Russia signed the Treaty of __________________ in March ...

Chapter 28 Review Mr. Donohoe

Russia signed the Treaty of __________________ in March 1918, giving Germany substantial territories in Western Russia in return for peace.

The ___________________, established after World War I, proved to be little more than a discussion group, as real diplomacy continued on a nation-to-nation basis.

The event that triggered the outbreak of World War I was ________________________________________ in the city of _____________.

Fill in the organizer with the causes of WWI:


What major country did not join the League of Nations? _______________

The area with high tensions due to a series of wars prior to the outbreak of war, thought of as a “powder keg” was the _______________________.

German leaders offered Austria-Hungary a “___________________” for reprisals against Serbia which ultimately lead war with Russia.

How was Germany to approach its offensive at the start of WWI?


This was called the Schlieffan Plan.

Germany went through neutral _____________ to attack the French.

The French held the German advance at the Battle of the _______________, which was a bloody five day battle in September 1914.

Briefly describe “trench warfare”

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What were conditions like in the trenched?


What was some of the new technology used in WWI?


What year did Italy enter the war? __________

On what side did Italy enter the war on and why?


Describe the problems facing Russia’s forces on the Eastern Front fighting the Germans during WWI.


How did the Russian fare against the Austrian front? Why?


Who was the Russian Tsar that joined his army on the front to try and rally them?


What was the impact of the Italian entry into the war?


What occurred on the “homefronts” during WWI?



Italian soldier who fought in WWI and later established a fascist dictatorship in Italy _________________________

Define propaganda. How was it used during WWI?



What impact did WWI have on the role of women in society?


The only major naval standoff between the British Grand Fleet and the German navy was at the Battle of _________________ in Denmark.

______________, which had joined Britain in a naval pact in 1902, eagerly attacked Germany’s colonies in China and the Pacific.

The British Dominions were: _________________, __________________, and _____________________ whose resources helped the war effort considerable.

Dominion troops held off assaults at _________________ in 1915 in defense of the vital Suez Canal.

In what year did the Ottoman Empire enter the war? ____________

What impact did the Ottoman’s have on the war?


Young Turk leaders launched a genocidal assault against the ______________________, who had previously backed the Russians.

The United States entered WWI in ____________ because of the resumption of __________________________________ by Germany.

The US and Britain developed __________________ that offset the intensified German submarine campaign.

Discuss the “costs” of WWI?


What impact did the American entry have on the outcome of WWI?


On November 11, 1918 the German commanders agreed to an _______________, which suspended the fighting. The blame was on the civilian government that was made up of members of the center and socialist party.

______________________ the French premier pushed for the peace conference to brand the Germans the aggressors and thus force them to pay huge reparations to France and other nations.

______________________ the British Prime Minister, attempted with little success to mediate between the French and Americans.

______________________ was the American president who pushed his peace plan “The Fourteen Points.”

Define “self determination.”


Why was the Treaty of Versailles labeled a “diktat” or dictated peace?




Causes of WWI


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