Alexander County Schools

School: Sunshine School Date: 01/15/2013

Student Name(s)/Grade Level: 4th Grade

Pick One: X Tier I Tier II Tier III

Tier II or Tier III only: Has the student had excessive absences/tardies/transience in their school career (if yes, attach relevant attendance history)? Yes No

Student Strengths:      

What should our students know and be able to do?

Identify the Problem: Fifty percent (50%) of all 4th grade students met the target score on the winter math benchmark.

RIOT – Review, Interview, Observe, Test

|Develop and Test Hypotheses (Why is the problem occurring?) |

|Instruction: Instruction did not include enough |Curriculum: Students have not been exposed in |Environment: Math blocks are not long enough to cover|Learner (Tiers II and III):       |

|opportunities for modeling and representing numbers |previous years to concepts in the curriculum that are|the expected material. | |

|in order for students to apply place value knowledge |expected this year and the mapping was too compacted | | |

|when performing multi-digit arithmetic in multiple |for students to master material. | | |

|ways. | | | |

| |Item analysis of test results |Review schedule | |

|Observe across math blocks Interview teachers |Review curriculum mapping. | | |

| | | | |

|Instruction Assessment Plan/Results: Instruction |Curriculum Assessment Plan/Results: An item analysis |Environment Assessment Plan/Results: Math block is |Learner Assessment Plan/Results:       |

|included students experimenting with representing |of the benchmark test revealed that students |too short for the amount of material the teachers | |

|numbers in multiple ways. Teachers also used |demonstrated good performance on Measurement/Data, |need to cover and also to give students sufficient | |

|scaffolding and flexible grouping within their |Fractions and Geometry but lacked consistent skills |individual attention and practice to master concepts.| |

|classrooms to differentiate instruction. |in Operations and Algebraic Thinking. In skills |The curriculum mapping is rapid in areas that | |

| |requiring Number and Operations in Base Ten, most |students need additional time to master. | |

| |students demonstrated consistent weaknesses. In | | |

| |addition, teachers reported most students are still | | |

| |having some difficulty with place value | | |

|Precise Problem Statement: Only fifty percent (50%) of all 4th grade students met the target score on the winter math benchmark because of deficits in Number and Operations in Base Ten and in Operations and Algebraic |

|Thinking. Compacted time (schedule and mapping) and difficulties in understanding place value appear to be the main reasons for these performance deficits. |

|Discuss and Select Solutions: |

|Teachers will incorporate activities using base ten blocks to model and compare whole numbers and use the Build a Number activity to read, write and compare whole multi-digit numbers. This will occur during flexible |

|grouping across the grade level during the last 30 minutes of the math block and later in partners and math stations. |

|Teachers revisit the curriculum mapping for the remainder of the year and find times to infuse the concepts students are lacking in their lesson planning. |

|Teachers embed questions about number sense in all math instruction, asking questions such as "which is most/ greater/least/smallest? How do you know? How else can we express these numbers? Is there another way?” |

|Teachers infuse these math concepts into their science and social studies lessons. |

|Develop and Implement Action Plan: |

|Who? |What? |Where? |How Often? |

|All 4th Grade Teachers |Teachers will incorporate activities using base ten |Flexible grouping across grade level—in classrooms |Daily during last 30 min of math block and later in |

| |blocks to model and compare whole numbers and use the| |partners and math stations |

| |Build a Number activity to read, write and compare | | |

| |whole multi-digit numbers. |Classroom transitions and math block | |

|All 4th Grade Teachers |Teachers embed questions about number sense in all | | |

| |math instruction-asking questions such as "which is | | |

| |most/ greater/least/smallest? How do you know? How | |Daily |

|All 4th Grade Teachers (Instructional Coach will |else can we express these numbers? Is there another |Classroom during Science and Social Studies | |

|provide activities) |way? | | |

| |Practice missing skills in Number and Operations | | |

| |(base ten | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |At least 2 times per week |

|How will we know students are learning? |Baseline Score: 50% of the 4th grade students are at or above the target score |

| |Short Term Goal: - By the spring benchmark assessment, 70% of students in fourth grade will reach the target|

| |score. |

| |Long Term Goal: By the winter benchmark assessment next year, 80% of this group of students will reach |

| |target score. Also by winter benchmark next year, 80% of students in fourth grade will reach target score. |

|Measurement Strategy: Who? Classroom teachers With What? Common Formative Assessments How Often? Every 2 weeks |

|Data-Based Decision Making Rules: If the percentage of students achieving the target score does not increase by at least 5 percentage points on each CFA, then plan will be revisited |

|Instructional coach will conduct walk-throughs every two weeks to ensure teachers are using the strategies correctly and effectively |

| |

|Review Date: 04/17/2013 |

|Evaluate and Revise the Plan – Date: April 17, 2013 |How will we respond when |How will we respond when |

| |students don’t learn? |students have already learned? |

|Results: |Next Steps: |

| |Continue curriculum change throughout the duration of the school year |

|72% of students scored at or above target |Continue monitoring students |

| | |

| |Determine curriculum changes for the following school year, include third grade and fifth grade teams |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Participants (Name and Title): | |

|Amy Jones, 4th grade teacher |Jennifer Miller, Instructional Coach |

|Sally White, 4th grade teacher |Juan Carlos, 4th grade teacher |

|John Bell, 4th grade teacher |      |

|Lynn Franks, 4th grade teacher |      |

|Parent Involvement in Plan Development: Conference Phone Call Signed letter returned from home Other:       |

|Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________ Date:       |

|Meeting Notes (Optional):       |

|Evaluate and Revise the Plan – Date:       |How will we respond when |How will we respond when |

| |students don’t learn? |students have already learned? |

|Results:       |Next Steps:       |

|Participants (Name and Title): | |

|      |      |

|      |      |

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|Parent Involvement in Plan Development: Conference Phone Call Signed letter returned from home Other:       |

|Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________ Date:       |

|Meeting Notes (Optional):       |

|Evaluate and Revise the Plan – Date:       |How will we respond when |How will we respond when |

| |students don’t learn? |students have already learned? |

|Results:       |Next Steps:       |

|Participants (Name and Title): | |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|      |      |

|Parent Involvement in Plan Development: Conference Phone Call Signed letter returned from home Other:       |

|Parent Signature (if applicable): ________________________________________________ Date:       |

|Meeting Notes (Optional):       |




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