Unit #6, The Early 20th Century – THE WARSLesson #1 – THE ROAD TO WAR (CAUSES OF WORLD WAR I)(814-821)50425351397000I. Growing International ConflictThe New GermanyBismarck fired The AlliancesConflicts prior to warII. The Mood of 1914Militarism40481255778500MobilizationBrinksmanship5257800-391160004276725-39116000III. The Outbreak of WarArchduke Frans Ferdinand487680013716000Serbian nationalism5408930171450005886450102870click020000clickThe Balkan Wars of 1912 & 1913 (and the impact)69399157804785click020000click69399157804785click020000click496252514287500Reaction to the assassination of 1914How a regional conflict came to include Russia and Germany69399157804785click020000clickHow a four-nation conflict became WWI (by use of the Schlieffen Plan)41910009271000The changing role of GermanyNew German Empire proved itself to be powerful, but peaceful (1870-1890)Bismarck: the creator of Peace through conferencesBerlin Conference of 1878Goal: negotiate peace treaty after Russo-Turkish War, 1875-1876Russia & Serbia attacked & defeated Ottomans in region, 1876Result: Treaty of San Stefano, 1878Russia – took the DardanellesSerbia took Bosnia from OttomansOther European powers saw this as an upset to Bal. of PowerBismarck called for a conference –Berlin Conference of 1878502412012954000Britain got CyprusFrance was encouraged to occupy TunisiaAustria-Hungary got to control Bosnia-HerzegovinaRussia lost control of Dardanelles Serbia lost Bosnia to Austria HungaryRussia resentful – expected support from GermanyHad saved Prussia from Napoleon in 1807BERLIN CONFERENCE OF 1884 To prevent war over claiming land in AfricaBismarck was (again) leader in EuropeCreator of peaceIn both cases, GERMANY GOT NOTHINGBut, Germany got to prove its clear leadershipBismarck: the creator of peace through alliancesThree Emperor’s League, 1873-1878Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia (three conservative nations)Keep France without alliesDissolved after Russo-Turkish WarDual Alliance, 1879-1918 (was to last 5 years – renewed until 1918)Germany & Austria-HungaryBismarck was quite sure Russia would not seek alliance with Fr or BrFrance – too revolutionaryBritain – too democraticThree Emperor’s League renewal, 1881-1886Russia feared being left alone – sought renewed relationshipAgreed to remain neutral if attacked by another nationAlso – Austria could freely annex Bosnia any timeLifted fears:Russia – Austria would not befriend BritainGermany – no Russian alliance with FranceTriple Alliance, 1882-1914Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy (Italy joined Dual Alliance)Italy wanted more power to threaten France in Northern AfricaReinsurance Treaty, 1887Germany & RussiaThree Emperor’s League had collapsedBismarck wanted to avoid Russo-French allianceBoth nations would remain neutral if attackedBismarck’s alliances had created Balkan peace & German securityGermany was clearly powerful, but used power for peaceTHE NEW GERMANY – UNDER NEW LEADERSHIP in 1890William II was different, with a different vision29 year old ambitious and arrogant manself conscious of withered left armovercompensated with bombastic rhetoric & mil. Bearingfilled with sense of German destiny to lead Europedesired a navy and colonial empire as great as Britain’sBismarck saw no need to senselessly competeClash led to firing; Bismarck was architect of peaceGeneral Leo von Caprivi – hired as new chancellor”What kind of jackass will dare to be Bismarck’s successor?”refused Russian request to renew Reinsurance Treatyfelt unable to hold alliance system togetherhoped to pull Britain into a new kind of allianceII. Post-Bismarck AlliancesTriple Alliance, 1882-1914Germany could NOT lose Austria – a loyal allyFranco-Russian Alliance, 1892 (sometimes called “the Dual Alliance”)France & RussiaTwo isolated nations joined in an allianceFrance saw Russia as raw investment opportunityRussia needed an allyBritish & German Rivalry began to formWilliam II’s Grandmother – Queen VictoriaWilliam II had strange admiration & jealousy of BritainCompete in industryCompete in size of navyBuilt up colonial empireMany Germans saw Britain as barrier to German greatnessBritish saw French as “devil” before 1900; after, it was the GermansWould build military, creating fear in enemiesBritain became increasingly antagonisticPulled Austria closer as antagonism grewEntente Cordiale, 1904-end of war Britain & FranceNot a military treaty, but a series of agreementsAllowed France free reign in MoroccoFrance recognized English ownership of EgyptTriple Entente, 1907-1917Russia, Britain, & France (Russia joined Entente Cordiale)Russia humiliated by Russo-Japanese WarRussia appeared to be embracing democracyBritain wanted to avoid Russia drifting back to GermanyEventually, Britain & France shared naval responsibilitiesBritain – pulled ships out of Mediterranean to Baltic regionFrench – pulled ships from North and loaded MediterraneanDIFFERENCES:Alliances that had been arranged by BismarckBismarck’s goal: keep Germany safe by using system of alliancesIsolate France – no friendsAvoid intimidating Britain – “sea rats”Keep Austria close – dominate their politicsKeep Russia close – a weak allyKeep Britain happy – allow them their overseas empireKeep France friendless Avoid European warNew vision for William IIWilliam II would not be schooled by an employeeWilliam had a different vision for Germany Greatness through intimidationUnraveled Bismarck’s system of alliancesAlliances re-created after BismarckReflected a younger generationKeep Austria close – support them to prop them up in conflictBring Italy into alliance systemCut Russia loose – an enemy of AustriaGet Britain to respect Germany - to want them as an allyDon’t worry about France – they’ll fear German mightBritain – went from indifferent to enemyRussia – went from weak ally to strong partner with FranceFrance – went from lonely and alone to strong with friendsGermany – went from dominating to creating fearAll nations will respondExamples of the New German Attitude:William’s “Risk Theory”Build German navy so large to inflict severe damage to British navy Then, Britain could not defeat another powerIdea absurd – just led to militarization of naviesBritish response – maintain navy as large as next two combined1 million tons 2 millions tons1906 – British dreadnought – new mighty iron steam battleship1908 – Germans launched its own dreadnought Ground Troop armies swelled, 1907-1913As France build forces, Germany respondedRussia responded, causing Austria & Germany to build forcesCausing France to build more, causing…Russia & France increased 600%Germany & Austria increased 800%Standing armies and reserves grew from 3 million to 20 millionGermany depended on two things to avoid war1. French & Russian & British fear of German war machine2. A strong Austrian Empire that refused to show weaknessGoal - Avoid a two-front war56292756350000Schlieffen Plan, 1905All nations had issues they expected others to understandReality: no one cared about the problems of others…Czar Nicholas looking for a war, and needed to show strengthGermany had to back Austria, its only trusted allyBritain needed to maintain colonial superiority5876925131445click020000clickAustrians needed to control ethnic minoritiesSerbians wanted to unite all SerbiansAustria secretly wanted to go to war with Serbia to absorb them ................

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