Gerald R. Ford Museum Brendan J. Cullen

[Pages:18]Gerald R. Ford Museum

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Brendan J. Cullen

The Pennsylvania State University AE ? Senior Thesis Mechanical Option

October 21, 2002

Building and Plant Energy Analysis Report: Part II

? Executive Summary

The following report is a compilation of research and data in determining energy characteristics of the Gerald R. Ford Museum. The report touches upon two methods for determining design load estimates, two methods for determining energy and cost estimates, and contrasting and comparison between all data. The accuracy of each estimate is mention and all estimates are then compared to actual components within the building.

In the first section of this evaluation, two estimates were done to find design loads, one by hand calculations, and the other utilizing the design software Hourly Analysis Program. For the hand calculation, indoor and outdoor values are provided by ASHRAE for the design criteria, where as for the HAP analysis, a database uses weather data specifically for Grand Rapids, Michigan. Specific loads are taken directly from the design document scheduling for both estimates. It was found that the total design load for the hand calculation came to 123 tons, where as the load for the HAP analysis came to 146 tons. It was also found that the total load for the actual equipment selected came close to 180 tons.

In the second section of this report, energy and cost estimates were made, again using a hand calculation method and the HAP software. The calculations resulting in the hand calculation requiring more electric power as compared to the more detailed HAP estimate. The costs per square foot in the hand calculation resulted in $3.05/sq.ft. where as the HAP numbers resulted in $2.46/sq. ft. Also included are annual consumption calculations, which totaled 136,596 ton-hours based on a 9 hour operating day.

Finally, a comparison is made of the annual operating costs of the two estimates and it is briefly explained why an estimate was not conducted by the MEP engineers. It was found that the difference in annual cost between the two methods was approximately $25,000/year.


? Building Load Estimate #1 (Hand Calculations)

The following section consists of a load estimate for the Gerald R. Ford Museum based on actual data retrieved from the design documents. The estimate utilizes a procedure that analyzes total electrical loads, occupant loads, outdoor air loads, and envelope loads, for each of the three new air-handling units within the building. The data is arranged in such a way as to clearly portray the details of each load component within its corresponding altered or added space.

? Design Criteria

In order to fully develop an accurate load estimate for the Museum, various design conditions first had to be established. These include indoor and outdoor air conditions, lighting wattage per square foot, and the average U-values for the enclosing surfaces of the building. For the weather data, the design conditions were set with reference to the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals 2002.

? Outdoor Design Conditions:

Summer Outdoor89?F DBT (ASHRAE 0.4% Dry-Bulb) 73?F WBT 126.0 gr/lb

Winter Outdoor: 5?F DBT (ASHRAE 99% Dry-Bulb)

? Indoor Design Conditions:

75?F DBT 50% RH

? Average lighting loads:

Temporary Exhibit Spaces Offices Spaces Support Spaces

5 W/ft2 3 W/ft2 3 W/ft2

? Building Construction (see Building Plant Energy Analysis- Part I for details):

Construction Type


Wall Roof Glass Floor Door

0.068 0.088 0.095 0.030 0.300

*Also note an addition load was given to the envelope for those spaces with exposure to the perimeter of the building

? Assumptions:

One of the major concerns regarding this hand calculated estimate is the negligence of the solar load component on the building. The calculations include added sensible heat gain for the envelope load on the museum; however, it does not include the effects of which direction walls and windows face; and how radiant energy from the sun can significantly increase the load on the building. For purposes of this part of the analysis, it is first assumed that solar load can be forgotten. However, when comparing results to the more detailed method, addition load will be accounted for to get a more accurate representation.

? Calculations:

Please see the following spreadsheets for a complete breakdown of the load calculation details.

AHU -1

(Serving Office/Support



Room Description

Storage Specialty Corridor

Office Office Lobby Lobby Storage Corridor Specialty Office Restroom Restroom Office Storage Lobby Office Auditorium Kitchen Utility Locker Locker Office Classroom Classroom Office Storage Office Office Office Office Corridor Utility Restroom Restroom Office Reception Office Office Office Show Room Conference Storage Restroom Restroom Utility

Area (sq.ft.)

257 330 815 176 208 264 360 170 135 90 430 384 315 139 650 2,436 495 3,200 355 40 236 222 126 247 213 204 80 391 323 238 258 208 84 45 45 176 928 480 288 288 1,792 630 200 64 64 63

19,142 (sq.ft.)

