AUTHOR Kuttler, Carl M., Jr.; And Others TITLE LeaderShip ...


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JC 920 016





Kuttler, Carl M., Jr.; And Others LeaderShip Seminar 1989: Workforce 2000. Prolzeedings of the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges' and St. Petersburg Junior College's Annual Leadership Seminar (2nd, Grand Rapids, MiChigan, OctoLer 26-27, 1989). American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Washington, D.C.; Saint Petersburg Junior Coll., Fla. 90 47p. American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, One Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 410, Washington, DC 20036. Collected Works - Conference Proceedings (021)


MF01/PCO2 Plus Postage. *Basic Skills; *Career Education; Career Guidance; Community Colleges; *Education Work Relationship; Functional Literacy; *Job Skills; Long Range Planning; *School Business Relationship; Skill Development; Skilled Workers; Two Year Colleges

ABSTRACT In October 1989, St. Petersburg Junior College and

the American A5sociation of Community and Junior Colleges sponsored a seminar on strategies that community and junior colleges can use in working with business and industry to meet America's future work force needs. The proceedings of the seminar contains the text of presentations by nine speakers, offering the perspectives of business, education, and government. The proceedings begin with Carl M. Kuttler's introductory comments about the event, followed by Dale Parnell's -emarks concerning the challenges and opportunities facing colleges and universities in the future, and Gerald R. Ford's observations about the changing international climate and its affect on the role of community colleges. Next, Lawrence H. Williford discusses the current socioeconomic trends shaping education, the economy, and the work force in the year 2000. Bernard R. Gifford's talk focuses on the transition from the industrial age to the information age, reviewing the characteristics of each and their implications for education. Next, Dagnija D. Lacis challenges community colleges to prepare a work force that has basic reading, writing, and math skills; that is comfortable with common computer applications; and that is culturally literate. Chester E. Finn, Jr., reviews disheartening findings from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, compares the expectations of American and Japanese education, and highlights educational reform efforts worldwide. Next, Forrest P. Chisman discusses ways that businesses and community colleges can help solve the work force literacy problem. Richard F. Schubert discusses a report on "Investing in People--The Strategy to Address America's Work Force Crisis." Brief descriptions of community college work force development programs are presented throughout the p-oceedings. (DJD)




C. M. Kuttler


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Gerald R. Ford Museum Grand Rapids, Michigan



Leadership Seminar 1989: WORKFORCE 2000

Copyright (c) 1990 by St. Petersburg Junior College, St. Petersburg, Fla., which encourages the use and dissemination of this document for purposes consistent with its intent. Single copies of this report can be ordered from the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, One Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 410, Washington. D.C. 20036. Telephone: 2021293-7050. A bulk rate is available for multiple copies. i i

Table of Contents

Foreword Carl M. Kuttler, Jr., President, St. Petersburg Junior College

Introduction Dale Parnell, President, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges

Gerald R. Ford


38th President of the United States

Lawrence H. Williford


Senior Vice President, Corporate Relations, Allstate Insurance Company

Bernard R. Gifford


Vice President for Education, Apple Computer, Inc.

Dagnija D. Lacis


Vice President for Educational and Marketing Services, Unisys Corporation

Chester E. Finn, Jr Professor of Education and Public Policy, Vanderbilt University

Forrest P. Chisman


Director, Southport Institute for Policy Analysis and Project on Adult Literacy

Richard F. Schubert


Former Undersecretary of Labor and past President of American Red Cross

The Gerald R. Ford Museum


Seminar Participants




The Gerald R. Ford Museum


Carl M. Kurt ler, Jr., is an

alumnus of St. Petersburg Junior College of which he is now president. lie has served at SPJC for more than 23 years. The institutton has been cited for initiatives in excellence at ceremonies at the White House, the Florida Legislature and before the Florida State Board of Educatinn. He was a presenter before the National Commission on Excellence in Education,

the publisher of A Nation at Risk. In December

1988, he was appointed by the president of the United States to the National Advisory Council on Educational Research and Improvement. Dr. Kuttler has recetved an award from the AACJC for his creation of the Presidential Library Leadership Seminars, of which Workforce 2000 is the second. Ile holds a doctorate of law from Stetson Untversity.

On October 26-27, 1989, WORKFORCE 2000, the second annual Leadership Seminar, was held at the Gerald R. Ford Museum, sponsored by the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges and St. Petersburg Junior College. The goal of this seminar was to share strategies on how community and junior colleges can work with business and industry to meet America's future needs in the work force . From the presentations, interactions and panel debates, we hope that you have been inspired to return to your campus and community with a renewed sense of urgency in this important challenge.

Larry Williford, senior vice president of corporate relations at Allstate Insurance Company, captured the theme of the seminar: "When you consider that the quality of education affects not only the quality of the work force, but the quality of life itself for every individual in the country, then a little brainstorming and barnstorming in pursuit of a better way seems like a good idea."

We were honored to have former President Gerald R. Ford, who has spent a lifetime in public service, lead our seminar. President Ford, as minority leader in the House ol Representatives, was instrumental in including junior and community colleges in the Higher Education Act of 1965. He knows our work in producing students for the work force is critical to the future of America. Along with President Jimm y Carter, President Ford was honorary chairman of A Third of a Nation, a report detailing the prospects 01 a national underclass deprived, disadv_ataged, ill-trained and undereducated. He challenged us to continue our work and to increase our commitment in this vital area.

l'his semillai has inspired us at St. Petersburg Junior College. We plan to develop stronger minority action plans and to implement a model college within our college based on valued educational principles from around the world. We want to work more actively in the field of adult literacy. But most importantly, we at SPJC, like you at your colleges, are inspired to step out and join with partners in industry and business. We must ask what they need and work with them to fill those needs. 'Then, our colleges will be the colleges that our dreamers thought they could be and our risk-taking governing boards want them to be.

Community and junior colleges can be the leaders in preparing America to meet the challenges of the future and in regaining the competitive edge. I trust this seminar was inspiration for us to help create an internationally competitive work force for the 21s1 century.

--Carl M. Kuttler, Jr., President St. Petersburg Junior College


The Gerald R. Ford Museum



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