Peachtree Charter Middle SchoolTeacher:Paige CampWeek of: Nov. 6-10Unit Implementation Week: 2 of 3 Course:7th grade World StudiesUnit Name: Modern Wars, Governments and Economies in the Middle East TodayPriority Standards:SS7CG3 Compare and contrast various forms of government. a. Explain the role of citizen participation in autocratic and democratic governments.SS7E6 Describe factors that influence economic growth and examine their presence or absence in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.Supporting Standards:SS7H2 Analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia (Middle East). d. Explain U.S. presence and interest in Southwest Asia, including the Persian Gulf conflict and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.SS7CG3 Compare and contrast various forms of government. a. Explain citizen participation in autocratic and democratic governments [i.e., the role of citizens in choosing the leaders of Israel (parliamentary democracy), Saudi Arabia (autocratic monarchy), and Turkey (parliamentary democracy)]. b. Describe the two predominant forms of democratic governments: parliamentary and presidential. SS7E4 Analyze different economic systems. a. Compare how traditional, command, and market economies answer the economic questions of 1-what to produce, 2-how to produce, and 3-for whom to produce. b. Explain that countries have a mixed economic system located on a continuum between pure market and pure command. c. Compare and contrast the economic systems in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. SS7E5 Explain how voluntary trade benefits buyers and sellers in Southwest Asia (Middle East). a. Explain how specialization encourages trade between countries. b. Compare and contrast different types of trade barriers, such as tariffs, quotas, and embargoes. c. Explain why international trade requires a system for exchanging currencies between nations. d. Explain the primary function of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). SS7E6 Describe factors that influence economic growth and examine their presence or absence in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. a. Evaluate how literacy rates affect the standard of living. b. Explain the relationship between investment in human capital (education and training) and gross domestic product (GDP per capita). c. Explain the relationship between investment in capital goods (factories, machinery, and technology) and gross domestic product (GDP per capita). d. Explain how the distribution of oil has affected the development of Southwest Asia (Middle East). e. Describe the role of entrepreneurship. Non-Content Standards:(WIDA, Interdisciplinary standards, literacy, etc.)Learning Targets: (what learners will be able to do at the end of the learning activity)Explain why the US has such a presence and interest in SW Asia.Explain, identify and describe the governments and economies that exist in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey today and, the extent of citizen participation in each.Explain the differences between the governments and economies in the above countriesEssential Question(s):(addresses philosophical foundations; contains multiple answers; provide inquiry)Why is the US so interested and “invested” in what goes on in SW Asia?How do citizens participate in autocratic governments as compared to democratic governments? How do the governments of Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey compare?How does specialization encourage trade between countries?Big Idea(s):(main ideas, foundational understandings, conclusions or generalizations0As a society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the complexity of the government also increases. The production, distribution, and consumption of goods/services produced by the society are affected by the location, customs, beliefs, and laws of the society. The culture of a society is the product of the religion, beliefs, customs, traditions, and government of that society. When there is conflict between or within societies, change is the result.3035936-4445currencyOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)literacy ratesstandard of livinginvestment human capital gross domestic product GDP per capitacapital goods gross domestic product GDP per