Week #29: March 14-18, 2011

SUBJECT: Social Studies 8th Grade Georgia Studies

Unit/Lesson Title: Government

|Standard(s): |

|SS8CG5 The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia. |

|Explain the origins, functions, purposes, and differences of county and city governments in Georgia. |

|Compare and contrast the weak mayor-council, the strong mayor-council, and the council- manager forms of city government |

|Describe the functions of special-purpose governments. |

|Evaluate the role of local government working with state agencies to administer state programs. |

|S8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders. |

|Explain the difference between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior and the consequences of each |

|Describe the rights of juveniles when taken into custody. |

|Describe the juvenile justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology, and steps in the juvenile justice process. |

|Explain the seven delinquent behaviors that can subject juvenile offenders to the adult criminal process, how the decision to transfer to adult court is made, and|

|the possible consequences. |

|Learning Target(s): (connected to performance task) |

|The students will understand: |

|in a democracy, rule of law influences the behavior of citizens, establishes procedures for making policies, and limits the power of government. |

|Essential Question(s): |

|SS8CG5 |

|What are the differences in functions and purposes of city and county governments in Georgia? (CG5a) |

|How are the three major forms of Georgia’s city governments alike and how are they different? (CG5b) |

|What are the functions of special purpose governments? (CG5c) |

|SS8CG6 |

|How does the juvenile process differ from the adult process? |

|How do the rights of juveniles differ from those of adults? |

|What are the seven offenses for which a juvenile may be tried as an adult? |

|How might conflicts be peacefully resolved? |

| |

|Prime Time: |

|“Daily Geography” notebooks- students answer 2 questions every day in notebooks, (using books, maps, and other resources). On Friday- quiz over all 8 questions |

|Gather data for interactive notebooks, complete Table of Contents and make sure work is up to date. |

|Review questions for CRCT |

|Complete a graphic organizer- “How a Bill Becomes A Law” |

|Activities: |

|SS8CG5(Textbook: Chapter 16, pages 560-583 |

|SS8CG6(Textbook: Chapter 15, pages 547-551 |

|Chapter 15 BLM pages 159, 164, 166, 167 |

|Chapter 15 Test- BLM pg. 168-169 |

|CRCT pages |

|Georgia Stories Video Clip: Criminal Justice and the Juvenile (6:51) (Shows boot camp for juvenile offenders) |

|Ask students to discuss whether they think this is a good way to both punish and correct young offenders. The class should examine the pros and cons of other |

|methods they propose to deliver juvenile justice. |

|Note taking / Power point / Class Discussion |

|SS8CG5a: Using the vertical Venn Diagram, “City vs. County” (Appendix 1) compare city and county governments. Complete the activity by completing the following:|

|“If I were to run for a position in either the city or county governments, I would prefer to serve in the ______ government because_________________. |

|SS8CG5b: Using a hierarchy chart, compare the three types of city government. (Appendix 3) Participate in a class discussion on the three types. Find out what |

|type your city has. |

|SS8CG5: After studying the services provided by different levels of government, consider the following: “If the state, cities, and counties must provide |

|specific services to its citizens, then why might a city need to make a special purpose government?” Write a paragraph citing several different needs that could|

|be fulfilled by a special purpose government. Be prepared to take part in a class discussion. |

|SS8CG6c: Students will complete a “T” Chart that compares the juvenile justice system to the adult justice system. (Appendix 1) They should include the |

|different jurisdictions, terminology, steps in processing, and rights of the person once they are in custody. They should then use their “T” Chart to |

|participate in a class discussion. |

|SS8CG6a: Using a Venn Diagram, or two spider maps if you prefer, students should compare and contrast juvenile delinquent behavior and juvenile unruly |

|behavior. Using this information they should write an essay comparing and contrasting juvenile delinquent and juvenile unruly behavior. |

|SS8CG6b: Billy Brownnose is a juvenile who has been taken into custody. “I know I have rights” he says. “I demand my rights. I just don’t know what they are. |

|Tell me!” he shouts. The juvenile officer simply points to a poster. It is titled “Rights of Juveniles taken into custody” Students should prepare that poster. |

|List the rights of juveniles who have been taken into custody. Students should illustrate their poster to make it more understandable and more appealing to |

|juveniles. |

|SS8CGd: Students will be assigned a situation which reflects one of the 7 delinquent behaviors (related to armed robbery with a firearm, murder, or voluntary |

|manslaughter is suggested). Create a flow chart to demonstrate how this situation might lead a juvenile into an adult court. Discuss with students why these |

|behaviors may require stricter punishment. |

|SS8CG6: In a move to save money, the Georgia General Assembly is considering eliminating the separate juvenile court system. Under the proposed restructuring, |

|all cases, juvenile and adult, would be tried in the same court system. You are a juvenile defender. You have been selected by your peers to testify before the |

|General Assembly as an advocate for keeping juvenile and adult cases in separate courts. You plan to be fully prepared. You will have a forceful speech and |

|visual aids. |

|First, write a speech in which you explain: |

|the differences between the juvenile and adult justice systems |

|the difference between juvenile delinquent behaviors and unruly behaviors |

|the need to protect the rights of juveniles |

|the role rule of law plays in protecting juvenile rights |

|Emphasize any concerns you have about these rights being lost in an adult court. This is usually an emotional issue. If your wish, play on the sympathy of the |

|members of the General Assembly in your speech. |

|Prepare a visual showing the differences between juvenile justice and adult justice systems. You may present your ideas as a poster, PowerPoint, or any other |

|visual way you feel would better suit the situation. Be prepared to deliver you speech orally and have a paper copy. |

| |

|Key Vocabulary: For Your Word Wall |Differentiated Instruction Notes: |

|County, Expressed powers, implied powers, bill, veto, |Students will be allowed to write more/less according to their level. |

|judicial review, governor, lieutenant governor, public |Peer assistance (ask 3 before me) |

|regulation, felony, misdemeanor, supreme court, |Allow for extra time if needed |

|jurisdiction, juvenile |Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis |


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