Kindergarten Weekly Overview- Term 2, Week 2

?Umina Beach Public School

?Soar High

Kindergarten Weekly Overview- Term 2, Week 2






Day 1

Phonics ?We are learning to

read and write the ¡®j¡¯ sound

Flash the sounds


u/ r/ h/b/f/l/j/v

Focus sound ¡®j¡¯

Focus irregular word: are

¡ñ Use your sound cards to

make the following

words, then blend the

sounds to read the

words: ?jug, job

¡ñ Find some words that

rhyme with these ones.

¡ñ What is the beginning,

middle and end sound in

each of these words?

Reading ?We are learning to

read and comprehend a short


Flash sight words

¡ñ Read a PM online book.

¡ñ Discuss the book: what

happened in the

beginning, middle and


Day 2

Phonics ?We are learning to

read and write the ¡®j¡¯ sound

Flash the sounds


u/ r/ h/b/f/l/j/v/

Focus sound ¡®j¡¯

Focus irregular word: are

¡ñ Use your sound cards to

make the following

words, then blend the

sounds to read the

words: ?jug, job

¡ñ Find some words that

rhyme with these ones.

¡ñ What is the beginning,

middle and end sound

in each of these words?

¡ñ Complete the ¡®Jj¡¯

worksheets. ?Pages 3 &


Reading ?We are learning to

read and comprehend a short


Flash sight words

¡ñ Read a PM online book.

¡ñ Discuss the book: what

happened in the

Day 3

Phonics ?We are learning to

read and write the ¡®v¡¯ sound

Flash the sounds


u/ r/ h/b/f/l/j/v/

Focus sound ¡®v¡¯

Focus irregular word: are

¡ñ Use your sound cards to

make the following

words, then blend the

sounds to read the

words: ?van, vet

¡ñ Find some words that

rhyme with these ones.

¡ñ What is the beginning,

middle and end sound in

each of these words?

Day 4

Phonics ?We are learning to

read and write the ¡®v¡¯ sound

Flash the sounds


u/ r/ h/b/f/l/j/v

Focus sound ¡®v¡¯

Focus irregular word: are

¡ñ Use your sound cards to

make the following words,

then blend the sounds to

read the words: ?van, vet

¡ñ Find some words that

rhyme with these ones.

¡ñ What is the beginning,

middle and end sound in

each of these words?

**Check in! Read a PM

eCollection book or home

reader. Record and upload to


Reading ?We are learning to

read and comprehend a short


Flash sight words

¡ñ Read a PM online book.

¡ñ Discuss the book: what

happened in the

beginning, middle and


Reading ?We are learning to

read and comprehend a short


Flash sight words

¡ñ Read a PM online book.

¡ñ Discuss the book: what

happened in the

beginning, middle and


Day 5

Phonics ?We are learning to read

and write the ¡®j/v¡¯ sounds

Flash the sounds


u/ r/ h/b/f/l/j/v

Focus sound: revision

Focus irregular word: are


Use your sound cards to

make the following words,

then blend the sounds to

read the words: ?van, vet,

jug, job

¡ñ Find some words that

rhyme with these ones.

¡ñ What is the beginning,

middle and end sound in

each of these words?

¡ñ Complete the ¡®Vv¡¯

worksheets. P?ages 7 & 8.

**Check in! Lay your sound

cards out. Point to each sound

and read it aloud. Record and

upload to Dojo.

Reading ?We are learning to read

and comprehend a short text.

Flash sight words

Read a PM online book.

Discuss the book: what

happened in the beginning,

middle and end

Watch the story ?¡®Jack and

the Beanstalk¡¯? on Youtube:

Tell someone what happened

in the beginning, middle and

end of the story.

beginning, middle and


Watch the story ?¡®Jack and

the Beanstalk¡¯? on Youtube:


Complete the homework

sheet either on the worksheet

or in your exercise book. ?Page


Optional: Upload to Dojo.

Think about what you would

buy if you had magic beans.

Draw a picture and complete

the sentence underneath ?I

would buy?¡­¡¯

?Writing ?We are learning

to write a short text.

Write the sentence: ?¡®The jug is

big.¡¯? in your exercise book.

Optional: Upload your picture

and sentence to Dojo.

? riting ?We are learning to


write a short text.

Write the sentence: ¡®?I can get a

job.?¡¯ in your exercise book.

?Writing ?We are learning

to write a short text.

Write the sentence (question):

¡®Are the vans here??¡¯¡¯ in your

exercise book.

Watch the story ?¡®Trust me¡­

Jack¡¯s Beanstalk Stinks!¡¯ by Eric


Compare the events of the

stories ¡®Jack and the Beanstalk¡¯

and ¡®Trust me, Jack¡¯s Beanstalk

Stinks!¡¯. Consider the questions:

1. What happened that

was similar in both


2. What happened that

was different in each


Optional: Use a venn diagram

to compare each similarities

and differences for each story.

Page 6.

?Writing ?We are learning to

write a short text.

Write the sentence

(question): ?¡®Are you at the

vet?¡¯ ?in your exercise book.

Using materials at home,

make some puppets for each

character in Jack and the

Beanstalk. Retell the story in



? riting ?We are learning to


write a short text.

Make up your own sentence

using some of this week¡¯s words.

**Check in! Pick your best

sentence from this week. Take a

photo and upload it to Dojo.










Digital Option

Choose your favourite song

on ¡®Just Dance¡¯ (YouTube).

Mrs Charles¡¯ favourite is ¡®What

does the fox say¡¯.


