Chapter 12 Test

Review with Answers Chapter 3 Test


colony – a group of people who settle in a distant land but are still ruled by the government of their native land

turning point – a moment in history that marks a decisive change

circumnavigate – sail completely around the world

Columbian Exchange – the encounter between the peoples of the Eastern and Western hemispheres and beginning of a global exchange of goods and ideas

negotiator – a person who uses discussion to try to help others reach agreement

perspective – a point of view

viceroy – a person sent by a king to govern a province or country

reform – to improve by correcting an abuse


conquistador – Spanish conqueror

pueblo – towns

presidio – a fort built to protect pueblos or a mission

mission – religious settlement set up to convert Native Americans, ran by Catholic priest and friars, and paid for by the Spanish government

peninsulare – born in Spain, 1st class or highest in their society (conservatives)

creole (criollos) – born in America to Spanish parents, 2nd or middle class

mestizo – mixed race between Spanish and Native Americans, 3rd or lowest class

encomienda – land grants that include the right to demand labor and/or taxes from Native Americans

plantation – a large estate farmed by many people; slaves, sharecroppers, etc

council – group elected or appointed as an advisory or legislative body


northwest passage – shorter waterway though or around North America

Protestant Reformation – Christians that protested the Catholic teaching and began a new church; Protestants

coureur (courier) de bois – runners of the woods

missionary – person who tries to convert other people to accept their religious beliefs

alliance – agreement between nations to aid and protect one another

environs – surrounding area

restricted – limited by authority or ability


charter – legal document giving certain rights to a person or company

burgess – elected male representatives to a government

House of Burgess – assembly of men that worked to write laws for the colony

representative government – voters elect representatives to make laws for them

Magna Carta – a 1215 British document signed by King John stating that:

1. monarchs themselves had to obey the laws (i.e. raising taxes)

2. citizens have basic rights (i.e. private property and trial by jury)

(This was the framework for the creation of British Parliament and the Bill of Rights)

Parliament – an assembled group of chosen and elected representatives;

Two houses – House of Lords (chosen nobles) and House of Commons (elected)


Pilgrims – English settlers who sought religious freedom in America

established church – the religion chosen by the European ruler for the people of their country

persecution – mistreatment or punishment because of their religious beliefs

Mayflower Compact – a 1620 agreement between pilgrims and non-pilgrims, for ruling the Plymouth Colony; signed before they landed at Plymouth; master laws that would ‘insure the general Good of the Colony’; self-government concept

precedent – an example for others to follow in the future

Thanksgiving – day at the end of harvest season set aside by the Pilgrims to give thanks to GOD

enterprise – a project or venture that is difficult or risky

cornerstone – a fundamental principle

foreshadow – to hint at or suggest something that will happen in the future

1. From 1607 to 1609, only 60 of more than 900 Jamestown colonists survived. One reason for the low survival rate was that – the swampy location used caused disease to spread

2. One reason that the Mayflower Compact was written was to establish –

principles of government for the new colony

3. Which 1620 document was signed by male members of the community to establish a government for settlers at Plymouth ?

The Mayflower Compact

The people will elect Officeholders will Officeholders will conduct

officeholders make laws government on behalf of

the people

4. What would be the best title for the diagram above ? a Plan for Representative Government

5. Which colony was founded in 1607 and was successful because of its fertile land, plentiful game, and abundant timber ? Virginia

6. The missions founded in California during the 1700s are evidence of the cultural influence of which group of people ? the Spanish

We whose names are underwritten…..combine ourselves into a civil body politic…..

–Mayflower Compact, November 11, 1620

7. What is the significance of the document excerpted above ?

it established a self-governing colony based on rule of the people

8. The reason that the Mayflower colonists signed the Mayflower Compact in 1620 was to –

form a social contract for self-government

9. Why did the Pilgrims come to the Plymouth Colony in 1620 ? to practice their religion freely

10. The Virginia Company established the House of Burgesses in 1619, which –

was the first representative legislature in the English colonies

11. European migration to North America resulted in Native Americans experiencing –

an extensive loss of land

What year ? Timeline:

