Course Specification - kau

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment

Course Specification

General Genetics

BIO 221

Course Specifications

|Institution: King Abdulaziz University |

|College/Department: Faculty of Sciences and Arts Khulais/Biology Department |

A Course Identification and General Information

|1. Course title and code: BIO 221 |

|2. Credit hours: 3 Hours |

|3. Course is offered: For second year of all biology sections |

|4. Name of faculty member responsible for the course: |

|Prof. Dr. Saied Rawi, Dr. Nasser Alshibly |

|5. Level/year at which this course is offered: second year |

|6. Pre-requisites for this course : BIO 110 |

|7. Co-requisites for this course (if any): none |

|8. Location : Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Khulais Campus |


| |

|1-Summary of the main learning outcomes for students enrolled in the course. |

|To define of the science of Genetics history of its development, subdivisions and applications |

|To familiarize students of mendelian genetics |

|To describe the variation of mendelian ratios |

|To understand the Quantitative genetics |

|To learn students to be able to make gene linkage and genetic maps |

|To identify the non-Mendelian genetics and solving problems |

|To describe the chromosome aberrations |

|To know the characteristics of sex determination |

|To identify the molecular genetics |

|To know the different between population genetics species genetics |

|To familiarize students with the developmental genetics |

|To recognize the immunological genetics |

| |

| |

|Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented. |

|Research session |

|Participation in internal conferences to keep checking lab requirement |

|Study internal courses related to the field |

|Workshops debates - seminars |

C. Course Description:

|1- Topics to be Covered |

|List of Topics |No of |Contact Hours |

| |Weeks | |

|1- Lectures |

|An Introduction genetics |1 |2 |

|Definition of the science of Genetics history of its development, subdivisions |2 |2 |

|and applications | | |

|Mendelian genetics |3 |2 |

|Variation of Mendelian ratios |4 |2 |

|First Exam. |5 |2 |

|Quantitative genetics |6 |2 |

|Gene linkage and genetic maps |7 |2 |

|Midterm exam |8 |2 |

|Non-Mendelian genetics |9 |4 |

|Second Exam. |10 |2 |

|Chromosome aberrations |11 |2 |

|Sex determination |12 |2 |

|Molecular genetics |13 |2 |

|Population genetics |14 |2 |

|Developmental genetics and Immunological genetics |15 |2 |

|Final Exam. |16 |2 |

|Total |16 | |

| | |32 |

| |2. Course Component |

|Department |Lecture |Tutorial |Laboratory |Practical/Field |Total |

| | | | |Work/International | |

| Biology |32 | |39 | |71 |

|3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week. (This should be an average: for the semester not a specific requirement in|

|each week) |

|6 hours |

|4. Development of Learning Outcomes in Domains of Learning |

|For each of the domains of learning shown below indicate: |

|A brief summary of the knowledge or skill the course is intended to develop; |

|A description of the teaching strategies to be used in the course to develop that knowledge or skill; |

|The methods of student assessment to be used in the course to evaluate learning outcomes in the domain |

|concerned. |

|a. Knowledge |

|By the end of this course the student will be able to: |

|To know the basic genetics principles needed for the life. |

|Identify the major principles of genetics |

|Describe the Molecular genetics |

|Have a knowledge of developmental genetics |

| |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop that knowledge: |

|Lectures: |

|Direct questions |

|Indirect questions |

|The relation between the biological issues and our life was discussed in each class. |

|Homework assignments |

|To relate the information to day today activities phenomenon |

| |

|Methods of assessment of knowledge acquired |

|Discussion in class |

|In class short MCQs quizzes |

|Test and exams |

|b. Cognitive Skills |

|(i) By the end of the course the student will be able to: |

| |

|Take tests and exam on the course taught to them |

|Know the genetically phenomena |

|Draw the genetics maps of some chromosomes |

|Teaching strategies to be used to develop these cognitive skills |

|Training at some genetics problems |

|Homework assignments |

|Problem solving. |

|Methods of assessment of student's cognitive skills: |

|In class short MCQs |

|Test and final exams |

|Checking the problems solved in the homework assignments. |

|Direct and indirect questions |

|Classroom discussions |

|c. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility |

|i- Description of the interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility to be developed |

