Year 6

Muswellbrook South Public School

Year 6

At Home Learning Plan:

Term 2 Week 1 and 2

You will not need access to a digital device to complete the following activities. You will need help from a parent/carer and possibly resources from your teacher. All activities are to be completed in the exercise book provided.

Some families are finding that there is too much work for students to get through, while others are looking for additional learning activities for their children. Both of these situations are addressed below.

If there is too much work for your needs, just complete whatever activities you can. The activities on the timetable are a guide to help assist with learning from home. The English and Maths activities are the most important. However, it is OK if they don't all get completed everyday. The added optional technology activities were included to give the students some added variety in their learning. If you don't have access to the internet to do this, that is OK they are optional only.

If you would like some additional materials for home learning, please see the Department of Education's website dedicated to supporting parents and carers with learning from home.

Parents, this is a guide only. Remember to break the day up with breaks to allow your child to get outside and get active. Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Get them to use their imaginations to play and build and get crafty. Get your student to complete as much of the work as they can and remember to "try your best but do not stress".

Term 2 Week 1 Tuesday 28 April 2020

Morning Middle



Daily Check-In Check-in with your classroom teacher (via text message or through a meeting on Microsoft Teams)

Are you ready for learning? Have you read through your daily plan? Do you have any questions about the upcoming learning activities?

Squiz Kids

Spelling: Complete two activities from the word work grid.

Spelling city

Brain break: 5x star jumps; 10x squats; Run on the spot for 20 seconds. Repeat twice

Go Noodle

Viewing and Recording Watch BTN on ABC Me at 10:00am.

? Summarise the BTN episode. ? What were the main themes of the episode? ? What did you like about the episode? ? What are three questions that you can ask about one of the topics presented in the episode?

Reading Eggs BTN Kids News EPIC Pobble 365

Reading: Read a book/magazine/newspaper for 15 minutes Create a WANTED poster, based on a character from your text. This should include a picture of them, their interests, their dislikes, personality traits etc.

Academic Success for all learners (online books) Storyline online

Lunch & Movement Break

Wellbeing: Gratitude Journal ? Write a list of all the things you are grateful for.

Mathematics Skills Practice:

Introductory One- digit by multiple of 10 multiplication 6 x 50 5 x 70 3 x 30 [plus create 7 more of your own]

Consolidating Two- by one-digit multiplication 58 x 6 72 x 5 29 x 3 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

More Challenging Two- by two-digit multiplication 58 x 63 72 x 58 29 x 34 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

Mathletics Prodigy Khan Academy

Number Talk:

What information can you gather from this graph?

What is your evidence?

What are some other ways that you can show this data?

Explain why you chose to show this data in that way?

Focus Area: Data Collection India had been playing a board game with her family. In the game you could only move your playing piece from START if you rolled a 6 on one dice. Everyone in her family was halfway around the game board before she had rolled a 6! The next day she decided to do an investigation to see if there was as much chance of rolling a 6 as any other number. She rolled a dice 20 times. Here is what she rolled:

Introductory Draw a table and use tally marks to count how many times she rolled each number.

? Which number was rolled the most? Which number was rolled the least?

Consolidating Has India been able to prove that there is as much chance of rolling a 6 as any other number? Why or why not?

More Challenging If India had used a 10-sided dice, how would it have changed the probability of her rolling a 6? The probability of rolling a 6 would be unlikely / likely / very likely with a 10-sided dice?

Snack & Movement Break


Creative Arts: Dance ? Create a 30 second dance. ? Write down he explicit instructions ? Teach your family.

*If feeling brave, film yourself and share with you classmates on Microsoft Teams. Complete a just dance on YouTube with family.

Term 2 Week 1 Wednesday 29 April 2020




Daily Check-In

Check-in with your classroom teacher (via text message or through a meeting on Microsoft Teams) Are you ready for learning? Have you read through your daily plan? Do you have any questions about the upcoming learning activities?

Squiz Kids

Spelling: Complete two activities from the word work grid.

Spelling city

Brain break: Sing the alphabet with names of objects rather than the letters. E.g. Apples Blue Carrot Go Noodle

Writing: Focus: Adjectives and editing Create a recipe for the most disgusting sandwich in the world. Please include the two writing focuses, you will need to go back and underline/highlight your adjectives and re-read and edit your writing (in a different pen/colour). OR Your own choice of free writing or Pobble 365. This must still include the two writing focuses of the week (adjectives and editing your writing).

