History With Mr. Green

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Period: _____Test: Early America (35 points)1. What was the first direct tax placed on American colonists by the British?a. The Stamp Actb. the Townshend Actsc. the Tea Actd. all of the abovee. none of the above2. Why did the British increase taxes on the American colonists?to pay for the Seven Years’ Warto raise money for the king’s new palaceto pay for the American Revolutionto pay for the Louisiana Purchasenone of the above3. In which tax protest did colonists dress up like Native Americans?a. the Boston Massacreb. the Boston Tea Partyc. the Boston Marketd. The Boston Riotse. none of the above4. What was the result of a protest that turned violent and left Crispus Attucks and four others dead?a. the Boston Massacreb. the Boston Tea Partyc. the Boston Marketd. The Boston Riotse. none of the above5. What were the series of laws passed by British Parliament that allowed British soldiers to search private homes (among other things) and outraged the colonists?a. The Intolerable Actsb. the Townshend Actsc. the Stamp Actd. the Tea Acte. none of the above6. Why did Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence?a. To declare the American colonies formally separated from Franceb. To declare the American colonies formally separated from Britainc. To try to solve the problems between France and Britaind. To ask for King George’s forgiveness7. Which branch of government has its powers outline in Article I of the U.S. Constitution?a. The Judicial b. the Legislative c. The Executive d. none of the above8. Which branch of government has its powers outlined in Article II of the U.S. Constitution?a. The Judicial b. the Legislative c. The Executive d. none of the above9. Which branch of the U.S. federal government has the power to write laws?a. The Judicial b. the Legislative c. The Executive d. none of the above10. Which branch of the U.S. federal government can cancel laws it sees as unconstitutional (going against the Constitution)?a. The Judicial b. the Legislative c. The Executive d. none of the above11. Which branch of government can veto (cancel) proposed laws (bills), but must enforce those laws that have been passed?a. The Judicial b. the Legislative c. The Executive d. none of the above12. Which of the following Enlightenment philosophers urged the separation of power into three branches, which was used in the U.S. Constitution?a. Locke b. Montesquieuc. Voltaire d. Beccariae. none of the above13. Which amendment protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures of their property?a. 1st b. 2ndc. 4thd. 5the. none of the above14. Which amendment protects the right of people to own guns?a. 1st b. 2nd c. 4thd. 5the. none of the above15. According to this amendment, if the Constitution doesn’t give a power specifically to the Federal government or specifically deny it to the states, then the states CAN exercise that power (example: marriage laws and the speed limit).16. Which amendment says the government can take your land if they pay for it and use it for the public good?a. 5thb. 6thc. 8th d. 10the. none of the above17. Which amendment protects people from being put on criminal trial twice for the same crime?a. 5thb. 6thc. 8th d. 10the. none of the above18. Which amendment protects your right to a speedy trial and a right to know who your accuser is?a. 5thb. 6thc. 8th d. 10the. none of the above19. Which term describes the belief that Americans had a special God-given right to take land from others in order to spread “civilization”?a. Federalismb. Manifest Destinyc. republicanismd. none of the above20. In which region of Mexico did the people declare their independence, in part to protect slavery in the region?a. Californiab. New Mexicoc. Texasd. none of the above21. Which U.S. President used a border dispute between Mexico and Texas as an excuse to declare war?a. Abraham Lincolnb. James K. Polkc. James Buchanand. Ulysses S. Grant e. none of the above22. Which of the following states was NOT added to the Union as a result of the Mexican-American War?a. Texas b. Californiac. New Mexicod. Nevada23. What treaty ended the Mexican-American War.a. The Adams-Onis Treatb. The Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgo c. The Treaty of Versaillesd. The Treaty of Paris24. Who engaged in “civil disobedience” during the Mexican-American War, when he refused to pay taxes?a. Abraham Lincolnb. Mariano Vallejoc. Henry David Thoreau d. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anae. none of the above25. Which Native American tribe was one of the first to suffer a massacre at the hands of Europeans in the 1600s?a. The Cheyenneb. the Pequotc. The Cherokeed. The Sioux26. Why were the Cherokee forced from their homes in Georgia and onto the “Trail of Tears”?So the United States could build a railroadSo Americans could get to the gold on their landBecause the Cherokee declared war on the U.S.None of the above27. In which incident was over 100 Cheyenne Indians (mostly women and children) were killed in Colorado?a. The Sand Creek Massacreb. The Trail of Tearsc. The Battle of Little Bighorn d. Wounded Knee28. Which American general made his last stand trying to remove Sioux Indians from their land, so Americans could look for gold?a. General Ulysses S. Grantb. George Custer c. General Shermand. General Zachary Taylore. none of the above29. Who was the Sioux chief that led his people at the Battle of Little Big Horn and was later killed at Wounded Knee?a. Black Kettleb. Crazy Horsec. Sitting Bulld. Red Cloud31. Which of the following is usually viewed as the last of the Indian Wars?a. The Sand Creek Massacreb. Wounded Kneec. The Pequot Massacred. The Battle of Little Big Horn32. Who’s Enlightenment writings inspired the Declaration of Independence?a. John Lockeb. Montesquieuc. Beccaria d. Voltaire33. Which Enlightenment philosopher likely inspired our first amendment protections of free speech and religion?a. John Lockeb. Montesquieuc. Beccaria d. Voltaire34. Which Enlightenment philosopher likely inspired our eighth amendment protection from cruel and unusual punishment?a. John Lockeb. Montesquieuc. Beccaria d. Voltaire35. Which amendment says you don’t have to let a soldier sleep in your house?a. 1stb. 3rdc. 5th d. 7th36. Which term describes the separation of power between state and national government?a. Checks and Balancesb. Federalismc. Republicanismd. Manifest Destiny ................

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