Genetic Brochure Powerpoint Presentations

Ms. Day/Honors Genetics Semester 2 extra Credit Opportunity

Extra Credit Opportunity- SPRING BREAK 2019

▪ The extra credit is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 4/22/2019. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!!! IF YOU ARE LATE, SICK OR ABSENT, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT I WILL NOT (AND CANNOT) ACCEPT YOUR EXTRA CREDIT!!!


▪ This extra credit goes towards the overall semester grade (can increase your grade 1%)

▪ You may only complete ONE opportunity….not BOTH!

OPPORTUNITY #1- Family Pedigree Project (pgs 2-6)


1. Read the assignment VERY carefully.

2. Complete the assignment per the instructions (following the rubric provided)

3. Complete the parent rubric

4. Turn the project in on Monday, 4/2/18.

OPPORTUNITY #2- Book Report (pgs 7-9…NOTE: You may NOT read the same book as 1st semester if you completed this extra credit then)


1. Go to one of the following website and scroll down for a book that interests you. All URLs have different books listed.





2. Buy or check out a book that appears on one of the website page. You will need to read this book ( Almost all the books are non-fiction and all books are related to science (of course!) There are many books to choose from and each book.

3. Once you have picked your book, you will need to complete two (2) parts of the assignment for full credit.

• PART #1: Create a Presentation on Your Book

o Create a presentation using: a hand made book with pages, Word, PowerPoint, Google Slides or the movie making software of your choosing.  

❖ Use the following format to create your presentation: Print/Bring (Turn in) or Email me your final copy!

o PAGE/SLIDE 1: Create a Title page with an image of the cover of the book (you can get this from Amazon or another internet site), the title and author’s name and your name as the reviewer.

o PAGES/SLIDE 2-7: Choose 6 images that will guide you in summarizing your book or reflecting on your book.  

▪ Only put one image on EACH page/slide.

▪ Add 3-5 sentences (caption) per image explaining what/how the image represents the book.  

▪ The images you select should represent the entire book (beginning, middle and end).

o PAGE/SLIDE 8-10: Choose 3 quotes from the book that resonate with you.

▪ They should each be put on their own page/slide.

▪ Under each quote, explain why you picked this quote.

o PAGE/SLIDE 11(-13): Create 1-3 pages/slides to reflect on your book.  

▪ What was your FAVORITE part of the book? Why?

▪ What was your LEAST part of the book? Why?

• Describe how you could improve this book/story.

▪ What was the most interesting (new) thing you learned from the book?

▪ Did it change your perspective on a topic? Why or why not?

a. PART #2: Connection to Class

i. Along with the questions above (Part #1), you must complete a second part of this assignment. Print out pages 2-5 of this document (located on the class website) and complete these additional worksheets using the book that you chose. You MUST hand write all your answers. Please understand that typed answers will NOT be accepted.


EXTRA REDIT Family Pedigree Project Ms. Day/ H. Genetics

DUE: _____April 22, 2019________

(The ENTIRE project MUST BE double spaced with 12” font and1” margins)


|Page 1 |This is your TYPED title page. |

| |It needs to have a picture AND title on it. |

| |Your name, due date, teacher and period need to be in the lower right hand corner. |

|Page 2-4 |This is your “family history” story or bibliography of you and your family. |

| |You tell me what you want to share. |

| |What is your family like? Where you “fit” in? Any interesting stories or unique traditions? Do any members have any interesting talents |

| |or traits, etc. |

| |It needs to be typed and at least 2 FULL papers in length. |

| |You can include pictures on each family member used in pedigree if you want. |

|Page 5 |PEDIGREE #1 |

| |human trait can follow COMPLETE dominance, INCOMPLETE, MULTIPLE ALLELES (blood type) OR SEX LINKED dominance (be sure to explain pattern|

| |in caption) |

|Page 6 |PEDIGREE #2 |

|Page 7 |PEDIGREE #3 |

|Page 8 |A conclusion is present that is AT LEAST 1 FULL page (typed/ double spaced). |

| |The conclusion must demonstrate what you learned about GENETICS and how it relates to DNA and YOUR FAMILY! |

|Page 9 |A parent rubric must be filled out by a parent after completing this project and included. |

**If you exceed the page #’s listed above, it is okay ( Please adjust the page numbers to fit the extra writing/pages you want to include in your project!