capitaoildevelopmententrepreneurship00currencyOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)literacy ratesstandard of livinginvestment human capital gross domestic product GDP per capitacapital goods gross domestic product GDP per capitaoildevelopmententrepreneurship113093514606citizen participationautocratic government democratic governmentscitizensparliamentary democracyautocratic monarchyparliamentary democracyeconomic systemstraditional, command, market economiesmixed economyvoluntary tradebuyerssellersspecialization00citizen participationautocratic government democratic governmentscitizensparliamentary democracyautocratic monarchyparliamentary democracyeconomic systemstraditional, command, market economiesmixed economyvoluntary tradebuyerssellersspecializationAcademic Vocabulary:423608555245trade barrierstariffsquotasembargoesinternational tradetrade barrierstariffsquotasembargoesinternational tradeAcademic Vocabulary: Analyze Conflict ExplainDescribeExplainIdentifyUnit Specific Vocabulary:Persian Gulf conflictInvasion of AfghanistanSTEM Interdisciplinary Integration:Engaging Performance Scenario:Resources:(weekly materials chosen to support teaching and learning)TextbooksXLab MaterialsManipulativesOther: (List the other resources below.)Audio/Visual AidsXCourse syllabusInternet (Tech)HandoutsXDictionariesElectronic DevicesWhite BoardsXVideo ClipsXPromethean Board XDaily Lesson Plan for MondayPre-Instructional Activity:Opening (ENGAGE):(introduces the lesson; summarizes previous lesson; clarifies misconceptions)This week of Openings is O#112 comparative questions on the wars in the M. EWORK PERIOD (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):(contains the mini lesson; allows students to practice concept; assesses student learningView video clip, “10 for 10 shorts” about when Muhammad Ali went to Iraq to talk with Saddam HusseinView PowerPoint on wars in the M.E. and take CLOZE notes while watching itWhole class discussion while viewingCLOSING: (EVALUATE):(summarizes the lesson; ensures understanding, clarifies misconceptions)Q and A to check for understandingHOMEWORK Complete graphic organizer using the notes completed in class, #5…make Camp Cards in preparation for the Wed quizDaily Lesson Plan for TuesdayPre-Instructional Activity:Anticipation Guide PRIOR to beginning the govt’sOpening (ENGAGE):2 more comparative questions on the Persian Gulf WarsWORK PERIOD (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):Go over #5, “U.S. Presence in SW Asia graphic organizer” which was last night’s homework.Begin gov’t CLOZE notes, if time permits (Begin reviewing the different TYPES of gov’t)CLOSING: (EVALUATE)Q and A to check for understandingHOMEWORKReview assignments #1-5 for tomorrow’s quiz on M.E. wars…study using Camp CardsDaily Lesson Plan for WednesdayPre-Instructional Activity:Anticipation Guide PRIOR to beginning the govt’sOpening (ENGAGE):2 more questions on the U.S. presence in SW AsiaWORK PERIOD (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):Tiny Quiz on Wars in the M.E. and U.S. presence and involvement (grade)Continue with gov’t PPT. There are 5 parts (#6)CLOSING: (EVALUATE)Q and A to check for understandingHOMEWORKDaily Lesson Plan for ThursdayPre-Instructional Activity:Opening (ENGAGE):2 questions on the governments in SW Asia (Focus is on Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey)WORK PERIOD (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):Finish #6, SW Asia gov’ts CLOZE notesWith a partner, fill in graphic organizer of SW Asian gov’ts (#6) using notes from #5Afterwards, discuss to ensure accuracyCLOSING: (EVALUATE)Q and A to check for understandingHOMEWORKAssignments #’s 1-6 “should be complete”. Checking tomorrow for a grade! Daily Lesson Plan for FridayPre-Instructional Activity:Opening (ENGAGE):2 questions on SW Asian gov’ts Grade week of Openings O#11WORK PERIOD (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/EXTEND/ELABORATE):Begin the economics of SW Asia.View PPT and complete CLOZE notes on a review of BASIC economics #7Complete graphic organizer on SW Asian economies comparing the economic systems of Israel, Turkey and Saudi ArabiaHand back graded quizzesCLOSING: (EVALUATE)Q and A to check for understandingHOMEWORKCreate a minimum of 25 “Camp Cards” on assignments #’s 1-6 Begin with any questions missed on Wednesday’s quiz. Due Mon (grade) Unit Test next Thursday 11/16 Zoo Trip Mon. 11/13! Bring lunch, check weather, wear comfortable shoesDifferentiated Instruction(content, process, product)Assessment Evidence(formative, summative)-Product, Students may type their entire unit for 10 pts. Extra credit. They may also create an extra create cover sheet (collage) and show in graphics and text, the content that was covered in this unit.