



• Test Instructions

o Aerobic Fitness Test

o Muscular Strength & Endurance Test

o Flexibility Test

o Body Composition Test

o Instruction Booklet (pdf)


Data Collection Form (pdf)

Print Your Results

04/02/2010 Your Results


Congratulations! You scored above average on 4 of the 4 elements of the adult fitness test. Keep up the good work! Remember to be active every day and work to maintain a healthy weight.

|Fitness Component |Test Event |Your Results |Your |

| | | |Score |

|Aerobic Fitness* |1.5-Mile Run |10:57 |65%ile |

|Muscular Strength |Half Sit-Ups |67 |80%ile |

| |Push-Ups |50 |80%ile |

|Flexibility |Sit-and-Reach |22 |90%ile |

|Overall Score (based on percentile average) |78%ile |

|Body Composition |BMI: |27.2 |Overweight, |

| | | |Increased |

| | | |Risk of |

| | | |Disease |

| |Waist Circumference |36 | |

*Normative data for VO2max are based on a population that is 20 years of age and older and are re-printed from the 2006 Physical Fitness Specialist Course and Certification Manual, with permission of The Cooper Institute, 12330 Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75230

When evaluating your performance on this test, you should look at your results on each of the tests and consider how the individual tests contribute to your overall fitness. Your percentile scores are based on normative data, which represent the average achievment of people in your age group performing the test. For example, if your score is in the 75%ile (read as 75th percentile) that means that 75% of the scores among people your age fall below your score. In general, the better you score on each test, the more fit you are. On the other hand, it is not necessary to score at the very highest level on all of the tests in order to be at reduced risk for a number of diseases. Scoring poorly on one test may help you identify specific fitness activities you need to do to improve your fitness score on that test. However, this does not mean you should ignore the fitness activities associated with the tests on which you performed well. Your goal should be to score well on as many of the fitness test items as possible, maintain your fitness level in those you did well, and improve the rest.

Improve Your Scores

• Aerobic Fitness - Interpret & Improve

• Muscular Strength - Interpret & Improve

• Flexibility - Interpret & Improve

• Body Composition - Interpret & Improve

Now that you've taken the Adult Fitness Test, take the President's Challenge to improve and/or maintain your fitness level.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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