12. _1492_ – Christopher Columbus reaches the Caribbean

This begins travel from Europe to the Americas

13. _1565_ – Spain builds a fort at St. Augustine

St. Augustine, FL is the oldest city in the United States

14. _1673_ – French colonists explore the Mississippi River

Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet

15. _1519_ – Hernando Cortes begins conquest of Aztec Empire

Spain takes all lands in present day South America

16. _1607_ – English colonists arrive in Jamestown Virginia

1st successful English settlement in North America

17. _1620_ – Pilgrims found the colony of Plymouth Massachusetts

They settled here seeking freedom to practice their religion


18. How did Spanish explorers find a route across the Pacific Ocean ?

by traveling a western route

19. Why did the voyage Christopher Columbus have a more lasting impact than earlier voyages ?

sparked a global exchange

20. How did exploration set off a global exchange of goods and ideas ?

people from the East met people from the West

21. Which answer best describes how conquistadors defeat two Indian empires ?

superior military equipment

22. The Spanish are known for exploring which areas ? Florida, California, Mexico, South

America, Central America, Louisiana but not - Canada

23. In the code ‘Laws of the Indies’, Spain settled and organized its colonies in 3 ways missions, pueblos, & presidios not -adobes

24. What was life like for Native Americans under Spanish rule ? encomiendas allowed Spanish settlers to demand labor and taxes from Native Americans; they became Indian slaves

25. Why did England, France, and the Netherlands seek a Northwest Passage to Asia ?

new ways to reach the riches of Asia

26. How did the Protestant Reformation affect rivalries among European nations ?

Queen Elizabeth encouraged raids on Spanish

27. How did rivalry develop between New France and New Netherland ?

rivals in the fur trade

28. What challenges did the 1st English colonies in North America face ?

ran short on food and quarrelling with Indians

29. Why did Virginia begin a tradition of representative government ?

people wanted to have a voice in their own government

30. What group of people made up the new arrivals in Virginia after 1619 ?

English women

31. How did the European states control or regulate religion ?

established church

32. Why did the colonists at Plymouth feel they needed the Mayflower Compact ?

they were not landing in the chartered Virginia

33. How were the pilgrims able to survive early hardships ?

received seeds from a neighboring Indian named Squanto

34(. List reasons that help explain why the Spanish conquered the Aztecs and the Incas so easily ?

1. the Spanish carried diseases from Europe that the natives had never been exposed to

2. the Spanish had superior weapons and were well trained conquerors

3. the natives believed that the white skins were gods sent from the east

35(. What was the main reason explorers had for traveling North from South America ?

they were looking for gold and other riches

36(. Why did large numbers of average Spanish citizens wanted to come to the New Spain ?

1. settlements provided a ‘base’ for future expeditions

2. new wealth could be found in ‘farming’ and ‘trade’

3. the Spanish citizens felt the responsibility to spread their Christian religion around the world

37(. Out of Spain’s 3 types of social class, which was most powerful ?


Identify the reasons they were so very powerful in the new colonies ?

1. they owned most large tracts of land

2. they owned the gold and silver mines

3. they held most of the positions in government and in the church

38(. What did the Spanish government’s land grant system, called encomiendas, include that

caused hardship for Native Americans (Indians) ?

it allowed the owners to demand from the Indians either payment in taxes or force them into labor

39(. What contributed the most to the rivalries between the English and the Spanish… ?

the English were generally protestant and the Spanish were catholic

40(. Why was the House of Burgesses created in Virginia… ?

1. it was created to advise the colony’s governor

2. it was created to give settlers a voice in their government

41(. By the 1600s, the Virginian African population had increased immensely. What caused this

increase in population ?

most of the Africans in Virginia were slaves

42(. Give examples that prove the contact between European colonists and Native

Indians created a negative consequence.

1. Native Indians lost much of their land

2. Europeans introduced alcohol

3. fur trade nearly wiped out the beaver in upstate New York area

43(. What happened to people of African origin after the colony of Virginia established laws to create lifelong enslavement for?

1. the law made slavery commonplace in each of the British colonies

2. the law caused other colonies to take advantage and increase their own slavery

44(. Explain why the Pilgrims want to establish their own colony ?

they wanted the freedom to worship as they pleased


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