First Grade Art

Sixth Grade Art

Standard 1: Understands and apply media techniques and processes

Benchmark 1: Selects and Analyze different media, techniques and processes


1. Selects and analyze media techniques and processes (D)

2. Demonstrates use and control of tools and materials (D)

3. Identify and solve problems (D)

Benchmark 2: Communicates with others about artwork


1. Selects media, techniques and processes to express themselves (D)

Standard 2: Uses knowledge of art foundations and functions

Benchmark 1: Identifies and reflect upon visual characteristics and purposes of art


1. Identifies and discuss the elements and principles of design (D)

Benchmark 2: Use and analyze the effectiveness of organizational structure


1. Demonstrates an understanding of representational and nonrepresentational art (D)

Benchmark 3: Selects and use visual structures of art to communicate ideas


1. Understands the connection of art to self-expression (D)

Standard 3:Chooses and evaluating a variety of subject matter and ideas

Benchmark 1: Communicates meaning in artwork by integrating a variety of design concepts


1. Develops works of art that convey a specific message (D)

Benchmark 2: Uses subjects and themes and symbols to communicate intended meaning in artwork


1. Develops an idea and produce artwork that conveys specific messages (D)

Benchmark 3: Compares multiply purposes for creating works of art


1. Compares and interpret artwork based on common theme and/or functions (D)

Standard 4: Understands art in relations to history, culture, and other disciplines

Benchmark 1: Knows and compares the art works of various eras and cultures


1. Identifies characteristics of artwork from selected eras and cultures (D)

Benchmark 2: Analyzes how factors of time and place influence the characteristics that give meaning to a work of art


1. Creates art that reflects knowledge of other eras and cultures (D)

Benchmark 3: Describe ways in which other disciplines are interrelated with the visual arts


1. Creates artwork that implements knowledge from other disciplines (D)

Standard 5: Critiques their artwork and the work of others

Benchmark 1: Integrates design concepts to communicate intended meaning in their artwork


1. Develops an idea and produce artwork that conveys specific messages (D)

Benchmark 2: Uses subjects, themes and symbols to communicate intended meaning in artwork


1. Compares and interpret artwork based on common themes and functions (D)

Benchmark 3: Compares multiple reasons for creating works of art


1. Explains the criteria for judging works of art (D)


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