Pre-K Mrs. Villasana Home Activities April 6 April 10

Pre-K Mrs. Villasana Home Activities

April 6 ? April 10

Monday 4/6


Music and Movement

Morning Work

You Tube Go Noodle Jack Hartmann Sing "Old Mac Donald had a farm" Freeze Dance: L3ZuE4LZ1BEFJAjdKtCJqUaLo6eYMYwZ z

Preschool Learning Packet #2 Preschool Learning Packet #1

If you do not have the learning packet: Practice writing first and last name. Ready Rosie refer to playlist that is sent out every Monday.



Read a book about a farm animal. Frog Street: Farm Animals myOn : Animals on the Farm You Tube: "Old Mac Donald had a farm" Draw a picture of a farm animal. Write one interesting fact about that animal. Why is this animal important to us? Example: A cow gives us milk. 15 minutes of Imagine Language and Literacy Log on through HISD@H.O.M.E



Looking for Shapes Look for shapes around the house ? Draw the shapes you found on paper. Place shapes on floor then toss a ball or rolled-up sock on top and name them. Questions for children: 1. Which shape is in between the square and circle? 2. Can you name the shape that is above the triangle? 3. I'm thinking of a shape that has three sides, which one is it? 15 minutes of Imagine Math Log on through HISD@H.O.M.E



Science Focus: Have students name animals that live on a farm. Write the names one per index card or piece of paper. On another index card or piece of paper have students draw a picture of the animal. (One per index card). Have the students match the picture with the word. Make sure students say the name of each animal and tell one fact that they know about the animal. Send picture of completed activity.

Letter Recognition and

Sounds Sing Alphabet Song Review letter sounds Focus letter: Aa Draw objects that begin with the letter Aa in your journal.

You Tube Go Noodle Jack Hartmann Sing "Old Mac Donald had a farm" Five Little Ducks" Banana, Banana, Meatballs: 3ZuE4LZ1BEFJAjdKtCJqUaLo6eYMY wZz

Preschool Learning Packet #2 Preschool Learning Packet #1

If you do not have the learning packet: Rainbow write your first and last name. Ready Rosie refer to playlist that is sent out every Monday.

Read a story about your favorite farm animal. Frog Street MyOn, You Tube. Draw a picture and write why it is your favorite.

15 minutes of Imagine Language and Literacy Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Create Patterns ? Read It's a Pattern! By M.W. Penn on Create a sound pattern (clap, snap, clap, snap, clap, snap) Create patterns with items around the house (AB, AB, AB) (ABC, ABC, ABC) Questions for children: 1. What other patterns can you create? 2. Why do we have to notice patterns around us? 15 minutes of Imagine Math Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Social Studies: Let's Wash Our Hands! Watch Ready Rosie video Rub a Dub Counting on Write down the steps to wash hands. Questions for children: 1. Can you tell me what the steps are for washing your hands? 2. What happens if people do not wash their hands?

Sing Alphabet Song Review letter sounds Focus letter: Ff Draw objects that begin with the letter Ff in your journal.

sday 4/7

Wednesday 4/8

Thursday 4/9

You Tube Go Noodle Jack Hartmann Sing "Old Mac Donald had a farm" Five Little Ducks"

Pre-K Mrs. Villasana Home Activities

April 6 ? April 10

Preschool Learning Packet #2 Preschool Learning Packet #1

If you do not have the learning packet: Practice writing your first and last name. Ready Rosie refer to playlist that is sent out every Monday.

Create a t-chart: Draw pictures and label Farm animals Not Farm animals

15 minutes of Imagine Language and Literacy Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Measure Up! Compare the size of a tablespoon and a teaspoon Use other kitchen tools to practice comparing sizes (forks, bowls, cups, plates, pans, etc.) Questions for children: 1. How do you know which utensil is bigger? 2. Can you arrange the utensils by size? 15 minutes of Imagine Math Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Science: sw Life cycle of a chicken Discuss the life cycle of a chicken. Draw a chicken in your journal.

Sing Alphabet Song Review letter sounds Focus letter: Pp Draw objects that begin with the letter Pp in your journal.

You Tube Go Noodle Jack Hartmann Sing "Old Mac Donald had a farm" Five Little Ducks

You Tube Go Noodle Jack Hartmann Sing "Old Mac Donald had a farm" Five Little Ducks"

Preschool Learning Packet #2 Preschool Learning Packet #1

If you do not have the learning packet: Use watercolors to practice your writing first and last name. Ready Rosie refer to playlist that is sent out every Monday.

Preschool Learning Packet #2 Week 1 Day 5 or Preschool Learning Packet #1 Week 3 Day 5

If you do not have the learning packet: Practice writing first and last name. Ready Rosie refer to playlist that is sent out every Monday.

Pretend you are a farmer. What kind of animals would you have on your farm? How would you organize your animals? What would your barn look like? What about your house? Draw your farm and label your picture. 15 minutes of Imagine Language and Literacy Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Counting One on One Use markers to draw large dots on nine sheets of paper ? For example, draw one dot on one piece of paper and write "1" at the top, draw two dots on another and write "2" and so on up to nine ? You will be counting and placing the objects onto the dots 15 minutes of Imagine Math Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Compare and Contrast Read the story the Little Red Hen by Christianne Jones at Ask your child to act out the story using kitchen supplies (apron, spoon, etc.) Discuss with your child the difference between tools and ingredients using utensils from the kitchen and ingredients for baking a cake ? Sort the tools and ingredients into two separate groups using the Venn Diagram . 15 minutes of Imagine Language and Literacy Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Sorting Shoes Group/sort shoes by same color, size, style, etc. Questions for children: 1. What size is this shoe? 2. Where do we place this shoe in the size group or color group? 15 minutes of Imagine Math Log on though HISD@H.O.M.E

Social Studies: GYlY?list=PL0maGUp7cd Un5uuLnjsk1NvV2u5Yg5L AV Look at items in your pantry. Most of what we eat comes from a farm. Name 5 things that come from a farm that you eat.

Sing Alphabet Song Review letter sounds Focus letter: Hh Draw objects that begin with the letter Hh in your journal.

Science: What toy animals do you have that are farm animals? What products in your kitchen come from farm animals, like eggs, milk, yogurt, bacon etc? What sounds do different farm animals make?

Sing Alphabet Song Review letter sounds Focus letter: Gg Draw objects that begin with the letter Gg in your journal.

Friday 4/10

You can find books on Frog Street, You Tube, and Myon on the HUB. I will send out a Ready Rosie playlist every Monday. Please take photos of finished products of your child's work and send it to me at rvillasa@ with your child's name on the subject line as well as the date. You can do a combine email of student work for the week or daily, whichever is easier for you.

Pre-K Mrs. Villasana Home Activities April 6 ? April 10


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