Famous People

Famous People and Groups

1. Galileo Galilei- Italian astronomer, provided evidence to support the heliocentric theory

2. Otto von Bismark- chancellor of Prussia, unified Germany, Leader in WWI.

3. Fidel Castro – Communist leader of Cuba, Marxist, Raised standard of living in Cuba, Cuban Missile Crisis

4. Hernando Cortes - Explorer who conquered the Aztecs in Mexico

5. Kemal Ataturk- modernize and westernize Turkey

6. Jomo Kenyatta- nationalist independence leader, became the first prime minister of Kenya

7. Ho Chi Minh- leader of the Vietminh, declared Vietnam free after WWII, communist

8. Pol Pot- leader of the Khmer Rouge in communist Cambodia, began a reign of terror

9. Emperor Justinian – leader of the Byzantine empire during its height, established the Justinian Code as a set of rules to follow

10. Simon Bolivar- nationalist independence leader of Latin America; influenced by enlightenment ideas

11. King Louis XIV- the “Sun King”, absolute monarch of France, built Versailles

12. Napoleon Bonaparte- brought order to the French Revolution; tried to conqueror Russia

13. Catherine the Great- enlightened despot from Russia, sought to expand and westernize Russia

14. Peter the Great- tried to westernize Russia; opened a “window to the West”

15. Deng Xiaoping- Chinese leader who introduced limited capitalism (4 modernizations); Tiananmen Square Massacre

16. Karl Marx- father of communism; wrote Communist Manifesto, Marxism

17. Adam Smith- father of capitalism; wrote The Wealth of Nations

18. Joseph Stalin- dictator of the Soviet Union; Russification, Great Purges, WWII leader.

19. John Locke- enlightenment thinker; “Life Liberty and Property”

20. Vladimir Lenin- leader of the Bolsheviks; brought communism to Russia; “Peace Bread and Land”

21. Mohandas Gandhi – Indian nationalist who used civil disobedience to earn self –rule from Britain, Salt March

22. Mansa Musa- emperor of Mali, ensured peace in his empire; converted to and spread Islam

23. Niccolo Machiavelli- wrote The Prince, a guide to rulers on how to gain and maintain power, “end justifies the means”

24. Giuseppe Garibaldi – Italian nationalist, helped push for unification, Red Shirts

25. Emperor Hirohito- Japanese emperor who surrendered to the U.S. ending WWII

26. Confucius- China’s most influential philosopher

27. Zheng He- World Traveler whose goal was to promote trade and collect tribute from lesser powers across the “western seas”, cultural diffusion

28. Ibn Battuta of Morocco- was the greatest traveler of his day to Muslim countries, spread Islam

29. Genghis Khan – Mongol leader who expanded his territory using violence

30. King Henry VII- English king; broke away from the Catholic Church and became Protestant.

31. Nelson Mandela – Leader of the African National Congress, end of Apartheid, first black president

32. Mao Zedong – Communist leader of China, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution

33. Marco Polo – European traveler who brought stories and goods from China and India, cultural diffusion

34. Martin Luther –German Monk challenged the Catholic Church, 95 theses, Protestant Reformation

35. Benito Mussolini – Italian Fascist leader, brought Italy into WWII, sided with Hitler

36. Siddhartha Gautama (Budda) – religious leader of Buddhism, 4 noble truths, eight fold path, achieve nirvana

37. Jean Rousseau – Philosopher and thinker, political power lies with the people, “man is born free”, wrote “the social contract”

38. Mikhail Gorbachav – Last leader of the Soviet Union, Perestroika, Glasnost (political and economic reform), End of Cold War

39. Suleiman the Magnificent – Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, increased the wealth and size of the Ottoman Empire, ruled during the golden age

40. Adolf Hitler – Nazi leader of Germany, created WWII, appeasement, Holocaust

Famous Groups

1. Mongols: group of great fighters and horsemen, whose empire conquered and controlled much of the continent of Asia; great leader was Genghis Khan.

2. Bolsheviks: a 1917 Russian revolutionary group, led by Vladimir Lenin, who seized power in Russia during the October Revolution and founded the Soviet Union.

3. OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Nations; Oil producing countries in the Middle East and other areas that maximize their profits through cooperation and by controlling the world’s oil supply.

4. NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization; military alliance for a mutual defense between the United States, Canada, and Western European nations.


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