Pobble 365

Reading: Read a book/ magazine/ newspaper for 15 minutes. Create two `reading tweets' about your text. These should be comments, questions or short summaries about what you have read.

Academic Success for all learners (online books) Storyline online Reading Eggs Kids News EPIC



Lunch & Movement Break

Wellbeing: Gratitude Journal ? Write and draw 3 things that have made you feel happy today.

Mathematics Skills Practice:

Introductory 1-digit by multiple of 10 multiplication 90 x 4 30 x 7 70 x 8 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

Consolidating 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication 93 x 4 36 x 7 71 x 8 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

More Challenging 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication 93 x 47 36 x 73 71 x 89 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

Number Talk:

What could this data represent? What information can you gather from this frequency table? What type of graph would be the best way to represent this data? Why?

Mathletics Prodigy Khan Academy


Focus Area: Data

Cindy counted 48 balloons that were sold at a fair.

Of these, 10 were green, 14 were blue, 12 were red, 4 were yellow, and the rest were orange.



More Challenging

What colour balloon was the Construct a picture graph to

Cindy made the observation

most popular?

show this data.

that, "It looked to me like more

What colour balloon was the You need to choose an

than half the balloons were

least popular?

appropriate key for the data. red and blue." Her brother

An appropriate key for this Matt replied to her, "You

data is that 1 picture

should have said that more

represents balloons.

than half the balloons were

Remember to give the graph a red or blue."


Is it important whether Cindy

used the word 'and' or whether

she used the word 'or' in this


Explain why or why not.

Snack & Movement Break

Science- Earth and Space Learning Intention: For students to understand what planets are in our solar system, by naming them and identifying their attributes. Facts about the planets

The solar system includes the Sun and all the objects that orbit around it due to its gravity. This includes things such as planets, comets, asteroids, meteoroids and moons.

The Solar System formed around 4.6 billion years ago. There are eight planets in the Solar System. The four inner planets are Mercury, Venus,

Earth and Mars while the four outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Research or collect information about one or more of these planets. You can ask information from family members, research online, read books etc. Write and draw this planet, write a profile for it, including all the facts you have learned.

Labelling Planets: e/solar-system-labeling.html Facts about the planets: iencefacts/planets.html ? v=Qd6nLM2QlWw

Term 2 Week 1 Thursday 30 April 2020

Morning Middle



Daily Check-In Check-in with your classroom teacher (via text message or through a meeting on Microsoft Teams)

Are you ready for learning? Have you read through your daily plan? Do you have any questions about the upcoming learning activities?

Squiz Kids

Spelling: Complete two activities from the word work grid.

Spelling city

Brain break: Wall push ups. Set a timer to 5 minutes. Do push-ups against the wall until the time is up. Go Noodle


Focus: Adjectives and editing

Pobble 365

Explain why the chicken crossed the road.

Is the chicken fleeing the alien invasion? Leaving farm life behind in favour of the city? Just going to get

groceries and coming back home?

Please include the two writing focuses, you will need to go back and underline/highlight your adjectives

and re-read and edit your writing (in a different pen/colour).


Your own choice of free writing or Pobble 365. This must still include the two writing focuses of the

week (adjectives and editing your writing).


Academic Success for all

Read a book/ magazine/ newspaper for 20 minutes.

learners (online books)

Create a concrete found poem.

Storyline online

To create a concrete found poem, students must only use words, phrases or even whole sentences

Reading Eggs

"found" in their text. Then, they must shape these words into a visual representation on paper. They are Kids News

not drawing; they must arrange the words, phrases, or sentences into an image on the page.


Lunch & Movement Break

Wellbeing: Gratitude Journal ? Describe one thing you are really good at.

Mathematics Skills Practice:

Introductory 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication 14 x 3 51 x 6 82 x 7 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

Consolidating 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication 124 x 3 451 x 6 882 x 7 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

More Challenging 3-digit by 2-digit multiplication 124 x 37 451 x 65 882 x 76 [Plus create 7 more of your own]

Mathletics Prodigy Khan Academy


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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