Lighting1 (W/sq.ft.)

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3

Lighting (W) 771 990 2445 528 624 792 1080 510 405 270 1290 1152 945 417 1950 7308 1485 9600 1065 120 708 666 378 741 639 612 240 1173 969 714 774 624 252 135 135 528 2784 1440 864 864 7168 2520 600 192 192 189

59,848 (W)

Equipment (W/sq.ft.)

0 0.11

0 2.8 5.7 0 0 0 0 0 3.5 0.13 0.13 3.6 0 0 0.7 0.5 7.1 0 0 0 0 4 2.4 2.5 0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3 0 0 0 0 2.8 0.7 1.3 1.7 1.7 0.3 0 0 0 0 68

Equipment (W) 0 36.3 0 492.8

1185.6 0 0 0 0 0

1505 49.92 40.95 500.4

0 0 346.5 1600 2520.5 0 0 0 0 988 511.2 510 0 782 807.5 595 774 0 0 0 0 492.8 649.6 624 489.6 489.6 537.6 0 0 0 0 4284

20,813 (W)

Total Elec. (W)

771 1,026 2,445 1,021 1,810 792 1,080 510 405 270 2,795 1,202 986 917 1,950 7,308 1,832 11,200 3,586 120 708 666 378 1,729 1,150 1,122 240 1,955 1,777 1,309 1,548 624 252 135 135 1,021 3,434 2,064 1,354 1,354 7,706 2,520 600 192 192 4,473

80,661 (W)

Total Elec. (Btu/hr) 2,631 3,502 8,342 3,483 6,174 2,702 3,685 1,740 1,382 921 9,537 4,101 3,364 3,130 6,653 24,935 6,249 38,214 12,234 409 2,416 2,272 1,290 5,899 3,924 3,828 819 6,670 6,061 4,466 5,282 2,129 860 461 461 3,483 11,715 7,042 4,618 4,618 26,292 8,598 2,047 655 655 15,262

275,215 (Btu/hr)

Space Occupancy2

(persons) 3 3 8 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 4 5 9 2 1 50 2

155 12 0 2 2 2 4 5 5 0 2 3 3 3 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 50 30 1 1 1 0

396 (persons)

Occupancy Sensible Load (Btu/hr) 735 735 1960 735 735 490 490 245 490 245 980 1225 2205 490 245 12250 490 37975 2940 0 490 490 490 980 1225 1225 0 490 735 735 735 490 0 245 245 490 490 490 490 490 12250 7350 245 245 245 0

97,020 (Btu/hr)

Occupancy Latent Load (Btu/hr) 615 615 1640 615 615 410 410 205 410 205 820 1025 1845 410 205 10250 410 31775 2460 0 410 410 410 820 1025 1025 0 410 615 615 615 410 0 205 205 410 410 410 410 410 10250 6150 205 205 205 0

81,180 (Btu/hr)

Wall Area (sq.ft.) 204

0 0 0 0 624 288 272 80 176 0 0 384 0 0 1360 424 384 0 0 0 0 0 144 96 160 0 0 608 224 368 288 0 0 0 192 288 816 432 432 960 1248 72 0 0 0

Glass Area (sq.ft.)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 364 156 0 0 0 0 0 64 96 64 0 0 192 96 128 0 0 0 0 192 0 768 384 384 960 576 0 0 0 0

Roof Area (sq.ft.)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 208 89 45 45 176 928 480 288 288 0 0 200 64 64 0

Floor Area (sq.ft.) 257 330 815 176 208 264 360 170 135

90 430 384 315 139 650 2436 495

0 535 40 236 222 126 247 213 204 80 391 323 238 258

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 630 0 0 0 63

Door Area (sq.ft.)