Digital Option

Choose your favourite song

on ¡®Just Dance¡¯ (YouTube). Mrs

Cameron¡¯s favourite is ¡®I¡¯m a

Gummy Bear¡¯.


Digital Option

Choose your favourite song

on ¡®Just Dance¡¯ (YouTube). Ms

Mondal¡¯s favourite is ¡®Watch

Me (Whip/Nae nae)¡¯.


Non-Digital Option

Play a board game.

Non-Digital Option

Draw a picture of something

you can see from your window.

Non-Digital Option

Build a lego tower.

We are learning to read and

use ordinal names to ¡®tenth¡¯.

We are learning to read and

use ordinal names to ¡®tenth¡¯.

Warm Up:

Watch the video on

Youtube and discuss ordinal

numbers 1-10:


Non digital option:? ?order

ordinal cards 1st- 10th and

discuss ordinal names. ?Page 1

& 2.

Warm Up:

Count and workout to

the Jack Hartman numbers 1-20

song on Youtube:

Non digital option: ?complete

various actions while counting

to 20 eg star jumps, squats,

claps etc.


Race toy cars or other

objects and identify ordinal

numbers using 1st, 2nd, 3rd



Examples: Snap, Snakes

and Ladders, Go Fish, any

board game that involves dice.


Play a board game and

identify when players reach the

end of the game using ordinal

numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.


Examples: Snap, Snakes and

Ladders, Go Fish, any board

game that involves dice.

Digital Option

Choose your favourite song

on ¡®Just Dance¡¯ (YouTube). Mr

Bradley¡¯s favourite is ¡®Shake it



Digital Option

Record yourself dancing to

your favourite song and upload it

to your Class Dojo portfolio.

Non-Digital Option

Make a cubby house.

Non-Digital Option

Help do a chore around the


We are learning to read and

use ordinal names to ¡®tenth¡¯.

We are learning to read and

use ordinal names to ¡®tenth¡¯.

We are learning to read and use

ordinal names to ¡®tenth¡¯.

Warm Up:

Hang the washing: use

number cards or numbers on a

piece of paper and pegs to

order numbers 1-20 on the

washing line or piece of string.

Warm Up:

Roll a die (or have an adult

give you a number) and say the

number before/after.

Warm Up:

Play celebrity heads using

numbers instead of celebrities.

Ask questions like ¡°am I smaller

than 5?¡±.


Play the Ordinal Numbers

counting game:



Place 10 toys (or other items

in your house) in a line. Use

ordinal cards to label 1st - 10th.

Optional: Upload a picture of

your ordinal numbers to Dojo.


Help an adult with cooking or

preparing a meal. After, identify

what you did 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.


Examples: Snap, Snakes and

Ladders, Go Fish, any board

game that involves dice.


Examples: Snap, Snakes and

Ladders, Go Fish, any board

game that involves dice.


Examples: Snap, Snakes and

Ladders, Go Fish, any board

game that involves dice.






Learn a social dance eg.

Macarena, Hokey Pokey,

Chicken Dance, YMCA.

Non-Digital:? Ask a family

member to teach you a social

dance and practice together!


Help your family with a

chore. Try and learn to do

something new.








S? cience ?We are learning

?History ?We are learning

to identify that objects are

to communicate stories of our made of materials.

own family heritage

Watch the read aloud ?¡®The

Go for a walk around the house

Family Book¡¯? by Todd Parr:

and identify different objects

and what they are made of e.g.


paper, wood, glass, metal.

Draw or find photos of your

Collect some of these items and

family members and sequence place them in groups according

them from youngest to oldest. to their material.

Optional: Upload a video to

Dojo explaining who is the

youngest to the oldest in your

family using your drawings or



Watch Cosmic Yoga and

follow along. If you don¡¯t have

internet access, do some


Scavenger Hunt

Go for a hunt around your

house or backyard and find as

many things as you can that

begin with the first letter of

your name.

We miss you!

Message your teacher on

Dojo and tell them


Percussion Instruments

We are learning that instruments

are percussion instruments and

to make our own.

When percussion instruments

are played, one surface hits

another surface. For example a

drumstick hits a drum to make a


PD/Health ?We are learning to

recognise who keeps us safe

Watch the clip ¡®Safe School

Safety Helpers¡¯:


?Ship, shark, shore?: identify 3

boundaries as ship, shark and

shore. Have an adult or sibling

call out one of the names and

run,skip, hop or jump to the


Make a percussion instrument at

home that makes soft sounds eg.

a clean empty milk bottle with

some rice inside.

Make an instrument that can

produce loud sounds eg. a

wooden spoon hitting a pot.

Sing your favourite song and play

along using your home made

percussion instrument.

On a Device

Log onto GO NOODLE for a warm

up and cool down activity.

Youtube your favourite suitable

song and play along with it on

your percussion instrument.

Optional Digital Learning Resources

Jack Hartmann on YouTube

Cosmic Yoga on YouTube

Vooks (Story Books brought to life.

Literacy and maths (moving and learning)


Reading (requires paid subscription)

Talk about who keeps you safe.

Suggestions: Mum, Dad, Carer,

Grandparent, Uncle, Teacher,

Principal, Friend of Mum or

Dad, Police.

Trace your hand and cut out.

Write and draw 5 people who

help keep you safe.

Optional: Take a picture of

your helpers hand and upload

it to your portfolio on Dojo.


Storyline Online

Study Ladder

Maths (requires free subscription)


Maths and Literacy (use you child¡¯s login ¨C provided in their learning pack)

Learning at home

Learn at home


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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