Akbar the Great

| | |

| |Emperor of the Mughal Empire in India. |

|Akbar the Great | |

| |He is responsible for the expansion of his empire, the stability his administration gave|

| |to it, and the increasing of trade and cultural diffusion. |

| | |

|Anwar al-Sadat |President of Egypt between 1970 and 1981. |

| | |

| |Assassinated for making peace with Israel. |

| |President of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). |

|Arafat , Yasir | |

| |His goal is to create a homeland for the displaced Palestinians. |

| | |

|Ayatollah Khomeini | |

| |Islamic religious leader who led a fundamentalist revolution in Iran in 1979. |

| |Latin American Nationalist |

|Simón Bolívar | |

| |Responsible for the ousting of Spain from much of South America during the 19th century.|

| | |

|Bonaparte, Napoleon |Emperor of the French |

| | |

| |Responsible for many French Revolution reforms as well as conquering most of Europe. |

| | |

| |He was defeated at Waterloo |

| |Leader of the Cuban Revolution |

|Fidel Castro | |

| |Communist dictator of Cuba |

| | |

| |The bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. |

| | |

|Catherine the Great |An enlightened despot who ruled over Russia. |

| | |

| |She is responsible for many positive changes in Russia, as well as securing the country |

| |a warm water port |

| |Czar of Russia (1894-1917). |

|Czar Nicholas II | |

| |He was overthrown during the Russian Revolution of 1917. |

| | |

|F.W. de Klerk |The white South African president |

| | |

| |ended Apartheid in the early 1990s. |

| |Nationalist leader in India |

|Gandhi, Mohandas | |

| |Led a non violent revolution to gain his country’s freedom from the British Empire. |

| |Italian Nationalist |

|Garibaldi, Guiseppe | |

| |Helped unify Italy |

| | |

| |Led the Red Shirt army |

| | |

|Genghis Khan |One of the Mongol’s greatest leaders and founder of the Mongol Empire. |

| |Leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. |

|Gorbachev, Mikhail | |

| |His policies of Perestroika and Glasnost |

| |contributed to the downfall of communism. |

| | |

|Theodor Herzl |Leader of Zionist movement to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. |

| | |

|Adolf Hitler |Nazi Party in Germany |

| |Started World War II with the invasion of Poland. He was responsible for the Holocaust. |

| | |

|Jiang Jieshi |Leader of the Nationalist Party in China. |

| | |

|Also known as Chang Kai Shek |Fought to keep China from becoming communist. |

| |Russian revolutionary leader |

|Vladimir Lenin | |

| |He was the first leader of the Soviet Union. |

| | |

| |Policy: NEP (New Economic Policy) |

| |Enlightenment philosopher |

|John Locke | |

| |Natural Rights, which are Life, Liberty, and Property, and that the purpose of |

| |government was to protect these rights. |

| |Known as the Sun King, he was an absolute monarch of France. |

|Louis XIV | |

| |One of his greatest accomplishments was the building of the palace at Versailles. |

| |Nationalist from Haiti |

|Toussaint L'Ouverture | |

| |Responsible for ousting France from Haiti during the Latin American Revolutions in the |

| |early 19th century |

| | |

|Martin Luther |Theologian and religious reformer who started the Reformation |

| |95 Theses which protested church corruption, namely the sale of indulgences. |

| | |

|Machiavelli, Niccolo |philosopher of the Renaissance |

| | |

| |His greatest work is The Prince |

| | |

| |“the ends justifies the means.” |

| | |

|Ferdinand Magellan |Spanish explorer who was the first to circumnavigate the globe. |

| |A black South African leader who protested the policy of Apartheid |

|Nelson Mandela | |

| |became the first black president of South Africa. |

| |Emperor of the kingdom of Mali in Africa. |

|Mansa Musa | |

| |He made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East. |

| |Leader of the Communist Party in China |

|Mao Zedong |Established China as the People’s Republic of China and ruled from 1949 until 1976. |

| | |

| |Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution |

| |Book: The Communist Manifesto |

|Karl Marx | |

| |Father of Communism |

| | |

| |Believed in a Classless Society |

| |Nationalistic leader in Italy |

|Mazzini | |

| |Group: Young Italy was a nationalistic movement that wanted to end foreign control of |

| |Italy. |

| |An Italian sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect. Famous works include the |

|Michelangelo |mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the sculpture of the biblical character |

| |David. |

| | |

|Slobodan Milosevic |He fought to keep non-Serbs from breaking away from Yugoslavia. |

| | |

| |Ethnic Cleansing |

| | |

|Mohammed |Prophet of Allah; founder of Islam. |

| |Italian leader. |

|Benito Mussolini |He founded the Italian Fascist Party, and sided with Hitler and Germany in World War II.|

| |Nationalist from Ghana |

|Kwame Nkrumah |Independence leader who help lead Ghana out of European imperialism after World War II. |

| |Commodore. |

|Matthew Perry |United States Navy officer who is responsible for opening Japan to trade and |

| |imperialism. |

| |Leader of Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. |

|Pol Pot |Pol Pot is responsible for the deaths of almost 2 million of his own people due to |

| |starvation, execution, and beatings. |

| | His book, The Wealth of Nations |

|Adam Smith | |

| |describes his theory on free trade, otherwise known as laissez-faire economics. |

| |Leader of Soviet Union |

|Josef Stalin | |

| |5 Year Plan |

| |The Great Purge |

| |Collectivization |

| | |

|Voltaire |Enlightenment philosopher |

| | |

| |He believed in freedom of speech |

| | |

| |Prussian chancellor in 1862. |

|Otto von Bismarck | |

| |Unified Germany |

| | |

| |His policy was known as Blood and Iron.. |

| | |

|Boris Yeltsin |President of Russia. |

| | |

| |He was elected after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. |


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