96 24


Exposed Perimeter4

(ft) 19

39 18 17 5 11


88 25

13 12 14

37 15 25


Envelope Load

(Btu/hr) 802 297 734 158 187 1,841 4,424 852 1,167 533 387 346 1,270 125 585

11,918 2,561 1,251 482

36 212 200 113 805 757 807 72 352 2,392 1,071 1,557 1,154 235 119 119 1,415 3,055 5,170 2,762 2,762 4,752 5,429 679 169 169 57

66,338 (Btu/hr)

Total Load (Btu/hr) 4,168 4,534 11,036 4,376 7,097 5,033 8,599 2,837 3,039 1,699 10,904 5,672 6,839 3,745 7,483 49,103 9,300 77,440 15,655 445 3,118 2,962 1,893 7,684 5,906 5,860 891 7,512 9,189 6,272 7,574 3,773 1,095 824 824 5,388 15,260 12,702 7,870 7,870 43,294 21,378 2,971 1,069 1,069 15,319

438,573 (Btu/hr)

Supply Air

(scfm) 192 209 508 202 327 232 396 131 140 78 502 261 315 173 345 2,262 428 3,567 721 21 144 136 87 354 272 270 41 346 423 289 349 174 50 38 38 248 703 585 363 363 1,994 985 137 49 49 706

20,203 (scfm)

PercentM in OA3 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5 16.5

Outdoor Air

(scfm) 32 34 84 33 54 38 65 22 23 13 83 43 52 28 57 373 71 589 119 3 24 23 14 58 45 45 7 57 70 48 58 29 8 6 6 41 116 97 60 60 329 162 23 8 8 116

3,334 (scfm)

Sensible OA Load (Btu/hr)

479 521 1,268 503 816 578 988 326 349 195 1,253 652 786 430 860 5,643 1,069 8,900 1,799 51 358 340 218 883 679 673 102 863 1,056 721 870 434 126 95 95 619 1,754 1,460 905 905 4,976 2,457 341 123 123 1,760

50,403 (Btu/hr)

Latent OA Load (Btu/hr)

1,282 1,394 3,394 1,346 2,182 1,548 2,644 872 935 523 3,353 1,744 2,103 1,152 2,301 15,101 2,860 23,815 4,814 137 959 911 582 2,363 1,816 1,802 274 2,310 2,826 1,929 2,329 1,160 337 254 254 1,657 4,693 3,906 2,420 2,420 13,314 6,574 914 329 329 4,711

134,875 (Btu/hr)

1 - Lighting load includes both general lighting and task lighting (as supplied by the engineer) 2 - The space occupancy is based upon maximum values provided by the architect in junction with owners discretion 3 - Outdoor air percentage based upon values given in design document scheduling 4- Additional load is added to the envelop for the exposed perimeter on the lower floors of the building

Also Note: Average U-values are used for all wall, glass, floor, and roof construction types; direction of wall facing is neglected



(Btu/hr) 488,976 216,055 705,031

(Tons) 41 18 59

AHU -2 & 3

(Serving Storage/Prep areas)


Room Description

Storage Specialty Corridor

Area (sq. ft.) 4,200

458 225

4,883 (sq.ft.)

Lighting1 (W/sq.ft.)

4 3 3

Lighting (W)

16800 1374 675

18,849 (W)

Equipment (W/sq. ft.)

0.72 0 2.2

Equipment (W) 3024 0 495

3,519 (W)

Total Elec. (W) 19824 1374 1170

22,368 (W)

Total Elec. (Btu/hr) 67,639 4,688 3,992

76,320 (Btu/hr)

Space Occupancy2

(persons) 12 12 12

36 (persons)

Occupancy Sensible Load

(Btu/hr) 2940 2940 2940

8,820 (Btu/hr)

Occupancy Latent Load

(Btu/hr) 2460 2460 2460

7,380 (Btu/hr)

Wall Area (sq.ft.) 960 384 416

Glass Area (sq.ft.)

0 0 64

Roof Area (sq.ft.) 4200

0 0

Floor Area (sq.ft.)

60 456 225

Exposed Perimeter4 (ft)

60 24 30

Envelope Load

(Btu/hr) 13608 1396.8 1483.5

16,488 (Btu/hr)

Total Load (Btu/hr) 84,187 9,025 8,416

101,628 (Btu/hr)

Supply Air (scfm) 3,878 416 388

4,682 (scfm)

Percent Min OA3

2.57 2.57 2.57

Outdoor Air

(scfm) 100 11 10

120 (scfm)

Sensible OA Load (Btu/hr)

1,507 162 151

1,819 (Btu/hr)

Latent OA Load

(Btu/hr) 4,033 432 403

4,868 (Btu/hr)

AHU -5

(Serving Exhibit areas)



Room Description

Lobby Show Room Show Room

Storage Show Room

Storage Show Room

Area (sq. ft.) 13,765 3,198

966 200 814 88 2,592

21,623 (sq.ft.)