-Process/Content students will create Camp Cards based on what information they don’t know well yet and any missed questions on the Wed. quiz.-Daily Opening Questions-Quiz 11/8-3 more assignments in Packet, thus far, which will end up being a formative assessment-Grade week of Openings O#11 11/10-Unit Test next Thursday 11/16 AND Unit Packet dueAdapted from the DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template 8.31.17Additional Resources as Needed in the areas below, place an “x” in the boxes to indicate selected strategies and resourcesResearch Based Instructional Strategies:(weekly strategies chosen to guide teaching and learning)OPENING: Engaging instructional activityActivate Prior KnowledgeXQuestioning(Raises questions)XClarify Previous LessonXPhenomenonProvide FeedbackXScaffold InstructionXCreate InterestXOther:WORK PERIOD:Exploring, Explaining, Extending, and ElaboratingFacilitate LearningXAcademic DiscussionsXCooperative LearningXOther:ReflectionXDemonstrate/ModelXGenerating and Testing HypothesesIndependent LearningXOther:Explain/Apply/Extend concepts and skillsXHigh-Level QuestioningXInterdisciplinary WritingOther:CLOSING:EvaluatingSummarize LessonXProvide Alternate ExplanationsRespond to EQsXOther: Q & AXAllow students to assess their own learningXQuick Write3-2-1/K-W-LOther:Intervention StrategiesIntervention Strategies(Tiers 1, 2.3)Additional Support in the ClassroomSpecifically Designed Instruction for the Exceptional Education StudentsStrategies for English Language LearnersRe-voicingXConferencing when needed, one on oneXVisuals/ RealiaXExplainingAdditional timeXFront-loadingXPrompting for participationXSmall group collaborationXEchoing/Choral ResponseXChallenging or counteringModify quantity of workXColor-codingXAsking “Why?” “How”Take student’s dictationXMultiple exposures in different mediaXRereadXScaffold InformationXPair-share XPractice new vocabularyXDifferentiated content/process/productXModeling Assistive technologyXConsistent reward systemLanguage scaffolds: eg, sentence framesPre-teach & re-teach in a different wayRefer to student’s IEP or 504 PlanDeconstruct complex sentencesUse of manipulativesAssistive technologyXIncrease student-to-student talk Paired G.O.XCollaborative workXStrategies vocabulary instruction Camp CardsXCreate differentiated text setsXAdditional Think TimeGifted-Extensions for LearningTier 1XFlexible-Learning GroupsVaried Pacing with Anchor OptionsVaried Supplemental MaterialsChoice of BooksWork Alone or TogetherComputer MentorsXHomework OptionsFlexible SeatingThink-Pair-ShareXUse of Reading BuddiesVaried ScaffoldingOpen-Ended ActivitiesVarious Journal PromptsVaried Computer ProgramsExplorations by InterestStudent/Teacher Goal SettingDesign-A-DayTier 2Gifted Educ Cluster ClassesXAlternative AssessmentsCommunity MentorshipsGifted Educ Collaboration ClassesXSubject Advancement within classStationsTiered Activities and ProductsCurriculum CompactingGroup InvestigationsUse of Literature ClubsTiered CentersXAssess Students in Multiple WaysMultiple Testing OptionsSpelling by ReadinessXStudent ChoiceXMultiple TextsXVarying OrganizersSimulationsTier 3Tier 4Advanced Content( all core content)Above grade level accelerated (all core content)Resource ClassesAdvanced Placement ClassesXIndependent/Directed StudyInternational Baccalaureate ClassesSocratic SeminarsInternships/Mentorships21st Century Learning Skills: (weekly strategies chosen to guide student engagement)Teamwork and CollaborationXInnovation and CreativityXAccessing and Analyzing InformationXInitiative and LeadershipCritical Thinking and Problem-SolvingXEffective Oral and Written CommunicationCuriosity and ImaginationXFlexibility and AdaptabilityOther: Adapted from the DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template 8.31.17 ................

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