |Adams’ was able to reach a treaty agreement with Napoleon (France’s Leader)- to stop ________________________ U.S. sailors |

| |and avoided war |

|Q2) |Under Adams, the government passed the __________ and Sedition Acts, which it claimed helped to protect national security |

| |during the unofficial war |

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| |Adams Political Struggles #2 |

| |The Alien Acts made it harder to become a U.S. _______________, and allowed the President to imprison or deport non-citizens |

| |These groups tended to support Adams political opposition- the ___________________________________ |

| |The Sedition Acts aimed to keep people from making untrue statements criticizing the ______________________ |

| |Largely a response to political criticism and division from the development of political ___________________ |

| |Democratic-Republicans screamed that it was an ________ of federal power |

|Q3) |Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the __________________ and _________________ Resolutions- which suggested states had|

| |the right to ____________ laws they deemed unconstitutional- which would have huge implications for future events |

| |The hit to Adams popularity, led to him losing to Jefferson by only a few electoral votes in the election of ________________|

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|Q4) What role did Jefferson and Madison play in| |

|resisting the Sedition Act? | |

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|Reduce & Recite |Record for Review |

| |Jefferson’s Democracy |

| |The election of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 was a landmark of world history, the first ____________________ transfer of |

| |______________ from one party to another in a modern republic |

|Q5) |Jefferson reduced the size of the armed forces and government and lowered the national debt from $____ million to $____ |

| |million in his first two years |

| |Despite his Republican ideals, Jefferson's most important achievements as president all involved bold assertions of national |

| |government power and liberal readings of the _____________________________ |

| |Jefferson's most significant accomplishment as president, the ___________________________, and a successful undeclared war |

| |against barbary pirates both required broad expansions of _______________ power |

| |Jefferson’s second term would be dominated by the war between Britain and France- which caused both countries to harass |

|Q6) How were Jefferson’s actions as president |American shipping |

|not consistent with his political views? |In response to the problem, Jefferson issued the Embargo Act of _________ |

| |The act cut of trade with _______________, which tanked the American economy and would be one of the main causes of the War |

| |of ___________ |

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| |Marbury v Madison |

| |William Marbury had been appointed a justice of the peace for the District of Columbia in the final hours of the |

| |_______________ administration |

|Q7) |When James Madison, Thomas Jefferson’s secretary of ____________, refused to deliver Marbury’s commission, Marbury |

| |____________ |

| |Chief Justice John Marshall, writing for a unanimous Court, denied the ___________________ and refused to issue the |

| |commission |

| |The court stated that the Judiciary Act of __________, which Marbury had sued under, was ______________________________, |

| |therefore the Supreme Court had no authority to hear the case |

| |The decision allowed the Supreme Court to make a ruling without having to confront the _____________________ branch in a |

| |political challenge between Federalist and Republicans |

| |In Marbury v. Madison (_________) the Supreme Court announced for the first time the principle that a court may declare an |

|Q8) What important part of ‘checks and |act of Congress void if it is inconsistent with the Constitution (_______________________________) |

|balances’ were established by Marbury v |This case established judicial review within the government |

|Madison? | |

|Reflect & Summarize |

|In your own words and in complete sentences, write a 5-6 sentence summary paragraph. Your summary should cover the main concepts of the notes, be accurate, and have |

|adequate details. The goal of the summary is to answer the essential question from the reading assignment. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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