(Btu/hr) 103,447 12,248 115,695


9 1 10

Lighting1 (W/sq.ft.)

5 5 3 3 3 3 3

Lighting (W)

68825 15990 2898

600 2442 264 7776

98,795 (W)

Equipment (W/sq. ft.)

0 0 0 0 0.25 0 0

Equipment (W) 0 0 0 0 203.5 0 0

204 (W)

Total Elec. (W) 68,825 15,990 2,898 600 2,646 264 7,776

10,686 (W)

Total Elec. (Btu/hr) 234,831 54,558 9,888 2,047 9,026 901 26,532

337,783 (Btu/hr)

Space Occupancy2

(persons) 150 35 20 0 20 0 26

251 (persons)

Occupancy Sensible

Load (Btu/hr) 36,750 8,575 4,900 0 4,900 0 6,370

61,495 (Btu/hr)

Occupancy Latent Load (Btu/hr) 30,750 7,175 4,100 0 4,100 0 5,330

51,455 (Btu/hr)

Wall Area (sq.ft.) 3,360 2,016 1,056

72 1,728

0 2,448

Glass Area (sq.ft.)

0 0 480 0 768 0 1,152

Roof Area (sq.ft.) 15,368 3,198 966

72 814 88 2,592

Floor Area (sq.ft.)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Exposed Perimeter4 (ft)


Envelope Load

(Btu/hr) 47,628 12,676 6,136

341 7,967 232 15,267

90,247 (Btu/hr)

Total Load (Btu/hr) 319,208 75,809 20,924 2,388 21,893 1,133 48,169

489,525 (Btu/hr)

Supply Air (scfm) 14,705 3,492 964 110 1,009 52 2,219

22,550 (scfm)

Percent Min OA3

8.84 8.84 8.84 8.84 8.84 8.84 8.84

Outdoor Air

(scfm) 1,300 309

85 10 89 5 196

1,993 (scfm)

Sensible OA Load (Btu/hr)

19,654 4,668 1,288 147 1,348

70 2,966

30,141 (Btu/hr)

Latent OA Load

(Btu/hr) 52,594 12,491 3,447

394 3,607 187 7,936

80,655 (Btu/hr)

1 - Lighting load includes both general lighting and task lighting (as supplied by the engineer) 2 - The space occupancy is based upon maximum values provided by the architect in junction with owners discretion 3 - Outdoor air percentage based upon values given in design document scheduling 4- Additional load is added to the envelop for the exposed perimeter on the lower floors of the building Also Note: Average U-values are used for all wall, glass, floor, and roof construction types; direction of wall facing is neglected



(Btu/hr) 519,666 132,110 651,776

(Tons) 43 11 54

? Results and Conclusions:

Based on the hand calculation, the building loads can be broken up into following for the three air-handling units:

Total Loads:

Component AHU - 1

AHU - 2 & 3 AHU - 5 TOTALS:

Btu/hr 705,033 115,695 651,776


Tons 59 10 54


Component Loads:

Component Lighting

Equipment Occupancy Envelope Outdoor Air


Btu/hr 605,603 83,717 307,350 173,073 302,761


Tons 50.5 7.0 25.6 14.4 25.2


From the above chart, it is seen that the majority of the load is due to the lighting fixtures within the building. According to these numbers, the lighting loads accounts for more than 41.1% of the total load, while the occupancy and outdoor air loads follow with 20.8% and 20.5% respectively.

The primary reason for such an extremely high lighting load results from the need for extravagant types of illuminations to highlight the exhibits and provide an appealing look to various sights and artifacts. Two of the spaces that significantly add to this load are the Permanent and Temporary Exhibits, both of which calling for 5 W/ft2 in almost 17,000 ft2 of space.

Load Distribution




40% 6%

Lighting Equipment Occupancy Envelope Outdoor Air

A graphical representation of the specific loads with the Ford Museum based on hand calculations

Cooling Breakdown:

The following table provides an overlook of the cooling characteristics versus the characteristics of the actual building for the hand calculations:

Component AHU - 1

AHU - 2 & 3 AHU - 5 TOTALS:

Cooling (ft2/ton)

324.4 488.3 400.4 1,213

Total Supply Air (cfm/ft2) 1.06 0.96 1.04 3.06

Ventilation Supply Air

(cfm/ft2) 0.174 0.025 0.092



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