Welcome to Digital Photography

Welcome to Digital PhotographyFirst Day QuestionnaireThe following information will allow me to get to know something about you and to have contact information easily accessible if it should be needed. Please submit in Edsby.Name:Email:Phone Contact:Interests/Activities /HobbiesWhat kinds of cameras have you used to take pictures?Why did you choose to take this course?Have you used photo editing software programs like Adobe Photoshop? If so, in what capacity.What does DSLR mean to you?Did you participate in the learning from home last year? If so, did you enjoy it? What were some of the challenges? If not, what prevented you from participating in the learning from home?Do you have a computer at home?? Yes? NoIf you answered yes go to questions 8, if no continue with question 10.Is it your own computer or do you share it with your family members? How many people share the computer?Do you have access to a phone and/or a camera at home to take pictures?This is what one of my teachers did last year, not necessarily during the learning from home, that I liked the most:Something you think I might be interested in knowing about you is… ................

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