In all your pedigrees,

o You must show TEN (10) family members across THREE (3) generations.

o At least ONE (1) member of EACH pedigree must have e different phenotype that the others. There must be a CAPTION under your pedigree that explains the trait (IN WORDS)

▪ Includes the trait and the inheritance pattern it follows (Ex: complete or incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, sex linked, etc.)

▪ Example:

• “This pedigree is on an autosomal dominant trait called dimples.”

o A title for your pedigree must be present.

o A key must be present including genotypes and phenotypes (example shown below).

▪ FF, Fr = flyer ff = not a flyer = female = male

o All generations MUST be LABELLED using roman numerals.

o Each square and circle MUST be the SAME size and MUST be neat (especially is hand drawn)

▪ You should make the shapes on a computer or NEATLY draw them using a circle and square to trace.

o All pedigrees MUST be in black ink and on WHITE, UNLINED paper (no notebook paper).

o Each family member in MUST have their GENOTYPE and NAME below their symbol.

▪ If you do not know (or can not figure out) an individual’s genotype, write the dominant allele + “?” under that person’s symbol (Ex: A?)

o You must HIGHLIGHT yourself in each pedigree.

o If your pedigree shows carriers, you MUST include ½ shaded individuals as the carries.

▪ NOTE: only occurs if pedigree is expressing a recessive trait that follows complete dominance.

Pedigree Family Project Rubric Name ______________________________________

|Pg | |Missing (0 pt) |Excellent (2 pt) |Missed |

| | | | |points |

|1 |Title Page is present and typed | | | |

| |Name, Date, Period is on title page | | | |

| |A picture is present. | | | |

| | |Missing |Poor |Average |Excellent |Missed |

| | |(0 pt) |(3 pt) |(5 pt) |(10 pt) |points |

| |The story is at least 2 FULL pages long and is in 12’ font Times New Roman & double spaced| | | | | |

| |Your story included pictures of family members used in this project (pedigrees). | | | | | |

| |OPTIONAL!!! | | | | | |

| |Pedigree #1 is showing a RECESSIVE trait. | | | | | |

| |There is a caption explaining this pedigree and its trait. | | | | | |

| |Pedigree #1 includes 3 generations and at least 10 people. | | | | | |

| |The correct symbols are used; Carriers are ½ shaded if pedigree is on a recessive trait | | | | | |

| |that follows complete dominance | | | | | |

| |A key & title are present AND correct (all parts are included) | | | | | |

| |Key needs shapes/what they mean AND genotype/phenotype information | | | | | |

| |All generations are labeled with Roman numerals and people are labeled with names. | | | | | |

| |All individuals are labeled with a genotype (Ex: A? is used for unknown) and you are | | | | | |

| |highlighted in your pedigree. | | | | | |

| |This pedigree is NEAT and LEGIBLE. | | | | | |

| |Pedigree #2 is complete in ink and on white unlined paper. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|6 | | | | | | |

| |Pedigree #2 is showing a dominant trait OR a trait that follows a non-Mendelian | | | | | |

| |inheritance patter | | | | | |

| |There is a caption explaining this pedigree and its trait. | | | | | |

| |Pedigree #2 includes 3 generations and at least 10 people. | | | | | |

| |The correct symbols are used and individuals are shaded correctly. | | | | | |

| |A key & title are present AND correct (all parts are included) | | | | | |

| |Key needs shapes/what they mean AND genotype/phenotype information | | | | | |

| |All generations are labeled with Roman numerals and people are labeled with names. | | | | | |

| |All individuals are labeled with a genotype (Ex: A? is used for unknown) and you are | | | | | |

| |highlighted in your pedigree. | | | | | |

| |This pedigree is NEAT and LEGIBLE. | | | | | |

| |All generations are labeled with Roman numerals and people are labeled with names. | | | | | |

| |All individuals are labeled with a genotype (Ex: A? is used for unknown) and you are | | | | | |

| |highlighted in your pedigree. | | | | | |

| |This pedigree is NEAT and LEGIBLE. | | | | | |

| | |Missing |Poor |Average |Excellent |Total Points|

| | |(0 pt) |(3 pt) |(6 pt) |(10 pt) | |

| |Conclusion explains what the student learned in this project using vocabulary words given | | | | | |

| |to you in class. | | | | | |

|Other |Each vocabulary word is bolded, highlighted or underlined.. | | | | | |

| |Spelling & grammar are correct. You were creative and neat! Conclusion is in 12’ font, 1” | | | | | |

| |margins & double spaced | | | | | |

|9 |Your parent rubric is complete and present. |Missing ____ (0 pts) Present ___ (20 pts) |