|Manage time and other members of the group |

|Comparative of work results of between groups |

|Working in groups |

|ii- Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills and abilities: |

|Writing independent reports |

|writing group reports |

|Solving problems in groups. |

|Using of: |

|Power point presentation. |

|Illustrative Posters |

|Make an experiments |

|To take students on field studying |

|iii- Methods of assessment of students’ interpersonal skills and capacity to carry responsibility to be developed: |

|- Grading homework assignments |

|-Participation in group discussion |

|-Critical thinking |

|- solving of problems |

|d. Communication, Information Technology and Numerical Skills |

|(i) Description of the skills to be developed in this domain. |

|Report writing and results analysis |

|Using of biological equipment |

|Training at experiments |

|To identify the phenomenon |

|To apply taxonomy |

|To classify genotype and phenotype |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills |

|1-Tutorial and small group teaching |

|2-Practical sessions of experiments |

|3-Reports discussion |

|(iii) Methods of assessment of students numerical and communication skills |

|Through observation in practical and tutorials and presentation skills |

|e. Psychomotor Skills (if applicable) |

|- practical laboratories |

|(i) Description of the psychomotor skills to be developed and the level of performance required |

|- Using certain Equipments and instruments in performing laboratory tests |

|(ii) Teaching strategies to be used to develop these skills |

|- lectures and PPT presentation |

|- Practical sessions. |

|- group working |

| |

|-doing of experiments |

|(iii) Methods of assessment of students psychomotor skills |

|- Practical exam. |

|- Homework |

|- MCQ exam. |

|- Reports discussion |

|- A weekly quiz |

|- Portfolio assessment |

| |

|5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester |

|Assessment |Assessment task |Week due |Proportion of Final |

| | | |Assessment |

|1 |Class activities |weekly |10% |

| | | | |

|2 |First term exam |4 th week |10% |

|3 |Second term exam | | |

| | |10th week |10% |

|4 |Midterm exam |12th week |20% |

| | | | |

|4 |Final exam |15th week |30% |

| |Lab activities |weekly |20% |

|5 | | | |

|6 |Total | |100% |

D. Student Support

|Arrangements for availability of teaching staff for individual student consultations and academic advice: |

|Every teaching staff has to be available for the students for 2 hours 3 days a week. |

|- There will be a schedule for office hours of every staff member declared to |

|the students. |

|Contact numbers, pagers and mobile numbers should be available to the students. |

E. Learning Resources

|1-Required Text: |

|-Sylvia S. Mader (Latest Edition): Biology. McGraw-Hill, USA. |

|-Campbell, Reece, Taylor , Simon, Dickey . BIOLOGY – Concepts & Connections, Sixth Edition. 2009 |

|مقدمة علم الحياة (الجزء الأول) - باعشــن والفيفي (2005م) – الطبعة الثالثة. - |

|- مقدمة علم الحياة ( الجزء الثاني) - باعشن وأبو خطوة وفلمبان (2007م) الطبعة الثااثة |

| |

| |

|2- Essential Books: |

|-Campbell, Reece, Taylor , Simon, Dickey . BIOLOGY – Concepts & Connections, Sixth Edition. 2009 |

|3-.Electronic Materials, Web Sites etc |

| |

| 4-Other learning material such as computer-based programs/CD, professional standards/regulations |

|Soft copy of material at the department |

| |

F. Facilities Required

|Requirements for the course include: |

|Accommodation (Lecture rooms, laboratories, etc.) |

| |

|Lecture room with data show and smart board |

|Labs |

|Field study |

|Computing resources |

|Virtual learning based programs and computers labs |

|Other resources |

G. Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes

|1 Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching |

| |

|Confidential completion of standard course evaluation questionnaire: Students and Staff forms ( Online Forms). |

|Focus group discussion with small groups of students. |

|2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Instructor or by the Department |

|Using Item Analysis results for revising students assessment. |

| |

| |

|3-Processes for Improvement of Teaching |

| |

|The tutors are encouraged to attend workshops on teaching methods. |

|Review of recommended teaching strategies. |

|4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement (e.g. check marking by an independent member teaching staff of a |

|sample of student work, periodic exchange and remarking of tests or a sample of assignments with staff at another institution). |

| |

|- Comparing lectures with the examinations |

|- Random rechecking of exams |

| |

|5. Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and planning for improvement. |

| |

|This would be achieved by issuing an annual course report at the end of the academic year and which will encompass a |

|corrective/improvement action plan. |


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