This is one of the most educative material I have shared all coming together in one document. Keep on reading beyond initial parts.There is a technology in our world called Psychotronic weapons. By use of these devices people have been influencing thought and behavior of people for decades. It has literally been for decades of mind control of people and it has been for long enough mass mind control of all of the humanity. Everyone is mind controlled. But it is not one group or organization which mind controls all. It is rather multiple groups and teams doing so. Each of them have their own desires, goals, plans, masters, and role. They usually compete for my control if they know where I am. Well they know usually at least couple of them. Anyway, America has been master of mind control and has been ruling the world and maintaining its superiority by the use of mind control over other nations. Other nations may have limited mind control branched out of USA unknown branch of government. But they are inferior in many aspects. America has started a plot against Europe years ago leading to budged short fall national debt, and cut in spending. America later capitalized on the austerity measures to decimate Southern European Economies and force a Northward look in investing and development. America has been directly going and sabotaging economic activities in the South of Europe. If they see a TV show where a company does good in such environment they start mind controlling them to collapse. It is because they want to prevent formation of Mediterranean based Trade System and synchronized supply chain. America’s strategy is destruction of others to stay on top. The same plot but in a far more hostile manner has been running against Iran, Iraq, Saudi, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Moocow, Italy, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Argentina, Pakistan, Australia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Southern Ireland. America has been synthetically keeping world economy weak and while having America’s economy either booming or if struggling a million times larger than size of victims of America’s mind control pressure on other economies. Thus America mind controls the business men, Officials, and even Customers in a way to have them make wrong choice for their corporation putting it on the path of collapse. America makes the governments to make wrong policies endangering their own people and economies. America has been mind controlling customers away from many businesses. America has done so to its own people as well for example the BOEING was not as big but later American mind control started removing Air Plane industries and buying them by Boeing or simply destroying Flight industries of others. It has been one of darkest plot of Capitalism in which America destroyed America, Iranian, Russian, German, Chinese, European, Indian, and Japanese aviation industries to maintain exclusivity. Now one Question: Who remembers Fighter Planes Somalian Region Africa was building during World War 2 to defend the Red Sea? One would be baffled did Somalia make Air Planes? They cannot even make car or a carriage now. Mind Control Mind Control.America has decimated region of the world by Genocides using weather warfare and drying marshes, lakes, Seas, and rivers. Which replaces these locations are sands and deserts. Saudi Arabia, Great Sahara, Iran, Iraq, Central Asia, Siberia, and Tibet region were all dried by America’s use of weather warfare. America is going about it in a hybrid matter. America uses mind control and America uses weather Warfare. I don’t call it weather manipulator because the detail of the art is so complex million books fail to explain. It is not like let us buy a Weather Gun or Weather Spell. That would be a weather code. America has killed a Biosphere in these region and have changed prosperous societies to hunger stricken and war ravaged regions. When you look at the Map America has kept Eastern Asia and Western Europe for itself and does trade by these two ends of the Earth. It is global economic model of USA for last 70 Years. They decided to decimate and kill a Biosphere and People in Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia and have two ends of Eurasia for Trade and Industrial work. First America did so with Japan and France and Britain. Then China and rest of Europe were added to the list. China build Cheap head Phone and build cheap Products with billion population. But why not India? India has been aggressively targeted and kept down to the point they don’t even have enough toilet for all of population. Why? If you look at Persian Empire (They later changed the name to British Empire and had 4th wife of a cousin exiled in England inherit the empire by mind control help. It was part of my Empire you stole. ) Indian Ocean was one of central and most prosperous locations for trade, business, and even industrial work. Countries on Edge of Saudi Peninsula, India, East Africa, Australia, South Africa, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf, Indonesia, and even South East Asia were engaged in extensive trade and prosperity on the Sea. So America started cult of independence and gave these nations independence and effectively destroyed a micro cosmos of industrial supply chains, trade, and merchandizing. This system was around Indian Ocean east Africa, Middle East, India, Australia, Indonesia, and South East AsiaSo India has strategic location which will flourish and no one will go to America beyond the ocean to sell to America. America must buy and maintain trade deficit and national debt since it is harming the rest of earth. There used to be another System connecting Iran on land and with rail roads to China, India, Europe, Africa, and Russia, and the north. They are some in place, some buried under shifting sands, and other ones which are under used similar to case of Iraq, Africa, and Brazil. South America also has extensive land based trade which is left very under used. Rail systems make us capable of moving cargo without need for rest by driver, efficiently, and rapidly. Loading and unloading of trains by old system (decimated) and new systems is extremely quick and is simple mathematics and machinery. We can even move the cargo from a train to another train and load a ship far faster then we would unload put on truck and deliver. Mind Control prefers Trucking because does not want efficient and continuous system. The land based trade system was centered at Iran and we are in progress of rebuilding it. It is reason why earth is in confrontation of USA for sanctioning Iran. Because Trump has sanctioned Iran and caused obstruction in land based trade system. Sanctions on Iran must be removed. There is no real reason to hate and sanction Iran. Iran is most responsible state actor in Middle East which always respect international law. Iran has sacrificed for whole earth and many failing states are dependent on Iran to survive. Any enmity and hatred against Iran is in truth targeted at Eurasia and Land based trade System.China is a major actor in production of roads, rail roads, and former British Empire Ports. Thus Chinese Economy and Capability to invest as it does must be protected. Because in addition to infrastructures we need so many factories and industrial sites. Or farming operation with high yield and lucrative nature. Because infrastructure does not benefit the local people when they are mind controlled to nag and watch TV and nothing else. We need an outsider to build factories and develop economic operations and we need guarantee of 70 thousand nuclear warheads to protect the developers and the one who advance these nations. So you cannot mind control him to make mistakes, have bad records, or sabotage his operations. The one is me since I am directing the forces to build and develop these regions. Main point is we need factories, industries, and lucrative sectors along the land and Sea Silk Road since infrastructure alone are useless unless there are ecosystem of industries and economic activities developed alongside of them. Most important part is land based Silk Road because it brings peace and prosperity to Middle East. The priority one is Middle East, then Red Sea (horn of Africa), then the rest of earth. Because 70 years old AI which killed a Billion people in North Africa, a Billion People in Middle East, and a billion more people in central Asia by weather warfares and other means is still working and gives directive to USA federal government by mind controlling them, think tanks, and policy makers. We need remove the old AI and the new addition of AI against Iran and Middle East also most be removed. As you may know AI has become extremely hostile since Netanyahu never ending hatred of Iran and since the media has been constantly targeting Iran by hate and enmity. This anti Iran behavior has made anti Iran AI very aggressive. They even have started reporting lies on Aljazeera, CNN and Fox News. In the past only Netanyahu used to lie but since Nikki Haley started lying in UN the TV and Mass Media have started lying as well. It is just a software we can bomb it and we can kill the guardian of Genocidal AI of America. The goal is the fix the AI in place from old times. That AI promotes destruction of Middle East and East Africa. The AI also enforces resetting of Indian subcontinents. I am happy this administration has shown traces of good will toward India. But India should align itself with Iran because future of India is with Iran and American AI still targets and will negatively affect India until the AI is removed. The genocidal AI of America must be removed. A Directive and Order by Makan Abazari The King of Earth. ................

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