TOTAL POINTS (GRADE) _______/ 182 = _______% extra credit

(Up may earn UP TO 1% points of extra credit for this project)

Family Pedigree Project Ms. Day/ Honors Genetics


1. Your conclusion must be at least 1 page (double spaced, 12” font).

2. Use your prior knowledge and what you have learned in our genetics unit to complete your conclusion.


b. Discuss how the words below are related to each other, genetics, and your FAMILY.

| |Autosomes |Recessive and Dominant | | | | |

|DNA |(homologous chromosomes) |Traits |translation |Phenotype |Monohybrid |Heterozygous |

| | | | | |Cross | |

| | |Recessive and Dominant | | | | |

|mRNA |Protein |Alleles |transcription |Genotype |Gametes |Homozygous |



________ Divorce (line through partners symbol)

Lane Tech High School/ Honors Genetics Ms. Day/ 2018

Extra Credit Family Pedigree Project Parent Rubric

DUE: __ April 22, 2019_____ (please, put this form as the LAST page in your Family Pedigree Project)

Name of my Student: _________________________________________________

Directions to Parents:

o Please look over your child’s Pedigree Family History Project and grade it using the rubric (grading chart) below.

o Place an “X” in the column (Not complete, Poor, Good, Excellent) for the grade that you believe your student has earned in each section. Feel free to make comments.

| |Missing |Poor |Average |Excellent |


|There is a “family history story” present and it is typed. | | | | |

|Your story included pictures (real or drawn) of all family members. | | | | |


|Pedigree #1 is present and includes 3 generations and at least 10 people. | | | | |

|Pedigree #1 includes a key and title. | | | | |

|All generations are labeled and people are labeled with names. | | | | |

|This pedigree is NEAT and LEGIBLE. | | | | |


|Pedigree #2 is present and includes 3 generations and at least 10 people. | | | | |

|Pedigree #2 includes a key and title. | | | | |

|All generations are labeled and people are labeled with names. | | | | |

|This pedigree is NEAT and LEGIBLE. | | | | |


|Pedigree #3 is present and includes 3 generations and at least 10 people. | | | | |

|Pedigree #3 includes a key and title. | | | | |

|All generations are labeled and people are labeled with names. | | | | |

|This pedigree is NEAT and LEGIBLE. | | | | |


|A conclusion is typed and present and at least 1 FULL page. | | | | |

|Conclusion explains what the student learned in this project. | | | | |

• After reading this project, did you learn anything about your family and genetics? If so, what did you learn? _____________________________________________________________________________________________

• What is your favorite part of your student’s project? Why is it your favorite part? _____________________________________________________________________________________________

• What part (if any) of the project do you think your student could have done better on? _____________________________________________________________________________________________

• Parent Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Name: _______________________________ Period: _____ Ms. Day/Honors Genetics


1. Cite the book that you chose below. Please use APA format CORRECTLY when citing the book.


2. While reading the book, look for and describe 8 different references to a topic or concept that you study in Honors Genetics throughout Semester 1 or 2. You can’

a. Reference #1 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



b. Reference #2 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 or 2 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



c. Reference #3 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 or 2 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



d. Reference #4 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 or 2 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



e. Reference #5 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 or 2 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



f. Reference #6 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 or 2 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



g. Reference #7 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 or 2 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



h. Reference #8 is ____________________________________________________.

i. Page number: ____________

ii. Explanation/ Why is your choice connected to a topic study in Semester 1 or 2 of Honors Genetics: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



3. Describe your favorite part of this book and why it was your favorite part.






4. Describe how you could improve this book/story. NOTE: You have to answer this question for full credit! Saying you loved the entire book is NOT an answer to this question.







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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